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Rev. Proc. 71-18

Rev. Proc. 71-18; 1971-1 C.B. 684

  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.602: Forms and instructions.

    (Also Part I, Sections 6041, 6051; 1.6041-1, 31.6051-1)

  • Code Sections
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
Citations: Rev. Proc. 71-18; 1971-1 C.B. 684

Obsoleted by Rev. Proc. 74-42

Rev. Proc. 71-18


.01 The purpose of this Revenue Procedure is to provide a unified magnetic tape format for the reporting of wages, earnings and related data to Federal and State agencies. The reports covered by this Revenue Procedure are:

1. Annual Wage and Tax Statements (Form W-2 Copy A).

2. Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return (Form 941 Schedule A).

3. Quarterly Reporting to state employment security agencies.

4. Annual Wage and Withholding Tax Reporting to State income tax agencies.

.02 Under the Unified Wage Reporting Plan, an employer would use a single magnetic tape format for the Annual Wage and Tax Statements (Form W-2 Copy A) and Quarterly Earnings Reports (Form 941 Schedule A) to the Federal Government. Optionally, the same format can be used for quarterly reporting to state employment security agencies and annual reports to state income tax agencies.

.03 The Unified Wage Reporting magnetic tape format is intended to provide benefits to the Federal, State, and local governments by the elimination of data conversion, and to employers by enabling a minimization of programming efforts, simplification of payroll procedures, reduction in the number of machine runs, and other advantages. Essentially, a single compilation of data can generate the information needed for all major reporting purposes.

.04 These instructions and requirements pertain only to the reporting of data to the Federal Government.

.05 Although the Unified Wage Reporting magnetic tape format has been approved by the Unemployment Insurance Service of the United States Department of Labor, which is the coordinating agency for the unemployment insurance program, permission to file Unemployment Insurance Wage Reports using this format must be secured individually from each State, since not all States possess the equipment capability to process reports in magnetic tape form. In addition, it should be noted that some States do not require quarterly Unemployment Insurance Wage Reports. Similarly, this format has been reviewed by the National Association of Tax Administrators, but permission to file wage and withholding reports in connection with State or local income taxes utilizing this format must be secured individually from the appropriate state or local income tax authorities.

.06 The attached specifications can be substituted for those contained in Revenue Procedure 69-16 C.B. 1969-2, 288, issued by The Revenue Service and Technical Information Bulletin 3 (TIB 3) issued by the Social Security Administration.


.01 Under the Unified Wage Reporting Program, employers file quarterly earnings reports (Form 941, Schedule A) with the Social Security Administration in the form of magnetic tape. Data relating to Federal Income Tax reporting, which would otherwise be reported on a Form W-2, Copy A, is added to the fourth quarter submission. Upon completion of Social Security Administration processing, a copy of the magnetic tape containing the W-2 data is forwarded to the Internal Revenue Service. Each agency will process tapes in the same manner as tapes submitted separately under Technical Information Bulletin 3, issued by the Social Security Administration or Revenue Procedure 69-16, issued by the Internal Revenue Service.

.02 Magnetic Tape Reporting Applications (Form 4803) for Unified Wage Reporting may be made by employers or by agents acting for single employers or groups of employers. This plan is not restricted to employers with the ability to submit all required reports on magnetic tape. So long as there is no duplication or omission of records, some reports can be on tape and some on paper forms. Employers under an establishment reporting plan approved by the Social Security Administration should submit reports by establishment or groups of establishments rather than consolidating all information into a single report.

.03 Employers or agents desiring to file Unified Wage Reports as outlined herein must send the attached application, or a copy thereof to:

     Social Security Administration


     Bureau of Data Processing and Accounts


     Baltimore, Maryland 21235



.04 The application will be reviewed by the Social Security Administration and coordinated with the Internal Revenue Service. Applicants will be notified of authorization or disapproval within 30 days of receipt of applications.

.05 Employers can presume that approval will be granted if the tapes have the following characteristics:

Type of Tape -- 1/2 inch Mylar base, oxide coated.

Recording Density -- 200, 556, 800 or 1600 CPI.

Parity -- Even or Odd.

Recording Code -- 7 channel binary coded decimal, 9 channel ASCII, or 9 channel (EBCDIC) (unpacked mode).

