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FEB. 21, 1984

Rev. Proc. 84-11; 1984-1 C.B. 414

DATED FEB. 21, 1984
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
Citations: Rev. Proc. 84-11; 1984-1 C.B. 414

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 86-26

Rev. Proc. 84-11


01 The purpose of this revenue procedure is to provide a means whereby Reporting Agents preparing Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Returns, for groups of taxpayers can furnish the required information in the form of magnetic tape instead of paper documents.

02 This revenue procedure reflects the current changes to the tape specifications.


01 Agents who desire to file authorized federal tax returns on magnetic tape must first file a letter of application or submit Form 4995, Application for Magnetic Tape Filing of Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return (see Exhibit 1). The letter should be addressed to the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, Attention: Magnetic Tape Coordinator, where the Reporting Agent normally files the returns. Addresses of the Internal Revenue Service Centers are shown in Section 10 of this revenue procedure. The letter of application must contain the following:

1. Name, address and EIN (Employer Identification Number) of the person, organization, or firm making the application.

2. Name, title, and telephone number of the person to contact regarding the application.

3. Type and nature of equipment to be used to prepare the tape file, i.e., manufacturer and model of main frame and tape drives, tape width (1/2", 3/4", etc.), density (characters per inch), and recording code (BCD, Excess 3, Octal, etc.).

4. List of the taxpayers to be included on the initial establishment of the Magnetic Tape Filing system. The list must be in triplicate with the data shown in the exact order as Exhibit 2. Show each taxpayer's name, complete address (including Zip Code), and EIN: sort into EIN sequence. See Section 6.03 for additional details.

5. Internal Revenue Service Center where paper tax returns were last filed.

6. Signature of the Agent or Agent's employee authorized to prepare federal tax returns for taxpayers.

7. An agreement by the Reporting Agent to keep copies of the Powers of Attorney on file at the Agent's principal place of business for examination by the Internal Revenue Service upon request. Such copies must be retained until the statute of limitations for the last return filed under its authority expires.

8. An agreement to fully pay the tax by Federal Tax Deposits.


01 A Power of Attorney must be submitted for each filer on the list attached to Form 4995 or the letter of application. The Power of Attorney may be submitted on an Internal Revenue Service Form 2848. Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative (see Exhibit 3), which is available on request; or any other instrument which clearly states that the Reporting Agent is granted the authority to file and sign the return. The Power of Attorney filed under this revenue procedure is not subject to the rules contained in the Conference and Practice Requirements (Treasury Regulation 601.502).

02 Both the taxpayer, or his authorized representative, and the Reporting Agent must sign the Power of Attorney. The signed document will remain in effect until such time as it is revoked by the taxpayer, terminated by written notification from the Reporting Agent, or expires under its own terms.

1. The following persons may execute a Power of Attorney on behalf of a corporation or other business taxpayer:

(a) The individual if the person required to make the return is an individual;

(b) The president, vice president, or other principal officer, if the person required to make the return is a corporation;

(c) A responsible and duly authorized member or officer having knowledge of its affairs, if the person required to make the return is a partnership or other unincorporated organization.

(d) The fiduciary, if the person required to make the return is a trust or estate; or

(e) An agent who is duly authorized in accordance with Regulations 31.6011(a)-7.

03 The scope of the Power of Attorney for Magnetic Tape Filing will be governed according to the following:

1. Power of Attorney will delegate to the Reporting Agent the power to sign and file appropriate federal tax returns.

2. The Power of Attorney becomes effective for the tax period the Agent notifies the Service that the employer or filer is being added to the Magnetic Tape Filing System and remains in effect for subsequent periods until revoked, terminated or expired.

3. The Power of Attorney is automatically revoked when the Reporting Agent notifies the Service that a taxpayer is no longer included in the Magnetic Tape Filing System.

4. The receipt of a Power of Attorney for Magnetic Tape Filing has no effect on prior Powers of Attorney on file for other purposes for a given taxpayer.

5. The Power of Attorney for Magnetic Tape Filing will be a limited power of attorney, i.e., notices refunds and other output resulting from filing on magnetic tape will be mailed to the taxpayer.

6. Requests from a Reporting Agent for information or adjustments on an account for which the taxpayer has authorized Magnetic Tape Filing will be honored by the service center.

7. Requests for address changes may not be made by the Reporting Agent. Requests for address changes for taxpayers that are reported under Magnetic Tape Filing will be processed only if they originate with one of the following:

(a) The taxpayer,

(b) An employee of the Internal Revenue Service, or

(c) An attorney-in-fact if the attorney has a full Power of Attorney for all tax matters concerning a taxpayer, and has filed a copy of the Power of Attorney with the Internal Revenue Service.


01 The Service will act on applications and notify applicants of authorization or disapproval within 30 days of receipt of Form 4995.

02 Generally, Reporting Agents using equipment compatible with the Service's can presume that tape filing will be approved. Compatible tape characteristics are shown in Section 12. If the Reporting Agent has the capability to prepare several types of tapes, the Service prefers that compatible tapes be prepared.

03 If the Reporting Agents proposed to submit convertible tapes, i.e., tapes requiring translation, the Service will either translate these tapes or provide translation through other government agencies. Magnetic Tape Filing will be disapproved when the Service is unable to obtain facilities to translate a Reporting Agent's file to a compatible form. (See Section 12 for specifications.)

04 Once authorization to file tax data on magnetic tape has been granted to a reporting agent, such approval will continue to effect in succeeding tax periods as long as the requirements of this revenue procedure are met, and there are no equipment changes by the Reporting Agent. However, new applications are required if users change from compatible tapes to equipment producing tapes that require translation, or if they discontinue Magnetic Tape Filing for one or more periods, then decide to resume this method of reporting.


01 Authorization to file on magnetic tape does not immediately stop the filing on paper tax returns, but merely initiates filing of such returns on the Magnetic Tape Filing System.

02 The initial filing of tax returns on magnetic tape will be on trial tapes. Each taxpayer included on the magnetic tape must also be on the paper form until authorized by the Service to discontinue filing returns on paper. The paper returns must be arranged in the same order as the returns reported on the magnetic tape and filed at the same location and in the same shipment. In general, the Service will be able to notify the Reporting Agent to discontinue filing paper returns within one quarter after the initial filing of magnetic tape. The notification will depend upon the performance standard of the magnetic tape.

03 Duplicate returns or duplicate tape and paper returns should never be submitted after the Reporting Agent is authorized to discontinue filing paper returns.

