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JUL. 2, 1985

Rev. Proc. 85-33; 1985-2 C.B. 414

DATED JUL. 2, 1985
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    85 TNT 131-159
Citations: Rev. Proc. 85-33; 1985-2 C.B. 414

Rev. Proc. 85-33


.01 The purpose of this revenue procedure is to provide instructions to federal and state agencies requesting taxpayer address information and to federal agencies requesting tax delinquent account status indicators from the Internal Revenue Service.

.02 These instructions relate to large volume requests of 100 or more items. Information on procedures regarding small volume requests can be obtained by contacting the local Internal Revenue Service district office.


.01 Taxpayer address information can be obtained by an agency under the authority of section 6103(d), (m)(2), (m)(3), and (m)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

.02 Section 6103(d) of the Code provides for the disclosure of return information (including address information to State tax agencies for State tax administration purposes.

.03 Section 6103(m)(2) of the Code provides for the disclosure of address information to federal agencies for their use in collecting federal claims against an individual in accordance with sections 3711, 3717, and 3718 of Title 31 of the United States Code. This section also provides for the redisclosure of a taxpayer's mailing address to a consumer reporting agency, but only to allow for the preparation of a commercial credit report on the taxpayer for use by the requesting federal agency in accordance with the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966, as amended by the Debt Collections Act of 1982 and codified in sections 3711, et seq.

.04 Section 6103(m)(3) of the Code allows for the disclosure of a taxpayer's mailing address to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) soley for locating individuals who are or may have been exposed to occupational hazards to determine the status of their health or to inform them of the possible need for medical care and treatment.

.05 Section 6103(m)(4) of the Code allows for the disclosure of address information to the Secretary of Education for purposes of collecting defaulted student loans made from the fund established under Part B or E, Title IV, Higher Education Act of 1965 or made under section 3(a)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 to a student of an institution of higher education.

.06 Section 6103(l)(3) of the Code authorizes the Service to disclose a Tax Delinquent Account Status Indicator to federal agencies administering any included federal loan program. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "included federal loan program" means any program under which the United States or a federal agency makes, guarantees, or insures loans, and with respect to which there is in effect a determination by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (which has been published in the Federal Register) that the application of this paragraph to such program will substantially prevent or reduce future delinquencies under such program. A listing of included Federal loan programs was published in the Federal Register dated December 27, 1982. F.R. 57595.


.01 The information provided will be extracted monthly from the Internal Revenue Service Individual Master File (IMF) and Business Master File (BMF) located at the Internal Revenue Service National Computer Center (NCC) in Martinsburg, West Virginia. The IMF contains tax accounts of individuals. The BMF contains tax accounts of business entities (i.e., corporations, sub-chapter S corporations, partnerships, exempt organizations and estates.)

.02 IMF Address Requests may be made on magnetic tape or computer punch cards.

.03 Tax Delinquent Account Status Indicator Requests and BMF Address Requests must be made on magnetic tape.

.04 The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) provides an indication whether the taxpayer's account would be found on the IMF or BMF. Accounts are established on the IMF under Social Security Numbers (SSN, format xxx-xx-xxxx). Accounts are established on the BMF under Employer Identification Numbers (EIN, format xx-xxxxxxx), except for estates, which appear on the BMF with an SSN.

.05 Data will be extracted from the IMF and BMF based on the existence of a match between the master file and the data record submitted by the requester. Both the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and name control on the data record request must match with a record on the Master File before any data is extracted. Without a match, the Service will not be able to provide the requested data. See Section 15 for instructions for determining Name Control.

.06 If unsure as to whether an account would appear on the IMF or BMF it may be expedient to request information from both the IMF and the BMF.

.07 Accounts for married individuals are sometimes established on the IMF using the SSN of one of the individuals as the control or primary SSN. Submissions for IMF extracts will first be run against the Internal Revenue Service Spouse-Primary SSN Record File to determine the primary SSN. Although the primary SSN identified will be used in the IMF extract process, the SSN shown on the output tape will be that provided by the requesting agency.


.01 Federal agencies wishing to receive data under sections 6103(l)(3) or (m)(2) for debt collection purposes should submit their applications to:

     Internal Revenue Service


     1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.


     Director, Disclosure and Security Division, PM:S:DS


     Washington, D.C. 20224



The application should indicate whether the agency wishes to enter into an agreement to receive address data, TDA data or both. The application should also indicate whether data will be requested from the IMF, BMF, or both, and whether the request submissions will be made via tapes or punch cards.

.02 Federal or state agencies wishing to receive data under sections other than 6103(l)(3) or (m)(2) should also submit their application to the above address. The application should indicate whether data will be requested from the IMF, BMF, or both, and whether the request submissions will be made via magnetic tape or punch cards.

.03 A request under section 6103(m)(2) of the Code must meet the following criteria:

i. It must be in writing and be signed by the head of the agency or a designee. "Head of agency" means the head of an executive or legislative department agency, or instrumentality;

ii. If the request is signed by a designee, it must state that the authority to collect or compromise a federal claim under sections 3711, 3717, and 3718 of Title 31 of the U.S. Code has been delegated to that individual, and a copy of the delegation order must be submitted with the initial request;

iii. It must indicate that it involves a claim for money or property arising out of the activities of, or referred to, the requesting agency;

iv. It must state that the information will be used by proper agency officers, employees, or agents in locating the taxpayer to collect or compromise a federal claim against the taxpayer in accordance with sections 3711, 3717, and 3718 of Title 31 of the U.S. Code.

