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IRS Provides Specifications For Filing Form 8851.

MAY 14, 2001

Rev. Proc. 2001-31; 2001-1 C.B. 1170

DATED MAY 14, 2001
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Subject Areas/Tax Topics
  • Index Terms
    medical savings accounts
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 2001-13584 (13 original pages)
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2001 TNT 93-34
Citations: Rev. Proc. 2001-31; 2001-1 C.B. 1170

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 2007-29

Rev. Proc. 2001-31

NOTE: This revenue procedure may be used to prepare Form 8851, Summary of Archer MSAs, for submission to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) using any of the following:

     Magnetic Tape


     Tape Cartridge


     8mm, 4mm, and Quarter


     Inch Cartridges (QIC)


     3 1/2-inch Diskette


     Electronic Filing -- FIRE System





Section 1. Purpose

Section 2. Where to File and How to Contact the IRS Martinsburg Computing Center

Section 3. Filing Requirements

Section 4. Filing of Form(s) 8851 Magnetically/Electronically

Section 5. Preparation Instructions for Media Label

Section 6. Due Dates

Section 7. Processing of Information Returns Magnetically/Electronically

Section 8. Effect on Paper Documents

Section 9. Definition of Terms


Section 1. General

Section 2. Tape Specifications

Section 3. Tape Cartridge Specifications

Section 4. 8mm, 4mm, and Quarter Inch Cartridge Specifications

Section 5. 3 1/2 -Inch Diskette Specifications

Section 6. Data Sequence Specifications

Section 7. The Trustee 'A' Record -- General Field Descriptions and Record Layout

Section 8. The Account Holder 'B' Record -- General Field Descriptions and Record Layout

Section 9. The Control Total 'C' Record -- General Field Descriptions and Record Layout


Section 1. Background

Section 2. Advantages of Filing Electronically

Section 3. General

Section 4. Electronic Filing Approval Procedure

Section 5. Electronic Submissions

Section 6. Electronic Filing Specifications

Section 7. Dial-up Network/Browser Specifications (Web Interface)

Section 8. Communications Software Specifications (Text Interface)

Section 9. Modem Configuration


.01 Numerous editorial changes were made to this revenue procedure. Major changes are emphasized by the use of italics. Filers are urged to read the revenue procedure in its entirety.

.02 Part C, Electronic Filing Specifications, is completely revised. Because of the extensive revision italics have not been extensively used.

.03 Part B, Sec. 01, Trustee 'A' Record, has the only programming change. This change affects the report period.


.01 The purpose of this revenue procedure is to provide the specifications under which trustees may file Form 8851, Summary of Archer MSAs, magnetically or electronically.

.02 Comments concerning this revenue procedure, or suggestions for making it more helpful and user friendly, can be addressed to:

     IRS-Martinsburg Computing Center


     Information Reporting Program


     Attn: 8851 Coordinator


     240 Murall Drive


     Kearneysville, WV 25430



.03 It is unlawful to intentionally transmit a computer virus to the Internal Revenue Service. Violators may be subject to a fine and/or imprisonment.


.01 All Forms 8851 filed magnetically or electronically are processed at IRS/MCC. Send magnetic media files and any correspondence to MCC at the following address:

     IRS-Martinsburg Computing Center


     Information Reporting Program


     Attn: 8851 Coordinator


     240 Murall Drive


     Kearneysville, WV 25430



.02 Paper forms and publications should be requested by calling the "Forms Only Number" listed in your local telephone directory or by calling the IRS toll-free number 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800)829-3676). Forms and publications can also be obtained by using the IRS Web site

.03 The Information Reporting Program (IRP) Call Site, located at the Martinsburg Computing Center, provides service to the payer/employer community (financial institutions, employers, and other transmitters of information returns). The IRP Call Site answers questions concerning tax law and magnetic/electronic filing of Forms 8851 and other information returns (Forms 1096, 1098, 1099, 5498, W- 2G, 1042-S, 8027 and Questionable Forms W-4), inquiries dealing. with backup withholding due to missing and incorrect taxpayer identification numbers and questions concerning paper filing of Forms W-2 and W-3. The Call Site can also be reached via their e-mail address Recipients of information returns (payees) should continue to contact 1-800-829-1040 or other numbers specified in the tax return instructions with any questions on how to report tax returns.

The Call Site accepts calls from all areas of the country. The number to call is 304-263-8700 or Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) 304-267-3367. These are toll calls. Hours of operation for the Call Site are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. The Call Site is in operation throughout the year to handle the questions of payers, transmitters, and employers. Due to the high demand for assistance at the end of January and February, it is advisable to call as soon as possible to avoid these peak filing seasons.

.04 The telephone numbers for inquiries or electronic submissions are:

     304-263-8700 - Call Site or email


     304-262-2400 - Electronic Filing


     304-267-3367 - TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf)


     304-264-5602 - Fax Machine



(These are not toll-free telephone numbers.)




.01 If you are required to report 250 or more Archer MSAs, you must file magnetically or electronically. Even though a trustee may not meet the required filing threshold of 250 documents, IRS encourages the filing of the Form 8851 magnetically/electronically.

.02 Filers who are required to submit their Forms 8851 on magnetic media may choose to submit their documents electronically instead. Filers who transmit their information electronically are considered to have satisfied the magnetic media filing requirements.

.03 The filing requirement applies individually to each reporting entity as defined by its separate Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) (Social Security Number [SSN] or Employer Identification Number [EIN]). For example, if filing for a corporation with several branches or locations and each uses the same name and EIN, the filer must aggregate the total volume to be filed for that EIN and apply the filing requirement accordingly.

.04 For additional information on filing requirements, please refer to the instructions on Form 8851.


.01 Form 8851, Summary of Archer MSAs, MUST accompany ALL magnetic media shipments. If you wish to file electronically, complete Form 8851 above line 'a' (trustee's information only) and send it to:

     IRS-Martinsburg Computing Center


     Information Reporting Program


     Attn: 8851 Coordinator


     240 Murall Drive


     Kearneysville, WV 25430



Upon receipt, you will be contacted with instructions on how to transmit your file electronically. In both instances, only the trustee information requested on Form 8851 must be completed. The form may be computer-generated; however, all of the trustee information requested on the original form must be on the computer- generated form.

