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Rev. Proc. 84-6

Rev. Proc. 84-6; 1984-1 C.B. 366

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  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
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Citations: Rev. Proc. 84-6; 1984-1 C.B. 366

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 84-69

Rev. Proc. 84-6




































.01 The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is to provide the requirements and conditions for submitting Form 8027, Employer's Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips, on magnetic tape instead of filing paper returns. Form 8027 information may be filed on magnetic tape and sent annually to the Service beginning in 1984. The due date for the first submission of Form 8027 on magnetic tape to the Internal Revenue Service is February 29, 1984.


.01 For the purposes of this Revenue Procedure, the employer is the organization supplying the information and the transmitter is the organization preparing the magnetic media file. The employer and transmitter may be the same organization. Employers or their transmitters are required to complete Form 4419, Application for Magnetic Media Reporting of Information Returns. Requests for copies of this form or for additional information on magnetic media reporting should be addressed to the attention of the Magnetic Media Coordinator of the Service Center listed in PART A, SEC. 7. of this Revenue Procedure.

.02 The Service will act on an application and notify the applicant of authorization to file, in writing, within 30 days of receipt of the application. Magnetic media returns may not be filed with the Service until the application has been approved.

.03 The Service will assist new filers with their initial magnetic media submission by encouraging the submission of test files for review in advance of the filing season. Approved employers or transmitters who wish to submit a test file should contact the Magnetic Media Coordinator of the Service Center listed in PART A, SEC. 7. of this Revenue Procedure.

.04 If there are hardware or software changes that would affect the characteristics of the magnetic media submission, the employer (or its transmitter) is required to submit a new Form 4419.

.05 Only employers or transmitters using equipment compatible with the Service's equipment will have their applications approved. Compatible tape characteristics are shown in PART B, SEC. 1.


.01 Packaging, shipping, and mailing instructions will be provided by the Service within 45 days of the granting of approval. A magnetic tape reporting package, which includes all necessary transmittals and labels, will be mailed to all approved filers.

.02 With the Service's concurrence, employers can submit a portion of their returns on magnetic media and the remainder on paper Forms 8027, provided there is NO DUPLICATE FILING. The magnetic media records and paper forms must be filed at the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CENTER listed in Part A, SEC. 7. of this Revenue Procedure. A Form 8027-T, Transmittal of Employer's Annual Report of Allocated Tips, must accompany paper submissions and a Form 4804, Transmittal of Information Returns Reported on Magnetic Media, must accompany magnetic media submissions.

.03 The affidavit which appears on Forms 8027-T and 4804 should be signed by the employer. A transmitter, service bureau, or disbursing agent may, however, sign the affidavit on behalf of the employer if all of these conditions are met:

(a) It has the authority to sign the affidavit under an agency agreement (either oral, written, or implied) that is valid under the State law.

(b) It signs the affidavit and adds the caption "For: (name of employer)".

.04 Although a duly authorized agent signs the affidavit, the employer is held responsible for the accuracy of the Form 8027 and will be liable for penalties for failure to comply with filing requirements.

.05 If a portion of the returns are submitted on paper documents, include a statement on the Form 8027-T that the remaining returns are being filed on magnetic media. Please note that Form 8027-T normally applies to the filing of information returns on paper; however, filers of magnetic media must review the Form 8027-T and file Form 8027-T if appropriate.

.06 If an allocation of tips is based on a good faith agreement, a copy of the agreement must accompany the submission.

.07 If an allocation rate of less than 8% has been granted by the District Director, a copy of the determination letter must accompany the submission. Employers with more than one establishment can receive approval from one district in each IRS region where establishments are located (see section 31.6053-3(h)(4) of the Employment Tax Regulations).


.01 Magnetic tape reporting to the Service for Form 8027 must be on a calendar year basis. The first due date of either paper or tape Forms 8027 is February 29, 1984.


.01 The Service will copy the information from the original tapes and return the original tapes to the employer. Normally tapes will be returned within three months after the annual due date for submission to the Service, or within three months after actual receipt of acceptable tapes, whichever is later.

