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Rev. Proc. 83-28

Rev. Proc. 83-28; 1983-1 C.B. 703

  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.602: Tax forms and instructions.

  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
Citations: Rev. Proc. 83-28; 1983-1 C.B. 703

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 83-48

Rev. Proc. 83-28


Section 1. Purpose

.01 The purpose of this revenue procedure is to provide the requirements and conditions for filing State or Local Individual Income Tax Refund information returns on magnetic tape. Specifications for filing are contained in this procedure.

Sec. 2. Applications for Magnetic Media Reporting

.01 For the purposes of this revenue procedure, the payer is the state or local agency making the payments, credits, or offsets and the transmitter is the state agency preparing the tape file (the term "credit or offset" means an amount which, in lieu of being refunded to the taxpayer, is applied against an existing or future liability of the taxpayer, or is otherwise used for the taxpayer's benefit). The payer and transmitter may be the same organization. Payers or transmitters who decide to file State or Local Individual Income Tax Refunds on magnetic tape must complete Form 4419, Application for Magnetic Media Reporting Information Returns (Exhibit "A" attached). The information provided on this application is needed before the Service can process the tape files. Instructions for completing the application appear on the reverse side of the form.

.02 The Service will act on an application and notify the applicant of authorization to file within 30 days of receipt of the application.

.03 The Service will assist new filers with their initial magnetic tape submission by encouraging the submission of test tapes for review in advance of the filing season. Payers or transmitters who wish to submit a test tape should contact the magnetic media coordinator at the Service Center where the application was filed.

.04 Once authorization to file on magnetic tape has been granted to a payer or transmitter, it will remain in effect in succeeding years, provided that all the requirements of this revenue procedure are met and there are no hardware or software changes by the filer which would cause the tape to become unprocessable. If a filer discontinues filing on magnetic tape, a new application must be filed before this method of filing may be resumed.

Sec. 3. Filing Dates

.01 Magnetic tape reporting to the Service for State or Local Individual Income Tax Refunds must be on a calendar year basis.

.02 Tapes must be submitted to the Service Center by June 30, 1983, for calendar 1982 refunds.

Sec. 4. Processing of Tapes Returns

.01 The Service will process tax information from tapes. Tapes which are received timely by the Service will be returned to the filers by October 31, 1984, for calendar year 1982 refunds.

.02 All tapes submitted must conform totally to this revenue procedure.

Sec. 5. Taxpayer Identification Numbers

.01 The Service expects that payers will keep to a minimum those statements submitted without TINs.


.01 Requests for additional copies of these revenue procedures or for additional information on tape reporting should be addressed to the liaison District Director or attention of the magnetic media coordinator of one of the following:

     (a) Internal Revenue Service


         Andover Service Center


         Post Office Box 311


         Andover, MA 01810



     (b) Internal Revenue Service


         Brookhaven Service Center


         Post Office Box 486


         Holtsville, NY 11742



     (c) Internal Revenue Service


         Philadelphia Service Center


         Post Office Box 245


         Bensalem, PA 19020



     (d) Internal Revenue Service


         Atlanta Service Center


         Post Office Box 47-421


         Doraville, GA 30362



     (e) Internal Revenue Service


         Memphis Service Center


         Post Office Box 1900


         Memphis, TN 38101



     (f) Internal Revenue Service


         Cincinnati Service Center


         Post Office Box 267


         Covington, KY 41019



     (g) Internal Revenue Service


         Kansas City Service Center


         Post Office Box 24551


         2306 East Bannister Rd.


         Stop 43


         Kansas City, MO 64131



     (h) Internal Revenue Service


         Austin Service Center


         Post Office Box 934


         Austin, TX 78767



     (i) Internal Revenue Service


         Ogden Service Center


         Post Office Box 9941


         Ogden, UT 84409



     (j) Internal Revenue Service


         Fresno Service Center


         Post Office Box 12866


         Fresno, CA 93779





.01 The magnetic tape specifications contained in this part define the required format and contents of the records to be included in the file. These specifications must be adhered to unless deviations have been specifically granted by the Service in writing.

.02 In most instances, the Service will be able to process any compatible tape files. Compatible tape files must meet any one set of the following:

a. 7 channel BCD (binary coded decimal) with

(1) Either Even or Odd Parity and

(2) A density of 556 or 800 BPI

b. 9 channel EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) with

(1) A density of 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI.

c. 9 channel ASCII (American Standard Coded Information Interchange) with

(1) A density of 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI.