04 "Paper" 941 filers are required to transmit with their return, copies of any W-4's claiming 14 or more exemptions. If the Reporting Agent files magnetic tape 941's for a taxpayer, but does not report W-4 information on magnetic tape, the paper W-4's should be submitted to the service center with a cover letter.


01 Packaging, shipping, and mailing instructions will be provided in the letter granting initial approval issued by the Service in response to the letter of application for Magnetic Tape Filing.

02 The Service will expect a tape return to be submitted for those individually approved magnetic tape filers until the Reporting Agent formally notifies IRS that specific employers are being deleted from their current Magnetic Tape Filing inventory.

03 The Reporting Agent will be provided with a validated copy of the Agent's Listing for taxpayers authorized to file on magnetic tape. This authorization will contain each taxpayer's EIN, four position alpha Name Control, the DO (District Office) Code and the Tax Class. This will be the source of the EIN and Name Control to be used on magnetic tape by the Reporting Agent as an identification of each taxpayer.

05 Enclose in the first box of the tape shipment to the Service the following:

1. Form 4996, Magnetic Tape Filing Transmittal for Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, in duplicate. (See Exhibit 4.)

2. A control listing identifying actual taxpayers previously approved by the Service for Magnetic Tape Filing that are contained on the current tape file being submitted. List the taxpayers in EIN sequence with each taxpayer's name and address.

06 Agents must submit a paper Schedule A for those taxpayers who elect to treat backup withholding as a separate tax and make separate Federal Tax Deposits. The paper Schedule A should be sent with the magnetic tape shipment.


01 When adding or deleting filers, the Service must receive (in triplicate and in the same format as shown in Exhibit 2) a listing which contains the complete names, addresses and EIN's of the taxpayers the Reporting Agent wants added or deleted from the Magnetic Tape Filing System. The words "ADDITIONS" or "DELETIONS" should be entered after the title, "Agent's Listing," and the effective date.

02 The Service will provide a validated copy of the updated Agent's Listing to the Reporting Agent. Under no circumstances is a new filer to be included on the Magnetic Tape Filing System until the validated copy is received from the Service.

03 A Power of Attorney authorization must be included for each taxpayer to be added to the Magnetic Tape Filing System.

04 The Reporting Agent should indicate on the last magnetic tape return submitted for a filer that it is either the "Final Return" or a "Discontinued Filer" in the Tax Data "B" Record.

05 The Reporting Agent may not always know that the final magnetic tape return for a particular taxpayer is being submitted at the time the tape is being sent in. When the Reporting Agent determines that the previous tape contained the last return to be prepared for the individual filer, action should be taken to notify the service center which authorized the Magnetic Tape Filing of one of the following conditions:

1. The taxpayer is out of business (state the effective date) and will no longer be liable for filing returns (Final Return), or

2. The Reporting Agent will no longer be submitting returns on magnetic tape for the taxpayer who is still in business and is still liable for such returns (Discontinued Filer).

06 Lists of proposed quarterly (Form 941) filer additions, deletions, etc., must be received in the service center at least 2 working days prior to the end of the second month of a quarter. This will permit the Service to properly validate applications and to respond to the Agent within 30 days of receipt of the lists.


01 The due dates prescribed for filing paper returns with the Service will also apply to Magnetic Tape Filing of Federal tax returns.

02 In no case should returns with more than one due date be included on one tape file.

03 Adjustments may be made on returns submitted on magnetic tape. If an offsetting entry is required to FICA taxes because there is a difference between the total amount of employee tax included in Line 8 (Total FICA Taxes) of Forms 941 and the total amounts actually deducted from the remuneration of employees, due to fractions of cents added or dropped in collecting employee tax from employees, this difference should be reported as a "Fractions Only" adjustment to FICA taxes on the magnetic tape (Tax Data "B" Record, tape positions 257-266).

04 If employee FICA tax is not applicable to amounts included in Line 6 of Form 941 (Taxable FICA Wages Paid), report this amount as "FICA TIP" adjustment on the magnetic tape (Tax Data "B" Record, tape positions 257-266).

05 All other adjustments, including adjustments to Income Tax Withheld, combinations of "Fractions Only" and FICA-TIP" adjustments, and Sick Pay Adjustment to Income Tax Withheld must be reported as Adjustment for Preceding Quarters on the magnetic tape (Tax Data "B" Record, tape, positions 189-198).

06 All adjustments reported in Tax Data "B" Record in tape positions 257-266 must be explained on Form 941c or in a detailed statement. All other adjustments reported (Tax Data "B" Record, tape positions 189-198 and 346-355) must also be explained in an appropriate statement except as provided in section 08. Include all statements and Forms 941c with the magnetic tape shipment for approval and subsequent adjustment action.


The Reporting Agents who file Forms 941 on magnetic tape for employers must file the wage information directly with the Social Security Administration on tape or paper documents. For directions for tape filing, you may call or write the appropriate Service Center Magnetic Tape Coordinator, or any Social Security Administration office and ask for Technical Information Bulletin 4a (TIB-4a), or you can write to the following address:

  Social Security Administration


  Bureau of Data Processing


  P.O. Box 2317


  Baltimore, MD 21203




Requests for additional copies of this revenue procedure, applications for Magnetic Tape Filing, requests for copies of appropriate input record element specifications, and requests for tape filing information should be addressed to the Director, Internal Revenue Service Center, Attention: Magnetic Tape Coordinator, at one of the following addresses:

 1. North-Atlantic Region


    (a) Andover Service Center


        P.O. Box 311


        Andover, MA 01810


    (b) Brookhaven Service Center


        P.O. Box 486


        Holtsville, NY 11742


 2. Mid-Atlantic Region


    (a) Philadelphia Service Center


        P.O. Box 245


        Bensalem, PA 19020


 3. Central Region


    (a) Cincinnatti Service Center


        P.O. Box 267


        Covington, KY 41012


 4. Southeast Region


    (a) Atlanta Service Center


        P.O. Box 47-421


        Doraville, GA 30340


    (b) Memphis Service Center


        P.O. Box 30309


        Airport Mail Facility


        Memphis, TN 38130


 5. Midwest Region


    (a) Kansas City Service Center


        P.O. Box 5321


        Kansas City, MO 64131


 6. Southwest Region


    (a) Austin Service Center


        P.O. Box 934


        Austin, TX 78767


 7. Western Region


    (a) Ogden Service Center


        P.O. Box 9948


        Ogden, UT 84409


    (b) Fresno Service Center


        P.O. Box 12866


        Fresno, CA 93779




0.01 Conventions 1. Certain conventions may be required by the programming system or equipment used by the Reporting Agent, with respect to header and trailer labels, record and tape marks. Their use is optional, but if present they must adhere to the following:

(a) Header Label (1) Can only be the first record on a reel. (2) Must consist of a maximum of 80 characters. (3) First 4 characters must be 1 HDR/VOL 1/HDR1/ or HDR2

(b) Trailer Label (1) Can only be the last record of a reel. (2) Must consist of a maximum of 80 characters. (3) First 4 characters must be HEOR (End of Reel) or HEOF (End of File).

