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Rev. Proc. 81-34

Rev. Proc. 81-34; 1981-2 C.B. 565

  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.201: Forms and instructions.

    (Also Part I, Sections 6041, 6042, 6043, 6047, 6049, 6109; 1.6041-1,

    1.6041-4, 1.6041-5, 1.6041-7, 1.6042-2, 1.6042-3, 1.6043-2, 1.6047-1,

    301.6047-1, 1.604-1, 301.6109-1.)

  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
Citations: Rev. Proc. 81-34; 1981-2 C.B. 565

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 82-47 Supplemented by Rev. Proc. 81-56

Rev. Proc. 81-34



.01 The purpose of this revenue procedure is to provide the requirements and conditions for filing information returns in the Forms 1099 and 1087 series, on magnetic tape instead of paper returns. Specifications for filing the following forms are contained in this procedure:

a) Form 1099 R, Statement for Recipients of Total Distributions from Profit-Sharing, Retirement Plans, and Individual Retirement Plans, and Individual Retirement Arrangements.

b) Form 1099-DIV, Statement for Recipients of Dividends and Distributions.

c) Form 1099-INT, Statement for Recipients of Interest Income.

d) Form 1099-MISC, Statement for Recipients of Miscellaneous Income.

e) Form 1099-MED, Statement for Recipients of Medical and Health Care Payments.

f) Form 1099-OID, Statement for Recipients of Original Issue Discount.

g) Form 1099-PATR, Statement for Recipients (Patrons) of Taxable Distributions received from Cooperatives.

h) Form 1099L, U.S. Information or Distributions in Calendar Year.

i) Form 1099-NEC, Statement for Recipients of Nonemployee Compensation.

j) Form 1099-UC, Statement for Recipients of Unemployment Compensation Payments.

k) Form 1087-DIV, Statement for Recipients of Dividends and Distributions.

l) Form 1087-INT, Statement for Recipients of Interest Income.

m) Form 1087-MISC, Statement for Recipients of Miscellaneous Income.

n) Form 1087-MED, Statement for Recipients of Medical and Health Care Payments.

o) Form 1087-OID, Statement for Recipients of Original Issue Discount.

p) Agriculture Subsidy Payment Report.

.02 This procedure also provides the requirements and specifications for magnetic tape filing under the Combined Federal/State Filing Program.

.03 This procedure supersedes Rev. Proc. 80-52, 1980-2 C.B. 828.


.01 Format changes have been made to Forms 1099-INT and 1087-INT, Statement for Recipients of Interest Income. For Forms 1099-INT Amount Code 2 now represents Interest Qualifying for Exclusion and Amount Code 3 now represents Interest Not Qualifying for Exclusion. For Forms 1087-INT Amount Code 1 now represents Interest Qualifying for Exclusion and Amount Code 2 now represents Interest Not Qualifying for Exclusion.

.02 The Service has instituted a Combined Federal/State Filing Program whereby a filer can satisfy both federal and state filing requirements on one submission.

.03 The format of the Form 1087 DIV has been changed to match that of the Form 1099 DIV.

.04 There are various editorial changes.


.01 Section 8(b) of Pub. L. 94-202, 1976-1 C.B. 503, enacted in January 1976, authorized the combined reporting of FICA detailed information (previously reporting quarterly on Form 941, Schedule A and Annual W-2 (Copy A), Wage and Tax Statement, information in one consolidated annual W-2 (Copy A) to the Federal Government. As a result, Forms W-2 and W-2P are to be filed with the Social Security Administration (SSA).

.02 SSA will accept magnetic media filing Forms W-2 and W2P and has issued TIB-4a, Magnetic Tape Reporting, Submitting Wage and Tax data to Federal and State Agencies, TIB-4b, Magnetic Tape Reporting, Submitting Annuity, Pension, Retired Pay or IRA Payment to the Federal Government on Magnetic Tape, and TIB-4c, Diskette and Disk Cartridge Reporting, Submitting Wage and Tax Data to the Federal Government on Diskette and Disk Cartridge, for this purpose. Applications for filing Forms W-2 and W-2P on magnetic media appear in TIBs-4a, 4b, and 4c.

.03 Copies of Social Security administration publications TIB-4a, 4b, and 4c are available from any Internal Revenue Service Center or local Social Security Administration office.


.01 For the purposes of this revenue procedure, the payer is the organization making the payments and the transmitter is the organization preparing the tape file. Payers or transmitters who decide to file information returns, in the Forms 1099 and 1087 series, on magnetic tape must complete Form 4419, Application for Magnetic Media Reporting of Information Return (Exhibit "A" attached). Instructions for completing the application appear on the reverse side of the form.

.02 The Service will act on an application and notify the applicant of authorization to file within 30 days of receipt of the application. No magnetic tape returns may be filed with the Service until authorization to file is received.

.03 The Service will assist new filers with their initial magnetic tape submission by encouraging the submission of test tapes for review in advance of the filing season. Approved payers or transmitters who wish to submit a test tape should contact the magnetic media coordinator at the Service Center where the application was filed.

.04 Once authorization to file on magnetic tape has been granted to a payer or transmitter, it will remain in effect in succeeding years, provided that all the requirements of this revenue procedure are met and there are no equipment changes by the filer. If a filer discontinues filing on magnetic tape, a new application must be filed before this method of filing may be resumed.

.05 In accordance with Section 1.6041-7 of the Income Tax Regulations, medical payments from separate departments of a health care carrier may be reported as separate returns on magnetic tape. In this case, the headquarters office will be considered to be the transmitter and the individual departments of the company filing reports will be considered to be payers. A single application form covering all the departments which will be filing on magnetic tape should be submitted.


.01 A magnetic tape reporting package, which includes all the necessary transmittals, labels, and instructions, will be mailed to all approved filers between October and December of each year.

.02 Payers may submit a portion of their information returns on magnetic tape and the remainder on paper forms, provided there is NO DUPLICATE FILING. The magnetic tape records and paper forms must be filed at the same location, but in separate shipments. A Form 1096 must accompany paper submissions and a Form 4804 must accompany magnetic tape submissions.

.03 The affidavit which appears on Forms 1096 and 4804 must be signed by the payer. A transmitter, service bureau, or disbursing agent may, however, sign the affidavit on behalf of the payer if all of these conditions are met:

a. It has the authority to sign the affidavit under an agency agreement (either oral, written, or implied) that is valid under the State law; and

b. It has the responsibility (either oral, written, or implied) conferred on it by the payer to request the taxpayer identifying numbers of payees reported on magnetic tape or paper returns; and

c. It signs the affidavit and adds the caption "For: [name of payer]".

.04 Although a duly authorized agent signs the affidavit, the payer is held responsible for the accuracy of the Form 4804 and will be liable for penalties for failure to comply with filing requirements.

.05 These requirements also apply to paper filers submitting Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns. Paper filers are responsible for the filing of a correct, complete, and timely Form 1096. The failure of duly authorized "agents" of paper filers to comply with the filing requirements of Form 1096 and attachments does not relieve the payers of any penalties that may arise as a result of such failure to comply.

.06 If a portion of the returns are submitted on paper documents, include a statement on the Form 1096 that the remaining returns are being filed on magnetic tapes. Please note that Form 1096 instructions normally apply to the filing of information returns on paper; however, filers of magnetic tape must review the Form 1096 instructions and file Form 1096 if appropriate.

