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Sec. 48.6416(a)-3 Credit or refund of manufacturers tax under chapter 32.

(a) Overpayment not described in section 6416(b)(3)(C) or (4) (prior to April 1, 1983) and section 6416(b)(2)

(1) Claims included.

This paragraph applies only to claims for credit or refund of an overpayment of manufacturers tax imposed by chapter 32. It does not apply, however, to a claim for credit or refund on any overpayment described in paragraph (b) of this section which arises by reason of the application of section 6416(b)(2), (3)(C), or (4).

(2) Supporting evidence required.

No credit or refund of any overpayment to which this paragraph (a) applies shall be allowed unless the person who paid the tax submits with the claim a written consent of the ultimate purchaser to the allowance of the credit or refund, or submits with the claim a statement, supported by sufficient available evidence, asserting that--

(i) The person has neither included the tax in the price of the article with respect to which it was imposed nor collected the amount of the tax from a vendee, and identifying the nature of the evidence available to establish these facts, or

(ii) The person has repaid the amount of the tax to the ultimate purchaser of the article.

(3) Ultimate purchaser

(i) General rule.

The term "ultimate purchaser", as used in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, means the person who purchased the article for consumption, or for use in the manufacture of other articles and not for resale in the form in which purchased.

(ii) Special rule under section 6416(a)(3).

(A) Conditions to be met.

If tax under chapter 32 is paid in respect of an article and the Commissioner determines that the article is not subject to tax under chapter 32, the term "ultimate purchaser", as used in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, includes any wholesaler, jobber, distributor, or retailer who, on the 15th day after the date of the determination, holds for sale any such article with respect to which tax has been paid, if the claim for credit or refund of the overpayment in respect of the articles held for sale by the wholesaler, jobber, distributor, or retailer is filed on or before the date on which the person who paid the tax is required to file a return for the period ending with the first calendar quarter which begins more than 60 days after the date of the determination by the Commissioner.

(B) Supporting statement.

A claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of tax in respect of an article as to which a wholesaler, jobber, distributor, or retailer is the ultimate purchaser, as provided in this paragraph (a)(3)(ii), must be supported by a statement that the person filing the claim has a statement, by each wholesaler, jobber, distributor, or retailer whose articles are covered by the claim, showing total inventory, by model number and quantity, of all such articles purchased tax-paid and held for sale as of 12:01 a.m. of the 15th day after the date of the determination by the Commissioner that the article is not subject to tax under chapter 32.

(C) Inventory requirement.

The inventory shall not include any such article, title to which, or possession of which, has previously been transferred to any person for purposes of consumption unless the entire purchase price was repaid to the person or credited to the person's account and the sale was rescinded or any such article purchased by the wholesaler, jobber, distributor, or retailer as a component part of, or on or in connection with, another article. An article in transit at the first moment of the 15th day after the date of the determination is regarded as being held by the person to whom it was shipped, except that if title to the article does not pass until delivered to the person the article is deemed to be held by the shipper.

(b) Overpayments described in section 6416(b)(3)(C) or (4) (prior to April 1, 1983) and section 6416(b)(2)

(1) Claims included.

This paragraph applies only to claims for credit or refund of amounts paid as tax under chapter 32 that are determined to be overpayments by reason of section 6416(b)(2) (relating to tax payments in respect of certain uses, sales, or resales of a taxable article), section 6416(b)(3)(C) (relating to tax-paid tires or inner tubes used for further manufacture), or section 6416(b)(4) (relating to tires or inner tubes used by the manufacturer on another manufactured article).

(2) Supporting evidence required.

No credit or refund of an overpayment to which this paragraph (b) applies shall be allowed unless the person who paid the tax submits with the claim a statement, supported by sufficient available evidence, asserting that--

(i) The person neither included the tax in the price of the article with respect to which it was imposed nor collected the amount of the tax from a vendee, and identifying the nature of the evidence available to establish these facts, or

(ii) The person repaid, or agreed to repay, the amount of the tax to the ultimate vendor of the article, or

(iii) The person has secured, and will submit upon request of the Service, the written consent of the ultimate vendor to the allowance of the credit or refund.

(3) Ultimate vendor.

(i) General rule.

The term "ultimate vendor", as used in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, means the seller making the sale which gives rise to the overpayment or which last precedes the exportation or use which has given rise to the overpayment.

(ii) Special rule under section 6416(a)(3)(B) prior to revision by the Highway Revenue Act of 1982.

In the case of an overpayment determined under section 6416(b)(2)(F), (3)(C), or (4) in respect of tires or inner tubes, where the taxable article is used as a component part of, or sold on or in connection with or with the sale of, a second article which is exported, sold to a nonprofit educational organization for its exclusive use, sold to a State or local government for the exclusive use of a State or local government or used or sold for use as supplies for vessels or aircraft, the term "ultimate vendor", as used in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, means the ultimate vendor of the second article.

(c) Overpayments not included.

This section does not apply to any overpayment determined under section 6416(b)(1) (relating to price readjustments), section 6416(b)(3)(A) (relating to certain cases in which refund or credit is allowable to the manufacturer who uses, in the further manufacture of a second article, a taxable article purchased by the manufacturer tax-paid), section 6416(b)(3)(B) prior to April 1, 1983 (relating to parts or accessories taxable under section 4061(b) and used by a subsequent manufacturer or producer as material or a component part of any other article manufactured or produced by him), section 6416(b)(4) after March 31, 1983 (relating to tires), section 6416(b)(5) (relating to the return to the seller of certain installment accounts which the seller had previously sold) or section 6416(b)(6) (relating to truck chassis, bodies, and semi-trailers used for further manufacture). In this regard, see sections 48.6416(b)(1)-1, 48.6416(b)(3)-1, and 48.6416(b)(5)-1.

[T.D. 8043, 50 FR 32023, Aug. 8, 1985; corrected at 63 FR 15292, Mar. 31, 1998.]

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