.04 A request under Section 6103(m)(3) of the Code must meet the following conditions:

i. It must be in writing and be signed by the responsible NIOSH official;

ii. It must state that the addresses will be used by officers and employees of NIOSH solely for locating individuals who are or may have been exposed to occupational hazards in order to determine the status of their health or to inform them of the possible need for medical treatment, and;

iii. It must state that the addresses will be disclosed to third parties only for locating such individuals to determine the status of their health, or to advise them of the possible need for medical care.

.05 A request under section 6103(m)(4) of the Code must meet the following conditions:

i. It must be writing and be signed by the Secretary of Education and must specify that section 6103(m)(4) is the statutory authority for the request;

ii. It must specify that the persons whose addresses are requested are in default on loans made under Part B or E of Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 or under section 3(a)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Act of 1962, and;

iii. It must state that the address information will be disclosed solely to persons authorized by section 6103(m)(4) to receive it and solely for the purposes in section 6103(m)(4).

.06 A request under section 6103(l)(3) of the code must meet the following conditions:

i. It must be made in writing and be signed by an officer or employee of the agency administering an included Federal loan program;

ii. It must state the statutory authority for the disclosure, i.e., section 6103(l)(3);

iii. It must briefly explain the purpose for which the information is sought and state the intended use of the information.

.07 A request under section 6103(d) of the code must meet the following conditions;

i. It must be made in writing and be signed by the head of the state tax agency;

ii. It must contain the name, title and office location of the state tax agency representative who is to inspect or receive the address information on behalf of the agency;

iii. It must state the specific state tax law which the agency is charged with administering;

iv. IT must state the agency's specific tax administration need for the information and an explanation of how such information will be used to satisfy that need, and;

v. It must contain an agreement to all of the safeguard requirements imposed by section 6103(p)(4) of the Code and any additional safeguard requirements imposed by the Service.

.08 Upon receipt and approval of an application from an agency, the Service will prepare Form 5181, Agreement Covering Reimbursable Services (see Exhibit A). The requesting agency will be provided with the prepared agreement.

.09 The requesting agency will complete boxes 5a, b, and c and 9a, b, and c of Form 5181. The person indicated in box 5a will be the person coordinating requests and receipt of data from the Service. The signature in box 9a must be of an authorized agency head or other delegated official.

.10 The original of the signed agreement should be returned to the Service at the address indicated in 01. above.

.11 The Service will receive the signed agreement from agencies. After signature of the Service's approving official is obtained, a copy of the agreement will be returned to the requesting agency. Upon receipt of the signed agreement, the agency may begin making submissions for the type of data specified in the agreement.

.12 Each approved agreement returned to a requesting agency will provide an "Agency Code(s)" to be used in all data requests. Distinct agency codes will be provided for each type of request.


.01 Officers and employees who are entitled to access to this information must not redisclose the information except as authorized by section 6103 of the Code.

.02 Officers and employees of federal and state agencies who disclose return information in a manner or for a purpose not authorized by section 6103 of the Code are subject to the criminal penalty provisions o0f section 7213. Federal agencies and officers and employees of state agencies who disclose return information in a manner or for a purpose not authorized by section 6103 are also subject to the civil damages provisions of section 7431.

.03 Any unauthorized disclosure of return information must be reported to the nearest Internal Revenue Service Regional Inspector. The name, address, and telephone number of this individual may be obtained from the disclosure officer at the Internal Revenue Service district in which the agency is located.

.04 Return information which is obtained pursuant to section 6103(d) and (1)(3) is subject to the safeguarding, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of section 6103(p)(4) of the Code. If return information is obtained pursuant to section 6103(m)(2) or (m)(4) and is subsequently redisclosed to an agent, then both the federal agency receiving the information from the Service and the agent are subject to the safeguard provisions of section 6103(p)(4).

.05 If the return information becomes a part of the agency case file regarding a specific taxpayer, the case file must be segregated to the maximum extent possible and safeguarded under the terms and conditions of section 6103(p)(4). Destruction of return information is also governed by section 6103(p)(4).

.06 An agency subject to section 6103(p)(4) must submit a safeguard procedures report within 30 days of initial receipt of the return information. The report will detail the security accorded the information, the individuals who may request and have access to the information, the flow of the information once the agency has received it, as well as other information which will give a comprehensive picture of the need for, the use of, and the disposal of, the return information. Publication 1075 gives additional information about the safeguard procedures report, including the address where the safeguard procedures report must be sent, and may be obtained from the Internal Revenue Service district disclosure officer in the district in which the agency is located.

.07 The agency must also submit an annual safeguard activity report giving current information on its safeguard program. The information required for this report is also detailed in Publication 1075.


.01 Ship punch card input (prepaid) to the Service Center assigned at the time of initial contracting. The following is a list of Service Centers and their addresses.





Andover Service Center


310 Lowell Street


Andover, MA 01812







Atlanta Service Center


4800 Buford Highway


Chamblee, GA 30006







Austin Service Center


3651 South Interregional Highway


Austin, TX 78740







Brookhaven Service Center


1040 Waverly Avenue


Holtsville, NY 11799







Cincinnati Service Center


201 West Second Street


Covington, KY 41019







Fresno Service Center


5045 East Butler Avenue


Fresno, CA 93888







Kansas City Service Center


2306 East Bannister Road


Kansas City, MO 64170







Memphis Service Center


3131 Democrat Road


Memphis, TN 38110







Ogden Service Center


1160 West 1200 South Street


Ogden, UT 84201







Philadelphia Service Center


11601 Roosevelt Boulevard


Philadelphia, PA 19155



.02 Punch card input will be converted to tape at the Service Centers and shipped to NCC for matching.

