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Sec. 1.7874-7 Disregard of certain stock attributable to passive assets.

(a) Scope.

This section identifies certain stock of a foreign acquiring corporation that is attributable to passive assets and that is disregarded in determining the ownership fraction by value. Paragraph (b) of this section sets forth the general rule regarding when stock of a foreign acquiring corporation is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction under this section. Paragraph (c) of this section provides a de minimis exception to the application of the general rule of paragraph (b) of this section. Paragraph (d) of this section provides rules for the treatment of partnerships, and paragraph (e) of this section provides definitions. Paragraph (f) of this section provides examples illustrating the application of the rules of this section. Paragraph (g) of this section provides dates of applicability. The rules provided in this section are also subject to section 7874(c)(4). See §1.7874-1(d)(1) for rules addressing the interaction of this section with the expanded affiliated group rules of section 7874(c)(2)(A) and §1.7874-1.

(b) General rule.

If, on the completion date, more than fifty percent of the gross value of all foreign group property constitutes foreign group nonqualified property, then, for purposes of determining the ownership percentage by value (but not vote) described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii), stock of the foreign acquiring corporation is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction in an amount equal to the product of-­-

(1) The value of the stock of the foreign acquiring corporation, other than stock that is described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii) and stock that is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction under §1.7874-1(b), §1.7874-4(b), §1.7874-8(b), §1.7874-9(b), or section §7874(c)(4); and

(2) The foreign group nonqualified property fraction.

(c) De minimis ownership. Paragraph (b) of this section does not apply if--

(1) The ownership percentage described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii), determined without regard to the application of paragraph (b) of this section and §§1.7874-4(b) and 1.7874-10(b), is less than five (by vote and value); and

(2) On the completion date, each five percent former domestic entity shareholder or five percent former domestic entity partner, as applicable, owns (applying the attribution rules of section 318(a) with the modifications described in section 304(c)(3)(B)) less than five percent (by vote and value) of the stock of (or a partnership interest in) each member of the expanded affiliated group. For this purpose, a five percent former domestic entity shareholder (or five percent former domestic entity partner) is a former domestic entity shareholder (or former domestic entity partner) that, before the domestic entity acquisition, owned (applying the attribution rules of section 318(a) with the modifications described in section 304(c)(3)(B)) at least five percent (by vote and value) of the stock of (or a partnership interest in) the domestic entity.

(d) Treatment of partnerships.

For purposes of this section, if one or more members of the modified expanded affiliated group own, in the aggregate, more than 50 percent (by value) of the interests in a partnership, the partnership is treated as a corporation that is a member of the modified expanded affiliated group.

(e) Definitions.

In addition to the definitions provided in §1.7874-12, the following definitions apply for purposes of this section.

(1) Foreign group nonqualified property.

(i) General rule.

Foreign group nonqualified property means foreign group property described in §1.7874-4(h)(2), other than the following:

(A) Property that gives rise to income described in section 954(h), determined-­-

(1) In the case of property held by a foreign corporation, by substituting the term “foreign corporation” for the term “controlled foreign corporation;” and

(2) In the case of property held by a domestic corporation, by substituting the term “domestic corporation” for the term “controlled foreign corporation,” without regard to the phrase “other than the United States” in section 954(h)(3)(A)(ii)(I), and without regard to any inference that the tests in section 954(h) should be calculated or determined without taking transactions with customers located in the United States into account.

(B) Property that gives rise to income described in section 954(i), determined by substituting the term “foreign corporation” for the term “controlled foreign corporation.”

(C) Property that gives rise to income described in section 1297(b)(2)(A) or (B) (determined without regard to other passive foreign investment company rules).

(D) Property held by a domestic corporation that is subject to tax as an insurance company under subchapter L of chapter 1 of subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code, provided that the property is required to support, or is substantially related to, the active conduct of an insurance business.

(ii) Special rule.

Foreign group nonqualified property also means any foreign group property that, in a transaction related to the domestic entity acquisition, is acquired in exchange for other property, including cash, if such other property would be described in paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section had the transaction not occurred.

