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Sec. 31.6674-1 Penalties for fraudulent statement or failure to furnish statement.

Any person required to furnish a statement to an employee under the provisions of section 6051 or 6053(b) is subject to a civil penalty for willful failure to furnish such statement in the manner, at the time, and showing the information required under such section (or section 31.6051-1 or section 31.6053-2), or for willfully furnishing a false or fraudulent statement to an employee. The penalty for each such violation is $50, which shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as the tax imposed on employers under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. See section 7204 for criminal penalty.

[Adopted by T.D. 6472, 25 FR 5723, June 23, 1960; republished by T.D. 6516, 25 FR 13032, Dec. 20, 1960. Revised by T.D. 7001, 34 FR 1006, Jan. 23, 1969.]

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