.02 Do not report duplicate information. If a filer submits returns magnetically/electronically, identical paper documents must not be filed.

.03 A self-adhesive external media label, created by the filer, must be affixed to each piece of magnetic media (See Sec. 5). If diskettes are used, be certain that only MS-DOS compatible operating systems were used to prepare the diskettes. Non-MS-DOS diskettes are no longer acceptable at IRS/MCC.

.04 On the outside of the shipping container, affix or attach a label which reads "IRB Box ___of ___" reflecting the number of containers in the shipment. If there is only one container, mark the outside as Box 1 of 1. For multiple containers, include the sequence (for example, Box 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3).

.05 When submitting files include the following:

(a) Form 8851;

(b) External media label affixed to the magnetic media;

(c) IRB Box __ of __ outside label.

.06 IRS/MCC will not pay for or accept "Cash-on-Delivery" or "Charge to IRS" shipments of tax information that an individual or organization is legally required to submit.


Please create your own pressure sensitive label containing the following information:

 Type of filing: Indicate whether data is Original or Replacement.



 Tax Year: Tax period for which media is submitted as defined on the


           Form 8851.



 IRS TCC: (Transmitter Control Code): MSA01



 Trustee's name:




 Operating System/Hardware:     Recommended label format:



 For 3 1/2-inch diskette       Type of filing ___________________


 files, indicate the type of    Tax Year __________ IRC TCC MSA01


 personal computer operating    Trustee name _____________________


 system and software package    Operating System/Hardware ________


 used to create the media       Number of account holders ________


 (for example:                  Trustee number for media _________


 IBM.PC/AT-MSD/DOS)             Media sequence _______ of ________





For tape, indicate either EBCDIC or ASCII.

For tape cartridge, indicate operating system, either EBCDIC or ASCII, and either 18, 36, 128 or 256 track.

Number of account holders: Indicate the total number of Account Holder "B" Records reported on the media.

Trustee number for media: If available, provide the in-house number assigned by your organization to the tapes, tape cartridges, or diskettes.

Media sequence: Indicate sequence number of media and total number of media in file (for example: Media sequence 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3).

Please affix external label to appropriate area on magnetic media, so it will not hinder the ability to process media.


.01 The due dates for filing paper returns with IRS also apply to magnetic media or electronic filing. File Form 8851, postmarked no later than August 1, 2001, to report the number of Archer MSAs you established from January 1 through June 30, 2001.

.02 When using a delivery service other than the U.S. Postal Service, if no date of shipment appears on the package or container, the date of receipt will be the date received at IRS/MCC.


.01 All data received at IRS/MCC for processing will be given the same protection as individual income tax returns (Form 1040). IRS/MCC will process the data and determine if the records are formatted and coded according to this revenue procedure.

.02 If you are filing information for more than one trustee, each trustee must be reported on separate media and/or transmitted separately, if filing electronically.

.03 If the data is formatted incorrectly, IRS/MCC will request a replacement file in writing. When IRS/MCC requests a replacement file, it is because we encountered errors (not limited to format) and were unable to process the media. Filers will receive a Media Tracking Slip (Form 9267), listing and letter detailing the reason(s) their media could not be processed. It is imperative that filers maintain backup copies and/or recreate capabilities for their information return files. Open all IRS/MCC correspondence immediately. Refer to Part C, Section 5, for procedures for replacing files submitted electronically.

.04 The following definition has been provided to help identify a replacement:

A Replacement is an information return file sent by the filer at the request of IRS/MCC because of errors encountered while processing the filers original submission. (See Note 1).

NOTE 1: Filers should never send anything to IRS/MCC marked "Replacement" unless IRS/MCC has requested a replacement file in writing or via the FIRE System.

NOTE 2: IRS/MCC no longer returns problem media in need of replacement.

Filers will receive a tracking slip, listing and letter detailing the reason(s) their media could not be processed. Filers will be expected to send a replacement file within the prescribed time frame. This makes it imperative that filers maintain backup copies and/or recreate capabilities for their information return files.

.05 Files must be corrected and returned with the Media Tracking Slip (Form 9267) to IRS/MCC within 45 days from the date of the letter. Refer to Part C, Section 5, for procedures for replacing files submitted electronically.

.06 IRS/MCC will not return media after successful processing. Therefore, if the transmitter wants proof that IRS/MCC received a shipment, the transmitter should select a service with tracking capabilities or one that will provide proof of delivery.

.07 IRS/MCC will work with the filers to identify and resolve processing problems. If contacted by IRS/MCC, please respond promptly. IRS/MCC may have information the filers need to correct their files.

.08 Do not use special shipping containers for transmitting data to IRS/MCC. Shipping containers will not be returned.


.01 Magnetic or electronic reporting eliminates the need to submit paper Forms 8851 to IRS.

.02 Even though the threshold for filing magnetically or electronically is 250 or more MSAs, IRS encourages transmitters to submit all returns magnetically or electronically.

.03 The address for filing paper Forms 8851 is:

     IRS -- Martinsburg Computing Center


     Information Reporting Program


     Attn: 8851 Coordinator


     240 Murall Drive


     Kearneysville, WV 25430



.04 In all instances, identify which accounts are for individuals that were previously uninsured or excludable account holders, if applicable.


 Element             Description


 _______             ___________



 Account Holder      The owner of the Archer MSA.



 Asynchronous        This type of data transmission is most often used


 Protocols           by micro-computers, PCs and some mini-


                     transmissions transfer data at arbitrary time


                     intervals using the start-stop method. Each


                     character transmitted has its own start bit and


                     stop bit.



 b                   Denotes a blank position. Enter blank(s) when


                     this symbol is used (do not enter the letter


                     "b"). This appears in numerous areas throughout


                     the record descriptions.



 Blocked Records     Two or more records grouped together between


                     interrecord gaps.



 Employer            A nine-digit number assigned by IRS for Federal


 Identification      tax reporting purposes.


 Number (EIN)



 Electronic Filing   Submission of information returns using switched


                     telecommunications network circuits. These


                     transmissions use modems, dial-up phone lines,


                     and asynchronous protocols (see Part C of this


                     publication for specific information on


                     electronic filing).