(2) Foreign group property means any property (including excluded property, as described in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section)) held on the completion date by the modified expanded affiliated group, other than-­-

(i) Property that is directly or indirectly acquired in the domestic entity acquisition;

(ii) Stock or a partnership interest in a member of the modified expanded affiliated group; and

(iii) An obligation of a member of the modified expanded affiliated group.

(3) Foreign group nonqualified property fraction--

(i) In general.

Foreign group nonqualified property fraction means a fraction calculated with the following numerator and denominator:

(A) The numerator of the fraction is the gross value of all foreign group nonqualified property, other than excluded property (as described in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section).

(B) The denominator of the fraction is the gross value of all foreign group property, other than excluded property (as described in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section)

(ii) Excluded property.

For purposes of paragraph (e)(3) of this section, excluded property means property that gives rise to stock that is excluded from the ownership fraction with respect to the domestic entity acquisition under §1.7874-4(b), §1.7874­-8(b), §1.7874-9(b), or section 7874(c)(4). For this purpose, only property that was directly or indirectly acquired in a prior domestic entity acquisition (as described in §1.7874-8(g)(4)) or covered foreign acquisition (as described in §1.7874-9(d)(4)) with respect to the domestic entity acquisition may be considered to give rise to stock that is excluded from the ownership fraction with respect to the domestic entity acquisition under §1.7874-8(b) or §1.7874-9(b). If only a portion of the consideration provided in a prior domestic entity acquisition or covered foreign acquisition consisted of stock of the foreign acquiring corporation, then only a pro rata portion of a property directly or indirectly acquired in the prior domestic entity acquisition or covered foreign acquisition may be considered excluded property, based on a fraction the numerator of which is the amount of the consideration that consisted of stock of the foreign acquiring corporation and the denominator of which is the total amount of consideration.

(4) Modified expanded affiliated group means, with respect to a domestic entity acquisition, the group described in either paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section or paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section. A member of the modified expanded affiliated group is an entity included in the modified expanded affiliated group.

(i) When the foreign acquiring corporation is not the common parent corporation of the expanded affiliated group, the expanded affiliated group determined as if the foreign acquiring corporation was the common parent corporation.

(ii) When the foreign acquiring corporation is the common parent corporation of the expanded affiliated group, the expanded affiliated group.

(f) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules of this section.

Example 1. Application of general rule--(i) Facts. Individual A owns all 20 shares of the sole class of stock of FA, a foreign corporation. FA acquires all the stock of DT, a domestic corporation, solely in exchange for 76 shares of newly issued FA stock (DT acquisition). In a transaction related to the DT acquisition, FA issues 4 shares of stock to Individual A in exchange for Asset A, which has a gross value of $50x. On the completion date, in addition to the DT stock and Asset A, FA holds Asset B, which has a gross value of $150x, and Asset C, which has a gross value of $100x. Assets A and B, but not Asset C, are nonqualified property (within the meaning of §1.7874-4(h)(2)). Further, Asset C was not acquired in a transaction related to the DT acquisition.

(ii) Analysis. The 4 shares of FA stock issued to Individual A in exchange for Asset A are disqualified stock under §1.7874-4(c) and are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to §1.7874-4(b). Furthermore, additional shares of FA stock are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section. This is because on the completion date, the gross value of all foreign group property is $300x (the sum of the gross values of Assets A, B, and C), the gross value of all foreign group nonqualified property is $200x (the sum of the gross values of Assets A and B), and thus 66.67% of the gross value of all foreign group property constitutes foreign group nonqualified property ($200x/$300x). Because FA has only one class of stock outstanding, the shares of FA stock that are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section are calculated by multiplying 20 shares of FA stock (100 shares less the 76 shares described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii) and the 4 shares of disqualified stock) by the foreign group nonqualified property fraction. The numerator of the foreign group nonqualified property fraction is $150x (the gross value of Asset B) and the denominator is $250x (the sum of the gross values of Assets B and C). Asset A is not taken into account for purposes of the foreign group nonqualified property fraction because it gives rise to FA stock that is excluded under §1.7874-4(b) (4 shares) and, as a result, is excluded property. Accordingly, 12 shares of FA stock are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section (20 shares multiplied by $150x/$250x). Thus, a total of 16 shares are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction (4 + 12). As a result, the ownership fraction by value is 76/84.