.07 Health care carriers, or their agents, filing Form 1099-MED per Section 4.05 above, may submit part of their returns on paper documents and part on magnetic tape if the records of some departments are not maintained on computer files. However, an information return is required if the aggregate amount paid to a health care service provider from all departments equals $600 or more. For example, Department A pays $200, Department B pays $300, and Department C pays $100 to the same health care service provider. The aggregate amount paid from all departments equals $600. The health care carrier or agent must submit either one information return for the aggregate amount of $600 or three separate returns, one from each department, indicating the amount paid by each department.


.01 Magnetic tape reporting to the Service for all types of Forms 1099 and 1087 must be on a calendar year basis.

.02 The dates prescribed for filing paper returns with the Service will also apply to magnetic tape filing. Tapes must be submitted to the Service Center by February 28. The copies of this information required to be furnished to recipients must be furnished by January 31.


.01 If a payer or transmitter is unable to submit its tape file by the date prescribed in Section 6.02 above, a letter requesting an extension must be filed before February 28. The letter should be sent to the attention of the magnetic media coordinator at the Service Center which will receive the tape file. The request should include the estimated number of returns which will be filed late and the reason for the delay.

.02 If an extension is granted by the Service, a copy of the letter granting the extension must be attached to the transmittal Form 4804 when the file is submitted.


.01 The Service will process tax information from tapes. Tapes which are timely received by the Service will be returned to the filers by August 15 of the year in which submitted.

.02 All tapes submitted must conform totally to this revenue procedure. If tapes are unprocessable, they will be returned to the filer for correction. Corrected tapes must be filed with the Service Center as soon as possible. If the delay will be more than two weeks contact the Service Center Magnetic Media Coordinator for instructions. Corrected files will be returned by the Service within six months of receipt.

SEC. 9. CORRECTED RETURNS .01 If a large volume of corrected returns is necessary, and the payer or transmitter possesses the capability to provide such corrections on tape, they are encouraged to do so. The filer must contact the magnetic media coordinator for format and shipping instructions. A corrected Form 4804 must accompany the shipment and be marked "Magnetic Media Correction" on the upper portion of the form.

.02 If corrections are not submitted on tape, payers must submit them on official Forms 1099 or 1087 (Copy A) or on approved paper substitutes. Revenue procedures containing specifications for paper returns are available from most Internal Revenue Service offices.

.03 Form 1096 instructions are to be followed when paper returns are filed to correct returns submitted on magnetic media. An "X" must be entered in the box in the left margin and the caption "Magnetic Media Correction" must appear on the top of the form to the left of "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY". Corrections must be sent to the attention of the magnetic media coordinator where the original tape file was filed.

.04 Combined Federal/State Filers who submit paper corrections must file directly with the affected state. The service will not transship paper corrections to the states.


.01 Under Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code, recipients of dividends, interest, or other payments are required to furnish taxpayer identification numbers (TINs) to the payer. The number must be furnished to the payer whether or not the payee is required to file a tax return or is covered by Social Security.

.02 The Service expects that payers will keep to a minimum those statements submitted without TINs. It is particularly important that correct social security and employer identification numbers for payees be provided on magnetic media or paper forms submitted to the Service.

.03 For each omission of a required TIN, Section 6676 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that the Service charge a $5 penalty, unless the payer or payee responsible for furnishing the number supplies an explanation, upon request from the Service, that establishes reasonable cause for not having done so.

.04 The TIN to be furnished the Service depends primarily upon the manner in which the account is maintained or set up on the record of the payer. The number to be provided must be that of the owner of record. If the account is recorded in more than one name, furnish the TIN and name of one of the holders of the record. The number provided must be associated with the name of the holder provided in the first name line of the Payee "B" Record of Part B of this procedure. The payee TIN is the recipient's Social Security Number of individuals (including those individuals operating a business as a sole proprietorship) or the recipient's Employer Identification Number for other entities.

.05 Sole proprietors who are payers should show their employer identification numbers in the Payer/Transmitter "A" Record. However, the payer should use the social security number of a sole proprietor in the Payee "B" Record.

.06 The charts below will help you determine the number to be furnished to the Service.

           CHART 1. Guidelines for Social Security Numbers




                                                  In the Payee 1st


                      In tape positions 12-20     Name Line of


                      of the Payee "B" Record,    the Payee "B"


 For this type of     enter the Social Security   Record, enter


 account:                  Number of--            the name of--




 1. An individual's   The individual.             The individual.





 2. Joint account





    a. husband and


       wife           The actual owner of the     The individual


                      account. (If more than      whose SSN is


                      one owner, the principal    entered.





    b. adult and      The actual owner of the     The individual


       minor          account. (If more than      whose SSN is


                      one owner, the principal    entered.





    c. two or more    The actual owner of the     The individual


       individuals    account. (If more than     whose SSN is


                      one owner, the principal    entered.





 3. Account in the    The ward, minor, or incom-  The individual


    name of a guar-   petent person.              whose SSN is


    dian or commi-                                entered.


    ttee for a de-


    signated ward,


    minor, or incom-


    petent person.



 4. Custodian ac-     The minor.                  The minor.


    count of a minor


    (Uniform Gifts


    to Minor Acts).



 5. a. The usual      The grantor-trustee.        The grantor-


       revocable                                  trustee.


       savings trust




       (grantor is


       also trustee)



    b. So-called      The actual owner.           The actual


       trust account                              owner.


       that is not a


       legal or valid


       trust under


       State law.



 6. Sole proprietor-  The owner.                  The owner.







       CHART 2. Guidelines for Employer Identification Numbers




                                                  In the Payee 1st


                      In tape positions 12-20     Name Line of


                      of the Payee "B" Record     the Payee "B"


 For this type of     enter the Employer Identi-  Record, enter


 account--            fication Number of--        the name of--




 1. A valid trust,    Legal entity. 1           The legal trust,


    estate, or                                    estate, or pen-


    pension trust.                                sion trust.



 2. Corporate         The corporation.            The corporation.





 3. Religious,        The organization.           The organization.


    charitable, or







 4. Partnership       The partnership.            The partnership.


    account held in


    the name of the





 5. Association,      The organization.           The organization.


    club or other







 6. A broker or       The broker or nominee.      The broker or


    registered                                    nominee.





    Accounts with     The public entity.          The public


    the Department                                entity.


    of Agriculture


    in the name of


    a public entity


    (such as a


    State or local




    school district


    or prison that


    receives agri-


    culture program







     1 Do not furnish the identifying number of the personal


 representative or trustee unless the legal entity itself is not


 designated in the account title.




.01 Magnetic tape reporting of the information returns listed in Section 1 above applies only to the original (Copy A).

.02 Payers are permitted considerable flexibility in designing the copy of the information return to be furnished to the payee. The payer may combine the information return data with other reports or financial or commercial notices, or expand them to include other information of interest to a depositor, patron, or shareholder. This is permissible so long as all required information present on the official form is included and the payee's copies are conducive to proper reporting of income on tax returns. Payers must include the message "This information is being furnished on Form 1099 (or 1087) to the Internal Revenue Service" on the recipients copies.

.03 If a portion of the returns is reported on magnetic tape and the remainder is reported on paper forms, those returns not submitted on magnetic tape must be filed on official forms or on paper substitutes meeting specifications in the revenue procedure on the reproduction of Forms 1099, 1087, and W-2G. Form 1099 BCD, 1099 F, and W-2G cannot currently be filed on magnetic tape.