 File                For the purpose of this revenue procedure, a file


                     consists of all records submitted by a


                     transmitter either magnetically or





 Filer               Person or organization who prepares and submits


                     files. May be the trustee and/or transmitter.



 IRS/MCC             Internal Revenue Service/Martinsburg Computing





 Magnetic Media      For this Revenue Procedure, the term magnetic


                     media refers to 1/2-inch magnetic tape; IBM 3480,


                     3490, 3490E, 3590, 3590E or AS400 compatible tape


                     cartridge; 8mm, 4mm, and QIC (Quarter Inch


                     Cartridge) cartridge or 3 1/2-inch diskette.



 Multi-reel/diskette A group of tapes or diskettes submitted under one


 file                TCC where all media ends with an account holder


                     "B" Record, except for the last media of the


                     file, which ends with a Control Total "C"Record.



 Replacement         An information return file sent by the filer at


                     the request of IRS/MCC because of errors


                     encountered while processing their filers


                     original submission.



 NOTE 1: Filers should never submit media to IRS/MCC marked


 "Replacement" unless IRS/MCC has requested a replacement file in


 writing or via the FIRE System. When sending "Replacements, media, be


 sure to include the Media Tracking Slip (Form 9267). Media that has


 been incorrectly marked as Replacement may result in duplicate





 NOTE 2: IRS/MCC is no longer returning problem media in need of





 Social Security     A nine-digit number assigned by the Social


 Number (SSN)        Security Administration (SSA) to an individual


                     for tax and wage reporting purposes.



 Special Character   Any character that is not a numeric, an alpha, or


                     a blank.



 Taxpayer            May be either a Social Security Number (SSN) or


 Identification      an Employer Identification Number (EIN)


 Number (TIN)



 Transmitter         The five-digit code "MSA01" assigned to all


 Control Code        filers prior to submitting Forms 8851


 (TCC)               magnetically/electronically. This number is


                     inserted in the "A" Record and must be present in


                     the file.



 Trustee             Person or organization that is the custodian of


                     the Archer MSA and is required to file Form 8851.





.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the Trustee 'A,' Account Holder 'B,' and Control Total 'C' records to be included in the magnetic media file. Usually, IRS/MCC will be able to process any compatible file. Deviations cannot and will not be permitted in any of the data fields.

.02 If you are filing for more than one trustee, each trustee must be reported on a separate tape, tape cartridge, 8mm, 4mm, and QIC (Quarter Inch Cartridge) cartridge, diskette, or in a separate electronic transmission. A separate Form 8851 is required for each.

.03 An external label must appear on each tape, diskette, or cartridge submitted. The following information is needed on the label:

     (a) Type of filing (i.e., Original).



     (b) The tax year of the data (i.e., 2001).



     (c) The trustee's name.



     (d) The five-digit Transmitter Control Code "MSA01".



     (e) Operating system software and hardware used to create the


         file (i.e., IBM.PC/AT-MSD/D0S).



     (f) The total number of account holders in the file.



     (g) Trustee's media number. The number assigned to the media by


         the trustee.



     (h) The sequence of each tape or diskette (i.e., 001 of 008, 002


         of 008,..., 008 of 008),



Information provided on the label will assist IRS/MCC in identifying information that is reported and in locating a specific file if it is necessary for IRS/MCC to request a replacement file from the trustee.

.04 Regardless of the type of media used or if returns are filed electronically, the record length must be 150 positions.


NOTE: Beginning in calendar year 2003 for Tax Year 2002, 9 track magnetic tape will no longer be an acceptable method for submitting Information Returns to IRS/MCC.

.01 IRS/MCC can process most magnetic tape files if the following specifications are followed:

(a) 9 track EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) with:

     (1) Odd parity.



     (2) A density of 1600 or 6250 BPI.



     (3) If transmitters use UNISYS Series 1100, they must submit an


         interchange tape.



(b) 9 track ASCII (American Standard Coded Information Interchange) with:

     (1) Odd parity.



     (2) A density of 1600 or 6250 BPI. Transmitters should be


         consistent in the use of recording codes and density on





.02 All compatible tape files must have the following characteristics: Type of tape -- 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) wide, computer- grade magnetic tape on reels of up to 2,400 feet (731.52 m) within the following specifications:

     (a) Tape thickness: 1.0 or 1.5 mils and



     (b) Reel diameter: 10 1/2-inch (26.67 cm), 8 1/2-inch (21.59


         cm), 7-inch (17.78 cm), or 6-inch.



.03 The tape records defined in this Revenue Procedure may be blocked subject to the following:

     (a) A block must not exceed 30,000 tape positions.



     (b) It the use of blocked records would result in a short block,


         all remaining positions of the block must be filled with 9s;


         however, the last block of the file may be filled with 9s or


         truncated. Do not pad a block with blanks.



     (c) All records, except the header and trailer labels, may be


         blocked or unblocked. A record may not contain any control


         fields or block descriptor fields which describe the length


         of the block or the logical records within the block. The


         number of logical records within a block (the blocking


         factor) must be constant in every block with the exception


         of the last block which may be shorter (see item (b) above).


         The block length must be evenly divisible by 150.



     (d) Records may not span blocks.



.04 Labeled or unlabeled tapes may be submitted.

.05 For the purposes of this Revenue Procedure the following must be used: Tape Mark:

     (a) Signifies the physical end of the recording on tape.



     (b) For even parity, use BCD configuration 001111 (8421).



     (c) May follow the header label and precede and/of follow the


         trailer label.



.06 IRS/MCC can Only read one data file on a tape. A data file is a group of records which may or may not begin with a tapemark, but must end with a trailer label. Any data beyond the trailer label cannot be read by IRS programs.


.01 In most instances, IRS/MCC can process tape cartridges that meet the following specifications:

     (a) Must be IBM 3480, 3490, 3490E, 3590, 3590E or AS400





     (b) Must meet American National Standard Institute (ANSI)


         standards, and have the following characteristics:



          (1) Tape cartridges will be 1/2-inch tape contained in


              plastic cartridges which are approximately 4-inches


              by 5-inches by 1-inch in dimension.



