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Sec. 301.6223-1 Partnership representative.

(a) Each partnership must have a partnership representative.

A partnership subject to subchapter C of chapter 63 of the Internal Revenue Code (subchapter C of chapter 63) for a partnership taxable year must designate a partnership representative for the partnership taxable year in accordance with this section. There may be only one designated partnership representative for a partnership taxable year at any time. The designation of a partnership representative for a partnership taxable year under this section remains in effect until the date on which the designation of the partnership representative is terminated by valid resignation (as described in paragraph (d) of this section), valid revocation (as described in paragraph (e) of this section), or a determination by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that the designation is not in effect (as described in paragraph (f) of this section). A designation of a partnership representative for a partnership taxable year under paragraphs (e) or (f) of this section supersedes all prior designations of a partnership representative for that year. If required by forms, instructions, and other guidance prescribed by the IRS, a partnership representative must update the partnership representative's contact information when such information changes. Only a person designated as a partnership representative in accordance with this section will be recognized as the partnership representative under section 6223. A power of attorney (including a Form 2848, Power of Attorney) may not be used to designate a partnership representative. See § 301.6223-2(a), (b), and (c) with regard to the binding effect of actions taken by the partnership representative. See § 301.6223-2(d) with regard to the sole authority of the partnership representative to act on behalf of the partnership. See paragraph (f) of this section for rules regarding designation of a partnership representative by the IRS.

(b) Eligibility to serve as a partnership representative --

(1) In general.

Any person (as defined in section 7701(a)(1)) that meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section, as applicable, is eligible to serve as a partnership representative, including a wholly owned entity disregarded as separate from its owner for federal tax purposes. A person designated under this section as partnership representative is deemed to be eligible to serve as the partnership representative unless and until the IRS determines that the person is ineligible. A partnership can designate itself as its own partnership representative provided it meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section.

(2) Substantial presence in the United States.

A person must have substantial presence in the United States to be the partnership representative. A person has substantial presence in the United States for the purposes of this section if --

(i) The person makes themselves available to meet in person with the IRS in the United States at a reasonable time and place as determined by the IRS in accordance with § 301.7605-1; and

(ii) The person has a United States taxpayer identification number, a street address that is in the United States and a telephone number with a United States area code.

(3) Eligibility of an entity to be a partnership representative --

(i) In general.

A person who is not an individual may be a partnership representative only if an individual who meets the requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section is appointed by the partnership as the sole individual through whom the partnership representative will act for all purposes under subchapter C of chapter 63. A partnership representative meeting the requirements of this paragraph (b)(3) is an entity partnership representative, and the individual through whom such entity partnership representative acts is the designated individual. Designated individual status automatically terminates on the date that the designation of the entity partnership representative for which the designated individual was appointed is no longer in effect in accordance with paragraph (d), (e), or (f) of this section.

(ii) Appointment of a designated individual.

A designated individual must be appointed by the partnership at the time of the designation of the entity partnership representative in the manner prescribed by the IRS in forms, instructions, and other guidance. Accordingly, if the entity partnership representative is designated on the partnership return for the taxable year in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the designated individual must be appointed by the partnership at that time. Similarly, if the entity partnership representative is designated under paragraph (e) of this section (regarding revocation and subsequent designation after revocation of a partnership representative), the designated individual must be appointed at that time. If the partnership fails to appoint a designated individual at the time and in the manner set forth in this paragraph (b)(3)(ii), the IRS may determine that the entity partnership representative designation is not in effect under paragraph (f) of this section.

(4) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules of this paragraph (b).

Example 1. Partnership designates PR as its partnership representative for its 2018 tax year on its timely filed 2018 partnership return. The IRS initiates an administrative proceeding with respect to Partnership's 2018 tax year. PR has a United States taxpayer identification number, a United States street address, and a phone number with a United States area code. The IRS contacts PR and requests an in-person meeting with respect to the administrative proceeding. PR works with the IRS and agrees to meet. PR has substantial presence in the United States because she meets all the requirements under paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1 of this paragraph (b)(4), except that PR is an entity and Partnership appointed DI, a designated individual to act on behalf of PR for its 2018 tax year on its timely filed 2018 partnership return. DI has a United States taxpayer identification number and a phone number with a United States area code. However, the address provided for DI is not a United States address. Accordingly, PR is not an eligible partnership representative because PR is an entity and DI does not satisfy the requirements of paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section. Although DI does not have substantial presence in the United States under paragraph (b)(2) of this section and therefore PR is not an eligible partnership representative, until there is a resignation or revocation under paragraph (d) or (e) of this section or until the IRS determines the partnership representative designation is no longer in effect under paragraph (f) of this section, the designation of PR as the partnership representative remains in effect in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, and Partnership and all its partners are bound by the actions of PR as the partnership representative.