(c) Record Mark (1) Can only be at the end of a block or the end of a record.

(d) Tape Mark (1) If trailer labels are not used, the tape mark can only follow an End of Reel "F" Record or an End of File "E" Record.

(2) If header and trailer labels are used, the tape mark must precede the header label and must follow the trailer label.

0.02 Definitions

 ELEMENT                 DESCRIPTION



 Reporting Agent.......  Person or organization preparing


                         and filing magnetic tape


                         equivalents of federal tax





                         NOTE:  This revenue procedure does


                         not restrict a non-financial


                         organization who performs a payroll


                         or tax service from being a


                         Reporting Agent. However, see


                         Revenue procedure 80-31, Employment


                         Taxes, concerning the requirements


                         under which Federal Tax Deposits


                         can be made by the Reporting





 Taxpayer..............  Persons or organization liable for


                         the payment of tax. The taxpayer


                         will be held responsible for the


                         completeness, accuracy and timely


                         submission of the magnetic tape





 b.....................  Denotes a bland position.



 EIN...................  Employer Identification Number



 Record................  A group of related fields of


                         information, treated as a unit.



 Blocked Records.......  Two or more records grouped


                         together between interrecord gaps.



 Blocking Factors......  The number of records grouped


                         together to form a block.



 Unblocked Records.....  Single records written between


                         interrecord gaps.



 File..................  A file consists of all tape


                         records submitted by a Reporting





 Record Mark...........  Special character used either to


                         limit the number of characters in


                         data transfer or to separate


                         blocked records on tape. For


                         compatibility with the Service's


                         equipment, use BCD bit


                         configuration A82.



 Tape Mark.............  Special character that is written


                         on tape. For compatibility with the


                         Services's equipment, use BCD bit


                         configuration 8421.



 Lozenge...............  Special character to indicate name


                         line combination. For compatibility


                         with the Services's equipment, use


                         BCD bit configuration BA84.



 Special Character.....  Any character that is not a


                         numeral, letter, or blank.



 Reel..................  A spool of magnetic tape.




0.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file, but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation. A compatible tape file must conform to all of the following:

 Type of tape..........  1/2 inch Mylar base, oxide coated



 Recording density.....  556, 800, 1600, or 6250 CPI


                         (character per inch)



 Parity................  Even or Odd



 Interrecord Gap.......  3/4 inch



 Recording Code........ 7 channel binary coded decimal


                        (BCD), 9 channel, EBCDIC, ASC1



0.02 An acceptable file will contain, for each Reporting Agent, the following:

1. An Agent "A" Record, 2. A series of Tax Data "B" Records, 3. A series of Checkpoint "C" Records, 4. An End of Location "D" Record, and 5. An End of File "E" Record. In addition, multiple reel files will have an End of Reel "F" Record.

0.03 All records including headers and trailers, if used, must be written at the same density.

0.04 Affix an external label to each tape with the following information:

1. Name or Reporting Agent, 2. Number of tax returns transmitted on this reel of tape, 3. Payment period in YYMM (Year, Year, month, month) format, for example 8100, 4. Density (200, 556, 300, 1600, 6250), 5. Channel (7 or 9), 6. Parity (odd or even), 7. Name of computer manufacturer, 8. Tape Drive, 9. Main Frame, and 10. Sequence number of reel and total number of reels in file (for example, 1 of 3).

0.05 Since the Service is not restricting Magnetic Tape Filing or Reporting Agents with specific types of equipment, or prescribing the methods used to prepare the tape files, the Agent "A" Record, End of Reel "F" Record and End of File "E" Record perform the functions normally assigned to header and trailer labels and related conventions. The Agent "A" Record serves the purpose of a header label, the End of Location "D" Record signals that no more Tax Data "B" Records are written on the file for a given location of the Reporting Agent, the End of Reel "F" Record signals that no more Tax Data "B" Records are written on the reel, and the End of File "E" Record indicates that there is no further data to be processed. In addition to the functions stated above, the End of Reel "F" Records and the End of Location "D" Record are used to balance each reel or each series of Tax Data "B" Records for a given location of the Reporting Agent on a reel.

0.06 Record Length

1. The tape records prescribed in the specifications may be blocked or unblocked subject to the following:

(a) A block may not exceed 4,000 tape positions.

(b) If the use of blocked records would result in a short block at the end of a Tax Data "B" Record and the next record is too large to include in the block, the remaining positions of the block should be filled with 9's. No other digits or characters other than 9's are specified or acceptable for filling (or padding) any tape input data blocks.

(c) Two forms of blocking are acceptable:

(1) Only Tax Data "B" Records are blocked; all other records are unblocked.

(2) All records, except header and trailer labels, if used, are blocked. In this case, if employers from more than one location are reported on the same tape, the Agent "A" Record cannot be in the middle of a block, but must be the first record in a block.

0.07 Agent "A" Record

1. Identifies the Reporting Agent who prepares and transmits the tape file. When multiple reels are required for a single file, the Agent "A" Record must be repeated at the first record (second record if header labels are used) on every succeeding reel in the file, and the reel number must be incremented by 1 for each tape reel after the first reel. A Reporting Agent may include Tax Data "B" Records prepared at more than one location, on the same tape, but they must have the same DO Code; however, Tax Data "B" Records prepared at different locations with different DO Codes must be on separate tapes and preceded by an Agent "A" Record. Contact the Magnetic Tape Coordinator for additional details if necessary.

                      AGENT "A" RECORD



                                     AGENT DATA RECORD





       1        Record Type      Enter "A" Must be first


                                 character of each Agent "A"





      2-3       DO Code          Enter two numeric digits


                                 District Office Code


                                 furnished by IRS.