Example 2. Application of de minimis exception--(i) Facts. Individual A owns all 96 shares of the sole class of stock of FA, a foreign corporation. Individual B wholly owns DT, a domestic corporation. Individuals A and B are not related. FA acquires all the stock of DT solely in exchange for 4 shares of newly issued FA stock (DT acquisition). On the completion date, in addition to all of the stock of DT, FA holds Asset A, which is nonqualified property (within the meaning of §1.7874-4(h)(2)).

(ii) Analysis. Without regard to the application of §§1.7874-4(b) and 1.7874-10(b) as well as paragraph (b) of this section, the ownership percentage described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii) would be less than 5 (by vote and value), or 4 (4/100, or 4 shares of FA stock held by Individual B by reason of owning the DT stock, determined under §1.7874-2(f)(2), over 100 shares of FA stock outstanding after the DT acquisition). Furthermore, on the completion date, Individual B owns less than 5% (by vote and value) of the stock of FA and DT (the members of the expanded affiliated group). Accordingly, the de minimis exception in paragraph (c) of this section applies. Therefore, paragraph (b) of this section does not apply and the ownership fraction is 4/100.

Example 3. Foreign acquiring corporation not common parent of EAG--(i) Facts. FP, a foreign corporation, owns all 85 shares of the sole class of stock of FA, a foreign corporation. FA acquires all the stock of DT, a domestic corporation, solely in exchange for 65 shares of newly issued FA stock (DT acquisition). On the completion date, FA, in addition to all of the stock of DT, owns Asset A, which has a gross value of $40x, and Asset B, which has a gross value of $45x. Moreover, on the completion date, in addition to the 85 shares of FA stock, FP owns Asset C, which has a gross value of $10x. Assets A and C, but not Asset B, are nonqualified property (within the meaning of §1.7874-4(h)(2)). Further, Asset B was not acquired in a transaction related to the DT acquisition in exchange for nonqualified property.

(ii) Analysis. Under paragraph (e)(2) of this section, Assets A and B, but not Asset C, are foreign group property. Although Asset C is held on the completion date by FP, a member of the expanded affiliated group, Asset C is not foreign group property because FP is not a member of the modified expanded affiliated group. This is the case because if the expanded affiliated group were determined based on FA as the common parent corporation, FP would not be a member of such expanded affiliated group (see paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section). Under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, Asset A, but not Asset B, is foreign group nonqualified property. Therefore, on the completion date, the gross value of all foreign group property is $85x (the sum of the gross values of Assets A and B), and the gross value of all foreign group nonqualified property is $40x (the gross value of Asset A). Accordingly, on the completion date, only 47.06% of the gross value of all foreign group property constitutes foreign group nonqualified property ($40x/$85x). Consequently, paragraph (b) of this section does not apply to exclude any FA stock from the denominator of the ownership fraction.

Example 4. Coordination with serial acquisition rule--(i) Facts. Individual A owns all 30 shares of the sole class of stock of FA, a foreign corporation. In Year 1, FA acquires all the stock of DT1, a domestic corporation, solely in exchange for 40 shares of newly issued FA stock (DT1 acquisition). In Year 2, FA acquires all the stock of DT2, a domestic corporation, solely in exchange for 50 shares of newly issued FA stock (DT2 acquisition). On the completion date for the DT2 acquisition, in addition to the DT2 stock, FA holds Asset A, which has a gross value of $15x, Asset B, which has a gross value of $15x, and all the stock of DT1, which has a gross value of $40x. At all times, DT1 holds only Asset C, which has a gross value of $30x, and Asset D, which has a gross value of $10x. Assets A and C, but not Assets B and D, are nonqualified property (within the meaning of §1.7874-4(h)(2)). In addition, at all times, the fair market value of each share of FA stock is $1x. Further, there have been no redemptions of FA stock subsequent to the DT1 acquisition. Lastly, under §1.7874-8, the DT1 acquisition is a prior domestic entity acquisition with respect to the DT2 acquisition and $40x of FA stock is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction with respect to the DT2 acquisition.