Request for additional copies of these revenue procedures or for additional information on tape reporting should be addressed to the attention of the magnetic media coordinator of one of the following:

     (a) Internal Revenue Service


         Andover Service Center


         Post Office Box 311


         Andover, MA 01810



     (b) Internal Revenue Service


         Brookhaven Service Center


         Post Office Box 486


         Holtsville, NY 11742



     (c) Internal Revenue Service


         Philadelphia Service Center


         Post Office Box 245


         Bensalem, PA 19020



     (d) Internal Revenue Service


         Atlanta Service Center


         Post Office Box 47-421


         Doraville GA 30362



     (e) Internal Revenue Service


         Memphis Service Center


         Post Office Box 1900


         Memphis, TN 38101



     (f) Internal Revenue Service


         Cincinnati Service Center


         Post Office Box 267


         Covington, KY 41019



     (g) Internal Revenue Service


         Kansas City Service Center


         2306 East Bannister Rd.


         Stop 43


         Kansas City, MO 64131



     (h) Internal Revenue Service


         Austin Service Center


         Post Office Box 934


         Austin, TX 78767



     (i) Internal Revenue Service


         Ogden Service Center


         Post Office Box 9941


         Ogden, UT 84409



     (j) Internal Revenue Service


         Fresno Service Center


         Post Office Box 12866


         Fresno, CA 93779




.01 Beginning with Tax Year 1981, the Service will accept tape files containing State reporting information. The Service will then forward the information to the State indicated at no charge to the filers.

.02 Those filers wishing to participate in the program must submit a Consent for Internal Revenue Service to Release Tax Information. A copy of this form is attached to these procedures. See Exhibit "B".

.03 Those filers who are participating in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program MUST submit a test tape prior to receiving permission to file their actual data. Additionally, each record in the file MUST be 360 positions in length. The file MUST conform exactly to the specifications detailed in this procedure. The service will make no attempt to process files with any deviations and will revoke the filing authorization of any filer who submits files that do not totally conform.

.04 For Tax Year 1981 the Combined Federal/State Filing Program will be available to a limited number of filers. Contact the Service Center Magnetic Media Coordinator to determine program availability.



.01 The magnetic tape specifications contained in this Part prescribe the required format and contents of the records to be included in the file. These specifications must be adhered to unless deviations have been specifically granted by the Service in writing.

.02 In most instances, the Service will be able to process any compatible tape files. Compatible tape files must meet any one set of the following:

(a) 7 channel BCD (binary coded decimal) with

(1) Either Even or Odd Parity and

(2) A density of 556 or 800 BPI

(b) 9 channel EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) with

(1) Odd Parity and

(2) A density of 800, or 1600.

(c) 9 channel ASCII (American Standard Coded Information Interchange) with

(1) Odd Parity and

(2) A density of 800 or 1600.

.03 Although the Service can process, after translation, tapes created at 6250 BPI, it is preferred that filers submit 1600 BPI tapes if possible. Payers/Transmitters must request permission from the service center magnetic media coordinator before submitting 6250 BPI tapes.

.04 All compatible tape files must have the following characteristics:

(a) Type of tape -- 1/2 inch Myler base, oxide coated; and

(b) Interrecord Gap -- 3/4 inch.

.05 Service programs are capable of accommodating some minor deviations, except for those filers participating in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program. Payers who can substantially conform to these specifications, but do require some minor deviations, must contact the magnetic media coordinator at the service center where the file will be submitted. Under no circumstances may tapes deviating from the specifications in this revenue procedure be submitted without prior written approval from the Service.


.01 The tape records prescribed in these specification may be blocked or unblocked, subject to the following:

(a) A block must not exceed 4,000 tape positions.

(b) A record must be a minimum of 200 positions and a maximum of 360 positions.

(c) If the use of blocked records would result in a short block, all remaining positions of the block must be filled with 9's. Do not pad a block with blanks.

(d) All records except the Header and Trailer Labels, may be blocked.

.02 Provision is made in the Payee "B" Records for special data entries. These entries are optional. If the field is utilized, it must be present on all Payee "B" Records. The field is intended to service one or both of these purposes:

(a) Contain information required by state or local governments. Filers who wish to use this option for satisfying state or local reporting requirements should contact their state or local department of revenue for filing instructions.

(b) Facilitate making all records the same length.


.01 For filing convenience, this procedure contains two options for using Header Labels and Payer/Transmitter "A" Records. For the purposes of this procedure the following conventions must be used.

Header Label:

1. Payers may use standard headers provided they begin with 1HDR, HDR1, VOL1, VOL2, or "bLABEL"

2. Consist of a maximum of 80 positions.

3. May not contain the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, or K in position 9.

Trailer Label:

1. Standard trailer labels may be used provided that they begin with 1EOR, 1 EOF, EOR1, or EOF1.

2. Consist of a maximum of 80 positions.

Record Mark: 1. Special character used to separate blocked records on tape.

2. Can be written only at the end of a record or block.

3. For odd parity tapes, use BCD bit configuration 011010 ("A82").

Tape Mark:

1. Used to signify the physical end of the recording on tape.

2. For even parity, use BCD configuration 001111 ("8421").

3. May follow the header label and precede and/or follow the trailer label.

Option 1: When using this option, a correct Payer/Transmitter "A" Record, described in Sec. 4 below, is required as the first record on each reel. Filers using this option may have Header Labels preceding the "A" Record, however, headers are not required. The reel sequence number must appear in positions 3-5 of each "A" Record and must be incremented by 1 on each tape reel of the file after the first reel.

Option 2: Requires a Header Label as the first record on each reel. The Header Label must contain the reel sequence number and it must be incremented by 1 on each reel after the first reel. The "A" Record will contain the location of the reel sequence number in the Header Label. If your system generates a four-digit reel sequence number, ignore the first digit when determining the location for the purposes of the "A" Record.

Example: If your Header Label reel sequence is four digits (e.g. 0001) and is in positions 28-31, enter 29 as the location in positions 3 and 4 of the "A" Record and also enter an "X" in position 5 of the "A" Record.

Example: If your Header Label reel sequence is 3 digits (e.g. 001) and is in positions 10-12, enter 10 as the location in positions 3 and 4 of the "A" Record and also enter an "X" in position 5 of the "A" Record. This option requires a Trailer Label at the end of each reel.


Identifies the payer and transmitter of the tape file and provides parameters for the succeeding Payee "B" Records. The Service's computer programs rely on the absolute relationship between the parameters in the "A" Record and the data fields in the "A" Record and the data fields in the "B" Records to which they apply.

The number of "A" Records appearing on a tape reel will depend on the number of payers and the different types of returns being reported. A transmitter may include Payee "B" Records for more than one payer on a tape reel, however, each payer's Payee "B" Record(s) must be preceded by an "A" Record. A single tape reel may also contain different types of returns, but the returns may not be intermingled. A separate "A" Record is required for each type of return being reported. An "A" Record may be blocked with "B" Records however, the "A" Record must appear as the first record in the block.






 Position   Field Title        Length     Description and Remarks




    1       Record Type           1     Required. Enter "A".



    2       Payment Year          1     Required. Must be the right


                                        most digit of the year for


                                        which payments are being


                                        reported (e.g. if payments


                                        were made in 1981, enter 1).


                                        This number must be


                                        incremented each year.



   3-5      Reel Sequence         3     Required. Sequence number of


            Number                      the reel in the tape file.


                                        (See explanation in Sec. 3


                                        above). Position 5 must


                                        contain an "X" if you are


                                        using option 2.



   6-14     Payer's Federal       9     Required. Must be the valid


            EIN                         9-digit number assigned to the


                                        payer by IRS. DO NOT ENTER


                                        HYPHENS, ALPHA CHARACTERS OR


                                        ALL 9's OR ZEROS.