Example 3. The facts are the same as in Example 1 of this paragraph (b)(4), except PR works in a foreign country and spends the majority of her time there. Unless PR otherwise fails to meet one of the requirements under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, PR has substantial presence in the United States. However, even if PR fails to meet one of the requirements under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, until there is a resignation or revocation under paragraph (d) or (e) of this section or until the IRS determines the partnership representative designation is no longer in effect under paragraph (f) of this section, the designation of PR as the partnership representative remains in effect in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, and Partnership and all its partners are bound by the actions of PR as the partnership representative.

(c) Designation of partnership representative by the partnership --

(1) In general.

The partnership must designate a partnership representative separately for each taxable year. The designation of a partnership representative for one taxable year is effective only for the taxable year for which it is made.

(2) Designation.

Except in the case of a designation of a partnership representative (and the appointment of the designated individual, if applicable) after an event described in paragraph (d) of this section (regarding resignation), paragraph (e) of this section (regarding revocation by the partnership), or paragraph (f) of this section (regarding designation made by the IRS), or except as prescribed in forms, instructions, and other guidance, designation of a partnership representative (and the appointment of the designated individual, if applicable) must be made on the partnership return for the partnership taxable year to which the designation relates and must include all of the information required by forms, instructions, and other guidance, including information about the designated individual if paragraph (b)(3) of this section applies. The designation of the partnership representative (and the appointment of the designated individual, if applicable) is effective on the date that the partnership return is filed.

(3) Example.

The following example illustrates the rules of this paragraph (c).

Example. Partnership properly designates PR1 as its partnership representative for taxable year 2018 on its 2018 partnership return. Partnership designates PR2 as its partnership representative for taxable year 2021 on its 2021 partnership return. In 2022, the IRS mails Partnership a notice of administrative proceeding under section 6231(a)(1) with respect to Partnership's 2018 taxable year. PR1 is the partnership representative for the 2018 partnership taxable year, notwithstanding the designation of PR2 as partnership representative for the 2021 partnership taxable year.

(d) Resignations --

(1) In general.

A partnership representative or designated individual may resign as partnership representative or designated individual, as applicable, for a partnership taxable year for any reason by notifying the IRS in writing of the resignation in accordance with forms, instructions, and other guidance prescribed by the IRS. A resigning partnership representative may not designate a successor partnership representative. A resigning designated individual may not designate a successor designated individual or partnership representative. No later than 30 days after the IRS receives a written notification of resignation, the IRS will send written confirmation of receipt of the written notification to the partnership and the resigning partnership representative (to the attention of the designated individual if appropriate). A failure by the IRS to send any notification under this paragraph (d) does not invalidate a valid resignation made pursuant to this paragraph (d). A failure by the partnership representative (or designated individual, if the designated individual is the person resigning) to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph (d) is treated as if there were no resignation, and the partnership representative designation (and designated individual appointment, if applicable) remains in effect until the designation (or appointment) is terminated by valid resignation (as described in this paragraph (d)), valid revocation by the partnership (as described in paragraph (e) of this section), or a determination by the IRS that the designation is not in effect (as described in paragraph (f) of this section). See § 301.6223-2 for binding nature of actions taken by the partnership representative or designated individual on behalf of a partnership representative, if applicable, prior to resignation.

(2) Time for resignation.

A partnership representative or designated individual may submit the written notification of resignation described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section to the IRS only after the IRS issues a notice of administrative proceeding (NAP) under section 6231(a)(1) for the partnership taxable year for which the partnership representative designation is in effect or at such other time as prescribed by the IRS in forms, instructions, or other guidance. If the IRS withdraws the NAP pursuant to § 301.6231-1(f), any valid resignation by the partnership representative or designated individual under this paragraph (d) prior to the withdrawal of the NAP remains in effect.