If employers have the capability to prepare several types of tapes, it is preferred that the tapes have these characteristics.

.06 If employers propose to submit tapes not having these characteristics, the Federal Government will attempt to find conversion facilities. Generally, this reporting method will be disapproved only when the Government is unable to obtain facilities to economically convert an employer's tape.

.07 Once authorization to file Unified Wage Reports has been granted, such approval will continue in effect, providing that the requirements of this Revenue Procedure continue to be met. New applications are required, however, if users change to equipment producing tapes requiring conversion, or if they discontinue tape reporting and then decide to resume this method of reporting.


.01 Instructions for packaging, shipping and mailing of the magnetic tapes to the Federal government will be furnished at the time of authorization.

.02 The original copy of Form W-3, Reconciliation of Income Tax Withheld and Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements (Forms W-2), and Form 941 should be filed with the appropriate Internal Revenue Service Center. If some of the Forms 941 (Schedule A) and Forms W-2 (Copy A) are submitted on magnetic tape, the Forms 941 and W-3 should reflect totals from both paper and tape. The paper documents should be submitted with the Form 941 each quarter and Form W-3 for the 4th quarter. These should be accompanied by a statement that remaining returns will be submitted in the form of magnetic tape under the Unified Wage Reporting program. A copy of the statement should also accompany the tape shipment.

.03 Magnetic tapes submitted under the Unified Wage Reporting program will be submitted to the Social Security Administration. The submission of a Unified Wage Reporting tape in the fourth quarter with the Social Security Administration will also satisfy the filing requirement for the Form W-2 (Copy A) with Internal Revenue Service.

.04 The original tapes submitted by employers will normally be returned by the Social Security Administration within 45 days.

.05 The dates prescribed for filing paper Form W-2 (Copy A) and Form 941 (Schedule A) will apply to Unified Wage Reporting. If an extension for filing is required, the transmitter should request permission from the Social Security Administration.

.05 No deviations from these specifications are allowed for Social Security Administration or the Revenue Service data positions. However, positions identified as blank and/or optional may be used as desired. The attention of employers who cannot comply with these specifications is directed to the following related magnetic tape reporting specifications:

a. Rev. Proc. 69-16 Internal Revenue Service

b. TIB 3. Social Security Administration


.01 The appropriate paper form should be used if it is necessary to correct employee records originally submitted in the form of magnetic tape. Corrected documents should contain all relevant information so that they completely supersede the data recorded on tape.

.02 Use paper Forms 941C, Statement to Correct Information Previously Reported Under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, to correct Social Security data submitted on magnetic tape. Use paper Forms W-2 (Copy A) to correct Revenue Service data submitted on magnetic tape. Forward corrected paper documents to the Social Security Administration.


.01 Employers filing Unified Wage Reports must continue to furnish their employees with the "B" and "C" copies of the government provided W-2 forms or with substitutes which meet the requirements and specifications in Revenue Procedure 68-38, C.B. 1968-2,927.

.02 If only some of the returns are reported to the government on magnetic tape and the remainder are reported on paper forms, "A" copies of the latter must be on the government provided W-2 forms, or on substitutes meeting the requirements and paper specifications in the above cited Revenue Procedure.

.03 The Social Security Administration will provide a listing containing Form 941 (Schedule A) information in the form of a paper copy, 16 mm microfilm, or both, at the request of an employer. Each page heading will contain the Employer's EIN and Establishment Code. Each line entry will contain SSN, Name, Quarterly FICA earnings and the data from the optional Employer Assigned Account Number, if any. Entries will be in the same sequence as on the tape submitted by employers, and will be forwarded to the transmitters.


.01 Employers are expected to make every effort to keep to a minimum records submitted without Social Security numbers, through continued compliance with the requirements set forth in section 31.6109-1 of the Employment Tax Regulations. However, when a number has not been furnished to the employer by the employee, it may be omitted.

.02 An indicator is prescribed to be entered on the tape to denote whether the surname is recorded before or after the given name. The surname can be either first or last but the format must be consistent on the entire reel of tape. A space, period, or comma must separate each segment of a name (a given name, surname, initials, suffixes, etc.).