          (2) Magnetic tape will be chromium dioxide particle based


              1/2-inch tape.



          (3) Cartridges must be 18-track, 36-track, 128-track or


              256-track parallel (See Note).



          (4) Cartridges will contain 37,871 CPI or 75,742 CPI


              (characters per inch).



          (5) Mode will be full function.



          (6) The data may be compressed using EDRC (Memorex) or IDRC


              (IBM) compression.



          (7) Either EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal


              Interchange Code) or ASCII (American Standard Coded


              Information Interchange) may be used.



.02 The tape cartridge records defined in this Revenue Procedure may be blocked subject to the following:

     (a) A block must not exceed 30,000 tape positions.



     (b) If the use of blocked records would result in a short block,


         all remaining positions of the block must be filled with 9s;


         however, the last block of the file may be filled with 9s or


         truncated. Do not pad a block with blanks.



     (c) All records, except the header and trailer labels, may be


         blocked or unblocked. A record may not contain any control


         fields or block descriptor fields which describe the length


         of the block or the logical records within the block. The


         number of logical records within a block (the blocking


         factor) must be constant in every block with the exception


         of the last block which may be shorter (see item (b) above).


         The block length must be evenly divisible by 150.



     (d) Records may not span blocks.



.03 Tape cartridges may be labeled or unlabeled.

.04 For the purposes of this Revenue Procedure, the following must be used:

Tape Mark:

     (a) Signifies the physical end of the recording on tape.



     (b) For even parity, use BCD configuration 001111 (8421).



     (c) May follow the header label and precede and/or follow the


         trailer label.



NOTE. Filers should indicate on the external media label whether the cartridge is 18-track, 36-track, 128-track or 256-track.


.01 In most instances, IRS/MCC can process 8mm tape cartridges that meet the following specifications:

     (a) Must meet American National Standard Institute (ANSI)


         standards, and have the following characteristics:



          (1) Created from an AS400 operating system only.



          (2) 8mm (.315-inch) tape cartridges will be 2 1/2-inch by


              3 3/4-inch.



          (3) The 8mm tape cartridges must meet the following







           Tracks              Density             Capacity



              1           20 (43245 BPI)            2.3 Gb


              1           21 (45434 BPI)            5 Gb



          (4) Mode will be full function.



          (5) Compressed data is not acceptable.



          (6) Either EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal


              Interchange Code) or ASCII (American Standard Coded


              Information Interchange) may be used. However, IRS/MCC


              encourages the use of EBCDIC. This information must


              appear on the external media label affixed to the





          (7) A file may consist of more than one cartridge; however,


              no more than 250,000 documents may be transmitted per


              file or per cartridge. The filename, for example,


              8851MSA, will contain a three digit extension. The


              extension will indicate the sequence of the cartridge


              within the file (eg., 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3 will


              appear in the header label as 8851MSA.001, 8851MSA.


              002, and 8851MSA.003 on each cartridge of the file).



.02 The 8mm (.315-inch) tape cartridge records defined in this Revenue Procedure may be blocked subject to the following:

     (a) A block must not exceed 30,000 tape positions.



     (b) If the use of blocked records would result in a short block,


         all remaining positions of the block must be filled with 9s;


         however, the last block of the file may be filled with 9s or


         truncated. Do not pad a block with blanks.



     (c) All records, except the header and trailer labels, may be


         blocked or unblocked. A record may not contain any control


         fields or block descriptor fields which describe the length


         of the block or the logical records within the block. The


         number of logical records within a block (the blocking


         factor) must be constant in every block with the exception


         of the last block which may be shorter (see item (b) above).


         The block length must be evenly divisible by 150.



     (d) Various COPY commands have been successful; however, the


         SAVE OBJECT COMMAND is not acceptable.



     (e) Extraneous data following the "C" Record will result in


         IRS/MCC requesting a replacement file.



     (f) Records may not span blocks.



     (g) No more than 250,000 documents per cartridge and per file.



NOTE: Advanced Metal Evaporated (AME) cartridges are not acceptable.

.03 For faster processing, IRS/MCC encourages transmitters to use header labeled cartridges. IRSTAX may be used as a suggested filename.

.04 For the purposes of this Revenue Procedure, the following must be used: Tape Mark:

     (a) Signifies the physical end of the recording on tape.



     (b) For even parity, use BCD configuration 001111 (8421).



     (c) May follow the header label and precede and/or follow the


         trailer label.



.05 If extraneous data follows the "C" Record, IRS/MCC will request a replacement file. Therefore, IRS/MCC encourages transmitters to use blank tape cartridges, rather than cartridges previously used, in the preparation of data when submitting information returns.

.06 IRS/MCC can only read one data file on a tape. A data file is a group of records which may or may not begin with a tapemark, but must end with a trailer label. Any data beyond the trailer label cannot be read by IRS programs.

.07 4mm (.157-inch) cassettes are now acceptable with the following specifications:

     (a) 4mm cassettes will be 2 1/4-inch by 3-inch.



     (b) The tracks are 1 (one).



     (c) The density is 19 (61000 BPI).



     (d) The typical capacity is DDS (DAT data storage) at 1.3Gb (60


         meter) or 2Gb (90 meter), or DDS-2 at 4Gb (120 meter).



     (e) The general specifications for 8mm cartridges also apply to


         the 4mm. cassettes.



Note: 4mm cassettes with a capacity of DDS-3 (125 meter) are not acceptable.

.08 Various Quarter-Inch Cartridges (QIC) (1/4-inch) are also acceptable.

     (a) QIC cartridges will be 4 inch by 6 inch.



     (b) QIC cartridges must meet the following specifications:



  Size         Tracks        Density           Capacity


  ____         ______        _______           ________



 QIC-24         8/9       5 (8000 BPI)         45Mb or 60Mb


 QIC-120         15       15 (10000 BPI)       120Mb or 200Mb


 QIC-150         18       16 (10000 BPI)       150Mb or 250Mb


 QIC-525         26       17 (16000 BPI)       525Mb


 QIC-1000        30       21 (36000 BPI)       1Gb


 QIC-2Gb         42       34 (40640 BPI)       2Gb



     (c) The general specifications that apply to 8mm cartridges also


         apply to QIC cartridges.