(3) Effective date of resignation.

A valid resignation is immediately effective upon the IRS's receipt of the written notification described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. As of the effective date of the resignation --

(i) The resigning partnership representative (and designated individual, if applicable) may not take any action on behalf of the partnership with respect to the partnership taxable year affected by the resignation;

(ii) The partnership representative designation is no longer in effect with respect to the partnership taxable year affected by the resignation;

(iii) In the case of a resigning entity partnership representative, the appointment of the designated individual is no longer in effect with respect to the partnership taxable year affected by the resignation; and

(iv) In the case of a resigning designated individual, the designation of the entity partnership representative is no longer in effect with respect to the partnership taxable year affected by the resignation.

(e) Revocations --

(1) In general.

A partnership may revoke a designation of a partnership representative or appointment of a designated individual for a partnership taxable year for any reason by notifying the IRS in writing of the revocation in accordance with forms, instructions, and other guidance prescribed by the IRS. The partnership may make such revocation regardless of when and how the designation or appointment was made, except as provided in paragraph (e)(6) of this section (regarding designation by the IRS). The revocation must include the designation of a successor partnership representative (and the appointment of a designated individual, if applicable). In the case of a revocation of only the designated individual appointment, the partnership must designate a successor designated individual. No later than 30 days after the IRS receives a written notification of revocation submitted at the time described in paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section, the IRS will send written confirmation of receipt of the written notification to the partnership, the revoked partnership representative or, in the case of a revocation of only the appointment of a designated individual, to the revoked designated individual, and to the newly designated partnership representative. In the case of a revocation of an entity partnership representative, the notification will be sent to the entity partnership representative, to the attention of the designated individual. A failure by the IRS to send any notification under this paragraph (e) does not invalidate a valid revocation made pursuant to this paragraph (e). A failure by the partnership to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph (e), including failure to designate a successor, is treated as if no revocation has occurred and the partnership representative designation (and designated individual appointment, if applicable) remains in effect until the designation (or appointment) is terminated either by valid resignation (as described in paragraph (d) of this section), valid revocation by the partnership (as described in this paragraph (e)), or determination by the IRS that the designation is not in effect (as described in paragraph (f) of this section). See § 301.6223-2 for binding nature of actions taken by the partnership representative or designated individual on behalf of a partnership representative, if applicable, prior to revocation.

(2) Time for revocation --

(i) Revocation during an administrative proceeding.

Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section or in forms, instructions, or other guidance prescribed by the IRS, a partnership may revoke a designation of a partnership representative or appointment of a designated individual only after the IRS issues a notice of selection for examination or a NAP under section 6231(a)(1) for the partnership taxable year for which the designation or appointment is in effect. If the IRS withdraws the NAP pursuant to § 301.6231-1(f), any valid revocation of a partnership representative designation or designated individual appointment under this paragraph (e) prior to the withdrawal of the NAP remains in effect.

(ii) Revocation with an AAR.

The partnership may revoke a designation of a partnership representative or appointment of a designated individual for the taxable year prior to receiving a notice of selection for examination or a NAP by filing a valid administrative adjustment request (AAR) in accordance with section 6227 for a partnership taxable year. A partnership may not use the form prescribed by the IRS for filing an AAR solely for the purpose of revoking a designation of a partnership representative or appointment of a designated individual. See § 301.6227-1 for the rules regarding the time and manner of filing an AAR.

(3) Effective date of revocation.