.03 Prior to tape conversion, validity checks will be performed on punch cards at the Service Center. Cards containing errors (e.g., an alphabetic character in the Social Security Number, a Social Security Number outside the range of numbers assigned for use by the Social Security Administration, etc.) will be screened out and returned to the customer. These cards will not be converted to tape for matching.

.04 Include a transmittal letter with each shipment. The transmittal should identify the punch cards as input to the Internal Revenue Service Taxpayer Address Request Program, indicate the number of cards submitted and the return address. The transmittal should also include the name and telephone number of an individual within the agency who can aid in reconciling shipping problems.

.05 After the NCC matching extract, output will be returned to the Service Centers for creation of Forms 4453, Taxpayer Address. Service Centers will ship Forms 4453 back to the requesting agency prepaid. Unless otherwise requesting by the customer, punch card input will be destroyed upon shipment of Forms 4453.


.01 Punch Card Input Format

 Card Columns                               Contents


 ____________                               ________



    1-3       AGENCY CODE. Enter the three digit number assigned at


              the time of initial negotiation. Use only the agency


              code assigned for IMF punch card address requests.



    4-12      SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Enter the nine digit Social


              Security Number which will be used for matching with the





   13-15      PROJECT CODE. Enter the constant "719" which identifies


              this as an IMF Address Request.



   16-41      AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. This field is provided for


              the use of the customer and may contain any alphabetic


              or numeric data needed for control purposes, or may be


              used as a reference field, at the discretion of the


              customer. Output data will be sorted in alpha-numeric


              sequence by the first nine positions of this field.


              Leave positions 16-24 blank if you desire your output in


              sequence by SSN.



   42-45      NAME CONTROL. Enter the four character Name Control


              which will be used for matching with the IMF.



   46-51      BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



   52-80      OPTIONAL USE. The customer may use this field for a


              particular need. The data will not be printed on the






.01 If there is a match on both Social Security Number and Name Control, Form 4453 will be printed, formatted as in Exhibit B. The data elements are:

 Element                                 Contents


 _______                                 ________



    1         NAME AND ADDRESS. The name provided is that which was


              entered by the taxpayer on the most recent tax return. A


              second name line may be present showing a continuation


              of the first name line (i.e., "in care of Joe Doe",


              "John Doe, Executor," etc.)



              The address will show the latest street address, Post


              Office Box number, or other address, city, state and Zip


              Code furnished by the taxpayer on a tax return or a


              notice of change of address provided to the Service by


              the taxpayer.



              Zeros in all five positions of the Zip Code indicate


              that the taxpayer did not provide a valid Zip Code and


              the city or town could not be located in the Zip Code


              Master File maintained by the Service. Zeros in the last


              two positions indicate that only the area code (the


              first three digits) could be determined.



    2         SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. As input.



    3         AGENCY CODE. As input.



    4         AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. As input.



    5         NAME CONTROL. As input.



    6         LAST FILING DATE. The year of latest activity on the


              taxpayer's account. This information is provided to


              State agencies only. It is not provided to Federal





    7         0 OR 1. Service use only.



.02 If there is no match between the input Social Security Number and/or Name control and the Individual Master File, Form 4453 will be printed, formatted as in Exhibit C. The data elements are:

 Element                                 Contents


 _______                                 ________



    1         NAME AND ADDRESS. If the input Social Security Number


              (or SSN extracted from Spouse-Primary SSN Record File)


              does not match an SSN on the Individual Master File. ***


              NO RECORD SSN *** will be printed in this area. If the


              input Name Control does not match the Name Control for


              that record on the Master File. *** NO RECORD NC ***


              will be printed in this area.



    2         SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. As input.



    3         AGENCY CODE. As input.



    4         AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. As input.




.01 Tape submissions must be in the format specified for that type of request.

.02 Separate tapes must be submitted for address request and TDA requests. Separate tapes must also be submitted for IMF and BMF requests. A separate tape, therefore, is required for each of the following type requests.

a) IMF Address Requests b) IMF TDA Requests c) BMF Address Requests d) BMF TDA Requests

.03 An agency may submit any combination of types of requests in a given month, or even make no tape submission in a given month. They should not, however, combine more than one type of request on a single reel of tape. There is no limitation on the number of reels of tape that may be submitted in a month for particular type of request.

.04 A file is defined as one or more reels of a specific type of request, submitted at one time.

.05 It is the responsibility of the requesting agency to assure that input record data meet all specifications. Data Records containing invalid characters in the Taxpayer Identification Number field or in the Agency Code field will be dropped from processing. Duplicate requests by the same agency will also be dropped.


.01 Ship input tapes (prepaid) to:

             Internal Revenue Service


             National Computer Center


             Martinsburg, WV 25401


             Attn: Chief Librarian



.02 Each input tape reel should contain the following information on its label:

a) Agency Name

b) Tape Reel Identification Number

c) An indication of "Request for Taxpayer Address Data or TDA Data."

d) Assigned Agency Code Number for type of request.

e) IMF or BMF extract

.03 For each shipment, a transmittal letter should be sent under separate cover to the National Computer Center. The transmittal should indicate the number of reels in the shipment, the reel identification number of each reel, the assigned agency code for each reel, and the type of request (BMF, TDA, IMF Address, etc.) The transmittal should also include the name and telephone number of an individual within the agency who can aid in reconciling shipping problems.

.04 Address the transmittal to:

             Internal Revenue Service


             National Computer Center


             P.O. Box 1208


             Martinsburg, WV 25401



.05 Please provide magnetic tapes (at least three tapes) for your output, when making initial input shipment. The input tape is scheduled for a 100 day retention. After that time, the input tape will be scratched and the tape used for your next output.