.03 All compatible tape files must have the following characteristics:

a. Type of tape - 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) wide, computer grade magnetic tape on reels of up to 2400 feet (731.52 m) within the following specifications:

(1) Tape thickness: 1.0 or 1.5 mils

(2) Reel diameter: 10.5 inch (26.67 cm), 8.5 inc (21.59 cm), or 7 inch (17.78 cm)

b. Interrecord Gap - 3/4 inch.


 Element                 Description


 b                       Denotes a blank position.


 File                    For the purpose of this procedure, a file


                         consists of all magnetic tape records


                         submitted by a Payer or Transmitter.


 Payee                   Person receiving payments from Payer.


 Payer                   The State or Local Tax Agency


 Special Character       Any character that is not a numeral, a letter


                         or a blank.


 SSN                     Social Security Number assigned by SSA.


 Taxpayer Identifying    May be either an EIN or SSN.


 Number (TIN)


 Transmitter             Person or organization preparing tape


                         file(s). May be Payer or agent of Payer.




.01 The tape records defined in these specification may be blocked or unblocked, subject to the following:

a. A block must not exceed 4,000 tape positions.

b. A record must be 360 positions in length.

c. If the use of blocked records would result in a short block, all remaining positions of the block must be filled with 9's. Do not pad a block with blanks.

d. All records, except the Header and Trailer Labels, may be blocked.


.01 Identifies the payer and transmitter of the tape file and provides parameters for the succeeding Payee "B" Records. The Service's computer programs rely on the absolute relationship between the parameters in the "A" Record and the data fields in the "A" Record and the data fields in the "B" Records to which they apply.

.02 The number of "A" Records appearing on a tape reel will depend on the number of payers being reported. A transmitter may include Payee "B" Records for more than one payer on a tape reel, however, each payer's Payee "B" Record(s) must be preceded by an "A" Record. An "A" Record may be blocked with "B" Records however, the "A" Record must appear as the first record in the block.






 Position        Field Title   Length      Description and Remarks




   1        Record Type           1     REQUIRED. Enter "A".



   2        Payment Year          1     REQUIRED. Must be the right


                                        most digit of the year for


                                        which payments are being


                                        reported. (e.g. if payments


                                        were made in 1982, enter 2).



   3-5      Reel Sequence         3     REQUIRED. Sequence number of


            Number                      the reel in the tape file.



   6-14     Payer's Federal       9     REQUIRED. Must be the valid


            EIN                         9-digit number assigned to the


                                        payer by IRS. DO NOT ENTER


                                        HYPHENS, ALPHAS CHARACTERS OR


                                        ALL 9's or ALL ZEROES.



  15        Type of Payer         1     REQUIRED. Enter "W" for State


                                        or local government.



  16        Blank                 1     ENTER BLANK.



  17        Type of Return        1     REQUIRED. Enter appropriate


                                        code from table below:



                                        Type of Return          Code


                                        State or Local          U


                                          Individual Income


                                          Tax Refund



  18-24     Amount Indicator      7     REQUIRED. Enter "1bbbbbb".



  25-26     Blank                 2     ENTER BLANK.



  27        Surname Indicator     1     REQUIRED. Enter "1" if the


                                        payees' surnames appear first


                                        in the name line of the "B"


                                        Records. Enter "2" if the


                                        payees' names appear last. If


                                        business and individual


                                        entities are contained in the


                                        file, enter blanks.



  28-30     "A" Record Length     3     REQUIRED. Enter 360.



  31-33     "B" Record Length     3     REQUIRED. Enter 360.



  34        Blank                 1     ENTER BLANK.



  35-39     Transmitter           5     REQUIRED. Enter the 5 digit


            Control                     Transmitter Control Code


            Code                        assigned by the IRS.



  40        Blank                 1     ENTER BLANK.



  41-120    Payer Name           80     REQUIRED. Enter the name of


                                        the payer in the manner in


                                        which it is used in normal





 121-160    Payer Street         40     REQUIRED. Enter the street


            Address                     address of the payer. Left


                                        justify and fill with blanks.


                                        If the payer does not have a


                                        street address, this field


                                        must be blank filled.



 161-200    Payer City, State    40     REQUIRED. Enter the city,


            and Zip Code                state and zip code of the


                                        payer. Left justify and fill


                                        with blanks.