.02 All files submitted must conform totally to this revenue procedure. IF FILES ARE UNPROCESSIBLE, THEY WILL BE RETURNED TO THE FILER FOR CORRECTION. Corrected files must be filed with the Service Center as soon as possible. If the delay will be more than two weeks, contact the Service Center Magnetic Media Coordinator for instructions. Corrected files will be returned by the Service within six months of receipt.


.01 If a portion of the returns is reported on magnetic media and the remainder is reported on paper forms, those returns not submitted on magnetic media must be filed on Form 8027.


Requests for additional copies of this revenue procedure or for additional information on magnetic media reporting of Forms 8027 should be addressed to the attention of the Magnetic Media Coordinator of:

         Internal Revenue Service


         Andover Service Center


         Post Office Box 311


         Andover, MA 01810




 Element              Description


 EIN                  Employer Identification Number which has been


                      assigned by Internal Revenue Service to the


                      reporting entity.



 Employer             The organization supplying the information.



 Establishment        A food or beverage operation where tipping of


                      food or beverage employees is customary.



 File                 For the purpose of this procedure, a file


                      consists of all magnetic media records submitted


                      by an Employer or Transmitter.



 Transmitter          Person or organization preparing magnetic media


                      file(s). May be Employer or agent of Employer.





.01 The magnetic tape specifications contained in this part of the procedure define the required format and contents of the records to be included in the file. These specifications must be adhered to unless deviations have been specifically granted by the Service in writing.

.02 In most instances, the Service will be able to process any compatible tape files. Compatible tape files must meet any one set of the following:

(a) 7 channel BCD (binary coded decimal) with

(1) Either Even or Odd Parity and

(2) A density of 800 BPI.

(b) 9 channel EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) with

(1) Odd Parity and

(2) A density of 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI.

(c) 9 channel ASCII (American Standard Coded Information Interchange) with

(1) Odd Parity and

(2) A density of 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI.

.03 All compatible tape files must have the following characteristics:

(a) Type of tape--0.5 inch (12.7 mm) wide, computer grade magnetic tape on reels of up to 2400 feet (731.52 m) within the following specifications:

(1) Tape thickness: 1.0 or 1.5 mils

(2) Reel diameter: 10.5 inch (26.67 cm), 8.5 inch (21.59 cm), or 7 inch (17.78 cm)

(b) Interrecord Gap--3/4 inch.


.01 The tape record defined in this procedure may be blocked or unblocked, subject to the following:


(b) All records except the Header and Trailer Labels may be blocked.

(c) A block must not exceed 2320 tape positions.

(d) If the use of blocked records would result in a short block, all remaining positions of the block must be filled with 9's. Do not pad a block with blanks.


For the purposes of this procedure the following conventions must be used.

Header Label:

1. Employers may use standard headers provided they begin with 1HDR, HDR1, VOL1, or VOL2.

2. Consist of a maximum of 80 positions.

3. Header and Trailer Labels are optional unless more than one reel is being submitted. If more than one reel is being submitted Header and Trailer Labels are REQUIRED.

Trailer Label:

1. Standard trailer labels may be used provided that they begin with 1EOR, 1EOF, EOR1, or EOF1.

2. Consist of a maximum of 80 positions.

3. Header and Trailer Labels are optional unless more than one reel is being submitted. If more than one reel is being submitted Header and Trailer Labels are REQUIRED.

Record Mark:

1. Special character used to separate blocked records on tape.

2. Can be written only at the end of a record or block.

3. For odd parity tapes, use BCD bit configuration 011010 ("A82").

Tape Mark:

1. Used to signify the physical end of the recording on tape.

2. For even parity, use BCD configuration 001111 ("8421").

3. May follow the header label and precede and/or follow the trailer label.






 Position     Field Title      Length       Description and Remarks



  1-15      Establishment        15     REQUIRED. Enter the unique 15


            Identification              digit number for each


            Number                      establishment. The number is


                                        determined as follows:



                                        A. The first nine digits must


                                        be the EIN as shown on the


                                        employer's Form 941 or 941E,


                                        and in tape positions 132-140


                                        of this record.



                                        B. The tenth digit identifies


                                        the kind of establishment.