.03 It is unnecessary for employers to blank out fields containing information required for Federal reporting, in making copies of tapes for submission to states or localities. Similarly it is unnecessary to blank out State or Local information in reporting to the Federal Government. In making reports during the first three quarters, it is unnecessary to blank out information required for annual reporting purposes only, and hence to be incorporated in four quarter tapes. Each agency involved will utilize only the information required for its purposes in connection with the administration of its own tax laws.

.04 Under Unified Wage Reporting, if establishment reporting has been approved, the records should be grouped by "establishment" as defined by the Social Security Administration and/or by Plant or Location Number, as defined under applicable State employment security laws. Thus, there is a possibility that a tape file may contain more than one record relating to an employee from the same employer. Special precautions must be taken by employers to avoid duplication in amounts.

.05 For the first quarter only, employers should provide the Pay Period Employment required by Item 14 (Number of Employees) of Form 941 (Schedule A) either in positions 8-13 of the End of Employer "C" Record on tape or on paper documents to accompany the tape transmittals.


Requests for additional copies of this Revenue Procedure, or requests for additional information on tape reporting should be addressed to:

     Social Security Administration


     Bureau of Data Processing and Accounts


     Baltimore, Maryland 21235



Information can also be obtained at any Internal Revenue Service Center, Attention: Chief, Program Analysis Staff.


This Revenue Procedure supplements Revenue Procedure 68-38, C.B. 1968-2, 927 and Technical Information Bulletin 3 issued by the Social Security Administration. Revenue Procedure 69-16, C.B. 1969-2, 288 is modified; Revenue Procedure 70-7, C.B. 1970-1, 421, is superseded.



.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file, but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation.

.02 All records (including headers and trailers, if used) must be written at the same density.

.03 The use of header and trailer labels and record marks is optional, insofar as these specifications are concerned for Option A, but the header label must be present for Option B. (See Attachment 1, Section 4.)


.01 Definitions

b -- Denotes a blank position (Do not enter the letter "b").

Special Character -- Any character that is not a numeral, letter, or blank.

Transmitter -- Person or organization submitting tape files. May be employer or agent of employer.

Record -- A group of related fields of information, treated as a unit.

Blocked Records -- 2 or more records grouped together between inter-record gaps.

Blocking Factor -- Number of records grouped together to form a block. Should be "01" if records are not blocked (Unblocked).

Reel -- A spool of magnetic tape.

Record Mark -- Special character used either to limit the number of characters in a data transfer, or to separate blocked records on tape.

Short Block -- The last block at the end of a file that is less than a full block's length. This may be written as a short block or filled with 9's to fill a block.

Tape Mark -- Special character that is written on tape to signify the physical end of the recording on tape.

EIN -- Employer Identification Number.

SSN -- Social Security Number.

.02 Since magnetic tape reporting is not restricted to employers who possess specific types of equipment, or who utilize any specific systems approach in the preparation of tape files, the functions normally assigned to header and trailer labels and related conventions are provided for as follows:

1. The Transmitter Record ("T" Record) serves the purpose of a header label and identifies the organization which has submitted the tape.

2. The Employer Record ("A" Record) indicates the organization which has paid the employee.

3. The Employee Record ("B" Record) provides for an individual data record.

4. The Intermediate (or Page) Total Record ("J" Record) provides summary data for each group of approximately 100 employee records.

5. The End of Employer Record ("C" Record) indicates that all employee records for an employer have been written and provides control totals from these records.

6. The Supplemental State Income Tax Record ("S" Record) includes additional state or local wage or withholding data beyond that covered in the Employee Record.

7. The End of Transmission Record ("F" Record) indicates that the end of the file has been reached.


.01 The tape records prescribed in these specifications may be blocked or unblocked, subject to the following:

1. A block may not exceed 10 records.

2. If the use of blocked records would result in a short block, the unused portion may be filled with 9's to provide uniform size.

3. Two forms of blocking are acceptable:

(a) Only Employee "B" Records and Supplementary "S" Records are blocked; all other records are unblocked.

(b) All records, except header and trailer labels, if used, are blocked. If so, and if payments from more than one employer are reported on the same tape, the subsequent Employer "A" Record cannot be in the middle of a block, but must be the first record in a block. In such instances the use of a short block is allowable in the last block for an employer. The Employer "A" Record must be the first record in a block unless preceded by a Transmitter "T" Record at the beginning of a reel.