 201-280    Transmitter Name     80     REQUIRED. Enter the name of


                                        the transmitter in the manner


                                        in which it is used in normal


                                        business. The name of the


                                        transmitter should be constant


                                        through the entire file. Left


                                        justify and fill with blanks.



 281-320    Transmitter          40     REQUIRED. Enter the street


            Street Address              address of the transmitter.


                                        Left justify and fill with


                                        blanks. If the transmitter


                                        does not have a street


                                        address, this field must be





 321-360    Transmitter,         40     REQUIRED. Enter the city,


            City, State and             state, and zip code of the


            Zip Code                    transmitter. Left justify and


                                        fill with blanks.




.01 Contains the payment record from individual statements. All records must be a fixed length. Records may be blocked or unblocked. A block may not exceed 4000 positions. DO NOT PAD A BLOCK WITH BLANKS.

.02 All payee records must contain correct payee name and address information entered in the fields prescribed in this section.

.03 The Service must be able to identify the surname associated with the taxpayer identifying number (SSN) furnished on a statement. The specifications below include a field in the payee records called "Name Control" in which the first four alphabetic characters of the payee's surname are to be entered by the payers. In addition, a blank MUST precede the identifying surname in the first name line of all Payee "B" Records unless the surname begins in the first position of the field.

.04 If payers are unable to provide the first four characters of the surname, the specifications permit the submission of statements on magnetic tape with the Name Control Field left blank; however, compliance with the following will facilitate the Service computer programs required to generate the Name Control.

a. The surname of the payee whose Taxpayer Identifying Number (SSN) is shown in the Payee "B" Record, must be the only name in the first name line.

b. A blank must precede the surname unless the surname begins in the first position of the field.

c. In the case of multiple payees, only the surname of the payee whose Taxpayer Identifying Number (SSN) is shown in the Payee "B" Record must be present in the first name line. Surnames of any other payees in the record must be entered in the second name line.

                     RECORD NAME: PAYEE "B" RECORD





 Position        Field Title   Length      Description and Remarks




   1        Record Type           1     REQUIRED. Enter "B".



   2-3      Payment Year          2     REQUIRED. Must be the two last


                                        digits of the year for which


                                        payments are being reported


                                        (e.g. if payments were made in


                                        1982 enter "82").



   4-5      Refund Year           2     REQUIRED. Enter the two (2)


                                        digit year for the tax period


                                        in which the State or local


                                        income tax refund, credit, or


                                        offset was issued. (e.g. If a


                                        refund was issued in 1982 for


                                        tax year 1979, enter "79").



   6        Blank                 1     ENTER BLANK. (Reserved for


                                        I.R.S. use).



   7-10     Name Control          4     OPTIONAL. Enter the first 4


                                        letters of the surname of the


                                        payee. Surnames of less than


                                        four (4) letters should be


                                        left justified, filling the


                                        unused positions with blanks.


                                        Special characters and


                                        imbedded blanks should be


                                        removed. If the Name Control


                                        is not determinable by the


                                        payer, leave this field blank.



  11        Type of Account       1     REQUIRED. This field is used


                                        to identify the data in 12-20


                                        as a Social Security Number.


                                        ENTER "2".



  12-20     Taxpayer              9     REQUIRED. Enter the valid 9-


            Identifying                 digit taxpayer identifying


            Number of Payee             number of the payee (SSN).


                                        Where an identifying number


                                        has been applied for but not


                                        received or where there is any


                                        other legitimate cause for not


                                        having an identifying number,


                                        enter blanks. DO NOT ENTER


                                        HYPHENS, ALPHA CHARACTERS, OR


                                        ALL 9's OR ALL ZEROS.



  21-30     Account Number       10     OPTIONAL. Payer may use this


                                        field to enter the payee's


                                        account number. Although this


                                        item is optional, its use will


                                        facilitate easy reference to


                                        specific records in the


                                        payer's file, should any


                                        questions arise. Do Not Enter


                                        a Taxpayer Identifying Number


                                        in This Field.



  31-40     Payment Amount       10     REQUIRED. Enter the amount of


                                        refunds, credits, or offsets


                                        of State and local income


                                        taxes. This entry must always


                                        be present. Each payment


                                        amount must be entered in



                                        dollars and cents. Do not


                                        enter dollar signs, commas,


                                        decimal points, or negative


                                        payments. Payment amounts MUST


                                        be right-justified and unused


                                        portions MUST be zero-filled.



