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Rev. Rul. 56-497

Rev. Rul. 56-497; 1956-2 C.B. 284

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Citations: Rev. Rul. 56-497; 1956-2 C.B. 284

Obsoleted by Rev. Rul. 80-16

Rev. Rul. 56-497

Advice has been requested whether an employee's profit-sharing arrangement, which provides for cash payments to some participants and deferment by funding through a trust of contributions on behalf of other participants, will qualify under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

In this respect, the plans of two employers, the M company and the N company have been submitted for consideration. The M company established a profit-sharing arrangement under which all employees with three years of service are eligible to participate in the company's annual profits. The portion of the company's profits to be shared in allocated among employees in proportion to their basic annual salaries. Prior to the close of the calendar year, each eligible employee is required to make an irrevocable election whether to take his distributive share of the current year's profits (1) in cash, (2) have it deferred for distribution at a future date, or (3) one-half in cash and one-half deferred. After the close of the year, a cash payment is made to all employees who elected to receive cash, either in full or to the extent of the one-half, and the balance is contributed to the trust for the benefit of employees who have their shares deferred.

The following tabulation shows, by respective compensation classes, the manner and extent of participation under the plan and trust of the M company:

                                           Number         Number


                           Number  of     electing       electing


    Compensation range      eligible    full partic-      to take


                            employees     ipation         one-half


                                         in  trust        in cash



 Under $2,000----------          48             26               0


 $2,000-$4,000---------         396            203              29


 $4,000-$6,000---------         161             71               7


 $6,000-$8,000---------          48             32               6


 $8,000-$10,000--------          34             23               4


 $10,000-$12,000-------          21             18               1


 $12,000-$14,000-------          16             13               0


 $14,000-$16,000-------          17             15               1


 $16,000-$18,000-------           8              6               0


 $18,000-$20,000-------          11              9               1


 $20,000-$22,000-------          12             10               0


 $22,000-$24,000-------           9              7               1


 Over $24,000----------          10             10               0



       Totals----------         791            443              50



                            Number           Number       Percentage


                           electing        of partic-     of eligible


    Compensation range      current          ipants        employees


                             cash           in trust        in trust


                            payments       (weighted)      (weighted)



 Under $2,000-----------          22           26                54


 $2,000-$4,000----------         164          217 1/2            55


 $4,000-$6,000----------          83           74 1/2            46


 $6,000-$8,000----------          10           35                73


 $8,000-$10,000---------           7           25                74


 $10,000-$12,000--------           2           18 1/2            88


 $12,000-$14,000--------           3           13                81


 $14,000-$16,000--------           1           15 1/2            91


 $16,000-$18,000--------           2            6                75


 $18,000-$20,000--------           1            9 1/2            86


 $20,000-$22,000--------           2           10                83


 $22,000-$24,000--------           1            7 1/2            83


 Over $24,000-----------           0           10               100



       Totals                    298          468                59



It is apparent that the total of 493 participating in the trust does not meet the percentage coverage requirements of section 401(a)(3)(A) of the Code. However, as provided for under section 401(a)(3)(B) of the Code, the employer may set up a classification which will satisfy the coverage requirements if found by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate not to discriminate in favor of employees who are officers, shareholders, persons whose principal duties consist in supervising the work of other employees, or highly compensated.

In the case of a profit-sharing arrangement which grants to each eligible employee an election to receive his allocable share of the profits by current cash payment to him or by payment to a deferred trust for his benefit, qualification of the plan as non- discriminatory must be judged by reference only to those employees who elect to participate in the deferred trust. A determination is made both with respect to the coverage requirements and also as to nondiscrimination in contributions or benefits. See sections 1.401- 3(c) and 1.401-4(a)(1)(ii), of the Income Tax Regulations, T. D. 6203, page 219, this Bulletin.

In order for the plan to meet the coverage requirements, there must be sufficient participation by the lower paid employees to demonstrate that in practice the plan does not discriminate in favor of the higher paid employees. In the case of the M company, it is first observed that the proportion of the more highly compensated employees who participate in the trust is greater than the proportion of the lower compensated employees who participate. The terms "highly compensated" and "lower compensated" are relative, and the distinction between them must be based upon the circumstances of each case. In this case, not only are all employees with at least three years of service nominally eligible to participate, but also it is observed that over one-half of the participants in the trust are among the lowest paid two-thirds of all eligible employees, giving half weight to those who participate to the extent of half shares. Moreover, the employer contributions to the trust are allocated in proportion to the basic annual salaries of the participants for those who participate for their full shares, and similarly appropriate allocations of trust contributions are made to those who participate to the extent of half shares.

It is accordingly held that, for any year during which the lower compensated employees participate to the extent illustrated, the coverage requirements of section 401(a)(3)(B) of the Code and the requirements as to nondiscrimination in contributions or benefits under section 401(a)(4) of the Code are met.

The profit-sharing plan of the N company provides for participation of all employees with two years of service. The company contributions are equal to ten percent of its annual profits and are allocated among participants in proportion to compensation. Each employee is required to make an irrevocable election annually whether to take his distributive portion in cash or have it placed in trust for subsequent distribution on retirement, disability, death or severance of employment for other reasons. The following tabulation shows the manner and extent of participation under the plan and trust of the N company:

                              Number of       Number elect-


     Compensation range      eligible em-      ing current


                               ployees         cash payment



 Under $3,000-------------        1,200             1,140


 $3,000-$5,000------------          700               651


 $5,000-$7,000------------          300               270


 $7,000-$10,000-----------          100                72


 $10,000-$15,000----------           50                15


 $15,000-$20,000----------           25                 3


 $20,000-$30,000----------           10                 1


 $30,000-$50,000----------            5                 0


 Over $50,000-------------            1                 0



       Totals-------------        2,391             2,152



                             Number elect-    Percentage of


                            ing to partici-    eligible em-


     Compensation range       pate in the    ployees partici-


                                  trust       pating in the





 Under $3,000-------------           60                   5


 $3,000-$5,000------------           49                   7


 $5,000-$7,000------------           30                  10


 $7,000-$10,000-----------           28                  28


 $10,000-$15,000----------           35                  70


 $15,000-$20,000----------           22                  88


 $20,000-$30,000----------            9                  90


 $30,000-$50,000----------            5                 100


 Over $50,000-------------            1                 100



       Totals-------------          239                  10



From the foregoing tabulation of employees eligible and participating in the N company plan, it is apparent that the percentage coverage requirements of section 401(a)(3)(A) of the Code are not met. Moreover, the employees who are covered under the trust do not constitute a nondiscriminatory classification within the purview of section 401(a)(3)(B) of the Code. While all employees with at least two years of service are nominally eligible to participate, it is noted that, whereas over two-thirds of the eligible employees are in the two lowest compensation brackets listed in the schedule (1900 out of 2391), less than one-half of the actual participants in the trust are in those brackets (109 out of 239). In fact, if the second salary bracket were further subdivided so that the exact point were found below which there are two-thirds (1594) of the eligible employees, presumably even less than 109 which would be still further under one-half, of the participants in the trust would be found among such lowest-paid two-thirds of the eligible employees. It is accordingly held that the plan does not meet the coverage requirements of section 401(a)(3) of the Code nor the requirements as to nondiscrimination in contributions or benefits, as required under section 401(a)(4) of the Code, for the year under consideration.

It is possible that the applicable requirements may be met in some subsequent year when substantial participation in the trust takes place. However, no advance determination letter will be issued with respect to such possibility. If the taxpayer feels that in a particular year the applicable requirements are met, he may submit the facts and figures for such year for an appropriate determination.

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