.06 If Internal Revenue Service tapes must be used to provide output, new tapes will be used. The cost of these tapes will be reflected in the agency billing.


.01 All input tape should be submitted with the following characteristics:

a) 9 track

b) 1600 BPI

c) Extended binary coded decimal (EBCDIC)

d) Odd Parity

.02 Each tape reel must contain the following types of records.

Header Record

Tape Mark (after the Header Record)

Data Records--Maximum of 100 data records per block. Separate blocks from each other by an inter-record gap. Each tape reel can consist of several sets of data blocks.

Tape Mark after the last Data Record on a Tape.

Trailer Record

Tape Mark

.03 BMF TDA Requests


 Position(s)                            Contents


 ___________                            ________



    1-4       HEADER LABEL I.D. Enter the constant "IHDR" to identify


              this record as a Header Record.



    5-15      BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



     16       DASH. Enter a dash (-).



    17-19     REEL SEQUENCE NUMBER. Enter a three digit number


              indicating the sequence of this reel within the file.


              Number sequentially beginning with 001.



     20       BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    21-30     TO JOB NUMBER. Enter the constant "1550102000".



    31-35     CREATION DATE (YYDDD). Enter the date the file was


              created. YY indicates the low order digit of the year


              and DDD the Julian day of the year, from 001-366.



     36       DASH. Enter a dash (-).



    37-39     RETENTION PERIOD. Enter the constant "100". This


              indicates the maximum period that this tape will be held


              for entry into the program.



     40       BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    41-50     FROM JOB NUMBER. Enter the constant "AGENCY-nnn" where


              "nnn" is the agency code assigned for TDA requests.



    51-80     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the Header Record.

      (b) DATA RECORD(S)



 Position(s)                            Contents


 ____________                            ________



     1        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    2-4       PROJECT CODE. Enter the constant "155".



    5-7       AGENCY CODE. Enter the three digit number assigned at


              the time of initial negotiation. Use only the agency


              code assigned for TDA requests.



     8        TIN INDICATOR. Enter "2" if EIN or "0" if SSN.



    9-17      TIN. Enter the nine digit EIN or SSN which will be used


              for matching will the BMF.



    18-43     AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. The field is provided for


              the use of the customer and may contain any alphabetic


              or numeric data needed for control purposes, or may be


              used as a reference field, at the discretion of the


              customer. Output data will be sorted in alpha-numeric


              sequence by the first nine positions of this field.


              Leave positions 18-26 blank if you desire your output in


              sequence by TIN.



    44-45     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



    46-49     NAME CONTROL. Enter the four character Name Control


              which will be used for matching with the BMF.



    50-80     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the last data record on a reel.




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       TRAILER RECORD I.D. Enter the constant "IEOR" or "IEOF"


              to identify this tape record as the trailers record. Use


              "IEOR" to signify the end of a reel and "IEOF" to


              signify the end of a file.



     5        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    6-10      BLOCK COUNT. Enter the number of data blocks on this


              reel of tape.



    11-20     REEL RECORD COUNT. For customer's use (no entry





    21-30     REEL HASH COUNT. For customer's use (no entry required).



    31-40     FILE RECORD COUNT. For customer's use (no entry





    41-80     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the trailer record.

.04 BMF Address Requests




 Position(s)                            Contents


 ___________                            ________



    1-4       HEADER LABEL I.D. Enter the constant "IHDR" to identify


              this record as a Header Record.



    5-15      BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



     16       DASH. Enter a dash (-).



    17-19     REEL SEQUENCE NUMBER. Enter a three digit number


              indicating the sequence of this reel within the file.


              Number sequentially beginning with 001.



     20       BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    21-30     TO JOB NUMBER. Enter the constant "1550101000".



    31-35     CREATION DATE (YYDDD). Enter the date the file was


              created. YY indicates the low order digits of the year


              and DDD the Julian day of the year, from 001-366.



     36       DASH. Enter a dash (-).



    37-39     RETENTION PERIOD. Enter the constant "100". This


              indicates the maximum period that this tape will be held


              for entry into the program.



     40       BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    41-50     FROM JOB NUMBER. Enter the constant "AGENCY-nnn" where


              "nnn" is the agency code number assigned for BMF address





    51-80     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the Header Record

      (b) DATA RECORDS



 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



     1        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    2-4       PROJECT CODE. Enter the constant "155".



    5-7       AGENCY CODE. Enter the three digit number assigned at


              the time of initial negotiation. Use only the agency


              code assigned for BMF address requests.



     8        TIN INDICATOR. Enter "2" if EIN or "0" if SSN.



    9-17      TIN. Enter the nine digit EIN or SSN which will be used


              for matching with the BMF.



    18-43     AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. This field is provided for


              the use of the customer and may contain any alphabetic


              or numeric data needed for control purposes, or may be


              used as a reference field, at the discretion of the


              customer. Output data will be sorted in alphanumeric


              sequence by the first nine positions of this field.


              Leave positions 18-26 blank if you desire your output in


              sequence by TIN.



    44-45     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



    46-49     NAME CONTROL. Enter the four character Name Control


              which will be used for matching with the BMF.



    50-80     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the last data record on a reel.




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       TRAILER RECORD I.D. Enter the constant "IEOR" or "IEOF"


              to identify this tape record as the trailer record. Use


              "IEOR" to signify the end of a reel and "IEOF" to


              signify the end of a file.



     5        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    6-10      BLOCK COUNT. Enter the number of data tape blocks in the


              reel of tape.



    11-20     REEL RECORD COUNT. For customer's use (no entry





    21-30     REEL HASH COUNT. For customer's use (no entry required).