IRS/MCC has discontinued processing 5 1/4-inch diskettes.

.01 To be compatible, a diskette file must meet the following specifications:

     (a) 3 1/2-inches in diameter.



     (b) Data must be recorded in standard ASCII code.



     (c) Records must be a fixed length of 150 bytes per record.



     (d) Delimiter character commas (,) must not be used.



     (e) Positions 149 and 150 of each record have been reserved for


         use as carriage return/line feed (cr/lf) characters, if





     (f) Filename of 8851MSA must be used. Do not enter any other


         data in this field. If a file will consist of more than one


         diskette, the file name 8851MSA will contain a 3-digit


         extension. This extension will indicate the sequence of the


         diskettes within the file. For example, the first diskette


         will be named 8851MSA.001, the second diskette will be


         8851MSA.002, etc.



     (g) A diskette will not contain multiple files as defined in


         Part A, Section 09. A diskette file may consist of multiple


         diskettes as long as the file naming conventions are





     (h) Failure to comply with instructions will result in IRS/MCC


         requesting a replacement file.



     (i) Diskettes must meet one of the following specifications:



    Capacity      Tracks       Sides/Density      Sector Size


    ________      ______       _____________      ___________



      1.44 mb      96tpi            hd                 512


      1.44 mb     135tpi            hd                 512


      1.2 mb       96tpi            hd                 512



.02 IRS/MCC encourages trustees to use blank or currently formatted diskettes when preparing files. If extraneous data follows the "C" Record, IRS/MCC will request a replacement file.

.03 IRS/MCC will only accept 3 1/2-inch diskettes created using MS-DOS.

.04 3 1/2-inch diskettes created on a System 36 or AS400 are not acceptable.

.05 Transmitters should check media for viruses before submitting it to IRS/MCC.


.01 In order to be acceptable, records within the file must be in the following sequence:

     (a) A Trustee "A" Record



     (b) Account Holder "B" Records



     (c) Control Total "C" Record



.02 If you are filing for more than one trustee, each trustee must be reported on a separate tape, tape cartridge, 8mm, 4mm, and QIC (Quarter Inch Cartridge) cartridge or diskette.


.01 This record identifies the entity preparing and transmitting the file. The first record of a file MUST be a Trustee "A" Record, (preceded only by header labels, if any), and must appear on each tape and cartridge. Otherwise, the file will be returned for replacement. The "A" Record is a fixed length of 150 positions.



                    RECORD NAME: TRUSTEE "A" RECORD




 Positions  Field Title Length Description and Remarks


 _________  ___________ ______ _______________________



 1          Record Type   1   REQUIRED. Enter "A"



 2-10       Trustee TIN   9   Enter the Taxpayer Identification Number


                              (TIN), either the Employer


                              Identification Number (EIN) or the


                              Social Security Number (SSN) of the





 11-50      Trustee      40   REQUIRED. Enter the trustee's name.


            Name              Abbreviate if necessary to fit 40-


                              character limit. Omit punctuation if


                              possible. Left-justify and blank fill.



 51-90      Trustee      40   REQUIRED. Enter mailing address of the


            Address           trustee. Street address should include


                              number, street, apartment or suite


                              number (or P.O. Box if mail is not


                              delivered to street address). Abbreviate


                              as needed to fit 40-character limit.


                              Omit punctuation if possible. Left-


                              justify and blank fill.



 91-119      Trustee     29   REQUIRED. Enter the city or town of


             City             trusteee. If applicable, enter APO or


                              FPO only. Left-justify and blank fill.



 120-121     Trustee      2   REQUIRED. Enter two-letter Post Office


             State            Code as shown in the list below ONLY.


                              Do NOT spell out the state name.







 State                Code        State                Code





 Alabama               AL         Missouri              MO


 Alaska                AK         Montana               MT


 American Samoa        AS         Nebraska              NE


 Arizona               AZ         Nevada                NV


 Arkansas              AR         New Hampshire         NH


 California            CA         New Jersey            NJ


 Colorado              CO         New Mexico            NM


 Connecticut           CT         New York              NY


 Delaware              DE         North Carolina        NC


 District of Columbia  DC         North Dakota          ND


 Federated States                 Northern


   of Micronesia       FM           Mariana Islands     MP


 Florida               FL         Ohio                  OH


 Georgia               GA         Oklahoma              OK


 Guam                  GU         Oregon                OR


 Hawaii                HI         Pennsylvania          PA


 Idaho                 ID         Puerto Rico           PR


 Illinois              IL         Rhode Island          RI


 Indiana               IN         South Carolina        SC


 Iowa                  IA         South Dakota          SD


 Kansas                KS         Tennessee             TN


 Kentucky              KY         Texas                 TX


 Louisiana             LA         Utah                  UT


 Maine                 ME         Vermont               VT


 Marshall Islands      MH         Virginia              VA


 Maryland              MD         U.S.Virgin Islands    VI


 Massachusetts         MA         Washington            WA


 Michigan              MI         West Virginia         WV


 Minnesota             MN         Wisconsin             WI


 Mississippi           MS         Wyoming               WY





 NOTE: When reporting APO/FPO addresses use the following format:





      Name                PVT Willard J. Doe


      Street Address      Company F. PSC Box 100


      City                APO (or FPO)


   *  State               AE, AA, or AP


      ZIP Code            098010100



 * AE is the designation for ZIPs beginning with 090-098, AA for ZIP


 340, and AP for ZIPs 962-966












 Positions  Field Title        Length    Description and Remarks





 122-130    Trustee ZIP        9         REQUIRED. Enter the ZIP code


            Code                         of the trustee for all U.S.


                                         addresses, U.S. territories


                                         or possessions, APO/FPO


                                         addresses. For trustees using


                                         a five-digit ZIP code, enter


                                         the ZIP code in the left-most


                                         five positions and zero fill


                                         the remaining four positions.


                                         For trustees outside the


                                         U.S., enter nine zeros only.


                                         Do NOT blank fill.