    15      Type of Payer         1     Required. Enter the


                                        appropriate code from the


                                        table below:



                                          Type of Payer           Code


                                        Non-government              P


                                        Federal government          F


                                        State or local government   W



    16      Combined




             Identification       1     Enter 1 if participating in


                                        the Combined/Federal State


                                        Filing Program. Enter blank if





    17      Type of Return        1     Required. Enter appropriate


                                        code from table below:


                                          Type of Return          Code


                                            1099R                   9


                                            1099-DIV                1


                                            1099-INT                6


                                            1099-MISC               A


                                            1099-L                  E


                                            1099-MED                C


                                            1099-OID                D


                                            1099-PATR               7


                                            1099-NEC                Q


                                            1099-UC                 P


                                            1087-DIV                2


                                            1087-INT                M


                                            1087-MISC               G


                                            1087-MED                K


                                            1087-OID                H


                                            Agriculture Payments    4



 18-24      Amount Indicator   Variable Required. The amount code


                                        entered for a given return


                                        indicates type(s) of


                                        payment(s) which were made.


                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is 6 (for 1099-INT) and


                                        positions 18-24 are "24bbbb",


                                        this indicates that two amount


                                        fields are present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        The first field contains


                                        interest qualifying for


                                        exclusion and the 2nd contains


                                        Amount of forfeiture.



            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099R                   1099R:




                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Amount includable as


                                                income (add amounts


                                                for codes 2, 3, and


                                                4). MUST BE GROSS




                                           2    Capital gain (for


                                                lump-sum distributions




                                           3    Ordinary income.


                                           4    Premiums paid by


                                                trustee or custodian


                                                for current insurance.


                                           5    Employee contributions


                                                to profit-sharing or


                                                retirement plans.



                                           6    Amount of IRA


                                                distributions (do not


                                                include code 4




                                           7    Net unrealized


                                                appreciation in


                                                employer's securities.


                                           8    Other



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is 9 (for 1099R), and


                                        positions 18-24 are "1345bbb",


                                        this indicates that 4 amount


                                        fields are present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        The first field represents


                                        Amount includable as income;


                                        the second, Ordinary income;


                                        the third, Premiums paid by


                                        trustee or custodian for


                                        current insurance; the fourth,


                                        Employee contributions to


                                        profit-sharing or retirement





                                        Please Note: If you are


                                          reporting IRA distributions


                                          using amount code 6, only


                                          one payment amount may be


                                          present -- all others must


                                          be blank.



            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099-DIV                1099-DIV:




                                          Code       Amount Type



                                           1    Gross dividends and


                                                other distributions on


                                                stock (must be gross




                                           4    Dividends qualifying


                                                for exclusion


                                                (included in amount


                                                for code 1).


                                           5    Dividends not


                                                qualifying for


                                                exclusion (included in


                                                amount for code 1).


                                           6    Capital gain




                                           7    Non-taxable


                                                distribution (if




                                           8    Foreign tax paid (if


                                                eligible for foreign


                                                tax credit).



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is 1 (for 1099-DIV) and


                                        positions 18-24 are "16bbbbb",


                                        this indicates that 2 amount


                                        fields are present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        The 1st field represents Gross


                                        dividends and other


                                        distributions on stock; the


                                        2nd, Capital gain





                                        Please Note: The sum of the


                                          amounts for codes 4 and 5


                                          must equal that for code 1.


                                          Amounts for codes 6 and 7


                                          must be included in that for


                                          code 1; however, they will


                                          not necessarily equal that


                                          for code 1.



            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099-INT                1099-INT:




                                          Code       Amount Type



                                           2    Interest qualifying


                                                for exclusion


                                           3    Interest not


                                                qualifying for




                                           4    Amount of forfeiture


                                           9    Foreign tax paid (if


                                                eligible for foreign


                                                tax credit).



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is 6 (for 1099-INT), and


                                        positions 18-24 are "24bbbb",



                                        this indicates that 2 amount


                                        fields are present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        The 1st field represents


                                        Interest Qualifying for


                                        exclusion the 2nd, Amount of





                                        Please Note: Do not subtract


                                          the amount for code 4 from


                                          the amount in code 2 or 3


                                          (for certificates of deposit





            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099-MISC               1099-MISC:




                                          Code       Amount Type



                                           1    Royalties


                                           2    Prizes and awards (No


                                                Forms W-2 or 1099-NEC




                                           5    Rents


                                           6    Other fixed or


                                                determinable income



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "A" (For 1099-MISC) and


                                        positions 18-24 are "125bbbb",


                                        this indicates that 3 amount


                                        fields are present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        The 1st field represents


                                        Royalties; the 2nd, Prizes and


                                        awards, and the 3rd, Rents.



            Amount Indicator            Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099L                   1099L:




                                          Code       Amount Type



                                           1    Cash


                                           2    Fair market value at


                                                date of distribution



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "E" (for 1099-L), and


                                        positions 18-24 are "1bbbbbb",


                                        this indicates one amount


                                        field is present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        This amount field represents





            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


            Form 1099-MED                 1099-MED




                                          Code       Amount Type



                                           1    Total medical and


                                                health care payments



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "C" (for 1099-MED),


                                        positions 18-24 must be


                                        "1bbbbbb". This indicates one


                                        amount field is present in all


                                        the following:



                                        Payee "B" Records and


                                        represents Total medical and


                                        health care payments. No other


                                        coding is permissible for this


                                        type of payment.



            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099-OID                1099-OID:





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Total original issue


                                                discount in 1981 for


                                                all holders of


                                                discount obligations


                                                from financial




                                           2    Total original issue


                                                discount in 1981 for


                                                all holders of


                                                corporate obligations


                                           3    Issue price of




                                           4    Stated redemption


                                                price at maturity


                                           5    Ratable monthly





                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "D" (for 1099-OID), and


                                        positions 18-24 are "134bbbb",


                                        this indicates that all three


                                        amounts fields are present in


                                        all the Payee "B" Records


                                        following. The 1st field


                                        represents total original


                                        issue discount in 1981 for all


                                        holders of discount


                                        obligations from financial


                                        institutions; the 2nd Issue


                                        price of obligation; and the


                                        3rd Stated redemption price at





            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099-PATR               1099-PATR:





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Patronage dividends


                                           2    Nonpatronage dividends


                                           3    Per-unit retain




                                           4    Redemption of


                                                nonqualified notices


                                                and retain allocations



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "7" (for 1099-PATR) and


                                        positions 18-24 are "134bbbb",


                                        this indicates that 3 amount


                                        fields are present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        The 1st field represents


                                        Patronage Dividends; the 2nd,


                                        Per-Unit Retain Allocations;


                                        the 3rd, Redemption of


                                        Nonqualified Notices and


                                        Retain Allocations.



            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099-NEC                1099-NEC:





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Fees, commissions, and


                                                other compensation:



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "Q" (for 1099-NEC),


                                        positions 18-24 must be


                                        "1bbbbbb". This indicates one


                                        amount field is present in all


                                        the following Payee "B"


                                        Records and represents Fees,


                                        commissions and other


                                        compensation. No other coding


                                        is permissible for this type


                                        of payment.