      4-5       Tax Period       Enter YQ (Year, Qtr.). For


                                 example:  tax period "14"


                                 represent the year 1981 and


                                 the fourth quarter of the





      6-7       Reel Number      Serial number assigned by


                                 the Reporting Agent to each


                                 reel, starting with 01. If


                                 header labels are used,


                                 this should be the same as


                                 Reel Sequence Number.



      8-16      EIN-Reporting    Enter the 9 numeric


                Agent            characters of the Reporting


                                 Agent's Employer


                                 Identification Number. DO


                                 NOT include the hyphen.



      17-20     Blank            Reserved for use by the





      21-23     Record Length-   Enter number of positons


                Agent "A"        (178) for Agent "A"


                Record           Record. If a Record mark is


                                 used at the end of each


                                 record, include it in the


                                 count. DO NOT include in


                                 count if used only at the


                                 end of the block.



      24-27     Record Length    Enter number of positions


                "B" Record       (648) for "B" Record. If a


                                 record mark is used at the


                                 end of each record, include


                                 it in the count. DO NOT


                                 include in count if used


                                 only at the end of the





      28-67     1st Name Line    Enter first name line of


                Reporting Agent  Reporting Agent. Left


                                 justify and fill with





      68-107    2nd Name Line    Enter second name line of


                Reporting Agent  Reporting Agent. If the


                                 second name line is a


                                 combination of the first


                                 name line, enter a lozenge


                                 in tape position 67 and


                                 continue name, beginning


                                 with tape position 68. Left


                                 justify and fill with


                                 blanks. Fill with blanks if


                                 not required.



    108-147     Street Address-  Enter street address of


                Reporting Agent  Reporting Agent. Left


                                 justify and fill with


                                 blanks. Fill with blanks if


                                 street not required.



    148-167     City-Reporting   Enter city of Reporting


                Agent            Agent. Left justify and


                                 fill with blanks.



    168-169     State-Reporting  Enter the official Post


                Agent            Office two position State


                                 Code. See Section 13 for a


                                 list of the State Code





    170-173     Blank            Reserved for use by the





    174-178     Zip Code         Enter Zip Code of Reporting





0.08 Tax Data "B" Record

1. Contains tax information for each filer reported by the Reporting Agent. The number of Tax Data "B" Records appearing on one tape reel will depend on the number of taxpayers represented (only one tax return for each EIN). A Checkpoint Totals "C" Record and then an End of Location "D" Record must follow the last Tax Data "B" Record for a location or DO Code change. In addition, the Tax Data "B" Records must be arranged in ascending order EIN sequence within DO Code.

2. Tax Data "B" Records may be blocked together with Record Types A, C, D, E, and F or the Tax Data "B" Records may be blocked alone with Record Types A, C, D, E, and F unblocked. Records should have a blocking factor for which blocks will not exceed 4,000 tape positons. All records must be fixed length and for the current tax period. all money amount fields must contain dollars and cents and all liability amounts must be fullpaid.

                FORM 941 TAX DATA "B" RECORD






    1           Record Type      Enter "B". Must be the


                                 first character of each


                                 Form 941 Tax Data "B"





  2-36          Employer's Name  Enter 1st name line of


                First            taxpayer. Left justify and


                                 fill with blanks. First


                                 five positions must be





 37-71          Employer's Name  Enter 2nd name line of


                Second Line      taxpayer. Left justify and


                                 fill with blanks.



 72-75          Name Control     Enter the 4 position


                                 alpha/numeric name control


                                 from the validated Agent's


                                 Listing. Blanks may be


                                 present in the low order





 76-84          EIN-Employer     Enter the 9 numeric


                                 characters of the Employer


                                 Identification Number as


                                 given on the "Employer


                                 Entity Control Card." DO


                                 NOT enter a hyphen. Blanks


                                 are not acceptable.



 85-119         Street Address-  Enter the street address of


                Employer         the taxpayer. Left justify


                                 and fill with blanks.



 120-139        City-Employer    Enter the city in which


                                 the taxpayer is located.


                                 Left justify and fill with


                                 blanks. First three


                                 positions must be filled.



 140-145        State-Employer   Enter the official Post


                                 Office two position State


                                 Code. See Section 13. Last


                                 four positions are blanks.



 146-150        Zip Code-        Enter the 5 numeric


                Employer         characters of the Post


                                 Office Zip Code. If


                                 unknown, fill with blanks.



    151         Address Change-  Enter ZERO if taxpayer's


                Indicator        address has not changed


                                 since previous filing of


                                 Form 941 return; otherwise


                                 enter "1".



    152         New Account      Enter ZERO if Reporting


                Indicator        Agent has reported the


                                 taxpayer on magnetic tape


                                 in the prior quarter.


                                 Enter "1" if this is the


                                 first consecutive quarter


                                 the Reporting Agent is


                                 reporting the taxpayer on


                                 magnetic tape. (If the


                                 taxpayer has been reported


                                 on magnetic tape, is


                                 discontinued from tape


                                 filing for one or more


                                 quarters, and this is the


                                 first quarter the taxpayer


                                 is again being reported


                                 under the Magnetic Tape


                                 Filing System, enter "1"


                                 for a new account.)



    153         Final Return     Enter ZERO if this is not


                Indicator        taxpayer's final return.


                                 Enter "1" if this is the


                                 taxpayer's final return.



    154         Discontinued     Enter ZERO if Reporting


                Employer         Agent will be reporting for


                (Filer)          the taxpayer in the


                Indicator        subsequent quarter. Enter


                                 "1" if the taxpayer is


                                 being removed from the


                                 Magnetic Tape Filing System


                                 but is still liable for


                                 Form 941 returns.



    155         Adjustment       Enter ZERO if no


                Indicator        adjustments. Enter "1" if


                                 "Fractions Only." Enter "3"


                                 if "FICA Tip" only


                                 (Employee previously


                                 reached maximum limitation


                                 thru a combination of wages


                                 and tips). Enter "4" for


                                 "Side Pay" only. Enter "2"


                                 for all other adjustments


                                 including combinations of


                                 "1", "3" and "4". ALL


                                 ADJUSTMENTS OF "2" CATEGORY


                                 MUST BE SUPPORTED BY PAPER





 156-162        Total Number     Enter the total of all


                Employees in     individuals in the payroll


                Pay Period       period of service for which


                including        wages are ordinarily paid.


                March 12.        This field is applicable


                (Exclude         for the first quarter


                household        only. Zero fill the field


                employees        for all other quarters.