4. All records are of a fixed length of either 160 characters for Federal government reporting only or of 200 characters when state data is included.


Identifies the organization which is submitting the tape. Must appear as the first record on the first reel of tape (second record if header labels are used). There are two optional ways the "T" Transmitter Record may be used.

Option A: The "T" Transmitter Record must appear as the first record (after the Header Label) of every reel. The Reel Sequence Number, positions 3 through 5, will be 001 on the first reel and each succeeding reel in the file will be incremented by 1.

Option B: This method is especially intended for users of COBOL. The "T" Transmitter Record must appear as the first record (after the Header Label) of the first reel only and will not be on any other reel. Enter "X" in position 5 of the "T" Transmitter Record to indicate that the reel sequence number is in the Header Label. Enter the high order position of the 3 position reel sequence number on the header label in positions 3 and 4. For example: If the reel sequence number is in positions 20 through 22 on the Header Label, enter 20 in positions 3 and 4 of the "T" Transmitter Record. By using this method, a "T" Transmitter Record is not required as the first record (after the Header Label) of reels subsequent to the first reel, nor is an "A" Employer Record required at the beginning of each reel.

   Tape          Element                Entry or description


 position         name




        1      Record Type         Enter "T". Must be the first


                                    character of each Transmitter




        2      Program Code        Enter "7".


      3-5      Reel Sequence       Serial Number assigned by the


                Number.             Transmitter to each reel, starting


                                    with 001 according to "Option A".


                                    If "Option B" is used, enter "X"


                                    in position 5. Enter the high


                                    order position of the reel


                                    sequence number from the Header


                                    Label in positions 3 and 4.


      6-7      Reporting Month     Month ending the quarter, i.e., 03


                                    for first quarter, 06 for second


                                    quarter, 09 for third quarter, 12


                                    for fourth quarter.


      8-9      Reporting Year      Last two digits of the year for


                                    which payments are being reported.


       10      Surname Indicator   "1" if employee surname first, "2"


                                    if last on the "B" and "S"




       11      Length of Records   "1" if length is 160 positions. "2"


                                    if length is 200 positions.


    12-13      Blocking Factor     Enter the number of records in a


                                    block. Enter 01 if not blocked.


    14-53      Transmitter's       Enter name of submitter of tape.


                Name.               Left justify and fill with blanks.


    54-78      Street Address      Enter street address of


                                    Transmitter. Left justify and fill


                                    with blanks.


    79-98      City and State      Enter city and state of


                                    Transmitter. Left justify and fill


                                    with blanks.


   99-103      ZIP Code            Enter ZIP Code of Transmitter.


      104      Transmitter/        Enter "1" if the Transmitter and


                Employer Code.      the Employer are the same. Enter


                                    "2" if the Transmitter and the


                                    Employer are different.


  105-160      Blank or Optional


  161-200      Blank or Optional   Must be included if State income


                                    tax is reported.




Identifies the employer who made the payments on the succeeding Employee Records. A Transmitter may include Employee Records ("B" Records) for more than one employer on a tape reel; however, each group of Employee Records must be preceded by an Employer Record ("A" Record).

A new "A" Record is required for each establishment and each plant or location, when information is to be filed by establishment and/or by plant or location. An "A" Record must be the first record in a block unless preceded by a Transmitter "T" Record at the beginning of a reel. When an employer is filing unemployment insurance reports with more than one State, an "A" Record would also be required preceding the record for each State.

     Tape        Element                Entry or description


   position       name




           1   Record Type         Enter "A". Must be the first


                                    character of each Employer Record.


           2   Payment Year        The last digit of the year for


                                    which payments are being reported.


         3-5   Reel Sequence       Enter reel sequence number from


                Number.             preceding Transmitter "T" record


                                    for Option A or from the Header


                                    Label for Option B.


        6-14   EIN of Employer     Enter the 9 numeric characters of


                                    the Employer Identification


                                    Number. Do NOT include the hyphen.


       15-16   Blocking Factor     Enter the number of records in a


                                    block. Enter 01 if not blocked.


          17   Program Code        Enter "7".


       18-36   Blank or Optional.


