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Sec. 1.142-1 Exempt facility bonds.

(a) Overview. Interest on a private activity bond is not excludable from gross income under section 103(a) unless the bond is a qualified bond. Under section 141(e)(1)(A), an exempt facility bond issued under section 142 may be a qualified bond. Under section 142(a), an exempt facility bond is any bond issued as a part of an issue using 95 percent or more of the proceeds for certain exempt facilities.

(b) Scope. Sections 1.142-0 through 1.142-3 apply for purposes of the rules for exempt facility bonds under section 142, except that, with respect to net proceeds that have been spent, section 1.142-2 does not apply to bonds issued under section 142(d) (relating to bonds issued to provide qualified residential rental projects) and section 142(f)(2) and (4) (relating to bonds issued to provide local furnishing of electric energy or gas).

(c) Effective dates. For effective dates of sections 1.142-0 through 1.142-2, see section 1.141-16.

[Adopted by T.D. 6272, 22 FR 9419, Nov. 26, 1957, as amended by T.D. 6455, 25 FR 1833, Mar. 2, 1960; republished T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11402, Nov. 26, 1960, as amended by T.D. 6581, 26 FR 11677, Dec. 6, 1961; T.D. 6792, 30 FR 531, Jan. 15, 1965; T.D. 7269, 38 FR 9295, Apr. 13, 1973. Revised by T.D. 8712, 62 FR 2275-2305, Jan. 16, 1997.]

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