NOTE: The elements which follow are a tape facsimile of the printed Form 941, and are to be reported in accordance with the instructions thereon. Right justify all amounts entered and fill with zeros. All money amounts must be dollars and cents.

 163-174        Total Wages      Line 2 of Form 941 (on 1984


                and Tips, etc.   format for example)



 175-188        Amount of        Line 3a of Form 941 (on


                Income Tax       1984 format for example)





 189-198        Adjustments for  If amount is negative,


                Preceeding       minus sign low order tape


                Quarters         positions 198. Positive


                                 amounts may be unsigned or


                                 plus signed.



 199-212        Adjusted Total   If amount is negative,


                Income Tax       minus sign low order tape


                Withheld         positions 212. Positive


                                 amounts may be unsigned or


                                 plus signed.



 213-226        Taxable FICA     Wages paid to


                Wages Paid       employees--not taxes.



 227-236        Taxable tips     Tips reported by


                Reported         employees--not taxes.



 237-246        Tips Deemed      Amount reported by employer


                to be Wages      as difference between


                                 minumum wage and the actual


                                 amount paid.  NOTE:  This


                                 field applies to those


                                 employees who are subject


                                 to the Minimum Wage


                                 provisions of the Fair


                                 Labor Standard Act.



 247-256        Total FICA       Line 8 of form 941 (on 1984


                Taxes            format for example).



 257-266        Adjustment to    If amount is negative,


                FICA Tax         minus sign low order tape


                                 position 266. Positive


                                 amounts may be unsigned or


                                 plus signed.



 267-276        Adjusted         If amount is negative,


                Total of         munus sign low order tape


                FICA Taxes       position 276. Positive


                                 amounts may be unsigned or


                                 plus signed.



 277-291        Total Taxes      If amount is negative,


                                 minus sign low order tape


                                 position 289, Positive


                                 amounts may be unsigned or


                                 plus signed.



 292-301        Earned Income    Advance payment of EIC


                Credit           during the quarter. Must


                                 contain ZEROS if no amount





 302-316        Total Taxes      FTD's plus overpayment from


                Deposited        prior quarter.



 317-331        Balance Due      Must contain only ZEROS if


                                 even or overpaid.



 332-345        Backup With-     Amount withheld for Backup


                holding Amount   Withholding. (See Section


                                 6.06 on Schedule A)



 346-355        Adjustment to    If amount is negative,


                Backup With-     minus sign low order tape


                holding          positon 355. Positive


                                 amounts may be unsigned or


                                 plus signed (See Section


                                 6.06 on Schedule A).



 356-366        Amount Remitted  Must contain ZEROS.



 367-377        Excess           Taxes deposited and/or


                                 overpayments from prior


                                 quarters may result in a


                                 credit to the taxpayer. If


                                 so, enter the amount of


                                 the credit.



   378          Credit Elect     Enter ZERO if credit is to


                                 be applied to next return;


                                 enter "1" if amount is to


                                 be refunded or if Excess


                                 (tape positions 337-347) is





 379-382        Number of        Enter the number of Federal


                FTD's Made       Tax Deposits made during


                                 the tax period. Right


                                 justify and fill with





 383-397        Amount of        Enter the total (dollars


                FTD's            and cents) amount of the


                                 FTD's purchased.



 398-407        Overpayment      Enter the amount overpaid


                from Previous    for the previous quarter.





 408-417        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                3rd Day          the period ending with


                (1st month)      the 3rd day of the 1st





 418-427        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                7th day          the period ending with


                (1st month)      the 7th day of the 1st





 428-437        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                11th day         the period ending with


                (1st month)      the 11th day of the 1st





 438-447        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                15th day         the period ending with


                (1st month)      the 15th day of the 1st





 448-457        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                19th day         the period ending with


                (1st month)      the 19th day of the 1st





 458-467        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                22nd day         the period ending with


                (1st month)      the 22nd day of the 1st





 468-477        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                25th day         the period ending with


                (1st month)      the 25th day of the 1st





 478-487        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                Last Day (1st    period ending with the last


                month)           day of the 1st month.



 488-497        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                Third day        period ending with the 3rd


                (2nd month)      day of the 2nd month.



 498-507        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                7th Day (2nd     period ending with the 7th


                month)           day of the 2nd month.



 508-517        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                11th Day (2nd    period ending with the 11th


                month)           day of the 2nd month.



 518-527        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                15th Day (2nd    period ending with the 15th


                month)           day of the 2nd month.



 528-537        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                19th Day (2nd    period ending with the 19th


                month)           day of the 2nd month.



 538-547        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                22nd Day (2nd    period ending with the 22nd


                month)           day of the 2nd month.



 548-557        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                25th Day (2nd    period ending with the 25th


                month)           day of the 2nd month.



 558-567        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                Last Day (2nd    period ending with the last


                month)           day of the 2nd month.



 568-577        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                3rd Day (3rd     period ending with the 3rd


                month)           day of the 3rd month.



 578-587        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                7th Day (3rd     period ending with the 7th


                month)           day of the 3rd month.



 588-597        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                11th Day (3rd    period ending with the 11th


                month)           day of the 3rd month.



 598-607        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                15th Day (3rd    period ending with the 15th


                month)           day of the 3rd month.



 608-617        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                19th Day (3rd    period ending with the 19th


                month)           day of the 3rd month.



 618-627        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                22nd Day (3rd    period ending with the 22nd


                month)           day of the 3rd month.



 628-637        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                25th Day (3rd    period ending with the 25th


                month)           day of the 3rd month.



 638-647        Tax Liability,   Enter the tax liability for


                Last Day (3rd    period ending with the last


                month)           day of the 3rd month.



  648           First Time 3-    Enter ZERO if taxpayer's


                Banking Day      first time 3-banking day


                Depositor OR     depositor or is making


                95% Safe Haven   deposits using the 95% Safe


                Rule             Haven. Otherwise, enter





0.09 Checkpoint Totals "C" Record

1. Write this record after each 100 or fewer Tax Data "B" Records. Additionally, write this record after the last Tax Data "B" for a DO Code or location of an Agent's "A" Record has been written. Each Checkpoint Totals "C" Record must contain a count of Tax Data "B" Records, the sum of Total Taxes, the Total Number of FTD's made and the sum of the Total Amounts of FTD's for all Tax Data "B" Records which have not been summarized in preceding Checkpoint Totals "C" Records.