            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1099-UC                 1099-UC:





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Total unemployment


                                                compensation payments



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "P" (for 1099-UC),


                                        positions 18-24 must be


                                        "1bbbbbb". This indicates one


                                        amount field is present in all


                                        the following Payee "B"


                                        Records and represents Total


                                        unemployment compensation


                                        payments. No other coding is


                                        permissible for this type of





            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payment on Form


             Form 1087-DIV                1087-DIV:





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Gross dividends and


                                                other distribution on




                                           2    Dividends qualifying


                                                for exclusion


                                                (included in amount


                                                for code 1)


                                           3    Dividends not



                                                qualifying for


                                                exclusion (included in


                                                amount for code 1)


                                           4    Capital gain




                                                (included in amount of


                                                code 1)


                                           5    Foreign tax paid (if


                                                eligible for foreign


                                                tax credit)


                                           6    Non-Taxable


                                                distribution (if





                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "2" (for 1087-DIV),


                                        positions 18-24 are "12bbbb",


                                        this indicates that two amount


                                        fields are present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        The 1st represents Gross


                                        dividends and other


                                        distributions on stock; the


                                        2nd, Dividends qualifying for


                                        exclusion (included in amount


                                        for code 1).



                                        Please Note: The sum of the


                                          amounts for codes 2 and 3


                                          must equal that for code 1.



            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1087-INT                1087-INT





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Interest qualifying


                                                for exclusion


                                           2    Interest not


                                                qualifying for




                                           3    Foreign tax paid (if


                                                eligible for foreign


                                                tax credit)


                                           4    Amount of forfeiture



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "M" (for 1087-INT),


                                        positions 18-24 are "123bbbb",


                                        this indicates that all 3


                                        amount fields are present in


                                        all the following Payee "B"


                                        Records. The 1st represents


                                        Interest qualifying for


                                        exclusion; the 2nd, Interest


                                        not qualifying for exclusion


                                        and 3rd, Foreign tax paid.



                                        Please Note: Do not subtract


                                          the amount for code 4 from


                                          the amount code in 1, 2 or





            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


              Form 1087-MISC              1087-MISC:





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Royalties


                                           2    Prizes and awards (No


                                                Forms W-2 or 1099-NEC




                                           3    Rents


                                           4    Other fixed or


                                                determinable income



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "G" (for 1087-MISC), and


                                        positions 18-24 are "13bbbbb",


                                        this indicates that 2 amount


                                        fields are present in all the


                                        following Payee "B" Records.


                                        The 1st field represents


                                        Royalties; the 2nd, Rents.



            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Payments on Form


             Form 1087-MED                1087-MED:





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Total medical and


                                                health care payments



                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "K" (for 1087-MED),


                                        positions 18-24 must be



                                        "1bbbbbb". This indicates one


                                        amount field is present in all


                                        the following Payee "B"


                                        Records and represents Total


                                        medical and health care


                                        payments. No other coding is


                                        permissible for this type of





            Amount Indicator            For Reporting Amounts on Form


             Form 1087-OID                1087-OID





                                          Code       Amount Type


                                           1    Total original issue


                                                discount in 1981 for


                                                all holders of


                                                discount obligations


                                                from financial




                                           2    Total original issue


                                                discount in 1981 for


                                                all holders of


                                                corporate obligations


                                           3    Issue price of




                                           4    Stated redemption


                                                price at maturity


                                           5    Ratable monthly





                                        Example: If position 17 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is "H" (for 1087-OID), and


                                        positions 18-24 are "134bbbb",


                                        this indicates that three


                                        amount fields are present in


                                        all the Payee "B" Records. The


                                        1st field represents total


                                        original issue discount in


                                        1981 for all holders of


                                        discount obligations from


                                        financial institutions; the


                                        2nd, issue price of


                                        obligation; and the 3rd,


                                        stated redemption price at





 25         Savings and Loan      1     Enter "S" if the payer is a


            Code                        savings and loan, building and


                                        loan, mutual savings bank, or


                                        credit union. If the payer is


                                        none of these, enter blank.



 26         Blank                 1     Enter blank.



 27         Surname Indicator     1     Enter "1" if the payees'


                                        surnames appear first in the


                                        name line of the "B" Records.


                                        Enter "2" if the payees' names


                                        appear last. If business and


                                        individual entities are


                                        contained in the file, enter





 28-30      "A" Record Length     3     Required. Enter the number of


                                        positions allowed for the "A"





 31-33      "B" Record Length     3     Required. Enter the number of


                                        positions allowed for the "B"


                                        Records. Include positions


                                        used for the special data


                                        fields, if used.



 34         Blank                 1     Enter blank.



 35-39      Transmitter Control   5     Required. Enter the 5-digit


              Code                      Transmitter Control Code


                                        assigned by the IRS.



 40         Blank                 1     Enter blank.



 41-120     Payer Name           80     Required. Enter the name of


                                        the payer in the manner in


                                        which it is used in normal


                                        business. Any extraneous


                                        information (such as bond


                                        maturity dates) must be


                                        deleted from the name line.


                                        Left justify and fill with





 121-160    Payer Street         40     Required. Enter the street


              Address                   address of the payer. Left


                                        justify and fill with blanks.


                                        If the payer does not have a


                                        street address, this field


                                        must be blank-filled.



 161-200    Payer City, State    40     Required. Enter the city,


              and Zip Code              state and zip code of the


                                        payer. Left justify and fill


                                        with blanks. DO NOT FILL WITH


                                        ALL BLANKS OR ALL 9's.



 201-280    Transmitter's Name   80     Enter the name of the


                                        transmitter in the manner in


                                        which it is used in normal


                                        business. The name of the


                                        transmitter should be constant


                                        through the entire file. Left


                                        justify and fill with blanks.



 281-320    Transmitter Street   40     Enter the street address of


              Address                   the transmitter. Left justify


                                        and fill with blanks. If the


                                        transmitter does not have a


                                        street address, this field


                                        must be blank.



 321-360    Transmitter City,    40     Enter the city, state, and zip


            State and Zip Code          code of the transmitter. Left


                                        justify and fill with blanks.


                                        DO NOT FILL WITH ALL BLANKS OR


                                        ALL 9's.




.01 Contains payment record from individual statements. All records must be fixed length. Records may be blocked or unblocked. A block may not exceed 4000 positions. Do not pad a block with blanks.

.02 All payee records must contain correct payee name and address information entered in the fields prescribed in this Section.

.03 The Service must be able to identify the surname associated with the taxpayer identifying number (SSN or EIN) furnished on a statement. The specifications below include a field in the payee records called "Name Control" in which the first four alphabetic characters of the payee surname are to be entered by the payers. In addition, a blank must precede the identifying surname in the first name line of all Payee "B" Records unless the surname begins in the first position of the field.

.04 If payers are unable to provide the first four characters of the surname, the specifications permit the submission of statements on magnetic tape with the Name Control Field left blank; however, compliance with the following will facilitate the Service computer programs required to generate the Name Control.

(a) The surname of the payee whose taxpayer identifying number (SSN or EIN) is shown in the Payee "B" Record, must be the only name in the first name line.

(b) A blank must precede the surname unless the surname begins in the first position of the field.

(c) In the case of multiple payees, only the surname of the payee whose taxpayer identifying number (SSN or EIN) is shown in Payee "B" Record, must be present in the first name line. Surnames of any other payees in the record must be entered in the second name line.

.05 Provision is also made in these specifications for data entries required by state or local governments. This should minimize the Payer/Transmitter's programming burden should payers desire to report on tape to state or local governments.

.06 Those filers participating in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program must have 360 positions records. Positions 359 and 360 in the Payee "B" Records must contain the state code for the state to receive the information.