                                        Enter the number which


                                        describes the type of


                                        establishment, as shown




                                            1 for an establishment


                                        that serves evening meals only


                                        (with or without alcoholic




                                            2 for an establishment


                                        that serves evening meals and


                                        other meals (with or without


                                        alcoholic beverages).


                                            3 for an establishment


                                        that serves only meals other


                                        than evening meals (with or


                                        without alcoholic beverages).


                                            4 for an establishment


                                        that serves food, if at all,


                                        only as an incidental part of


                                        the business of serving


                                        alcoholic beverages.


                                        C. The last five digits are


                                        for identifying individual


                                        establishments of an employer


                                        reporting under the same EIN.


                                        The employer numbers the


                                        various establishments


                                        uniquely until each


                                        establishment the employer is


                                        required to file a return for


                                        has a number. NUMERICS ONLY.



  16-55     Establishment Name   40     REQUIRED. Enter the name of


                                        the establishment. Left


                                        justify and fill unused


                                        positions with blanks.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE


                                        ALPHAS, NUMERICS, BLANKS,


                                        HYPHENS, AMPERSANDS, AND





  56-95     Establishment        40     REQUIRED. Enter the street


            Street                      address of the establishment.


            Address                     Left justify and blank fill.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE


                                        ALPHAS, NUMERICS, SLASHES,


                                        HYPHENS, AMPERSANDS, AND





  96-120    Establishment City   25     REQUIRED. Enter the city of


                                        the establishment. Left


                                        justify and blank fill.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE


                                        ALPHAS, HYPHENS AND BLANKS.



 121-122    Establishment State   2     REQUIRED. Enter state code of


                                        the establishment; must be one


                                        of the following:



                                        state                     code


                                        Alabama                    AL


                                        Alaska                     AK


                                        Arizona                    AZ


                                        Arkansas                   AR


                                        California                 CA


                                        Colorado                   CO


                                        Connecticut                CT


                                        Delaware                   DE


                                        District of Columbia       DC


                                        Florida                    FL


                                        Georgia                    GA


                                        Hawaii                     HI


                                        Idaho                      ID


                                        Illinois                   IL


                                        Indiana                    IN


                                        Iowa                       IA


                                        Kansas                     KS


                                        Kentucky                   KY


                                        Louisiana                  LA


                                        Maine                      ME


                                        Maryland                   MD



                                        Massachusetts              MA


                                        Michigan                   MI


                                        Minnesota                  MN


                                        Mississippi                MS


                                        Missouri                   MO


                                        Montana                    MN


                                        Nebraska                   NE


                                        Nevada                     NV


                                        New Hampshire              NH


                                        New Jersey                 NJ


                                        New Mexico                 NM


                                        New York                   NY


                                        North Carolina             NC


                                        North Dakota               ND


                                        Ohio                       OH


                                        Oklahoma                   OK


                                        Oregon                     OR


                                        Pennsylvania               PA


                                        Rhode Island               RI


                                        South Carolina             SC


                                        South Dakota               SD


                                        Tennessee                  TN


                                        Texas                      TX


                                        Utah                       UT


                                        Vermont                    VT


                                        Virginia                   VA


                                        Washington                 WA


                                        West Virginia              WV


                                        Wisconsin                  WI


                                        Wyoming                    WY



 123-131    Establishment ZIP     9     REQUIRED. Enter the ZIP code


            Code                        of the establishment. Left


                                        justify and blank fill.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE NINE


                                        NUMERICS or FIVE NUMERICS AND


                                        FOUR BLANKS.



 132-140    Employer              9     REQUIRED. Enter the 9-digit


            Identification              number assigned to the


            Number                      employer by IRS. DO NOT ENTER


                                        HYPHENS, ALPHA CHARACTERS, ALL


                                        9's, or ALL ZEROES.



 141-180    Employer Name        40     REQUIRED. Enter the name of


                                        the employer as it appears on


                                        your tax forms (e.g. Form


                                        941). Any extraneous


                                        information must be deleted.