 131-135    Transmitter        5         REQUIRED. Enter your five-


            Control Code                 digit Transmitter (TCC)


                                         Control Code, "MSA01" This is


                                         the TCC assigned to all


                                         filers who report Form(s)


                                         8851 magnetically/





 136        Report Period      1         REQUIRED. Enter the last


                                         digit of the year for which


                                         the Form 8851 is being filed.


                                         For example, if reporting for


                                         tax year 2001, enter a '1'


                                         (one), enter a '2' if


                                         reporting for 2002, etc.



 NOTE: Currently, the filing requirement is for tax year 2001 only. If


 filing is required in the future, an announcement will be issued in


 an I.R.B. Bulletin.



 137-148    Blanks             12        Enter Blanks.



 149-150    Blanks or          2         Enter blanks or Carriage


            Carriage                     Return/Line Feed(cr/lf).




            Line Feed









                       TRUSTEE "A" RECORD LAYOUT




 Record    Trustee   Trustee          Trustee   Trustee


 Type "A"  TIN       Name             Address   City





    1      2-10      11-50            51-90     91-119





 Trustee   Trustee   Transmitter      Report    Blanks     Blanks or


 State     ZIP Code  Control Code     Period               Carriage


                     (TCC)                                 Return/Line


                     "MSA01"                               Feed





 120-121   122-130   131-135          136       137-148    149-150




.01 The "B" record contains the account holder information. The format of the "B" record will remain constant and is a fixed length of 150 positions.







 Positions  Field Title        Length    Description and Remarks





 1          Record Type        1         REQUIRED. Enter "B."



 2-10       Account Holder's   9         REQUIRED. Enter the nine-digit


            Identification               Taxpayer Identification Number


            Number (TIN)                 (TIN) (EIN or SSN) of the


                                         Account Holder. Do NOT enter


                                         blanks, hyphens, or alpha


                                         characters. A TIN consisting


                                         of all the same digit (e.g.,


                                         111111111) is not acceptable.



 11-50      Account Holder     40        REQUIRED. Enter the name of


            Name                         the account holder. Abbreviate


                                         as needed. Left justify and


                                         blank fill.



 51         Previously         1         REQUIRED. Enter a code from


            Uninsured                    the list below to indicate


            Indicator                    whether or not the account


                                         holder was previously


                                         uninsured. For a definition


                                         of "Previously Uninsured",


                                         please see Form 8851.



                                         Condition              Code


                                         _________              _____


                                         Previously uninsured    1


                                         Previously insured      0



 52         Excludable         1         REQUIRED. Enter a code from


            Indicator                    the list below to indicate


                                         whether the account holder is


                                         excludable. For a definition


                                         see Form 8851.



                                         Condition              Code


                                         _________              ____


                                         Excludable              1


                                         Not excludable          0



 53-148     Blanks             96        Enter blanks.



 149-150    Blank or Carriage  2         Enter blanks or carriage


            Return/Line Feed             return/line feed (CR/LF).











 Record         Account        Account          Previously


 Type "B"       Holder         Holder           Uninsured


                TIN            Name             Indicator





    1           2-10           11-50               51





 Excludable          Blanks         Blanks or Carriage


 Indicator                          Return/Line Feed





    52               53-148             149-150




.01 Enter a "C" Record after the last "B" Record submitted for a particular Trustee "A" Record. The "C" Record serves as a summary of the preceding "B" Records' data, and enables IRS to cross check the correctness of information received.

.02 A "C" Record may only be followed by "B" Records reported for a trustee, or by a tape mark and/or trailer label when more reels follow this reel. The "C" Record can be the last record on the file.

.03 Each "C" Record has a fixed length of 150 positions.

.04 If the field is not applicable, allow for the field by entering blanks or zeros as instructed.










 Positions  Field Title        Length    Description and Remarks




 1          Record Type        1         REQUIRED. Enter "C".



 2-7        Number of          6         REQUIRED. Enter the total


            Account Holders              number of account holders


                                         being reported. Right justify


                                         and zero fill.



 8-13       Previously         6         Enter the total number of


            Uninsured                    account holders that were


                                         previously uninsured. Right


                                         justify and zero fill.



 14-19      Excludable         6         Enter the total number of


                                         excludable account holders


                                         being reported. Right justify


                                         and zero fill.



 20-148     Blanks             129       Enter blanks.



 149-150    Blank or Carriage  2         Enter blanks or carriage


            Return/Line Feed             return/line feed (CR/LF).







                           "C" RECORD LAYOUT




 Record Type "C"     Number of           Previously     Excludable


                     Account Holders     Uninsured





      1                   2-7               8-13         14-19





 Blanks         Blanks or Carriage Return/Line Feed (CR/LF)





 20-148                        149-150





.01 All electronic filing of information returns are received at IRS/MCC via the FIRE (Filing Information Returns Electronically) System. The FIRE System can be accessed via analog and ISDN BRI connections. The system is designed to support the electronic filing of information returns only. The telephone number for electronic filing is (304-262-2400).


Some of the advantages of filing electronically are as follows:

     (1) Results available within 10 workdays regarding the


         acceptability of the data transmitted. It is the filer's


         responsibility to dial back in and check results.



     (2) Allows more attempts than magnetic media filing to replace


         bad files within a specific time frame.



     (3) Better customer service due to on-line availability of


         transmitter's files for research purposes.




.01 Electronic filing of Forms 1098, 1099, 5498, 8851, 1042-S, 8027, Questionable W-4s (QWF) and W-2G, originals, and replacements of information returns is offered as an alternative to magnetic media (tape, tape cartridge, or diskette) or paper filing, but is not a requirement. Transmitters filing electronically will fulfill the magnetic media requirements for those payers who are required to file magnetically. It may also be used by payers who are under the filing threshold requirement, but would prefer to file their information returns electronically. If the original file was sent magnetically, but IRS/MCC has requested a replacement file, the replacement may be transmitted electronically.

.02 The electronic filing of information returns is not affiliated with the Form 1040 electronic filing program. These two programs are totally independent, and filers must obtain separate approval to participate in each of them. All inquiries concerning the electronic filing of information returns should be directed to IRS/MCC. IRS/MCC personnel cannot answer questions or assist taxpayers in the filing of Form 1040 and will direct taxpayers, to the Customer Service toll-free number (1-800-829-1040).