(ii) Analysis. Shares of FA stock are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section. This is because on the completion date, the gross value of all foreign group property is $70x (the sum of the gross values of Assets A, B, C, and D), the gross value of all foreign group nonqualified property is $45x (the sum of the gross values of Assets A and C), and thus 64.29% of the gross value of all foreign group property constitutes foreign group nonqualified property ($45x/$70x). The shares of FA stock that are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section are calculated by multiplying $30x ($120x, the value of all the shares of FA stock, less $50x, the value of the stock described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii), less $40x, the value of the stock excluded under §1.7874-8(b)) by the foreign group nonqualified property fraction. The property taken into account for purposes of determining the foreign group nonqualified property fraction is Asset A and Asset B. Asset C and Asset D are not taken into account for purposes of the foreign group nonqualified property fraction because they are excluded property. This is because FA indirectly acquired the Assets in the DT1 acquisition (a prior domestic entity acquisition with respect to the DT2 acquisition) and, as a result of that acquisition, $40x of FA stock is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction with respect to the DT2 acquisition under §1.7874-8(b). Thus, the numerator of the foreign group nonqualified property fraction is $15x (the gross value of Asset A) and the denominator is $30x (the sum of the gross values of Asset A, $15x, and Asset B, $15x). Accordingly, $15x of FA stock is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section ($30x multiplied by $15x/$30x). Thus, a total of $55x of FA stock is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction ($40x + $15x), making the denominator $65x ($120x -$55x). As a result, the ownership percentage with respect to the DT2 acquisition by value is 76.92 ($50x/$65x).

(ii) Alternative facts. The facts are the same as in paragraph (i) of this Example 4, except as follows. Initially, there are 40 shares of FA stock outstanding, all of which are owned by Individual A. At all times, the gross value of asset D is $20x. In the DT1 acquisition, FA acquires all the stock of DT1 ($50x fair market value) solely in exchange for 40 shares of newly issued FA stock and $10x of other property. As in paragraph (i) of this Example 4, shares of FA stock are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section. This is because on the completion date, the gross value of all foreign group property is $80x (the sum of the gross values of Assets A, B, C, and D), the gross value of all foreign group nonqualified property is $45x (the sum of the gross values of Assets A and C), and thus 56.25% of the gross value of all foreign group property constitutes foreign group nonqualified property ($45x/$80x). The shares of FA stock that are excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section are calculated by multiplying $40x ($130x, the value of all the shares of FA stock, less $50x, the value of the stock described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii), less $40x, the value of the stock excluded under §1.7874-8(b)) by the foreign group nonqualified property fraction. The property taken into account for purposes of determining the foreign group nonqualified property fraction is Asset A, Asset B, and the portion of Asset C and Asset D that is not excluded property. Eighty percent of each of Asset C and Asset D are considered excluded property because FA indirectly acquired Asset C and Asset D in the DT1 acquisition (a prior domestic entity acquisition with respect to the DT2 acquisition); as a result of that acquisition, $40x of FA stock is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction with respect to the DT2 acquisition under §1.7874-8(b); and 80% of the consideration provided in the DT1 acquisition consisted of stock of FA ($40x/$50x). Thus, the numerator of the foreign group nonqualified property fraction is $21x (the sum of the gross values of Asset A, $15x, and the portion of Asset C that is not excluded property, $6x) and the denominator is $40x (the sum of the gross values of Asset A, $15x, Asset B, $15x, and the portion of Asset C and Asset D that is not excluded property, $6x and $4x, respectively). Accordingly, $21x of FA stock is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section ($40x multiplied by $21x/$40x). Thus, a total of $61x of FA stock is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section ($40x + $21x), making the denominator $69x ($130x -$61x). As a result, the ownership percentage with respect to D2 acquisition by value is 72.46 ($50x/$69x).

(g) Applicability dates.

This section applies to domestic entity acquisitions completed on or after July 12, 2018. For domestic entity acquisitions completed before July 12, 2018, see §1.7874-7T, as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2017. However, to the extent this section differs from §1.7874-7T, as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2017, taxpayers may elect to consistently apply the differences to domestic entity acquisitions completed before July 12, 2018.

[Added by T.D. 9834, 83 FR 32524-32561, July 12, 2018.]

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