       37-40   Establishment       If establishment reporting has been


                Code.               approved, enter establishment


                                    number. Right justify and fill


                                    with blanks.


       41-80   Employer Name       Enter name of employer. Left


                                    justify and fill with blanks.


      81-105   Street Address      Enter street address of employer.


                                    Left justify and fill with blanks.


     106-125   City and State      Enter city and state of employer.


                                    Left justify and fill with blanks.


     126-130   ZIP Code            Enter ZIP Code of employer.


 1 131-139   State Employer      Account identification number


                Account             assigned to the employer by State


                Number.             Employment Security Agency.


 1 104-143   Plant or Location   The number or location assigned by


                Number.             the State Employment Agency.


 1 144-145   State Code          State to whom wages are being


                                    reported. The code should conform


                                    to Federal Information Processing


                                    Standard number 5.


     146-160   Blank or Optional.


     161-200   Blank or Optional.  Must be included if State Income


                                    Tax Data is reported.



1 Entries in positions 131 through 145 are required only in reporting State Unemployment Compensation data. Otherwise, these entries are blank or optional.


Contains payment record from individual information returns. All records must be fixed length.



 position        Element name           Entry or description




        1      Record Type         Enter "B". Must be first character


                                    of each Employee Record.


     2-10      SSN of Employee     Enter Social Security Number of


                                    employee. Enter blanks (do not


                                    fill with zeros) if number is not


                                    available. Enter "A" in position 2


                                    if the employee is a non-resident


                                    alien and therefore not required


                                    to have a SSN, and fill remaining


                                    positions with blanks.


    11-20      Employer Assigned   Enter account number assigned to


                Account Number      employee by employer, e.g., Badge


                or Other            No., Clock No., etc. This item is


                Employer Data       optional, but its presence may


                (Optional or        facilitate subsequent reference to


                Blank).             employer's files if questions


                                    arise regarding specific record in


                                    the file. Enter blanks or other


                                    Employer data if there is no


                                    Employer Assigned Account Number.


    21-28      Federal Income Tax  Must be present on 4th quarter


                Withheld.           report.


    29-36      Wages Paid Subject  Must be present on 4th quarter


                to Withholding.     report.


    37-44      Salary or Other     If present, must be on the 4th


                Compensation Not    quarter report.


                Subject to




    45-50      Annual FICA Tax--   Must be present on 4th quarter


                Employee.           report.


    51-57      Total FICA Wages    Optional Entry.




    58-63      Excludable Sick Pay Optional Entry.




    64-70      Uncollected         Optional Entry.


                Employee Tax Tips




    71-77      Quarterly FICA      (Quarterly Information for SSA).


    78-83      Quarterly Tip       (Quarterly Information for SSA).




   84-108      Employee Name       Enter name of employee. Left


                                    justify and fill with blanks.


  109-133      Street Address      Enter street address of employee.


                                    Left justify and fill with blanks.


  134-153      City and State      Enter city and State of employee.


                                    Left justify and fill with blanks.


  154-158       ZIP Code           Enter ZIP Code of employee.


  159-160       Blank or Optional


  160-167       Quarterly          As defined by applicable State


                 Unemployment       Employment Security Law.


                 Insurance (UI)


                 Total (or


                 Benefit) Wages.


  168-174      Quarterly UI        As defined by applicable State


                Taxable Wages.      Employment Security Law.


  175-176      Number of Weeks     Enter number of weeks worked if


                Worked.             required by State Employment


                                    Security Law. Definition of weeks


                                    worked as defined by State


                                    Employment Security Law.


  177-180      Date of First       Enter day and month of first


                Employment.         employment if required by State


                                    Employment Security Law.


  181-184      Date of Separation. Enter day and month separated from


                                    work if required by State


                                    Employment Security Law.


  185-189      Identification Code Code to be assigned by State,


                of State or         County, or locality.


                Locality be




  190-200      State Income Tax    State or local income tax or


                Data.               withholding data as specified by


                                    State or locality.




1. If state income tax or employment security data is not being reported, the record ends with position 160.

2. When State law requires the reporting of "excess" wages, this will be computed by those states, by subtracting taxable wages (pos. 168-174) from total (or benefit) wages (pos. 160-167).


Contains payment record from individual returns for additional states for one employee. The "S" Record will follow the corresponding "B" Record for this employee or another "S" Record for this employee.