    31-40     FILE RECORD COUNT. For customer's use (no entry








Enter a tape mark following the trailer record.

.05 IMF TDA Requests




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       HEADER LABEL I.D. Enter the constant "1HDR" to identify


              this record as a Header Record.



    5-15      BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



     16       DASH. Enter a dash (-).



    17-19     REEL SEQUENCE NUMBER. Enter a three digit number


              indicating the sequence of this reel within the file.


              Number sequentially beginning with 001.



     20       BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    21-30     TO JOB NUMBER. Enter the constant "4550101000".



    31-35     CREATION DATE (YYDDD). Enter the date the file was


              created. YY indicates the low order digits of the year


              and DDD the Julian day of the year, from 001-366.



     36       DASH. Enter a dash (-).



    37-39     RETENTION PERIOD. Enter the constant "100". This


              indicates the maximum period that this tape will be held


              for entry into the program.



     40       BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    41-50     FROM JOB NUMBER. Enter the constant "4550111000".



    51-80     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the Header Record.

      (b) DATA RECORD(S)



 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



     1        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    2-4       PROJECT CODE. Enter the constant "455" to identify this


              as a IMF TDA request.



    5-7       AGENCY CODE. Enter the three digit number assigned at


              the time of initial negotiation. Use only the agency


              code assigned for TDA request.



     8        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    9-17      SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Enter the nine digit Social


              Security Number which will be used for matching with the





    18-43     AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. This field is provided for


              the use of the customer and may contain any alphabetic


              or numeric data needed for control purposes, or may be


              used as a reference field, at the discretion of the


              customer. Output data will be sorted in alpha-numeric


              sequence by the first nine positions of this field.


              Leave positions 18-26 blank if you desire your output in


              sequence by SSN.



    44-45     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



    46-49     NAME CONTROL. Enter the four character Name Control


              which will be used for matching with the IMF.



    50-80     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the last data record on a reel.




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       TRAILER RECORD I.D. Enter the constant "IEOR" or "IEOF"


              to identify this tape record as the trailer record. Use


              "IEOR" to signify the end of a reel and "IEOF" to


              signify the end of a file.



     5        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    6-10      BLOCK COUNT. Enter the number of data tape blocks in the


              reel of tape.



    11-20     REEL RECORD COUNT. For customer's use (no entry





    21-30     REEL HASH COUNT. For customer's use (no entry required).



    31-40     FILE RECORD COUNT. For customer's use (no entry





    41-80     BLANK. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the trailer record.

.06 IMF Address Requests




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       HEADER LABEL I.D. Enter the constant "IHDR" to identify


              this tape record as a Header Record.



    5-15      BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



     16       DASH. Enter a dash (-).



    17-19     REEL SEQUENCE NUMBER. Enter a three digit number


              indicating the sequence of this reel within the file.


              Number sequentially beginning with 001.



     20       BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    21-30     TO JOB NUMBER. Enter the constant "7190701000".



    31-35     CREATION DATE (YYDDD). Enter the date the file was


              created. YY indicates the low order digits of the year


              and DDD the Julian day of the year, from 001-366.



     36       DASH. Enter a dash (-).



    37-39     RETENTION PERIOD. Enter the constant "100". This


              indicates the maximum period that this tape will be held


              for entry into the program.



     40       BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    41-50     FROM JOB NUMBER. Enter the constant "7190101000".



    51-80     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the Header Record.

      (b) DATA RECORD(S)



 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



     1        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    2-4       PROJECT CODE. Enter the constant "719" which identifies


              this as an IMF Address Request.



    5-7       AGENCY CODE. Enter the three digit number assigned at


              the time of initial negotaition. Use only the agency


              code assigned for IMF Address request.



    8-16      SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Enter the nine digit Social


              Security Number which will be used for matching with the





    17-42     AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. This field is provided for


              the use of the customer and may contain any alphabetic


              or numeric data needed for control purposes, or may be


              used as a reference field, at the discretion of the


              customer. Output data will be sorted in alpha-numeric


              sequence by the first nine positions of this field.


              Leave positions 17-25 blank if you desire your output in


              sequence by SSN.



    43-44     MAGNETIC TAPE CODE. Enter the two digit code assigned by


              the Service.



    45-48     NAME CONTROL. Enter the four character Name Control


              which will be used for matching with the IMF.



    49-50     BLANKS. Leave these positions blank.



Enter a tape mark following the last data record on a reel. If it is necessary to pad the last block, pad with 9's.




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       TRAILER LABEL I.D. Enter the constant "IEOR" or "IEOF"


              to identify this tape record as the trailer record. Use


              "IEOR" to signify the end of a reel and "IEOF" to


              signify the end of a file.



     5        BLANK. Leave this position blank.



    6-10      BLOCK COUNT. Enter the number of data tape blocks in the


              reel of tape.



    11-80     BLANKS. Leave this positions blank.



      Enter a tape mark following the trailer record.




.01 Output tapes will be returned to the requesting agency at the address provided on the Form 5181. Output tapes will be returned approximately three weeks after the original due at NCC.

.02 Tapes will be formatted according to the type of request. See Section 13 for specific formats.

.03 Separate tapes will be returned for each type of request submitted.

.04 Each output will be labeled with the following information:

a) Agency Name

b) Tape Reel Identification Number

c) Assigned Agency Code Number for type of request

d) IMF or BMF extract

e) Address or TDA request


.01 Output tape will have the following characteristics:

a) 9 track

b) 1600 BPI

c) Extended binary coded decimal (EBCDIC)

d) Odd Parity

.02 Each tape reel will contain the following types of records:

Header Record

Tape Mark (after the Header Record)

Data Records. Tape Blocks separated from each other by an interrecord gap.