2. The Checkpoint Totals "C" Record must be followed by a Tax Data "B" Record or an End of Location "D" Record. If the Checkpoint Totals "C" Record is at the end of the reel, it will be followed by an End of Reel "F" Record.

3. All Checkpoint Totals "C" Records must be fixed length. All money amount fields will contain dollars and cents. The Checkpoint Totals "C" Records cannot be followed by a Tape Mark.







    1           Record Type      Enter "C". Must be first


                                 character of the Checkpoint


                                 Totals "C" Record.



  2-6          Number of Tax     Enter number of Tax Data


               Data "B" Records  "B" Record processed since


                                 last Checkpoint Totals "C"


                                 Record or Agent "A" Record


                                 has been written. Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill if


                                 less than five positions


                                 are required.



 7-22          Total Taxes       Enter the sum of Total


                                 Taxes in dollars and cents


                                 from Tax Data "B" Records


                                 in the preceding 100 or


                                 fewer records (tape


                                 positions 277-291). Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill.



 23-29         Number of FTD's   Enter total number of


               Made.             Federal Tax Deposits made


                                 during the tax period for


                                 Tax Data "B" Records in the


                                 preceding 100 or fewer


                                 records (tape positions


                                 379-382). Right justify and


                                 ZERO fill.



 30-45        Total Amount of    Enter the sum of the Total


              FTD's              Amount of FTD's in dollars


                                 and cents for Tax Data "B"


                                 Records in the preceding


                                 100 or fewer records (tape


                                 positions 383-397). Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill.



0.10 End of Location "D" Record

1. Write this record after the last Checkpoint Totals "C" Record has been written for a DO Code or a Reporting Agent's location contained in the Agent's "A" Record. Each End of Location "D" Record must contain a count of Tax Data "B" Records, the sum of Total Taxes, the Total Number of FTD's made and the sum of the Total Amount of FTD's for all Tax Data "B" Records for the preceding Agent "A" Record.

2. The End of Location "D" Record must be followed by an Agent "A" Record or an End of Reel "F" Record.

3. All End of Location "D" Records must be fixed length. All money amounts will contain dollars and cents. The End of Location "D" Record cannot be followed by a Tape Mark.

                 END OF LOCATION "D" RECORD






    1           Record Type      Enter "D". Must be the


                                 first character of the End


                                 of Location "D" Record.



  2-6           Number of Tax    Enter number of Tax Data


                Data "B"         "B" Records processed since


                Records          the last Agent "A" Record


                                 has been written. Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill if


                                 less than five positions


                                 are required.



  7-22          Total Taxes      Enter the sum of Total


                                 Taxes in dollars and cents


                                 from all preceding Tax Data


                                 "B" Records from the last


                                 Agent "A" Record (tape


                                 positions 277-291). Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill.



 23-29          Number of        Enter total number of


                FTD's Made       Federal Tax Deposits made


                                 during the tax period from


                                 all preceding Tax Data "B"


                                 Records from the last Agent


                                 "A" Record (tape positions


                                 379-382). Right justify and


                                 ZERO fill.



 30-45          Total Amount     Enter the sum of the Total


                of FTD's         Amount of FTD's in dollars


                                 and cents from preceding


                                 Tax Data "B" Records from


                                 the last Agent "A" Record


                                 (tape positions 383-397


                                 Right justify and ZERO





0.11 End of "E" Record

1. Write this record after the last End of Location "D" Record in the file. All money amounts will contain dollars and cents. All End of File "E" Records must be fixed length. This record can be followed only by a Tape Mark or Tape Mark and Trailer Label.

                   END OF FILE "E" RECORD






    1           Record Type      Enter "E". Must be the


                                 first character of the End


                                 of File "E" Record.



  2-6           Number of Tax    Enter number of Tax Data


                Data "B"         "B" Records (including the


                Records          Reporting Agent) which are


                                 reported on the tape file.


                                 Only one Tax Data "B"


                                 Record is permissible for


                                 each taxpayer. Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill if


                                 less than five positions


                                 are required.



  7-22          Total Taxes      Enter the sum of Total


                                 Taxes in dollars and cents


                                 for all Tax Data "B"


                                 Records reported on the


                                 tape file (tape positions


                                 277-291). This should


                                 balance to Total Taxes


                                 accumulated in Checkpoint


                                 Totals "C" Records (tape


                                 positions 7-22). Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill.



 23-29          Number of        Enter total number of


                FTD'S Made       Federal Tax Deposits


                                 made during the tax period


                                 for all Tax Data "B"


                                 Records reported on the


                                 tape file (tape positions


                                 379-382). This should


                                 balance to number of FTD's


                                 accumulated in Checkpoint


                                 Totals "C" Records (tape


                                 positions 23-29. Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill.



 30-45          Total Amount     Enter the sum of the Total


                of FTD's         Amount of FTD's in dollars


                                 and cents from all Tax Data


                                 "B" Record on the tape file


                                 (tape positions 383-397).


                                 This should balance to


                                 Total Amount of FTD's


                                 accumulated in Checkpoint


                                 Totals "C" Records (tape


                                 positions 30-45). Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill.



0.12 End of Reel "F" Record

1. Write this record when the end of the normal writing area of each reel has been reached, but all records in the file have not been written. This record indicates that there are additional reels in the file. Each End of Reel "F" Record must contain a count of Tax Data "B" Records, the sum of Total Taxes, the Total Number of FTD's made and the sum of the Total Amount of FTD's for all Checkpoint Totals "C" Records not summarized in previous End of Location "D" Records.

2. The End of Reel "F" Record cannot be followed by an Agent "A" Record, Tax Data "B" Record, Checkpoint Totals "C" Record, End of Location "D" Record or End of File "E" Record. A Tape Mark or Tape Mark and Trailer Label only can follow this record.

3. DO NOT use this record on the Final Reel of the file being transmitted.

                   END OF REEL "F" RECORD






    1           Record Type      Enter "F". Must be the


                                 first character of the End


                                 of Reel "F" Record.



  2-6           Number of Tax    Enter total number of Tax


                Data "B"         Data "B" Records contained


                Records          on this tape reel that have


                                 not been summarized in


                                 previous End of Location


                                 "D" Records. This total


                                 will include "B" Records


                                 that are summarized in


                                 previous Checkpoint Totals


                                 "C" Records subsequent to


                                 the previous End of


                                 Location "D" Record. Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill.