As many Supplementary "S" Records may follow an Employee "B" Record as there are states for the employee in which state income tax data is present.

This record is required only when it is necessary to report to more than one state with respect to one employee.



 position        Element name           Entry of description




        1      Record Type         Enter "S". Must be the first


                                    character of each Supplemental


                                    State Income Tax Record.


     2-10      Social Security     If not available, enter blanks (do


                Number.             not fill with zeros). If the


                                    employee is a nonresident alien


                                    and the SSN therefore not


                                    required, enter A in position 2,


                                    blanks in positions 3 thru 11.


    11-20      Employer Assigned   Enter account number, e.g., Badge


                Account Number      No., Clock No., etc., assigned to


                or Other Employer   employee by employer. This item is


                Data (Optional      optional, but its presence may


                or Blank).          facilitate subsequent reference


                                    to employer's files if questions


                                    arise regarding specific records


                                    in the file. Enter blanks or other


                                    employer data if there is no


                                    employer information.


    21-83      Blank or the Same as


                the Prior "B"




   84-108      Employee Name       Enter name of employee. Left


                                    justify and fill with blanks.


  109-133      Street Address      Enter street address of employee.


                                    Left justify and fill with blanks.


  134-153      City and State      Enter city and State of employee.


                                    Left justify and fill with blanks.


  154-158      ZIP Code            Enter ZIP code of employee.


  159-160      Blank or optional


  160-184      Blank or Same as


                Prior "B" Record.


  185-189      Identification Code Code to be assigned by State,


                of State or         County, or locality.


                Locality Being




  190-200      State Income Tax    State or local income tax or


                Data.               withholding data as specified by


                                    State or locality.




If there are more than one hundred Employee "B" Records following an "A" Record, write this record after each 100 Employee "B" Records and associated "S" Records and after the last "B" Record and associated "S" Record. The Intermediate Record must be followed by a "B" Employee Record; or a "C" End of Employer Record. The "B" or "C" record may be written in the same block as the "J" Intermediate Record, if all records are blocked.

   Tape          Element name           Entry or description






        1      Record Type         Enter "J". Must be first character


                                    of each Intermediate Record.


      2-4      Number of           Enter the total number of employees


                 Employees.         covered, generally for the


                                    previous 100 employees. Right


                                    justify and zero fill.








     5-16      Federal Income Tax  Enter total of each payment amount


                Withheld.           for the previous 100 employees.


                                    Right justify and zero fill. Zero


                                    fill all unused amount fields.


    17-28      Wages Paid Subject


                to Withholding.


    29-40      Salary or Other




                Not Subject to




    41-52      FICA Employee




    53-64      Total FICA Wages


                Paid for Year.


    65-76      Excludable Sick Pay.


    77-88      Uncollected


                Employee Tax




   89-100      Quarterly FICA




  101-112      Quarterly Tip




  113-124      Quarterly UI Total


                (or benefit) Wages-




  125-136      Quarterly UI


                Taxable Wages-




  137-160      Blank or Optional


  161-200      Blank or Optional   Must be included if State Tax Data


                                    is included (200 positions).



State Income Tax Data may be totaled optionally in positions 137 through 200. Specifications to be furnished by State Income Tax agencies.


Write this record after the last Intermediate "J" Record for an employer has been written. A tape reel may contain more than one End of Employer Record if the last Employee Record for more than one employer is written on that reel. Each End of Employer Record must contain a count of employees and totals of each payment amount reported for all Employee "B" Records.

The End of Employer Record must be followed by a new Employer "A" Record or End of Transmission "F" Record. The new Employer Record, however, cannot be written in the same block as the End of Employer Record. A new block must be started with the new Employer Record as the first record. When Employee "B" records for one employer are written on multiple reels, the End of Employer "C" record must contain the count of employees and totals of each payment amount for all Employee "B" Records following the prior Employer "A" Record for this reel and the prior reel(s). For these purposes, each establishment, plant and/or location will be considered a separate employer.

   Tape          Element name           Entry or description






        1      Record Type         Enter "C". Must be first character


                                    on each End of Employer Record.