Tape Mark after the last Data Record on a tape.

Trailer Record

Tape Mark

Each tape reel may consist of one or more sets of data blocks.

.03 BMF TDA Requests


 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       HEADER LABEL I.D. Constant "IHDR".



    5-15      BLANKS.



     16       DASH (-).



    17-19     REEL SEQUENCE NUMBER. As input.



     20       BLANK.



    21-30     TO JOB NUMBER. Will appear as constant "TDA CHECK".



    31-35     CREATION DATE (YYDDD). This is the date of the BMF


              extract. The YY represents the low order digits of the


              year and DDD is the Julian day of the year, from 001-





     36       DASH (-).



    37-39     RETENTION PERIOD. Constant "100".



     40       BLANK.



    41-50     FROM JOB NUMBER. Will appear as constant "1550512000".



    51-80     BLANKS.



      (b) DATA RECORD(S)



 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       RECORD LENGTH. Service use only.



     5        SEPARATION CODE. Service use only.



    6-8       PROJECT CODE. Constant "155".



    9-11      AGENCY CODE. As input.



     12       TIN INDICATOR. As input.



    13-21     TIN. As input.



    22-47     AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. As input.



    48-49     BLANKS.



    50-53     NAME CONTROL. As input.



     54       BLANK.



     55       DELINQUENCY INDICATOR. This field indicates the TDA


              status of the account on the BMF. The codes in this


              field have the following meanings:



              "Y" -- indicates delinquency status.


              "N" -- no indication of delinquency status.


              "blank" -- no match obtained at the Master File with the


              TIN/Name Control combination provided.



    56-80     BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the last data record on a reel.




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       TRAILER RECORD I.D. Constant "IEOR" or "IEOF".



     5        BLANK.



    6-10      BLOCK COUNT. As input.



    11-20     REEL RECORD COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    21-30     REEL HASH COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    31-40     FILE RECORD COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    41-80     BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the trailer record.

.04 BMF Address Requests




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       HEADER LABEL I.D. Constant "IHDR".



    5-15      BLANKS.



     16       DASH (-).



    17-19     REEL SEQUENCE NUMBER. As input.



     20       BLANK.



    21-30     TO JOB NUMBER. Will appear as constant "NAME ADDR".



    31-35.    CREATION DATE (YYDDD). This is the date of the BMF


              extract. The YY represents the low order digits of the


              year and DDD is the Julian day of the year, from





     36       DASH (-)



    37-39     RETENTION PERIOD. Constant "100".



     40       BLANK.



    41-50     FROM JOB NUMBER. Will appear as the constant





    51-80     BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the Header Record.

      (b) DATA RECORDS



 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       RECORD LENGTH. Service use only.



     5        SEPARATION CODE. Service use only.



    6-8       PROJECT CODE. Constant "155".



    9-11      AGENCY CODE. As input.



     12       TIN INDICATOR. As input.



    13-21     TIN. As input.



    22-47     AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. As input.



    48-49     BLANKS.



    50-53     NAME CONTROL. As input.



    54-55     BLANKS.



    56-90     FIRST NAME LINE. The name provided is that which was


              entered by the taxpayer on the most recent tax return.


              Subsequent name lines may be blank or may show a


              continuation of the first name line. They may also show


              information such as "in care of John Doe" or "John Doe,


              Executor". If the input EIN or Name Control do not match


              with the corresponding fields on the Master File--"***NO


              RECORD EIN***" or "***NO RECORD NC***" will appear in


              the first name line field.



    91-125    SECOND NAME LINE.



   126-160    THIRD NAME LINE.



   161-195    FOURTH NAME LINE.



   196-230    STREET ADDRESS.



   231-250    CITY.



   251-252    STATE CODE.



   253-257    ZIP CODE.



These fields will show the latest street address, Post Office Box number, or other address, city, state and Zip Code furnished by the taxpayer on a tax return or a notice of change of address provided to IRS by the taxpayer.

Zeros in all five positions of the Zip Code indicate that the taxpayer did not provide a valid Zip Code and the city or town could not be located in the Zip Code Master File maintained by the Service. Zeros in the last two positions indicate that only the area code (the first three digits) could be determined.

A tape mark will follow the last data record on the reel.




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       TRAILER RECORD I.D. Constant "IEOR" or "IEOF".



     5        BLANK.



    6-10      BLOCK COUNT. As input.



    11-20     REEL RECORD COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    21-30     REEL HASH COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    31-40     FILE RECORD COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    41-80     BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the trailer record.

.05 IMF TDA Requests




 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



    1-4       HEADER LABEL I.D., Constant "IHDR".



    5-15      BLANKS.



     16       DASH (-).



    17-19     REEL SEQUENCE NUMBER. As input.



     20       BLANK.



    21-30     TO JOB NUMBER. Will appear as constant "4550901000".



    31-35     CREATION DATE. (YYDDD) This is the date of the IMF


              extract. The YY represents the low order digits of the


              year and DDD represents the Julian day of the year, from





     36       DASH (-).



    37-39     RETENTION PERIOD. Constant "100".



     40       BLANK.



    41-50     FROM JOB NUMBER. Will appear as constant "4550711000".



    51-80     BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the Header Record.

      (b) DATA RECORD(S)



 Position(s)                             Contents


 ___________                             ________



     1        BLANK.



    2-4       PROJECT CODE. Constant "455".



    5-7       AGENCY CODE. As input.



     8        BLANK.



    9-17      SSN. As input.



    18-43     AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. As input.



    44-45     BLANKS.



    46-49     NAME CONTROL. As input.