.03 Files submitted to IRS/MCC electronically must be in standard ASCII code. No magnetic media or paper forms are to be submitted with the same information as the electronically submitted file.

.04 The formats of the "A", "B", and "C" records are the same for electronically filed records as they are for magnetic media, and must be in standard ASCII code. For electronically filed documents, each transmission is considered a separate file; therefore, each transmission must begin with a Trustee "A" Record and end with a Control Total "C" Record.


.01 Filers must send a Form 8851 to IRS/MCC prior to filing the Form(s) 8851 electronically. Only trustee information should be provided on the Form 8851 when filing electronically. Please annotate the Form 8851 with "Electronic Filing" to indicate the method of filing. The Form 8851 may also be faxed to IRS/MCC in order to expedite electronic processing. The fax number is (304) 264-5602.

.02 Electronic filers assign their own logon name and password and do not need prior or special approval.

.03 For all passwords, it is the user's responsibility to remember the password and not allow the password to be compromised. Passwords are user assigned at first logon and are up to 8 alpha/numerics, which are case sensitive. However, if filers forget their password, call 304-263-8700 for assistance. The FIRE System will require users to change their passwords on a yearly basis.


.01 Electronically filed information may be submitted to IRS/MCC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Technical assistance will be available Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern time by calling 304-263-8700.

.02 Files submitted electronically will be assigned a unique filename by the FIRE System (the users may name files anything they choose from their end). The filename assigned by the FIRE System will consist of submission type [ORIG (original), and REPL (replacement)], the filer's TCC and a four digit number sequence. The sequence number will be incremented for every file sent. For example, if it is your first original file for the calendar year and your TCC is 44444, the IRS assigned filename would be ORIG.44444.0001. Record the filename. This information will be needed by MCC to identify the file, if assistance is required.

.03 Filers are advised not to resubmit an entire file if records were omitted from the original transmission. This will result in duplicate filing. A new file should be sent consisting of the records that had not previously been submitted.

.04 The TCC in the Trustee "A" Record must be the TCC used to transmit the file; otherwise, the file will be considered an error.


.01 The FIRE System is designed exclusively for the filing of Forms 1042-S, 1098, 1099, 5498, 8027, 8851, W-2G and Questionable W- 4s.

.02 A transmitter must call IRS/MCC regarding the TCC and EIN to be used on the FIRE System for Form 8851.

.03 The results of the electronic transmission of Form 8851 will be available in the File Status area of the FIRE System within 10 business days. It is the filer's responsibility to dial back to verify the acceptability of files submitted by checking the file status area of the system. These reports will be available on the electronic system in 10 workdays after the transmission is received by IRS/MCC.

.04 Connect to the FIRE System by dialing 304-262-2400. This number supports analog connections from 1200bps to 56Kbps or ISDN BRI 128Kbps. The system can be accessed via Dial-up network/web browser (see Section 9) or communications software (see Section 10). The Dial-up network/web browser (point-to-point) will provide an Internet-like look, however, it is not the Internet. If you do not have this capability, a text interface is provided that can be accessed via communication software such as Hyperterminal, Procomm, PCAnywhere, etc.


.01 The following are some general instructions (many of these settings may already be set by default in your software):

Dial-up network settings:

     (a) Set dial-up server type to PPP



     (b) Set network protocol to TCP/IP



     (c) Disable software compression



     (d) Disable PPP-LCP extensions



     Browser settings:



     (a) Browser must be capable of file uploads. (i.e., Internet


         Explorer 4.0, Netscape 2.0 or higher)



     (b) Enter the URL address of http://10.225 224.2, after you have


         connected via dial-up (Remember, this is a point-to-point


         connection, not the Internet.)



.02 Due to the large number of communication products available, it is impossible to provide specific information on all soft- ware/hardware configurations. However, since most filers use Windows 95, 99, NT, 2000, or ME software (more current versions are similar), the following instructions are geared toward those products:



(1) This is a point-to-point connection -- not the Internet.



(2) Your browser must be capable of file uploads, i.e., Internet


    Explorer 4.0 or Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher.



(3) If you currently access the Internet via a LAN or a PROXY server,


    you will need to disable those options in your browser and enable


    'Connect to the Internet using a modem'.



     Select Programs






               (Windows 98)


               Dial-Up Networking



First time connecting with Dial-Up Net-work (If you have logged on previously, skip to Subsequent Dial-Up Network Connections.)



The first time you dial-in, you will need to configure your Dial-Up







     Select 'Make new connection'.



     Type a descriptive name for the system you are calling.



     Select your modem.



     Click 'Next'.



     Enter area code 304 and telephone number 262-2400.



     Click 'Next'.



     When you receive a message that you have successfully created a


       new Dial-Up Networking connection, click 'Finish'.



     Click 'Connect' to dial. If you are prompted for a user name and


       password, complete according to local procedures, otherwise,


       click 'OK'.



     When you receive the message that you have connected to our


       system, click on your Web Browser (remember, it is not


       connecting via the Internet -- this is a point-to-point





     In the URL Address enter and press ENTER.



Subsequent Dial-Up Network connections



     Click 'Connect'.



     If prompted for user name and password, complete according to


       local procedures, otherwise, click 'OK'.



     When you receive 'Connection Complete', click 'OK'.



     Click on your Web Browser (remember, you are not connecting via


       the Internet).



     In the URL Address enter and press ENTER.



First time connection to the FIRE System (If you have logged on


previously, skip to Subsequent Connections to the FIRE System.)



     Click 'Create New Account'.



     Fill out the registration form and click 'Create'.



     Enter your logon name (most users logon with their first and


       last name).



     Enter your password (the pass word is user assigned and is case





     Click 'Create'.



     If you receive the message 'account created', click 'OK'.



     Click 'Start the FIRE Application'



Subsequent connections to the FIRE System

     Click 'Log On'.



     Enter your logon name (most users logon with their first and


       last name).



     Enter your password (the pass word is user assigned and is case





     At Menu Options:



     Click 'Information Returns'



     Enter your TCC:



     Enter your EIN:



     Click 'Submit'.