      2-7      Number of           Enter the total number of employees


                Employees.          covered by the preceding "A"


                                    Record. Right justify and zero




     8-13      Pay Period          Optionally, for the first quarter


                Employment.         only provide the information on


                                    number of employees required by


                                    Item 14 of Schedule A, Form 941


                                    (otherwise, this information must


                                    be in a letter accompanying the


                                    tape shipment).


    14-25      Federal Income Tax  Enter the grand total of each


                Withheld.           payment amount covered by the


                                    preceding "A" Record. Right


                                    justify and zero fill. Zero fill


                                    all unused amount fields.


    26-37      Wages Paid Subject


                to Withholding.


    38-49      Salary or Other




                Not Subject to




    50-61      FICA Employee Tax


    62-73      Total FICA Wages


                Paid for Year.


    74-85      Excludable Sick Pay.


    86-97      Uncollected


                Employee Tax.


   98-109      Quarterly FICA




  110-121      Quarterly Tip




  122-134      Quarterly UI Total


                (or Benefit




  135-146      Quarterly UI


                Taxable Wages.


  147-160      Blank or Optional


  161-200      Blank or Optional   Must be present if State Income Tax


                                    Data is reported.



State Income Tax Data may be totaled optionally in positions 147 through 200. Specifications to be furnished by State Income Tax Agencies.


Write this record after the last End of Employer ("C" Record) in the file. This record can be followed only by a Tape Mark or Tape Mark and Trailer Label (see Section 2.01).

   Tape        Element name             Entry or description






        1      Record Type         Enter "F". Must be 1st character of


                                    the End of Transmission Record.


      2-4      Number of           Enter total number of "A" Records


                Employers.          on this file. Right justify and


                                    zero fill.


    5-160      Zeros


  161-200      Zeros               Must be present if State


                                    Unemployment Compensation and/or


                                    State Income Tax Data is reported.




The following chart shows, by type of file, the record types to be used in the first three, the last three records, and the positions of the "J" and "S" records on a tape reel.

The Intermediate "J" Record contains the "Number of Employees" and "Control Totals" for approximately the previous 100 Employee "B" Records. Do not include Supplementary "S" Records in these totals.

          Option A ("T" Record is First Record on each Reel)



                                  Must   Totals 2d      Next


                   1st  2d   3d   follow for    from    to     Last


  Type of file     re-  re-  re-  a B or 100 B  last    last   re-


                   cord cord cord S re-  re-    record  record cord


                   type type type cord   cords  type    type   type




 Single Employer,


  single reel      T    A    B    S 1  J 2  J 3   C 4  F.


 Single Employer,


  multiple reels:


   Reel 1          T    A    B    S      J      B,J,    B,J,   B /4/,


                                                or S    or S   J, or




   Last reel       T    A    B    S      J      J       C      F.


 Multiple Employer,


  single reel:


   Employer 1      T    A    B    S      J      B or S  J      C.


   Employer 2      A    B    B    S      J      B or S  J      C.


   Last employer   A    B    B    S      J      J       C      F.






  multiple reels;


  first employer's


  records split


  between reel 1


  and reel 2;






  records split


  between reel 2


  and reel 3:


 Reel 1:


   Employer 1      T    A    B    S      J      B,J,    B,J,   B,J, or


                                                or S    or S   S.


 Reel 2:


   Employer 1      T    A    B    S      J      B or S  J      C.


   Employer 2      A    B    B    S      J      B,J,    J, or  B,J, or


                                                or S    S      S.


 Reel 3:


   Employer 2      T    A    B    S      J      B or S  J      C.


   Employer 3 or


    Last Employer. A    B    B    S      J      J       C      F.










  separate files


  for each




 File 1--


   Employer 1:


   Last reel       T    A    B    S      J      J       C      F.


 File 2--


   Employer 2:


   Reel 1          T    A    B    S      J      B,J,    B,J,   B,J, or


                                                or S    or S   S.


   Last reel       T    A    B    S      J      J       C      F.


 File 3--


   Employer 3:


   Last reel       T    A    B    S      J      J       C      F.


 Single Employer,








  submits files


  from various




 Employer 1:




    1--Last reel   T    A    B    S      J      J       C      F.




    2--Last reel   T    A    B    S      J      J       C      F.


 Single Employer,






  same locations:


   Reel 1          T    A    B    S      J      B,J,    B,J,   B,J, or


                                                or S    or S   S.