  7-22          Total Taxes      Enter the sum of Total


                                 Taxes in dollars and cents


                                 from all preceding Tax Data


                                 "B" Records from the last


                                 Agent "A" Record (tape


                                 positions 277-291). Right


                                 justify and ZERO fill.



 23-29          Number of        Enter the total number of


                FTD's Made       Federal Tax Deposits made


                                 during the tax period from


                                 all preceding Tax Data "B"


                                 Records from the last Agent


                                 "A" Record (tape positions


                                 379-382). Right justify and


                                 ZERO fill.



 30-45          Total Amount     Enter the sum of Total


                of FTD's         Amount of FTD's in dollars


                                 and cents from preceding


                                 Tax Data "B" Records from


                                 the last Agent "A" Record


                                 (tape positions 383-397).


                                 Right justify and ZERO






Enter the official two position Post Office State Code abbreviations for States and Territories in the Agent "A" Records and Tax Data "B" Records according to the following:

 STATE                  CODE    STATE                 CODE



 Alabama . . . . . . .    AL    Nebraska . . . . . . .  NE


 Alaska  . . . . . . .    AK    Nevada . . . . . . . .  NV


 Arizona . . . . . . .    AZ    New Hampshire  . . . .  NH


 Arkansas  . . . . . .    AR    New Jersey . . . . . .  NJ


 California  . . . . .    CA    New Mexico . . . . . .  NM


 Colorado  . . . . . .    CO    New York . . . . . . .  NY


 Connecticut . . . . .    CT    North Carolina . . . .  NC


 Delaware  . . . . . .    DE    North Dakota . . . . .  ND


 District of Columbia     DC    Ohio . . . . . . . . .  OH


 Florida . . . . . . .    FL    Oklahoma . . . . . . .  OK


 Georgia . . . . . . .    GA    Oregon . . . . . . . .  OR


 Hawaii  . . . . . . .    HI    Pennsylvania . . . . .  PA


 Idaho . . . . . . . .    ID    Rhode Island . . . . .  RI


 Illinois  . . . . . .    IL    South Carolina . . . .  SC


 Indiana . . . . . . .    IN    South Dakota . . . . .  SD


 Iowa  . . . . . . . .    IA    Tennessee  . . . . . .  TN


 Kansas  . . . . . . .    KS    Texas  . . . . . . . .  TX


 Kentucky  . . . . . .    KY    Utah . . . . . . . . .  UT


 Louisiana . . . . . .    LA    Vermont  . . . . . . .  VT


 Maine . . . . . . . .    ME    Virginia . . . . . . .  VA


 Maryland  . . . . . .    MD    Washington . . . . . .  WA


 Massachusetts . . . .    MA    West Virginia  . . . .  WV


 Michigan  . . . . . .    MI    Wisconsin  . . . . . .  WI


 Minnesota . . . . . .    MN    Wyoming  . . . . . . .  WY


 Mississippi . . . . .    MS    Puerto Rico  . . . . .  PR


 Missouri  . . . . . .    MO    Virgin Islands . . . .  VI


 Montana . . . . . . .    MT    Guam . . . . . . . . .  GU




The following chart shows by tape of file the sequence of the Record according to the complexity of the tape file(s).

                                  3rd    2nd    Next


                                  from   from    to


                    1st    2nd    last   last   last   Last


                   Record Record Record Record Record Record


 Type of File       Type   Type   Type   Type   Type   Type


 ____________      ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______



 One DO Code, one





 Total "C" Record,


  single reel         A      B      B      C      D      E



 One DO Code, two


  or more Checkpoint



 Totals "C" Records,


  single reel:



 First "C" Record     A      B      B      B      B      C



 Second "C" Record    B      B      B      B      B      C



 Last "C" Record      B      B      B      C      D 1  E



 One DO Code,


  multiple reels:



 First reel           A      B      B      B    C 2  F 3



 Last reel            A 4  B      B      C      D      E





D 1 The End of Location "D" Record must include the totals of all Checkpoint Totals "C" Records that precede it up to the previous Agent "A" Record.

C 2 A Checkpoint Totals "C" Record must be written at the end of a reel before the End of Reel "F" Record is written.

F 3 The End of Reel "F" Record can only be a Tape Mark or a Tape Mark and Trailer Label.

A 4 An Agent "A" Record must be written as the first record of each subsequent reel to the first reel.


This Revenue Procedure supersedes Rev. Proc. 81-53 and Rev. Proc. 82-68.


This Revenue Procedure is effective April 1, 1984.

                              Exhibit 1



Form 4995 Application for Magnetic Tape


(Rev. January 1979) Filing of Form 941,


Department of the Treasury Employer's Quarterly Federal


Internal Revenue Service Tax Return




Please complete this form, attach Name and Address (Street,


requested items, and mail to: City, State, and ZIP Code) of


                                       your organization



  Internal Revenue Service Center



                                       Your employer identification





First quarter for which you plan Name of person IRS may


to file Forms 941 on magnetic tape contact regarding this request


(Check appropriate box and enter








                                       Area code and telephone number



__1 __2 __3 __4 19 _____



           Estimated volume of documents you plan to file




                             On tape On paper


Form 941



          Type of equipment on which you will prepare tapes




                   Main Frame Tape Drive



Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Model



                          Tape Number of





Width Density Recording Code



                                                       __7 __9



Internal Revenue Office where you filed Forms 941 last quarter




I __ do __ do not request blank Federal tax deposit forms, with


keypunch instructions. Please send me a total of _______________


forms. (I understand the Internal Revenue Service will not mail the


FTD forms to me until my tape file has been satisfactorily





I have included with this application the following:



   1. A list of my employer clients


      (arranged in employer identification


      number sequence) showing a. Name,


                                            b. Complete address,


                                            c. ZIP Code,


                                            d. Employer


                                               identification number.



   2. A copy of the power of attorney for each of the Form 941


employers, arranged in employer identification number sequence.



As the tax return filing agent for these employers, I agree to keep


copies of their required powers of attorney on file for examination


by the Internal Revenue Service on request. I will retain these


copies until the statute of limitations for their tax returns





Signature and title of filing agent responsible for Date


preparation of tax returns





                              Exhibit 2



                           AGENT'S LISTING



              ______________________________________ 1







   Employer Name District Tax


Identification Control T/P Name Office Code Class


    Number 2 & Address 22 Bank ID#





1 Enter Reporting Agent's complete name and address.



2 Information will be supplied by Internal Revenue Service.



                              Exhibit 3



Form 2848


(Rev. October 1983) Power of Attorney and OMB No.


