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IRS Corrects Final Regs for CFC Investments

JUN. 25, 2019

T.D. 9859 (correction); 84 F.R. 29799

DATED JUN. 25, 2019
Citations: T.D. 9859 (correction); 84 F.R. 29799

Amount Determined Under Section 956 for Corporate United States Shareholders; Correction


Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Part 1

Treasury Decision 9859

RIN 1545-BO88

AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.

ACTION:Final rule; correction.

SUMMARY: This document contains corrections to final regulations (TD 9859) that were published in the Federal Register on Thursday, May 23, 2019. The final regulations reduce the amount determined under section 956 of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to certain domestic corporations.

DATES: This correction is effective on July 22, 2019.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rose E. Jenkins at (202) 317-6934 (not a toll-free number).



The final regulations (TD 9859) that are the subject of this correction are issued under section 956 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Need for Correction

As published May 23, 2019 (84 FR 23716) the final regulations (TD 9859) contain errors that need to be corrected.


In FR Doc. 2019-10749 appearing on page 23716 in the Federal Register of Thursday, May 23, 2019, the following correction is made:

§ 1.956-1 [Corrected]

Par. 1. On page 23717, in the second column, in Par. 2, instruction 4, § 1.956-1, correct the third entry in the table to read as follows:

Old Paragraphs

New Paragraphs

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* * * * *

(b)(4)(iii)(i) and (ii)

(b)(4)(iii)(A) and (B)

* * * * *

* * * * *

Martin V. Franks
Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch
Legal Processing Division
Associate Chief Counsel
(Procedure and Administration)

[FR Doc. 2019-13489 Filed: 6/24/2019 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/25/2019]

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