   Reel 2          T    A    B    S      J      B,J,    B,J,   B,J, or


                                                or S    or S   S.


   Last reel       T    A    B    S      J      J       C      F.



1 One or more Supplementary "S" Records may follow any Employee "B" Record. Use the "S" Record to add State income tax data.

2 An Intermediate "J" Record must contain "Number of Employees" and "Control Totals" summarizing approximately the previous 100 Employee "B" Records.

3 The Intermediate "J" Record must contain "Number of Employees" and "Control Totals" for the remainder of the Employee "B" Records before the End of Employer "C" Record is written.

4 Must contain "Number of Employees" and "Control Totals" summarizing all Employee "B" Records for this Employer "A" Record on this reel.

             Option B (Reel Number is in the Header Label)



                                  Must   Totals 2d      Next


                   1st  2d   3d   follow for    from    to     Last


  Type of file     re-  re-  re-  a B or 100 B  last    last   re-


                   cord cord cord S re-  re-    record  record cord


                   type type type cord   cords  type    type   type




 Single employer,


  single reel      T    A    B    S 1  J /2/, J /3/,  C /4/, F.


 Single employer,


  multiple reels:


   Reel 1          T    A    B    S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                                                or J    or J   or J.


   Last reel       B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      J       C      F.


                   or J or J or J






  single reel:


   Employer 1      T    A    B    S      J      B or S  J      C.


   Employer 2      A    B    B or S      J      B or S  J      C.




   Last employer   A    B    B or S      J      J       C      F.








  multiple reels:


  first employer's


  records split


  between reel 1


  and reel 2;


  second employer's


  records split


  between reel 2


  and reel 3:


 Reel 1:


   Employer 1      T    A    B    S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                                                or J    or J   or J.


 Reel 2:


   Employer 1      B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      B, or S J      C.


                   or J or J or J


   Employer 2      A    B    B or S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                             S                  or J    or J   or J.


 Reel 3:


   Employer 2      B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      B or S  J      C.


                   or J or J or J


   Employer 3 or


    last employer  A    B    B or S      J      J       C      F.












  separate files


  for each




 File 1--


  Employer 1:


   Reel 1          T    A    B    S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                                                or J    or J   or J.


   Second reel     B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                   or J or J or J               or J    or J   or J.


   Last reel       B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      J       C      F.


                   or J or J or J


 File 2--


  Employer 2:


   Reel 1          T    A    B    S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                                                or J    or J   or J.


   Second reel     B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                   or J or J or J               or J    or J   or J.


   Last reel       B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      J       C      F.


                   or J or J or J


 File 3--


  Employer 3:


   Reel 1          T    A    B    S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                                                or J    or J   or J.


                   B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      J       C      F.


                   or J or J or J


 Single employer,






  (employer submits


  files from






 Location 1:


   First reel      T    A    B    S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                                                or J    or J   or J.


   Second reel     B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                   or J or J or J               or J    or J   or J.


   Last reel       B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      J       C      F.


                   or J or J or J


 Location 2:


   First reel      T    A    B    S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                                                or J    or J   or J.


   Second reel     B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      B,S,    B,S,   B,S,


                   or J or J or J               or J    or J   or J.


   Last reel       B,S, B,S, B,S, S      J      J       C      F.


                   or J or J or J



1 One or more Supplementary "S" Records may follow any Employee "B" Record. Use the "S" record to indicate State income tax data from States other than the first State income tax data on the previous Employee "B" Record, if it is desired to keep State income tax data so separated. Otherwise, enter the total State income tax data on the "B" Record.

2 An Intermediate "J" Record must contain "Number of Employees" and "Control Totals" summarizing approximately the previous 100 Employee "B" Record.

3 The Intermediate "J" Record must contain "Number of Employees" and "Control Totals" for the remainder of the Employee "B" Records before the End of Employer "C" Record is written for the last reel of a file only.

4 Must contain "Number of Employees" and "Control Totals" summarizing all Employee "B" Records for the Employer "A" Record previous to these "B" Records.

  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.602: Forms and instructions.

    (Also Part I, Sections 6041, 6051; 1.6041-1, 31.6051-1)

  • Code Sections
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
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