      The codes for the participating states are:


 Alabama                                                            01


 Arizona                                                            04


 Arkansas                                                           05


 California                                                         06


 Delaware                                                           10


 District of Columbia                                               11


 Georgia                                                            13


 Hawaii                                                             15


 Idaho                                                              16


 Indiana                                                            18


 Iowa                                                               19


 Kansas                                                             20


 Louisiana                                                          22


 Maine                                                              23


 Massachusetts                                                      25


 Minnesota                                                          27


 Mississippi                                                        28


 Missouri                                                           29


 Montana                                                            30


 New Jersey                                                         34


 New York                                                           36


 North Carolina                                                     37


 North Dakota                                                       38


 Oklahoma                                                           40


 Oregon                                                             41


 South Carolina                                                     45


 Tennessee                                                          47


 Wisconsin                                                          55



                     RECORD NAME: PAYEE "B" RECORD





 Position   Field Title        Length     Description and Remarks




    1       Record Type           1     Required, Enter "B".



   2-3      Payment Year          2     Required. Must be the two last


                                        digits of the year for which


                                        payments are being reported


                                        (e.g. if payments were made in


                                        1981 enter "81"). Must be


                                        incremented each year.



    4       Category of           1     Use only for Form 1099R.


              Distribution              Identify the category of


              (for reporting IRA        distribution and enter the


              income only)              applicable code from the table





                                                  Category        Code


                                          Premature distribution    1


                                            (other than codes


                                             2, 3, 4, or 5 below)


                                          Rollover                  2


                                          Disability                3


                                          Death                     4


                                          Prohibited transaction    5


                                          Other                     6


                                          Normal                    7


                                          Excess contributions


                                            refunded plus


                                            earnings on such


                                            excess contributions    8


                                          Transfers to an IRA


                                            for a spouse incident


                                            to a divorce            9



   5-6      Blank                 2     Enter blanks. (Reserved for


                                        Service use).



   7-10     Name Control          4     Enter the first 4 letters of


                                        the surname of the payee. Last


                                        names of less than four (4)


                                        letters should be left


                                        justified, filling the unused


                                        positions with blanks. Special


                                        characters and imbedded blanks


                                        should be removed. If the Name


                                        Control is not determinable by


                                        the payer, leave this field





  11        Type of Account       1     This field is used to identify


                                        the data in 12-20 as to


                                        Employer Identification


                                        Number, Social Security


                                        Number, or the reason no


                                        number is shown. Enter a


                                        "blank" if a taxpayer


                                        identifying number is required


                                        but unobtainable due to


                                        legitimate cause; e.g., number


                                        applied for but not received.


                                        1) Enter the digit "1" if the


                                        payee is a business or any


                                        organization for which an EIN


                                        was provided.



                                        2) Enter the digit "2" if the


                                        payee is an individual and an


                                        SSN is provided in positions





 12-20      Taxpayer              9     Required. Enter the valid 9-


            Identifying                 digit taxpayer identifying


            Number                      number of the payee (SSN or


                                        EIN, as appropriate). Where an


                                        identifying number has been


                                        applied for but not received


                                        or any other legitimate cause


                                        for not having an identifying


                                        number, enter blanks.



                                        DO NOT ENTER HYPHENS, ALPHA


                                        CHARACTERS, OR ALL 9's OR ALL





 21-30      Account Number       10     Optional. Payee may use this


                                        field to enter the payee's


                                        account number. Although this


                                        term is optional, its use will


                                        facilitate easy reference to


                                        specific records in the


                                        payer's file, should any


                                        questions arise. Do Not Enter


                                        a Customer Identification


                                        Number in This Field.



 31-110     Payment Amount              The number of payment amounts


            Fields                      is dependent on the number of


                                        Amount Indicators in positions


                                        18-24 of the "A" Record. Each


                                        payment amount field must


                                        contain 10 characters. Do not


                                        provide a payment amount field


                                        when the Amount Indicator is


                                        blank. Each payment amount


                                        must be entered in dollars and


                                        cents. Do not enter dollar


                                        signs, commas, decimal points,


                                        or negative payments. Example:


                                        The Amount Indicator contains


                                        123bbbb. Payee "B" Records in


                                        this field should have only


                                        three payment amount fields.


                                        If Amount Indicator contains


                                        12367bb, the "B" Records


                                        should have 5 payment amount


                                        fields. Payment amounts MUST


                                        be right-justified and unused


                                        portions MUST be zero-filled.



 31-40      Payment Amount       10     This amount is identified by


              Field 1                   the amount code in position 18


                                        of the Payer/Transmitter "A"


                                        Record. This entry must always


                                        be present.



 41-50      Payment Amount       10     This amount is identified by


              Field 2                   the amount code in position 19


                                        of the Payer/Transmitter "A"


                                        Record. If position 19 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is blank, do not provide for


                                        this payment field.



 51-60      Payment Amount       10     This amount is identified by


              Field 3                   the amount code in position


                                        20 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                        "A" Record. If position 20 of


                                        the Payer/Transmitter "A"


                                        Record is blank, do not


                                        provide for this payment





 61-70      Payment Amount       10     This amount is identified by


              Field 4                   the amount code in position


                                        21 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                        "A" Record. If position 21 of


                                        the Payer/Transmitter "A"


                                        Record is blank, do not


                                        provide for this payment





 71-80      Payment Amount       10     This amount is identified by


              Field 5                   the amount code in position 22


                                        of the Payer/Transmitter "A"


                                        Record. If position 22 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is blank, do not provide for


                                        this payment field.



 81-90      Payment Amount       10     This amount is identified by


              Field 6                   the amount code in position 23


                                        of the Payer/Transmitter "A"


                                        Record. If position of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record


                                        is blank, do not provide for


                                        this payment field.



 91-100     Payment Amount       10     This amount is identified by


              Field 7                   the amount code in position 24


                                        of the "A" Record. If position


                                        24 of the Payer/Transmitter


                                        "A" Record is blank, do not


                                        provide for this payment





 Next 40    Payee-Number         40     Required. Enter the name of


 positions    (1st name line)           the payee whose taxpayer


 after the    (A blank must             identifying number appears in


 last         precede the               tape positions 12-20 above. If


 Payment      surname unless            fewer than 40 characters are


 Amount       the surname               required, left justify and



 Field        begins in the             fill unused positions with


 used         first position            blanks. If more space is


              of the field)             required, utilize the 2nd Name


                                        Line field below. If there are


                                        multiple payees, only the name


                                        of the payee whose taxpayer


                                        identifying number has been


                                        provided can be entered in


                                        this field. The names of the


                                        other payees may be entered in


                                        the 2nd Name Line field. The


                                        order in which the payee's


                                        name appears in this field


                                        must correspond with the


                                        Surname Indicator entered in


                                        tape position 27 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record.


                                        No descriptive or other data


                                        is to be entered in this





 Next 40    Payee Number         40     If the payee name requires


 positions    (2nd Name Line)           more space than is available


 after the                              in the 1st Name Line, enter


 1st Name                               the remaining portion of the


 Line                                   name in this field. If there


                                        are multiple payees, this


                                        field may be used for those


                                        payees' names who are not


                                        associated with the taxpayer


                                        identifying number provided in


                                        tape positions 12-20 above.


                                        Left justify and fill unused


                                        positions with blanks. Fill


                                        with blanks if this field is


                                        not required.



 Next 40    Payee Street         40     Enter street address of payee.


 positions    Address                   Left justify and fill unused


 after 2nd                              positions with blanks. Address


 Name Line                              must be present. This field


                                        must not contain any data


                                        other than the payee's street





 Next 40    Payee City, State    40     Required. Enter the city,


 positions    and Zip Code              state and ZIP code of the


 after the                              payee, in that sequence. Use


 street                                 U.S. Postal Service


 address                                abbreviations for states. Left


                                        justify and fill unused


                                        positions with blanks. City,


                                        state and ZIP code must be





 Next       Special Data                Optional. The last portion of


 field        Entries                   the "B" Record may be used to


 after                                  record information required


 City,                                  for State or local government


 State and                              reporting, or for other


 Zip Code                               purposes. The special data


                                        entries will begin in


                                        positions 201, 211, 221, 231,


                                        241, 251, or 261, depending on


                                        the number of payment amount


                                        fields included in the record.


