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Sec. 48.4216(c)-1 Computation of tax on leases and installment sales.

(a) Leases.

When a taxable article is leased by a manufacturer, producer, or importer, liability for tax is incurred, except as provided by section 4217(b) and section 48.4217-2, on each payment made with respect to such lease. Tax is payable on each lease payment as long as the article is leased by the manufacturer, producer, or importer. The tax payable with respect to each lease payment is a percentage of each payment based on the rate of tax, if any, in effect on the date the lease payment is due. If the article is subsequently sold by the manufacturer, producer, or importer, the tax applies also to such sale, without regard to the tax paid when the article was leased. For definition of the term "lease", see paragraph (a) of section 48.4217-1(a).

(b) Installment sales.

When a taxable article is sold under an installment payment contract with title reserved in the seller, or under a conditional sale contract, chattel mortgage arrangement or other arrangement creating a security interest with payments to be made in installments, tax shall be computed and paid on each payment made by the purchaser. The tax payable with each payment is a percentage of each payment based on the rate of tax, if any, in effect on the date the payment is due. The part of each payment that is subject to tax is that portion of the payment equal to the percentage of the total charge for the article that is subject to tax. For example, if the total charge for the article is $1,000, and of the total amount charged only 90 percent thereof, or $900, is subject to tax by reason of exclusions, then only 90 percent of the installment payment is subject to tax. If the tax base is a constructive sale price computed under section 4216(b) that is less than the actual sale price of the article, the portion of each payment subject to tax is the percentage of such payment equal to the percentage that the constructive sale price bears to the actual sale price. For example, if an article is sold at retail for $100, and the constructive sale price for such an article computed under the provisions of section 4216(b)(1)(A) is $75, the percentage which the constructive sale price bears to the actual sale price is 75 percent. Accordingly, only 75 percent of each installment payment is subject to tax.

(c) Sales on credit.

Where articles are sold on credit under conditions other than those specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the entire tax shall be reported and paid with the return covering the period in which the sale is made, even though the price may not be paid to the manufacturer, producer, or importer until a later date, or not paid at all.

(d) Effective dates of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

The rules set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are effective as of June 22, 1965. As in effect before June 22, 1965, section 4216(c) required, in the case of a transaction described in section 4216(c) (1), (2), (3), or (4), that there be paid upon each payment with respect to an article that portion of the total tax which was proportionate to the portion of the total amount to be paid represented by such payment.

(e) Contracts for the lease, installment sale, or sale on credit, of a taxable medical device.

(1) General rule.

Payments made on or after January 1, 2013, pursuant to a contract for the lease, installment sale, or sale on credit of a taxable medical device that was entered into on or after March 30, 2010, are subject to tax under section 4191. The provisions of sections 4216(c) and 4217, paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, and § 48.4217-2 apply.

(2) Exception for payments made on or after January 1, 2013, pursuant to written binding contracts entered into prior to March 30, 2010.

Payments made on or after January 1, 2013, pursuant to a written binding contract for the lease, installment sale, or sale on credit of a taxable medical device that was in effect prior to March 30, 2010, are not subject to tax under section 4191. This exception includes payments made on or after January 1, 2013, if they are made pursuant to a written binding contract that was entered into prior to March 30, 2010. This exception does not apply to payments made under any contract that is materially modified on or after March 30, 2010. For this purpose, a material modification includes only a modification that materially affects the property to be provided under the contract, the terms of payment under the contract, or the amount payable under the contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a material modification does not include a modification to the contract required by applicable Federal, State, or local law.

(3) Effective/applicability date.

This section applies on and after January 1, 2013.

[T.D. 7536, 43 FR 13519, Mar. 31, 1978, as amended by T.D. 9604, 77 FR 72924-72939, Dec. 7, 2012, corrected at 78 FR 15878, Mar. 13, 2013.]

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