                                        Left justify and blank fill.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE


                                        ALPHAS, BLANKS, NUMERICS,


                                        AMPERSANDS, HYPHENS, AND





 181-220    Employer Street      40     REQUIRED. Enter street address


            Address                     of employer. Left justify and


                                        blank fill. ALLOWABLE


                                        CHARACTERS ARE ALPHAS,


                                        NUMERICS, HYPHENS, AMPERSANDS,


                                        SLASHES AND BLANKS.



 221-245    Employer City        25     REQUIRED. Enter the city of


                                        the employer. Left justify and


                                        blank fill. ALLOWABLE


                                        CHARACTERS ARE ALPHAS,


                                        HYPHENS, AND BLANKS.



 246-247    Employer State        2     REQUIRED. Enter state code of


                                        employer. Must be one of the


                                        abbreviations shown above in


                                        the state abbreviation table


                                        for Establishment State (Tape


                                        Positions 121-122).



 248-256    Employer ZIP Code     9     REQUIRED. Enter ZIP code of


                                        employer. Left justify and


                                        blank fill. ALLOWABLE


                                        CHARACTERS ARE NINE NUMERICS


                                        or FIVE NUMERICS AND FOUR





 257-268    Charged Tips         12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            (Jan. 1-Mar. 31)            amount of tips that are shown


                                        on charge receipts for this


                                        period in 1983. Field is in


                                        dollars and cents. Right


                                        justify and zero fill. If no


                                        entry zero fill. NUMERICS


                                        ONLY. DO NOT ENTER DECIMAL


                                        POINTS, DOLLAR SIGNS, OR





 269-280    Charged Tips         12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            (Apr. 1-Dec. 31)            amount of tips that are shown


                                        on charge receipts for this


                                        period in 1983. Field is in


                                        dollars and cents. Right


                                        justify and zero fill. If no


                                        entry zero fill. NUMERICS



                                        ONLY. DO NOT ENTER DECIMAL


                                        POINTS, DOLLAR SIGNS, OR





 281-292    Charged Receipts     12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            (Jan. 1-Mar. 31)            sales, other than carryout


                                        sales or sales with an added


                                        service charge of 10 percent


                                        or more,that are on charge


                                        receipts on which there were


                                        charged tips for this period


                                        in 1983. This includes credit


                                        card charges, other credit


                                        arrangements, and charges to a


                                        hotel room unless the


                                        employer's normal accounting


                                        practice consistently excludes


                                        charges to a hotel room. Do


                                        not include any state or local


                                        taxes in the amount reported.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        DO NOT INCLUDE DOLLAR SIGNS,


                                        DECIMAL POINTS, OR COMMAS.



 293-304    Charged Receipts     12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            (Apr. 1-Dec. 31)            sales, other than carryout


                                        sales or sales with an added


                                        service charge of 10 percent


                                        or more, that are on charge


                                        receipts on which there were


                                        charged tips for this period


                                        in 1983. This includes credit


                                        card charges, other credit


                                        arrangements, and charges to a


                                        hotel room unless the


                                        employer's normal accounting


                                        practice consistently excludes


                                        charges to a hotel room. Do


                                        not include any state or local


                                        taxes in the amount reported.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        If no entry zero fill.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT INCLUDE


                                        DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS,


                                        OR COMMAS.



 305-316    Service Charges      12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Less Than 10                amount of service charges less


            Percent (Jan.               than 10 percent have been


            1-Mar. 31)                  added to customer's bills and


                                        have been distributed to your


                                        employees for this period of


                                        1983. In general, service


                                        charges added to the bill are


                                        not tips since the customer


                                        does not have a choice. These


                                        service charges are treated as


                                        wages and areincluded on Form


                                        W-2. For a more detailed


                                        explanation, see Revenue


                                        Ruling 69-28, which is


                                        contained in the Internal


                                        Revenue Cumulative Bulletin


                                        1969-1 starting on page 270.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        If no entry zero fill.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT ENTER


                                        DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS,


                                        OR COMMAS.