                                        Special Data Entries may be


                                        used to make all records the


                                        same length; however, the


                                        record length may not exceed


                                        360 positions. Payers should


                                        contact their state or local


                                        revenue departments for their


                                        filing requirements.



                NOTE 1: The first name of the Payee shown as beginning


                        the tape position 101 must be shifted to the


                        field immediately following the last payment


                        amount field used. For example, if two payment


                        amount fields are used, the first name line


                        field would be shifted to position 51.


                        Succeeding fields would be shifted


                        accordingly. Also see SEC. 11 below for a


                        record layout reflecting 2 payment amount






.01 The End of Payer "C" Record is a summary record for a given payer. It must be the same length as the "B" Records in the payer's file.

.02 The "C" Record will contain the totals of the payment amount fields and the payees filed by a given payer. The "C" Record must be written after the last payee record for each payer. For each "A" Record on the file, there must be a corresponding "C" Record.

.03 Payers/transmitters must verify the accuracy of the totals in the "C" Record and must enter the totals on the transmittal, Form 4804, which will accompany the shipment.

.04 The "C" Record cannot be followed by a Tape Mark.






 Position      Field Title     Length      Description and Remarks




     1      Record Type           1     Required. Enter "C".



    2-7     Number of Payers      6     Required. Enter the number of


                                        payees covered by the payer on


                                        this tape reel. Right justify


                                        and zero fill.


            Totals from                 Right justify and zero fill


              Payment                   each Control Total amount. If


              Amount Fields             less than seven amount fields


                                        are being reported, zero fill


                                        tape fields for Control Totals


                                        3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.


                                        Option 1 -- Enter the grand


                                        total of each payment amount


                                        field for the given payer of


                                        this reel.


                                        Option 2 -- If the given


                                        payer's file is continued on


                                        multiple reels, enter the


                                        grand total of each payment


                                        amount field for that payer on


                                        this tape reel and on prior





    8-19    Control Total 1      12


   20-31    Control Total 2      12


   32-43    Control Total 3      12


   44-55    Control Total 4      12


   56-67    Control Total 5      12


   68-79    Control total 6      12


   80-91    Control Total 7      12


   92-end   Blanks                      Enter Blanks.


 of record





.01 The State Totals "K" Record is a summary for a given payer and a given state in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program. It must be 360 positions in length.

.02 The "K" Record will contain the totals of the payment amount fields and the payees filed by a given payer for a given state. The "K" Record(s) must be written after the "C" Record for the related payer.

.03 There must be a separate "K" Record for each state being reported.

.04 The "K" Record cannot be followed by a Tape Mark.


.01 The "F" Record is a summary of the number of payers and tapes in the entire file.

.02 This record should be written after the last "C" Record or "K" Record whichever is applicable.

.03 Only a Tape Mark or a Tape Mark and Trailer Label may follow the "F" Record.

.04 The "F" Record must be the same length as the "B" Records.






 Position      Field Title     Length      Description and Remarks




     1      Record Type           1     Required. Enter "K"



    2-7     Number of Payees      6     Required. Enter the number of


                                        payees being reported to this


                                        state. Right justify and zero




    8-19    Control Total 1      12     Required. Enter totals from


   20-31    Control Total 2      12     payment amount field. Right


   32-43    Control Total 3      12     justify and zero fill each


   44-55    Control Total 4      12     Control Total amount. If less


   56-67    Control Total 5      12     than seven amount fields are


   68-79    Control Total 6      12     being reported, zero fill


   80-91    Control Total 7      12     unused Control Total fields.


   92-358   Reserved            211     Reserved for IRS use. Blank




  359-360   State Code            2     Required. Enter the code for


                                        the state to receive the










 Position      Field Title     Length      Description and Remarks




     1      Record Type           1     Required. Enter "F"



    2-5     Number of Payers      4     Required. Enter the total


                                        number of payers in the


                                        transmission. Right justify


                                        and zero fill.


    6-8     Number of Tapes       3     Required. Enter the total


                                        number of tapes in


                                        transmission. Right justify


                                        and zero fill.


    9-30                         22     Required. Enter zeroes.



   31-end                               Enter blanks.


 of record




.01 The following charts show, by type of file, the record types to be used in the first two and the last three records written on a tape reel when only one type of document (file) is reported on a reel or series of reels. /*/



                                                from    Next


                                1st     2nd     last  to last   Last


                               record  record  record  record  record


         Type of File           type    type    type    type    type




 Single payer, single reel        A       B       B     C 1   F


 Single payer, multiple reels:


   Reel 1                         A       B       B     B       TM 2


   Last reel                      A       B       B     C 1   F


 Multiple payers, single reel:


   Payer 1                        A       B       B     B       C 1


   Payer 2                        A       B       B     B       C 1


   Last payer                     A       B       B     C 1   F


 Multiple payers, multiple


   reels: First payer's


   records split between reel


   1 and reel 2; second


   payer's records split


   between reel 2 and reel 3:


 Reel 1: Payer 1                  A       B       B     B       TM 2


   Reel 2:


     Payer 1                      A       B       B     B       C 1


     Payer 2                      A       B       B     B       TM 2


   Reel 3:


     Payer 2                      A       B       B     B       C 1


     Payer 3                      A       B       B     C 1   TM 2


   Reel 4: Last Payer             A       B       B     C 1   F


 Multiple payers, single


   transmitter, separate files


   for each payer:


   File 1: Payer 1: Last reel     A       B       B     C 1   F


   File 2: Payer 2:


     Reel 1                       A       B       B     B       TM 2


     Last reel                    A       B       B     C 1   F


   File 3: Payer 3: Last reel     A       B       B     C 1   F


 Single payer, multiple


   transmitter (payer submits


   files from various




     Payer 1:


     Location 1: Last reel        A       B       B     C 1   F


     Location 2: Last reel        A       B       B     C 1   F


 Single player, multiple


   transmitter, etc.:


   Location 3:


     Reel 1                       A       B       B     B       TM 2


     Reel 2                       A       B       B     B       TM 2


     Last reel                    A       B       B     C 1   F



      1 Must contain "Number of Payers" and "Control Totals"


 summarizing all Payee Records written for this Payer on this reel.



      2 Tape Mark.



      /*/ When more than one type of document (file) is reported on a


 tape reel, there will be a corresponding increase in the series of


 "A," "B B" and "C" records since, within a tape reel, a file is


 equivalent to an "A" record, a series of "B" records and a "C" record


 for a single payer.



.02 When reporting under the Combined Federal/State Filing program the State Total's "K" Record(s) will follow the "C" Records regardless of the Type of File.