     50       BLANKS.



     51       DELINQUENCY INDICATOR. This field indicates the TDA


              status of the account on the IMF. The codes in this


              field have the following meanings:



              "Y" -- indicates delinquency status.



              "N" -- no indication of delinquency status.



              "blank" -- no match obtained at the Master File with the


              SSN/Name Control combination provided.



    52-80     BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the last data record on a reel.




 Position(s)                             Contents



    1-4       TRAILER RECORD I.D. Constant "IEOR" or "IEOF".



     5        BLANK.



    6-10      BLOCK COUNT. As input.



    11-20     REEL RECORD COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    21-30     REEL HASH COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    31-40     FILE RECORD COUNT. As input (entry not required).



    41-80     BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the trailer record.

.06 IMF Address Requests




 Position(s)                             Contents



    1-4       HEADER LABEL I.D. Constant "IHDR".



    5-15      BLANKS.



     16       DASH (-).



    17-19     REEL SEQUENCE NUMBER. As input.



    21-30     TO JOB NUMBER. Will appear as constant "7192501000".



    31-35     CREATION DATE. (YYDDD) This is the date of the IMF


              extract. The YY represents the low order digits of the


              year and DDD represents the Julian day of the year.





     36       DASH (-).



    37-39     RETENTION PERIOD. Constant "100".



     40       BLANK.



    41-50     FROM JOB NUMBER. Will appear as the number of the


              Service file that created the extract.



    51-80     BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the Header Record.

      (b) DATA RECORD(S)



 Position(s)                             Contents



    1-4       RECORD LENGTH. Service use only.



     5        IRS CODE. Service use only.



    6-7       MAGNETIC TAPE CODE. As input.



    8-10      AGENCY CODE. As input.



     11       IRS CODE. Service use only.



    12-14     BLANKS.



    15-23     SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. As input.



    24-49     AGENCY CASE CONTROL NUMBER. As input.



    50-84     FIRST NAME LINE. The name provided is that which was


              entered by the taxpayer on the most recent tax return.


              Subsequent name lines may be blank or may show a


              continuation of the first name line. They may also show


              information such as "in care of John Doe" or "John Doe,


              Executor". If the input SSN (or SSN extracted from the


              Spouse-Primary SSN Record File) or Name Control do not


              match with the corresponding fields on the corresponding


              fields on the Master File "* * * NO RECORD SSN * * *" or


              "* * * NO RECORD NC * * *" will appear in the first name


              line field.



    85-119    SECOND NAME LINE.



    120-154   STREET ADDRESS.



    155-179   CITY AND STATE.



    180-184   ZIP CODE.



These fields will show the latest street address, Post Office Box number, or other address, city, state and Zip Code furnished by the taxpayer on a tax return or a notice of change of address provided to IRS by the taxpayer.

Zeros in all five positions of the Zip Code indicate that the taxpayer did not provide a valid Zip Code and the city or town could not be located in the Zip Code Master File maintained by the Service. Zeros in the last two positions indicate that only the area code (the first three digits) could be determined.

    185-188   NAME CONTROL. As input.





              OTHERWISE, BLANK.



     191      SERVICE USE ONLY.



    192-212   BLANKS.



A tape mark will appear following the trailer record.


.01 Users should be aware of the limitations of the delinquency indication. It reflects only the Master File status of the account at the time of the extract. For instance, the account could show delinquency status but a payment agreement could have been recently established between the Service and the taxpayer. Or the extract could show an account as delinquent but by the time the agency receives the output or is ready to use the information, the delinquent amount may have been paid.

.02 There is also the possibility that a taxpayer may be delinquent but in an amount less than that which creates a delinquency indication on the Master File. In such a case, the extract will indicate that the taxpayer's account is not in delinquent status.

.03 Requestors should take care to provide correct information to the Service. They should be aware that if they fail to do so, there is the slight possibility that through coincidental circumstances, the data provided may not be that of the individual for whom the request was made. For instance, if information is requested for John Smith, but an erroneous SSN is provided which happens to be that of a Joe Smith, the Master File will match the account of Joe Smith and the data provided will reflect that account.


.01 Each input data record will require a name control. Determine according to the following instructions.

.02 Individuals

a) The name control of an individual is the first four significant characters of the last name (including hyphens). In surnames of less than four characters, the remaining positions are blank. Disregard blanks or apostrophes between letters.




         John A. Fir                     FIR


         James P. Ai                     AI


         John A. El-Oak                  EL-O


         Mary Van Elm                    VANE


         Joe McCedar                     MCCE


         Ann O'Spruce                    OSPR


         Dorothy Willow                  WILL


         Mr. John Holly                  HOLL


         Harry Maple, Owner              MAPL


         Pfc. M. Ralph Evergreen         EVER


         John DiPine                     DIPI


         Mark D'Oak                      DOAK


         John De la Rose                 DELA



.03 Corporations

a) The name control of a corporation is derived from the first four significant characters of the name.

b) An exception to this rule is to exclude the word "the" when used as a prefix to the name and the word "the" is followed by more than one word.

c) In instances where a numeric is followed by a decimal (.) as part of the name, replace the decimal point (.) with a hyphen (-) when determining the name control.

         BUSINESS NAME               NAME CONTROL



         John Field Plows, Inc.          JOHN


         The Meadowlark Co.              MEAD


         The Opah                        THEO


         The 813 Club Inc.               813C


         11th Street Inc.                11TH


         P & P Company                   P&PC


         Y-Z Drive Co.                   Y-ZD


         RS Corporation                  RSCO


         ZZZ Club                        ZZZC


         J.R. Olive Inc.                 JROL


         Pier Pickle Ltd.                PIER


         18.8 Acres, Inc.                18-8



.04 Partnerships

a) Derive the name control for partnership entities from the legal name of the partnership. If the legal name contains the name of a partner, derive the name control from the surname of the first listed partner, derive the name control from the first four characters in the legal name. Do not use a trade name (doing business as) to determine name control.