  41-80     Payee 1st Name       40     REQUIRED. Enter the name of


            Line                        the payee whose taxpayer


                                        identifying number appears in


                                        tape positions 12-20 above. If


                                        fewer than 40 characters are


                                        required, left justify and


                                        fill unused positions with


                                        blanks. If more space is


                                        required, utilize the 2nd Name


                                        field below. If there are


                                        multiple payees, only the name


                                        of the payee whose taxpayer


                                        identifying number has been


                                        provided can be entered in


                                        this field. The names of the


                                        other payees may be entered in


                                        the 2nd Name Line field. The


                                        order in which the payee's


                                        name appears in this field


                                        must correspond with the


                                        Surname Indicator entered in


                                        tape position 27 of the


                                        Payer/Transmitter "A" Record.


                                        No descriptive or other data


                                        is to be entered in this





  81-120    Payee 2nd Name       40     OPTIONAL. If the payee name


            Line                        requires more space than is


                                        available in the 1st Name


                                        Line, enter the remaining


                                        portion of the name in this


                                        field. If there are multiple


                                        payees, this field may be used


                                        for those payees' names who


                                        are not associated with the


                                        taxpayer identifying number


                                        provided in tape positions


                                        12-20 above. Left justify and


                                        fill unused portions with


                                        blanks. Fill with blanks if no


                                        entries are required in this





 121-160    Payee Street         40     REQUIRED. Enter street address


            Address                     of payee. Left justify and


                                        fill unused positions with


                                        blanks. Address MUST be


                                        present. This field MUST NOT


                                        contain any data other than


                                        the payee's street address.



 161-200    Payee City, State    40     REQUIRED. Enter the city,


            and Zip Code                state and Zip Code of the


                                        payee, in that sequence. Use


                                        U.S. Postal Service


                                        abbreviations for states. Left


                                        justify and fill unused


                                        positions with blanks. City,


                                        State and Zip Code must be





 201-360    Blank               160     ENTER BLANK.




.01 The End of Payer "C" Record is a summary record for a Type of Return for a given payer. It MUST be the same length as the "B" Records in the payer's file.

.02 The "C" Record will contain the totals of the payment amount fields and the payees filed by a given payer. The "C" Record must be written after the last payee record for each Type of Return for a given payer. For each "A" Record on the file, there must be a corresponding "C" Record.

.03 Payers/transmitters must verify the accuracy of the totals in the "C" Record and must enter the totals on the transmittal, Form 4804, which will accompany the shipment.






 Position        Field Title   Length      Description and Remarks




  1         Record Type           1     REQUIRED. Enter "C".



  2-7       Number of Payees      6     REQUIRED. Enter the number of


                                        payees covered by the payer on


                                        this file. Right justify and


                                        zero fill.



  8-19      Control Total 1      12     REQUIRED. Right justify and


                                        zero fill Control Total 1.



 20-91      Zeroes               72     ENTER ZEROES.



 92-360     Blanks              269     ENTER BLANKS.




.01 The "F" Record is a summary of the number of payers and tapes in the entire file.

.02 This record should be written after the last "C" Record.

.03 Only a Tape Mark or a Tape Mark and Trailer Label may follow the "F" Record.






 Position        Field Title   Length      Description and Remarks




 1          Record Type           1     REQUIRED. Enter "F"



 2-5        Number of Payers      4     REQUIRED. Enter the total


                                        number of payers in the


                                        transmission. Right justify


                                        and zero fill.



 6-8        Number of Reels       3     REQUIRED. Enter the total


                                        number of reels in


                                        transmission. Right justify


                                        and zero fill.



 9-30       ZEROES               22     REQUIRED. Enter zeroes.



 31-360     BLANK               330     ENTER BLANKS.