.01 Where the Header Label is the first record, the following charts show, by type of file, the record types to be used in the 2nd and 3rd records and the last three records written on a tape reel prior to the Trailer label when only one type of document (file) is reported on a reel or series of reels. /*/

                                1st     2nd


                               record  record    2nd


                                type    type    form    Next


                                after   after  last to  last    Last


                               Header  Header  record  record  record


         Type of File           Label   Label   type    type    type




 Single payer, single reel        A       B       B     C 1   F


 Single payer, multiple reels:


   Reel 1                         A       B       B     B       B


   Last reel                      B       B       B     C 2   F


   Multiple payers, single




   Payer 1                        A       B       B     B       C 1


   Payer 2                        A       B       B     B       C 1


   Last payer                     A       B       B     C 1   F


 Multiple payers, multiple


   reels; First payer's


   records split between reel


   1 and reel 2; second


   payer's records split


   between reel 2 and reel 3:


 Reel 1: Payer 1                  A       B       B     B       B


   Reel 2:


     Payer 1                      B       B       B     B       C 2


     Payer 2                      A       B       B     B       B


   Reel 3:


     Payer 2                      B       B       B     B       C 2


     Payer 3                      A       B       B     B       C 1


   Reel 4:


     Payer 4:                     A       B       B     C 2   F


 Multiple payers, single


   transmitter, separate files


   for each payer:


   File 1: Payer 1: Last reel     B       B       B     C 2   F


   File 2: Payer 2:


     Reel 1                       A       B       B     B       B


     Last reel                    B       B       B     C 2   F


 Single payer, multiple


   transmitter (payer submits


   files from various




  Each Location:


    1st reel                      A       B       B     B       B


    Last Reel                     B       B       B     C 2   F


 Single Payer, multiple


  transmitter, etc, L


  Location 3:


    Reel 1                        A       B       B     B       B


    Reel 2                        B       B       B     B       B


    Last reel                     B       B       B     C 2   F



      1 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals"


 summarizing all Payee "B" Records written for this payer on this





      2 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals"


 summarizing all Payee "B" Records written for this payer on this reel


 and on prior reel(s).



      /*/ When more than one type of document (file) is reported on a


 tape reel, there will be a corresponding increase in the series of


 "A," "B - B" and "C" records since, within a tape reel, a file is


 equivalent to an "A" record, a series of "B" records and a "C" record


 for a single payer.



.02 When reporting under the Combined Federal/State Filing Program the State Total "K" Record(s) will follow the "C" Records regardless of the Type of File.


Rev. Proc. 80-52 is superseded.

                              Exhibit "A"



 Form 4419            Application for Magnetic Media     IRS Use Only


 (Revised October    Reporting of Information Returns    TCC:




 Department of


 the Treasury


 Internal Revenue






 1. Please fill in this form        2. Name and address of


    and send to.                       (street, city, State and ZIP





    Internal Revenue Service Center



 3. Payment year for which you      4. Employer identification number


    plan to begin reporting on


    magnetic media: ____________



 5. Kind of magnetic media you      6. Person to contact about this


    plan to submit: (check one)        request



    __ Tape      __ Diskette           Name:



    __ Disk pack __ Cartridge disk     Title:



                                       Telephone number: (include area





 7.                    Documents To Be Reported



                 Estimated Volume                     Estimated Volume


        Form                                Form


                 Magnetic    Paper                    Magnetic   Paper


                 media                                media



 __ 1099-DIV                        __ 1087-DIV



 __ 1099-INT                        __ 1087-INT



 __ 1099-MISC                       __ 1087-MISC



 __ 1099-MED                        __ 1087-MED



 __ 1099-OID                        __ 1087-OID



 __ 1099-R                          __ 1042S



 __ 1099-L                          __ 1099-NEC



 __ 1099-PATR                       __ 1099-UC


                                       (for use by


                                       States only)



 8.          Kind of equipment on which media will be prepared



      Main frame (all media types)          Drive unit (all media)



 Manufacturer     Model             Manufacturer     Model




               Tape only                      All media types



 Width      Tracks     Density      Recording code (e.g., EBCDIC, BCD,


                                    or ASCII)


            __ 7 __ 9



 9.             Internal Revenue Service office where paper


                information returns, if any, will be filed



 Form 1099 Series        Form 1087 Series       Form W-2G




 10. If your firm is acting as agent, please list the name and


     employer identification number of each payer on a separate sheet


     and attach it to this application.




 11. Person responsible   Name (type or print)   Title


     for preparation of


     tax reports.




                          Signature                          Date





Instructions for Form 4419

Payers or agents who decide to file information returns on magnetic media must complete Form 4419 to receive authorization for filing. Please be sure to complete all appropriate blocks as explained in the following instructions:

Block 2: Enter the name and complete address of the person or organization that will prepare and submit the magnetic media.

Block 3: Show the tax (payment) year for which you intend to begin filing information returns on magnetic media.

Block 5: Check the kind of magnetic media you plan to submit. If you plan to submit more than one kind of magnetic media, you should complete a separate application for each kind.

Block 7: Check the boxes next to all of the information returns you file with the Internal Revenue Service.

a. Magnetic media column: Enter the total number of individual information returns to be reported on magnetic media (an estimate is acceptable).

b. Paper columns. Enter the total number of individual information returns to be reported on paper if all returns will not be filed in magnetic media form (an estimate is acceptable). In BLOCK 9 indicate the IRS office where you will file the paper returns.

Block 10: If your firm is preparing information returns on magnetic media for payers other than itself, attach to your application a list of the names and employer identification numbers of the payers. If you add or delete any payers from your file, you must submit an updated list of payers.

Block 11: The form must be signed and dated by an official of the company or organization requesting authorization to report on magnetic media.

Filing Your Application

1. The completed application and any attached lists should be mailed to the Internal Revenue Service Center at the address shown in BLOCK 1.

2. Upon receipt of the application, we will review it. If it is acceptable, we will send you an authorization letter within 30 days. Do not submit magnetic media until you receive an authorization letter.

3. We encourage new filers to submit test data on magnetic media for review before the filing season. If you want to submit test data, contact the magnetic media coordinator where you file your application.

4. Your authorization will be valid as long as the magnetic media submitted conforms to the specifications of the applicable revenue procedures. However, a new application is required if:

a. filing is discontinued and then resumed,

b. there is any change in the equipment listed on the application,

c. there is any addition or deletion to the list of information returns to be filed on magnetic media.

                              Exhibit "B"






      I authorize you to release the information document returns


 (Forms 1087 and 1099), which are provided to you in magnetic media as


 part of the Federal/State combined reporting program, to those


 officers and employees of the State tax agencies who are charged with


 the processing and handling of such data under this program in the


 course of their tax administration duties. Returns will be disclosed


 to the State tax agency in the State indicated on the tape record.


 The State tax agency officials and employees receiving this data may


 utilize the information for any purpose permitted by State law.



      This consent is valid and effective from the date of execution


 until a written revocation by me is received by the IRS official or


 employee charged with administering the Federal/State combined


 reporting program.





   Business Name



 _________________________________   ______________________________


   Business Address                  Employer Identification Number



 _________________________________   ______________________________


   Signature (see instructions)      Date



 _________________________________   ______________________________


   Signature of Attesting Officer,   Date


     if a corporation






      The individual who may sign this consent differs based on the


 type of business entity filing the returns. The list below identifies


 who may sign this form.



           1. sole proprietorship--owner.



           2. partnership--any person who is a partner during any part


      of the period covered by the returns.



           3. electing small business under Subchapter S of Chapter


      1--any person who is a shareholder during any part of the period


      covered by the returns.



           4. corporation--any principal officer. The consent must


      also be attested to by the secretary or other corporate officer.



      This consent may also be signed by the attorney in fact for the


 filer. A consent executed by an attorney in fact must be accompanied


 by a written authorization from an appropriate person(s) described


  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.201: Forms and instructions.

    (Also Part I, Sections 6041, 6042, 6043, 6047, 6049, 6109; 1.6041-1,

    1.6041-4, 1.6041-5, 1.6041-7, 1.6042-2, 1.6042-3, 1.6043-2, 1.6047-1,

    301.6047-1, 1.604-1, 301.6109-1.)

  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
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