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Sec. 1.904(i)-1 Limitation on use of deconsolidation to avoid foreign tax credit limitations.

(a) General rule.

If two or more includible corporations are affiliates, within the meaning of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, at any time during their taxable years, then, solely for purposes of applying the foreign tax credit provisions of section 59(a), sections 901 through 908, and section 960, the rules of this section will apply.

(1) Determination of taxable income

(i) Each affiliate must compute its net taxable income or loss in each separate category (as defined in section 1.904-5(a)(4)(v), and treating U.S. source income or loss as a separate category) without regard to sections 904(f) and 907(c)(4). Only affiliates that are members of the same consolidated group use the consolidated return regulations (other than those under sections 904(f) and 907(c)(4)) in computing such net taxable income or loss. To the extent otherwise applicable, other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations must be used in the determination of an affiliate's net taxable income or loss in a separate category.

(ii) The net taxable income amounts in each separate category determined under paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section are combined for all affiliates to determine one amount for the group of affiliates in each separate category. However, a net loss of an affiliate (first affiliate) in a separate category determined under paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section will be combined under this paragraph (a) with net income or loss amounts of other affiliates in the same category only if, and to the extent that, the net loss offsets taxable income, whether U.S. or foreign source, of the first affiliate. The consolidated return regulations that apply the principles of sections 904(f) and 907(c)(4) to consolidated groups will then be applied to the combined amounts in each separate category as if all affiliates were members of a single consolidated group.

(2) Allocation.

Any net taxable income in a separate category calculated under paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section for purposes of the foreign tax credit provisions must then be allocated among the affiliates under any consistently applied reasonable method, taking into account all of the facts and circumstances. A method is consistently applied if used by all affiliates from year to year. Once chosen, an allocation method may be changed only with the consent of the Commissioner. This allocation will only affect the source and foreign tax credit separate limitation character of the income for purposes of the foreign tax credit separate limitation of each affiliate, and will not otherwise affect an affiliate's total net income or loss. This section applies whether the federal income tax consequences of its application favor, or are adverse to, the taxpayer.

(b) Definitions and special rules

For purposes of this section only, the following terms will have the meanings specified.

(1) Affiliate

(i) Generally.

Affiliates are includible corporations--

(A) That are members of the same affiliated group, as defined in section 1504(a); or

(B) That would be members of the same affiliated group, as defined in section 1504(a) if--

(1) Any non-includible corporation meeting the ownership test of section 1504(a)(2) with respect to any such includible corporation was itself an includible corporation; or

(2) The constructive ownership rules of section 1563(e) were applied for purposes of section 1504(a).

(ii) Rules for consolidated groups.

Affiliates that are members of the same consolidated group are treated as a single affiliate for purposes of this section. The provisions of paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply if the only affiliates under this definition are already members of the same consolidated group without operation of this section.

(iii) Exception for newly acquired affiliates

(A) With respect to acquisitions after December 7, 1995, an includible corporation acquired from unrelated third parties (First Corporation) will not be considered an affiliate of another includible corporation (Second Corporation) during the taxable year of the First Corporation beginning before the date on which the First Corporation originally becomes an affiliate with respect to the Second Corporation.

(B) With respect to acquisitions on or before December 7, 1995, an includible corporation acquired from unrelated third parties will not be considered an affiliate of another includible corporation during its taxable year beginning before the date on which the first includible corporation first becomes an affiliate with respect to that other includible corporation.

(C) This exception does not apply where the acquisition of an includible corporation is used to avoid the application of this section.

(2) Includible corporation.

The term includible corporation has the same meaning it has in section 1504(b).

(c) Taxable years.

If all of the affiliates use the same U.S. taxable year, then that taxable year must be used for purposes of applying this section. If, however, the affiliates use more than one U.S. taxable year, then an appropriate taxable year must be used for applying this section. The determination whether a taxable year is appropriate must take into account all of the relevant facts and circumstances, including the U.S. taxable years used by the affiliates for general U.S. income tax purposes. The taxable year chosen by the affiliates for purposes of applying this section must be used consistently from year to year. The taxable year may be changed only with the prior consent of the Commissioner. Those affiliates that do not use the year determined under this paragraph (c) as their U.S. taxable year for general U.S. income tax purposes must, for purposes of this section, use their U.S. taxable year or years ending within the taxable year determined under this paragraph (c). If, however, the stock of an affiliate is disposed of so that it ceases to be an affiliate, then the taxable year of that affiliate will be considered to end on the disposition date for purposes of this section.

(d) Consistent treatment of foreign taxes paid.

All affiliates must consistently either elect under section 901(a) to claim a credit for foreign income taxes paid or accrued, or deemed paid or accrued, or deduct foreign taxes paid or accrued under section 164. See also section 1.1502-4(a); section 1.905-1(a).

(e) Effective date.

Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section (relating to newly acquired affiliates), this section is effective for taxable years of affiliates beginning after December 31, 1993.

[T.D. 8627, 60 FR 56117-56120, Nov. 7, 1995; amended by T.D. 9882, 84 FR 69022-69123, Dec. 17, 2019.]

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