Except as described in paragraph (e)(6)(ii) of this section (regarding the effective date of a revocation of a partnership representative designated by the IRS under paragraph (f)(5) of this section), a valid revocation is immediately effective upon the IRS's receipt of the written notification described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section. A revocation of a partnership representative designation and a designation of a new partnership representative (and appointment of a new designated individual, if applicable) is effective on the date the partnership files a valid AAR. Similarly, a revocation of a designated individual appointment and appointment of a new designated individual is effective on the date the partnership files a valid AAR. As of the effective date of the revocation --

(i) The revoked partnership representative (and designated individual, if applicable) may not take any action on behalf of the partnership with respect to the partnership taxable year affected by the revocation;

(ii) The designation of the revoked partnership representative is no longer in effect, and the successor partnership representative designation (and designated individual appointment, if applicable) is in effect with respect to the partnership taxable year affected by the revocation;

(iii) In the case of a revoked entity partnership representative, the appointment of the designated individual is no longer in effect with respect to the partnership taxable year affected by the revocation; and

(iv) In the case of a revoked designated individual where the designation of the entity partnership representative has not been revoked, the revoked designated individual may not take any action on behalf of the partnership with respect to the partnership taxable year affected by the revocation, the appointment of the revoked designated individual is no longer in effect, and the appointment of the successor designated individual is in effect.

(4) Partners who may sign revocation.

A revocation under this paragraph (e) must be signed by a person who was a partner at any time during the partnership taxable year to which the revocation relates or as provided in forms, instructions, and other guidance prescribed by the IRS.

(5) Form of the revocation.

The written notification of revocation described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section must include the items described in this paragraph (e)(5). A notification of revocation described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section that does not include each of the following items is not a valid revocation:

(i) A certification under penalties of perjury that the person signing the notification is a partner described in paragraph (e)(4) of this section authorized by the partnership to revoke the designation of the partnership representative (or appointment of the designated individual, if applicable).

(ii) A statement that the person signing the notification is revoking the designation of the partnership representative (or appointment of the designated individual, if applicable);

(iii) A designation of a successor partnership representative (and appointment of a designated individual, if applicable) in accordance with this section and forms, instructions, and other guidance prescribed by the IRS; and

(iv) In the case of a revocation of an appointment of a designated individual, appointment of a successor designated individual in accordance with this section and forms, instructions, and other guidance prescribed by the IRS.

(6) Partnership representative designated by the IRS --

(i) In general.

If a partnership representative is designated (and a designated individual is appointed, if applicable) by the IRS pursuant to paragraph (f)(5) of this section, the partnership may only revoke that designation (or the appointment of the designated individual, if applicable) with the permission of the IRS, which the IRS will not unreasonably withhold.

(ii) Effective date of revocation.

The effective date of any revocation submitted in accordance with paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section is the date on which the IRS sends notification that the revocation is valid.

(7) Multiple revocations --

(i) In general.

The IRS may determine that a designation is not in effect under paragraph (f) of this section if:

(A) The IRS receives a revocation of a designation of a partnership representative or appointment of a designated individual, and

(B) Within the 90-day period prior to the date the revocation described in paragraph (e)(7)(i)(A) of this section was received, the IRS received another revocation for the same partnership taxable year.

(ii) Time limitation.

The IRS may not determine that a designation is not in effect in accordance with paragraph (e)(7)(i) of this section later than 90 days after the IRS's receipt of the revocation described in paragraph (e)(7)(i)(A) of this section.

(8) Examples.

The following examples illustrate the rules of this paragraph (e).

Example 1. Partnership properly designates PR, an individual, as partnership representative for its 2018 taxable year on its timely filed 2018 partnership return. In 2020, Partnership mails written notification to the IRS to revoke designation of PR as its partnership representative for Partnership's 2018 taxable year. The revocation is not made in connection with an AAR for Partnership's 2018 taxable year, and the IRS has not mailed Partnership a notice of selection for examination or a NAP under section 6231(a)(1) with respect to Partnership's 2018 taxable year. Because the revocation was not made when permitted under paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the revocation is not effective and PR remains the partnership representative for Partnership's 2018 taxable year unless and until PR's status as partnership representative is properly revoked under paragraph (e) of this section or terminated in accordance with paragraph (d) (regarding resignation) or (f) (regarding IRS designation) of this section.

Example 2. During an administrative proceeding with respect to Partnership's 2018 taxable year, Partnership provides the IRS with written notification to revoke its designation of PR, an individual, as its partnership representative for the 2018 taxable year. The written notification does not include a designation of a new partnership representative for Partnership's 2018 taxable year. Because the revocation does not include a designation of a new partnership representative as required under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the revocation is not effective and PR remains the partnership representative for Partnership's 2018 taxable year unless and until PR's status as partnership representative is properly revoked under paragraph (e) of this section or terminated in accordance with paragraph (d) (regarding resignation) or (f) (regarding IRS designation) of this section.