 317-328    Service Charges      12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Less Than 10                amount of service charges less


            Percent (Apr.               than 10 percent that have been


            1-Dec. 31)                  added to customer's bills and


                                        have been distributed to your


                                        employees for this period of


                                        1983. In general, service


                                        charges added to the bill are


                                        not tips since the customer


                                        does not have a choice. These


                                        service charges are treated as


                                        wages and are included on form


                                        W-2. For a more detailed


                                        explanation, see Revenue


                                        Ruling 69-28, which is


                                        contained in the Internal


                                        Revenue Cumulative Bulletin


                                        1969-1 starting on page 270.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        If no entry zero fill.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT ENTER


                                        DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS,


                                        OR COMMAS.



 329-340    Indirect Tips        12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Reported                    amount of tips reported by



            (Jan. 1-Mar.31)             indirectly tipped employees


                                        (e.g. busboys, service


                                        bartenders, cooks) for this


                                        period of 1983. Do not include


                                        tips received by employees in


                                        December, 1982 but not


                                        reported until January, 1983.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        If no entry zero fill.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT ENTER


                                        DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS,


                                        OR COMMAS.



 341-352    Indirect Tips        12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Reported                    amount of tips reported by


            (Apr. 1-Dec. 31)            indirectly tipped employees


                                        (e.g. busboys, service


                                        bartenders, cooks) for this


                                        period of 1983. Include tips


                                        received by employees in


                                        December, 1983 but not


                                        reported until January, 1984.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        If no entry zero fill.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT ENTER


                                        DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS,


                                        OR COMMAS.



 353-364    Direct Tips          12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Reported                    amount of tips reported by


            (Jan. 1-Mar. 31)            directly tipped employees


                                        (e.g. waiters, waitresses,


                                        bartenders) for this period of


                                        1983. Do not include tips


                                        received by employees in


                                        December, 1982 but not


                                        reported until January, 1983.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        If no entry zero fill.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT ENTER


                                        DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS,


                                        OR COMMAS.



 365-376    Direct Tips          12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Reported                    amount of tips reported by


            (Apr. 1-Dec. 31)            directly tipped employees


                                        (e.g. waiters, waitresses,


                                        bartenders) for thisperiod of


                                        1983. Include tips received by


                                        employees in December, 1983


                                        but not reported until


                                        January, 1984. Right justify


                                        and zero fill. Field is in


                                        dollars and cents. NUMERICS


                                        ONLY. DO NOT ENTER DOLLAR


                                        SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS, OR





 377-388    Total Tips           12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Reported                    amount of tips reported by all


            (Jan. 1-Mar. 31)            employees (e.g. busboys,


                                        cooks, waiters, waitresses,


                                        bartenders) for this period of


                                        1983. Do not include tips


                                        received by employees in


                                        December 1982 but not reported


                                        until January 1983. Right


                                        justify and zero fill. Field


                                        is in dollars and cents. If no


                                        entry zero fill. NUMERICS


                                        ONLY. DO NOT ENTER DOLLAR


                                        SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS, OR





 389-400    Total Tips           12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Reported                    amount of tips reported by all


            (Apr. 1-Dec. 31)            employees (e.g. busboys,


                                        cooks, waiters, waitresses,


                                        bartenders) for this period of


                                        1983. Include tips received by


                                        employees in December 1983 but


                                        not reported until January


                                        1984. Right justify and zero


                                        fill. Field is in dollars and


                                        cents. NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT


                                        ENTER DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL


                                        POINTS, OR COMMAS.



 401-412    Gross Receipts       12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            (Jan. 1-Mar. 31)            gross receipts from the


                                        provision of food and/or


                                        beverages for this


                                        establishment for this period


                                        of 1983. Do not include in


                                        gross receipts charged tips


                                        shown on charged sales (tape


                                        positions 257-268) unless you



                                        have reduced the cash sales


                                        amount by paying cash to


                                        tipped employees for charged


                                        tips due to them. Do not


                                        include state or local taxes


                                        in gross receipts. If you do


                                        not charge separately for food


                                        or beverages when other


                                        services are included (such as


                                        a package deal for food and


                                        lodging), make a good faith


                                        estimate of the gross receipts


                                        attributable to the food or


                                        beverages. This estimate


                                        reflects the cost of providing


                                        the food or beverages plus a


                                        reasonable profit factor.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        If no entry zero fill.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT ENTER


                                        DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS,


                                        OR COMMAS.