.05 Other Organizations

a) Unions, municipal groups, churches, lodges, associations, tax exempt organizations, foundations, funds and other like entities are assigned name controls as if corporate names. Chapter, department and local designations should be ignored.

         ORGANIZATION                NAME CONTROL



         Scottish Rite of Free           SCOT




         Ice Wagon Drivers Helpers       ICEW




         (The) Shrine of the Little      SHRI


           River Church


         NCO Open Mess Bldg.-000         NCOO


         Piranha Pension Plan Board      PIRA


           of Trustees


         Ibex Foundation                 IBEX


         Seattle Local 55 Veterans       VETE


           of Space Wars


         Local 210 International         INTE


           Orchid Assn.


         Diocese of Roseville,           STVI


           St. Violet's Hospital



b) Political activity entities should be name controlled as a corporation unless the entity is an individual's name.

         ORGANIZATION                NAME CONTROL



         Sinking Fund Commission         SINK


           of the City of Lillipput


         Phineous Kudzu Campaign Fund    KUDZ



.06 Estates

Derive the Name Control from the surname of the decedent.


.01 Master File extracts will be made monthly. The current NCC extract schedule will be provided as a part of the contracting process.

.02 The Master File extract process requires approximately two and one half weeks. Output tapes will be mailed from NCC approximately three weeks from the tape received due dates provided with your contract. Forms 4453 will be mailed from Service Centers approximately six weeks from the punch card received due dates specified above.

.03 Processing schedules are not flexible. Agencies are responsible for assuring that input is received in ample time to be included in the month's processing. Input received late will be processed in the next month.


All work done by the Service for agencies will be performed on a reimbursable basis. Billing will be based on the number of data records processed and the number of Service tapes required for output. The cost per data record is tentatively projected to be four cents (.04) for requests. The cost per Service tape will be $12.


Any questions regarding the material in this Revenue Procedure can be addressed to the Internal Revenue Project Coordinator.


Rev. Proc. 84-20, 1984-1 C.B. 434, is superseded.

                                EXHIBIT A





Form 5181 | |Project


(Rev. June 1985) |Agreement Covering Reimbursable Services|Number


Department of | |


the Treasury | |


Internal Revenue | |


Service | See "Terms and Conditions" on reverse |




1. Name of organization requesting|2. Address


    services on reimbursable basis|








3. Project title or type of service requested





4. Internal Revenue Project |5. Project Coordinator of


   Coordinator | Requesting Organization




a. Name and title |a. Name and title








b. Address |b. Shipping Address (No., Street,


                                   | City, State, ZIP Code)








c. Telephone |c. Telephone






6. |a. Total estimated cost of services $




             |b. Method of Billing


  Cost |__ In advance


  and |


  Financing |__ Actual cost to be


             | billed as work


             | is completed




             |__ Other (Explain)




Federal Government Agencies are required to make payment by Standard


Form 1081, and must ensure inclusion of their Agency Locator Code


(ALC). All other organizations, i.e., municipal, state governments


and corporations, will send payment by check drawn to order of


Accounting Section, Internal Revenue Service,








7. |This agreement shall become effective on the date


  Period |approved by the Government and shall not extend beyond


  of |the end of the Government fiscal year or ___________.


  Agreement |For a renewal, apply to the Internal Revenue Project






8. |9.


                                   | For Use of Requesting


For Internal Revenue Use Only | Organization




a. Approved by (signature) |a. Accepted by (Signature of


                                   | Authorized Official)






b. Title |c. Date |b. Title |c. Date


                     | | |


                     | | |




                                                Form 5181 (Rev. 6-85)



Terms and Conditions

1. The authority to perform services on a cost basis is contained in Section 6103(p)(2) and Section 6108(b) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The performance of services is authorized only when consistent with the basic public obligations of the Internal Revenue Service (the Service). If necessary to fulfill its public obligations, the Service may reject or terminate any part of this agreement and return the unused balance of funds advanced.

2. Although every reasonable effort is made to avoid delays and errors in the performance of its work, the Service is not responsible for delays or errors in the services performed. The cost of data recompilations or corrections must be paid for by the requesting party.

3. Direct and indirect actual costs will be charged for reimbursable work. If funds advanced to the Service are more than the actual cost of performing the work, the difference will be returned. If an estimate is less than the actual costs incurred, the requesting organization agrees to pay for the actual costs incurred.

4a. Section 6103(p)(4) of the IRC provides specific requirements for Federal, state and local organizations to safeguard Federal returns and return information as a condition for receiving the information.

b. Section 7213 of the IRC makes illegal disclosure of returns or return, information a felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $5000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. IRC Section 7431 makes persons liable for civil damages who knowingly or negligently disclose returns or return information illegally.

5. The Service reserves the right to use a copy of all data provided under this agreement.

6. The requester may cancel this agreement only by giving the Service written notice 30 days before cancellation. Payment to the Service shall include actual costs to the date of cancellation. The Service will exercise due diligence to prevent incurring costs after the cancellation date. However, payment shall also be made for unavoidable commitments up to the date the agreement would have expired.

Exhibit B

[Editor's note: This illstration is not suitable for electronic reproduction.]

Exhibit C

[Editor's note: This illstration is not suitable for electronic reproduction.]

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    Internal Revenue Service
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  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    85 TNT 131-159
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