(f) Designation of the partnership representative by the IRS --

(1) In general.

If the IRS determines that a designation of a partnership representative is not in effect for a partnership taxable year in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the IRS will notify the partnership that a partnership representative designation is not in effect. The IRS will also notify the most recent partnership representative for the partnership taxable year, except as described in paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section. In the case of an entity partnership representative, the notification will be sent to the entity partnership representative, to the attention of the designated individual. The determination that a designation is not in effect is effective on the date the IRS mails the notification. Except as described in paragraph (f)(4) of this section, the partnership may designate, in accordance with paragraph (f)(3) of this section, a successor partnership representative (and designated individual, if applicable) eligible under paragraph (b) of this section within 30 days of the date the IRS mails the notification. In the case of a resignation of a partnership representative, this notification may include the written confirmation of receipt described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. See paragraph (f)(2)(iv) of this section. If the partnership does not designate a successor within 30 days from the date of IRS notification, the IRS will designate a partnership representative in accordance with paragraph (f)(5) of this section. A partnership representative designation made in accordance with paragraphs (c), (e), or (f) of this section remains in effect until the IRS determines the designation is not in effect. See § 301.6223-2 for binding nature of actions taken by the partnership representative or designated individual on behalf of a partnership representative, if applicable, prior to a determination by the IRS that the designation is not in effect.

(2) IRS determination that partnership representative designation not in effect.

The IRS may, but is not required to, determine that a partnership representative designation is not in effect. The IRS is not obligated to search for or otherwise seek out information related to the circumstances in which the IRS may determine a partnership representative designation is not in effect, and the fact that the IRS is aware of any such circumstances does not obligate the IRS to determine that a partnership representative designation is not in effect. The IRS may determine that the partnership representative designation is not in effect if the IRS determines that --

(i) The partnership representative or the designated individual does not have substantial presence as described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section;

(ii) The partnership failed to appoint a designated individual as described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, as applicable;

(iii) The partnership failed to make a valid designation as described in paragraph (c) of this section;

(iv) The partnership representative or designated individual resigns as described in paragraph (d) of this section;

(v) The partnership has made multiple revocations as described in paragraph (e)(7) of this section; or

(vi) The partnership representative designation is no longer in effect as described in other published guidance.

(3) Designation by the partnership during the 30-day period.

Designation of a partnership representative (and appointment of a designated individual, if applicable) by the partnership during the 30-day period described in paragraph (f)(1) of this section must be made in accordance with forms, instructions, and other guidance prescribed by the IRS. If the partnership fails to provide all information required by forms, instructions, and other guidance, the partnership will have failed to make a designation (and appointment, if applicable). If the partnership does not fully comply with the requirement of this paragraph (f)(3) within the 30-day period described in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, the IRS will designate a partnership representative (and appoint a designated individual, if applicable).

(4) No opportunity for designation by the partnership in the case of multiple revocations.

In the event that the IRS determines a partnership representative designation is not in effect due to multiple revocations as described in paragraph (e)(7) of this section, the partnership will not be given an opportunity to designate the successor partnership representative prior to the designation by the IRS as described in paragraph (f)(5) of this section. However, see paragraph (e)(6) of this section regarding revocation of a partnership representative designated by the IRS.

(5) Designation by the IRS --

(i) In general.

The IRS designates a partnership representative under this paragraph (f)(5) by notifying the partnership of the name, address, and telephone number of the new partnership representative. If the IRS designates an entity partnership representative, the IRS will also appoint a designated individual to act on behalf of the entity partnership representative. The designation of a partnership representative (and appointment of a designated individual, if applicable) by the IRS is effective on the date on which the IRS mails the notification of the designation (and appointment, if applicable) to the partnership. The IRS will also mail a copy of the notification of the designation (and appointment, if applicable) to the new partnership representative (through the new designated individual, if applicable) that has been designated (and appointed, if applicable) by the IRS under this section.

(ii) Factors considered when partnership representative designated by the IRS.