 413-424    Gross Receipts       12     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            (Apr. 1-Dec. 31)            gross receipts from the


                                        provision of food and/or


                                        beverages for this


                                        establishment for this period


                                        of 1983. Do not include in


                                        gross receipts charged tips


                                        shown on charged sales (tape


                                        positions 269-280) unless you


                                        have reduced the cash sales


                                        amount by paying cash to


                                        tipped employees for charged


                                        tips due to them. Do not


                                        include state or local taxes


                                        in gross receipts. If you do


                                        not charge separately for food


                                        or beverages when other


                                        services are included (such as


                                        a package deal for food and


                                        lodging), make a good faith


                                        estimate of the gross receipts


                                        attributable to the food or


                                        beverages. This estimate


                                        reflects the cost of providing


                                        the food or beverages plus a


                                        reasonable profit factor.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        Field is in dollars and cents.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT ENTER


                                        DOLLAR SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS,


                                        OR COMMAS.



 425-436    Tip Percentage       12     REQUIRED. Enter the amount


            Rate Times Gross            determined by multiplying


            Receipts (Apr.              Gross Receipts for this period


            1-Dec. 31)                  of 1983 (tape positions


                                        413-424) by the Tip Percentage


                                        Rate (tape positions 437-440).


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        For example, if the value of


                                        Gross Receipts is


                                        "000045678900" and Tip


                                        Percentage rate is "0800",


                                        multiply $456,789.00 by .0800


                                        to get $36,543.12 and enter


                                        "000003654312". If tips are


                                        allocated using other than the


                                        9 month period from April 1 to


                                        Dec. 31, enter zeros. Field is


                                        in dollars and cents. NUMERICS



                                        ONLY. DO NOT ENTER DOLLAR


                                        SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS, OR





 437-440    Tip Percentage        4     REQUIRED. Enter 8 percent


            Rate                        (0800) unless a lower rate has


                                        been granted by the District


                                        Director. The determination


                                        letter must accompany the


                                        magnetic media submission.


                                        NUMERICS ONLY. DO NOT ENTER


                                        DECIMAL POINT.



 441-452    Allocated Tips       12     REQUIRED. If Tip Percentage


            (Apr. 1-Dec. 31)            Rate Times Gross Receipts


                                        (tape positions 425-436) is


                                        greater than Total Tips


                                        Reported (tape positions


                                        389-400) for this period of


                                        1983, then the difference


                                        becomes Allocated Tips.


                                        Otherwise, enter all zeros.


                                        Right justify and zero fill.


                                        If tips are allocated using


                                        other than the 9 month period


                                        from April 1 to Dec. 31, enter


                                        the amount of allocated tips


                                        from your records. Field is in


                                        dollars and cents. NUMERICS


                                        ONLY. DO NOT ENTER DOLLAR


                                        SIGNS, DECIMAL POINTS, OR





 453        Allocation Method     1     REQUIRED. Enter the allocation


                                        method used if Allocated Tips


                                        (tape positions 441-452) is


                                        greater than zero as follows:


                                          1 for allocation based on


                                            hours worked.


                                          2 for allocation based on


                                            gross receipts.


                                          3 for allocation based on a


                                            good faith agreement. The


                                            good faith agreement must


                                        accompany the magnetic media




                                        If Allocated tips is equal to


                                        zero, enter 0 (zero).



 454-457    Number of Directly    4     REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Tipped Employees            number of directly tipped


                                        employees employed by the


                                        establishment for tax year


                                        1983. Right justify and zero


                                        fill. NUMERICS ONLY.



 458-462    Transmitter           5     REQUIRED. Enter the 5-digit


            Control Code (TCC)          Transmitter Control Code


                                        assigned by the IRS.



 463        "BLANK"               1     REQUIRED. Enter character used


                                        to represent a blank.



 464        "HYPHEN"              1     REQUIRED. Enter character


                                        used to represent a hyphen.



 463        "SLASH"               1     REQUIRED. Enter character used


                                        to represent a slash.



 463        "AMPERSAND"           1     REQUIRED. Enter character used


                                        to represent an ampersand.



 464        IRS USE               1     Blank.
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