Department of the Treasury Declaration of Representative 1545-0150


Internal Revenue Service See separate instructions




PART I.--Power of Attorney



Taxpayer(s) name, identifying number,


and address including ZIP code


(Please type or print)



                                                    For IRS Use Only



Enter the Client's name and address


                                                 File So.


hereby appoints (name(s), CAF number(s), Level


address(es), including ZIP code(s), Receipt


and telephone number(s) of individual(s)) /*/ Powers


                                                 Blind T.


Enter the Reporting Agent's name and address Action


                                                 Ret. Ind.



as attorney(s)-in-fact to represent the taxpayer(s) before any office


of the Internal Revenue Service for the following tax matter(s)


(specify the type(s) of tax and year(s) or period(s) (date of death


if estate tax)):



            Type of tax Federal tax Year(s) or period(s)


(Individual, corporate, etc.) form number (Date of death


                              (1040, 1120, etc.) if estate tax)




Employer's Quarterly Federal


Tax Return filed on Magnetic 941





The attorney(s)-in-fact (or either of them) are authorized, subject


to revocation, to receive confidential information and to perform any


and all acts that the principal(s) can perform with respect to the


above specified tax matters (excluding the power to receive refund


checks, and the power to sign the return (see regulations section


1.6012-1(a)(5), Returns made by agents), unless specifically granted





Send copies of notices and other written communications addressed to


the taxpayer(s) in proceedings involving the above tax matters to:



  1 __ the appointee first named above, or


  2 __ (names of not more than two of the above named appointees) ___




Initial here __________ if you are granting the power to receive, but


not to endorse or cash, refund checks for the above tax matters to:


  3 __ the appointee first named above, or


  4 __ (name of one of the above designated


       appointees) ___________________________ ______________________



This power of attorney revokes all earlier powers of attorney and tax


information authorizations on file with the Internal Revenue Service


for the same tax matters and years or periods covered by this power


of attorney, except the following:






   (Specify to whom granted, date, and address including ZIP code,


 or refer to attached copies of earlier powers and authorizations.)



Signature of or for taxpayer(s)



(If signed by a corporate officer, partner, or fiduciary on behalf of


the taxpayer, I certify that I have the authority to execute this


power of attorney on behalf of the taxpayer.)



____________________________ ___________________________ __________


         (Signature) (Title, if applicable) (Date)


(Also type or print your name below if signing for a taxpayer who is


not an individual.)



____________________________ ___________________________ __________


         (Signature) (Title, if applicable) (Date)



    /*/ You may authorize an organization, firm, or partnership to


receive confidential information, but your representative must be an


individual who must complete Part II.



If the power of attorney is granted to a person other than an


attorney, certified public accountant, enrolled agent, or enrolled


actuary, the taxpayer(s) signature must be witnessed or notarized


below. (The representative must complete Part II. Only


representatives listed there are recognized to practice before the


Internal Revenue Service.)



     The person(s) signing as or for the taxpayer(s):


     (Check and complete one.)


       __ is/are known to and signed in the presence of the two


          disinterested witnesses whose signatures appear here:



_________________________________________________ _______________


              (Signature of Witness) (Date)



_________________________________________________ _______________


              (Signature of Witness) (Date)



       __ appeared this day before a notary public and acknowledged


          this power of attorney as a voluntary act and deed.



          Witness: _______________________ ________ NOTARIAL SEAL


                    (Signature of Notary) (Date) (if required by


                                                        State law)



PART II.--Declaration of Representative



     I declare that I am not currently under suspension or disbarment


from practice before the Internal Revenue Service, that I am aware of


Treasury Department Circular No. 230 as amended (31 C.F.R. Part 10),


Regulations governing the practice of attorneys, certified public


accountants, enrolled agents, enrolled actuaries, and others, and


that I am one of the following:



     1 a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of


       the jurisdiction indicated below;



     2 duly qualified to practice as a certified public accountant in


       the jurisdiction indicated below;



     3 enrolled as an agent pursuant to the requirements of Treasury


       Department Circular No. 230;



     4 a bona fide officer of the taxpayer organization;



     5 a full-time employee of the taxpayer;



     6 a member of the taxpayer's immediate family (spouse, parent,


       child, brother or sister);



     7 a fiduciary for the taxpayer;



     8 an enrolled actuary (the authority of an enrolled actuary to


       practice before the Service is limited by section 10.3(d)(1)


       of Treasury Department Circular No. 230);



     9 Commissioner's special authorization an agent pursuant to


       (see instructions for Part II, item 9) the requirements


                                               Rev. Proc. 84-11;



     and that I am authorized to represent the taxpayer identified in


Part I for the tax matters there specified.





(insert appropriate Jurisdiction


 number from above (State, etc.) Signature Date


       list) or Enrollment Card Number





                              Exhibit 4



Form 4996 Magnetic Tape Filing


(Rev. January 1979) Transmittal for Form 941,


Department of the Treasury Employer's Quarterly Federal


Internal Revenue Service Tax Return




Please complete 2 copies of this form for each tape file and enclose


with the first box of files in the shipment.



Reporting Agent's Name and Address Date Quarter Ended on Form 941


(Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) Returns



                                       Employer Identification Number



1. Number of Form 941 returns filed on the accompanying tape



2. Total wages and tips subject to withholding, plus other


   compensation (add the amount for this item on all 941's


   and enter total here)



3. Taxable FICA wages paid (add the amount for this item on


   all 941's and enter total here)



4. Taxable tips reported (add the amount for this on all 941's


   and enter total here)



5. Total taxes (add the amount for this item on all 941's and


   enter total here)



6. Total taxes deposited (add the amount for this item on all


   941's and enter total here)



Power of attorney to file the Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax


Returns, Form 941, on the accompanying magnetic tape have been filed


with ___________________________________ Internal Revenue Service





Total Forms 941 filed on paper this quarter in separate shipment



Total Forms 941c included in this shipment



Note: The IRS tape program involves only the tax data part of Form


941. You should contact the Social Security Administration about the


reporting of Form W-2 (Copy A) and Form W-3 wage data direct to them


on tape.



Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the tax returns and


accompanying schedules and statements on the enclosed magnetic tape


are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct, and





Signature of agent or authorized employee responsible for preparation


of tax returns




Title Date


  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    not available
Copy RID