The IRS will ordinarily consider one or more of the factors set forth in this paragraph (f)(5)(ii) when determining whom to designate as partnership representative. No single factor is determinative, and other than as described in paragraph (f)(5)(iii) of this section, the IRS may exercise its discretion to designate a person as partnership representative even if none of the factors are applicable to such person. The factors are not requirements for eligibility to be designated by the IRS as partnership representative; the only requirements for eligibility are described under paragraph (b) of this section. The IRS is not obligated to search for or otherwise seek out information related to the factors, and the fact that the IRS is aware of any information related to such factors does not obligate the IRS to designate a particular person. Although the IRS may designate any person to be the partnership representative, a principal consideration in determining whom to designate as a partnership representative is whether there is a reviewed year partner that is eligible to serve as the partnership representative in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section or whether there is a partner at the time the partnership representative designation is made that is eligible to serve as the partnership representative. Other factors that will ordinarily be considered by the IRS in determining whom to designate as a partnership representative include, but are not limited to:

(A) The views of the partners having a majority interest in the partnership regarding the designation;

(B) The general knowledge of the person in tax matters and the administrative operation of the partnership;

(C) The person's access to the books and records of the partnership;

(D) Whether the person is a United States person (within the meaning of section 7701(a)(30)); and

(E) The profits interest of the partner in the case of a partner.

(iii) IRS employees.

The IRS will not designate a current employee, agent, or contractor of the IRS as the partnership representative unless that employee, agent, or contractor was a reviewed year partner or is currently a partner in the partnership.

(6) Examples.

The following examples illustrate the rules of this paragraph (f).

Example 1. The IRS determines that Partnership has designated a partnership representative that does not have substantial presence in the United States as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. The IRS may, but is not required to, determine that the designation is not in effect and designate a new partnership representative after following the procedures in this paragraph (f).

Example 2. Partnership designates as its partnership representative a corporation but fails to appoint a designated individual to act on behalf of the corporation as required under paragraph (b)(3) of this section. The IRS may, but is not required to, determine that the partnership representative designation is not in effect and may designate a new partnership representative after following the procedures in this paragraph (f).

Example 3. The partnership representative resigns pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section. The IRS mails Partnership a notification informing Partnership that no designation is in effect and that the IRS plans to designate a new partnership representative. Partnership fails to respond within 30 days of the date the IRS mails the notification. The IRS must designate a partnership representative pursuant to this paragraph (f).

Example 4. Partnership designated on its partnership return a partnership representative, PR1. After Partnership received a NAP, Partnership submits to the IRS the form described in paragraph (e)(4) of this section requesting the revocation of PR1's designation as partnership representative and designating PR2 as the partnership representative. Sixty days later, Partnership signs and submits a form described in paragraph (e)(4) of this section requesting the revocation of PR2's designation as partnership representative and designating PR3 as the partnership representative. The IRS accepts the revocation of PR2 and designation of PR3 as valid and effective upon receipt pursuant to paragraph (e)(3) of this section. However, because PR2's revocation was within 90 days of PR1's revocation, the IRS may determine within 90 days of IRS's receipt of PR2's revocation, pursuant to paragraphs (e)(7) and (f)(2) of this section, that there is no designation in effect due to multiple revocations. The IRS may then designate a new partnership representative pursuant to this paragraph (f) without allowing Partnership an opportunity to designate a partnership representative within the 30-day period described in paragraph (f)(1) of this section.

(g) Reliance on forms required by this section.

The IRS may rely on any form or other document filed or submitted under this section as evidence of the designation, resignation, or revocation on such form and as evidence of the date on which such form was filed or submitted relating to a designation, resignation, or revocation.

(h) Applicability date --

(1) In general.

Except as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of this section, this section applies to partnership taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.

(2) Election under § 301.9100-22 in effect.

This section applies to any partnership taxable years beginning after November 2, 2015 and before January 1, 2018 for which a valid election under § 301.9100-22 is in effect.

[Added by T.D. 9839, 83 FR 39331-39351, Aug. 9, 2018; corrected at 84 FR 46440, Sept. 4, 2019; amended by T.D. 9969, 87 FR 75473-75495, Dec. 9, 2022.]

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