.01 The following charts show, by type of file, the record types to be used in the 1st and 2nd records and the last three records written on a tape reel prior to the trailer label when only State or Local Individual Income Tax Refunds are reported on a reel or series of reels. /*/



                                                from    Next


                                1st     2nd     last    to last Last


                                record  record  record  record  record


 Type of File                   type    type    type    type    type




 Single payer, single reel      A       B       B       C 1   F


 Single payer, multiple reels:


   Reel 1                       A       B       B       B       B


   Last reel                    B       B       B       C 2   F


 Multiple payers, single reel:


   Payer 1                      A       B       B       B       C 1


   Payer 2                      A       B       B       B       C 1


   Last payer                   A       B       B       C 1   F


 Multiple payers, multiple


 reels; first payer's records


 split between reel 1 and 2;


 second payer's records split


 between reel 2 and reel 3:


   Reel 1: Payer 1              A       B       B       B       B


   Reel 2:


     Payer 1                    B       B       B       B       C 2


     Payer Payer 2              A       B       B       B       B


   Reel 3:


     Payer 2                    B       B       B       B       C 2


     Payer 3                    A       B       B       B       C 1


   Reel 4:


     Payer 4                    A       B       B       C 2   F


 Multiple payers, single


 transmitter, separate files


 for each payer:


   File 1: Payer 1: Last reel   B       B       B       C 2   F


   File 2: Payer 2:


     Reel 1                     A       B       B       B       B


     Last reel                  B       B       B       C 2   F


 Single payer, multiple


 transmitters (payer submits


 files from various locations):


   Each Location:


     1st reel                   A       B       B       B       B


     Last reel                  B       B       B       C 2   F


 Single payer, multiple


 transmitters, etc.:


   Location 3:


     Reel 1                     A       B       B       B       B


     Reel 2                     B       B       B       B       B


     Last reel                  B       B       B       C 2   F



      1 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals"


 summarizing all Payee "B" Records written for this Document Code for


 this payer on this reel.



      2 Must contain "Number of Payees" and "Control Totals"


 summarizing all Payee "B" Records written for this Document Code for


 this payer on this reel and on prior reel(s).



      /*/ When only State or Local Individual Income Tax Refunds are


 reported on a reel or series of reels, there will be a corresponding


 increase in the series of "A", "B--B" and "C" records since, within a


 tape reel, a file is equivalent to an "A" record, a series of "B"


 records and a "C" record for a single payer.




[Editor's note: These record layouts are graphic representations of the file specifications described above. They have been omitted because they provide no additional information and are not suitable for clear on-screen presentation.]

                              Exhibit "A"



                  Department of the Treasury     IRS Use       OMB


                    Internal Revenue Service     Only       Clearance


 Form 4419                                                      No.


 (Rev. August    Application for Magnetic Media             1545-0387


  1982)         Reporting of Information Returns             Expires






 1. Please fill in this form and     2. Name and address of


    send to                             organization (street, city,


                                        State and ZIP code)


    Internal Revenue Service Center



 3. Payment year for which you plan  4. Employer identification number


    to begin reporting on magnetic





 5. Kind of magnetic media you plan  6. Person to contact about this


    to submit (check one)               request



    __ Tape       __ Diskette           Name:



    __ Disk pack  __ Cartridge disk     Title:



                                        Telephone number: (include


                                        area code)



 7.                       Documents To Be Reported



                 Estimated Volume                   Estimated Volume


       Form                               Form


                Magnetic     Paper                 Magnetic     Paper


                 media                              media



  __ 1099-ASC                        __ 1087-ASC



  __ 1099-DIV                        __ 1087-DIV



  __ 1099-INT                        __ 1087-INT



  __ 1099-MISC                       __ 1087-MISC



  __ 1099-MED                        __ 1087-MED



  __ 1099-OID                        __ 1087-OID



  __ 1099-R                          __ 1042S



  __ 1099-L                          __ 6248



  __ 1099-PATR                       __ W-4



  __ 1099-NEC                        __



  __ 1099-UC                         __



 8.        Kind of equipment on which media will be prepared



     Main frame (all media types)       Drive Unit (all media)



 Manufacturer    Model               Manufacturer    Model



              Tape only                    All media types



 Width           Tracks    Density   Recording code (e.g., EBCDIC,


                                     BCD, or ASCII)


                 __ 7 __ 9



 9.     Internal Revenue Service office where paper information


                     returns, if any, will be filed



 Form 1099        Form 1087     Form W-4        Form W-2G    Form 6248


  series           series



 10. If your firm is acting as agent, please list the name and


     employer identification number of each payer on a separate sheet


     and attach it to this application.




     Person       Name (type or print)          Title


 11. responsible




     preparation  Signature                                  Date


     of tax


  • Cross-Reference

    26 CFR 601.602: Tax forms and instructions.

  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
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