     The system will then display the company name, address, city,


     state, ZIP code, contact and phone number. This information will


     be used to contact or send any correspondence regarding this


     transmission. Update as appropriate and/or click 'Accept'.



     Click one of the following:



     Original File



     Replacement File (if you select this option, select one of the





     FIRE Replacement (file was originally transmitted on this





     Click file to be replaced






     Magnetic Media Replacement File



     Enter the alpha character from Form 9267, Media Tracking Slip,


     that was returned with your correspondence requesting a


     replacement file.



     Click 'Submit'.



     Enter the drive/path/filename of the file you want to upload or


     click 'Browse' to locate the file.



     Click 'Upload'.



     When the upload is complete, the screen will display the total


     bytes received and the IRS assigned file name.



     If you have more files to upload for that TCC:



     Click 'File Another'; otherwise,



     Click 'Back to Main Menu'.



It is your responsibility to check the acceptability of your file; therefore, be sure to dial back into the system in 10 business days.

     To check the acceptability of a previously submitted file:



     At the Main Menu:



     Click 'File Stats'



     Enter your TCC:



     Enter your EIN:



     Click on the appropriate filename to get results.



If 'Results' indicate:



     'File Good' and you agree with the 'Count of Payees' you are


     finished with this file. (If you do not want the file processed,


     you must contact IRS/MCC with 10 days.)



     'File Bad' -- Correct the errors and resubmit the file as a





     'Not Yet Processed' -- File has been received, but results are


     not available. Please recheck in several days.



     Click on the desired file for a detailed report of your





     When finished viewing your files, click on 'Main Menu'.



     Click 'Log Off'.



     Close your Web Browser.




Go back into your Dial-Up Network and click 'hang-up'; otherwise, you may stay connected and incur unnecessary phone charges.


.01 Communications software settings must be:

     - No parity



     - Eight data bits



     - One stop bit



.02 Terminal Emulation must be VT100.

.03 Due to the large number of communication products available, it is impossible to provide specific information on all software/hardware configurations. However, since filers use Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or ME software, the following instructions are most compatible with those products (Procomm, PCAnywhere and many other communications packages are also acceptable and the product does not necessarily need to be Windows based.)

Uploading Files Using Hyperterminal in Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or ME

     Select Programs






          Communications (Windows 98)






     The first time you log on, select Hyperterminal, Hyperterm or


       Hyperterm.exe, whichever is available on your system. With


       subsequent connections, select the saved icon.



       A box will appear titled 'Connection Description'.



       Enter a name and choose an icon for the connection.



       Country Code: United States of America



       Area Code: 304



       Phone Number: 262-2400



       Connect Using: (default)


         (If you need to modify the phone number, select File, then


         Properties to enter defaults for the area code, phone


         numbers and/or special access codes.)



     Click on Dial.



     A 'Connect' box will appear to show the status.



     Once you have connected to the FIRE System, if you do not get a


       menu within a few seconds, press the ENTER key one time.



First Time Logon



     When you have connected to the system, enter 'new' to create


     your logon name and password. Complete the registration


     information and enter 'y' to create account.



Logon Name and Password



     Logon Name: Enter a logon name. Most users enter their first and


     last name as the logon name.



     Password: Enter a password of your choosing (1-8 alpha/numerics


     -- case sensitive).



     After entering the password, you will go to the Main Menu.



Transferring Your Electronic File



     Enter 'A' for Electronic Filing.



     After reading Information Notice, press ENTER.



     Enter 'A' for Forms 1098, 1099, 5498, W-2G, 1042-S, 8027, 8851,


     and Questionable Forms W-4.



     Press the Tab key to advance to TCC box; otherwise, enter 'E' to





     Enter your TCC:



     Enter your EIN:



     The system will then display the company name, address, city,


     state, ZIP code, and phone number. This information will be used


     for correspondence regarding this transmission. If you need to


     update, enter 'n' to change information; otherwise, enter 'y' to





Select one of the following:



     'A' for an Original file



     'B' for a Replacement file



If you selected 'B' for a replacement file, select one of the following:

     'A' Replacement Files For This System



     This option is to replace an original file that was submitted


     electronically on this system but was bad and requires





     Select the file to be replaced.






     'B' Magnetic media replacement files



     Enter the alpha character from Form 9267, Media Tracking Slip,


     that was sent with the correspondence requesting a replacement





Choose one of the following protocols (Hyperterminal is normally set


to Zmodem by default):



     X - Xmodem



     Y - Ymodem



     Z - Zmodem (Zmodem will normally give you the fastest transfer





At this point, you must start the upload from your PC.



     To send a file:



     Go to the hyperterminal menu bar.



     Click on Transfer.



     Click on Send file.



A box will appear titled 'Send File'. Enter the drive/path/filename


  or click on Browse to locate your file.



     Click on Send.



When the upload is complete, the screen will display the total bytes


  received and the IRS assigned file name.



     Press ENTER to continue.



     If you have more files to send for the same TCC/EIN, enter 'y';


     otherwise, enter 'n'.



It is your responsibility to check the acceptability of your file;


therefore be sure to dial back into the system in 10 business days.



To check the acceptability of a previously submitted file:



     At the Main Menu:



     Enter 'B' for file status.



     Press the Tab key to advance to TCC box; otherwise, enter 'E' to





     Enter your TCC:



     Enter your EIN:



     Choose the appropriate option.



     Tab to the file you want to look at and press ENTER.



If 'Results' indicate:



     'File Good' and you agree with the 'Count of Payees' you are


     finished with this file. (If you do not want the file processed,


     you must contact IRS/MCC within 10 days.)



     'File Bad' -- Correct the errors and resubmit the file as a





     'Not Yet Processed' -- File has been received, results are not


     available. Please recheck in several days.



When you are finished, enter 'E' from the 'Main Menu' to logoff.



     Enter '2' to hang-up.




.01 Hardware features

     (a) Enable hardware flow control



     (b) Enable modem error control



     (e) Enable modem compression
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Subject Areas/Tax Topics
  • Index Terms
    medical savings accounts
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 2001-13584 (13 original pages)
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2001 TNT 93-34
Copy RID