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Sec. 48.6416(b)(2)-4 Supporting evidence required in case of special fuels tax involving exportations, uses, sales, or resales of special fuels.

(a) Evidence to be submitted by claimant.

No claim for credit or refund of an overpayment, within the meaning of section 6416(b)(2) and section 48.6416(b)(2)-2 of tax under section 4041(a)(1) or (b)(2) shall be allowed unless the person who paid the tax submits with the claim the evidence required by paragraph (b)(2) of section 48.6416(a)-2 and a statement, supported by sufficient available evidence--

(1) Showing the amount claimed in respect of each category of exportations, uses, sales, or resales on which the claim is based and which give rise to right of credit or refund under section 6416(b)(2) and section 48.6416(b)(2)-1,

(2) Identifying the fuel, both as to nature and quantity, in respect of which credit or refund is claimed,

(3) Showing the amount of tax paid in respect of the fuel and the dates of payment, and

(4) Indicating that the fuel has been exported, or has been used, sold, or resold in a manner or for a purpose which gives rise to an overpayment within the meaning of section 6416(b)(2) and section 48.6416(b)(2)-2.

(b) Evidence required to be in possession of claimant.

(1) The evidence required to be retained by the person who paid the tax, as provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, must, in the case of fuel exported, consist of proof of exportation or must, in the case of other fuel sold tax-paid by that person, consist of a certificate, executed and signed by the person who purchased the fuel in a resale or for the use which gave rise to the overpayment.

(2) The certificate must identify the fuel, both as to nature and quantity, in respect of which credit or refund is claimed; show the address of the purchaser; show the name and address of the person from whom the fuel was purchased and the date or dates on which the fuel was purchased; and show that the fuel was resold and the date of the resale.

(3) If the claim is not based on resale of the fuel, the certificate must describe the use actually made of the fuel in sufficient detail to establish that credit or refund is due. However, the use to be made of the fuel must be described in lieu of actual use if the claim is made by reason of the sale of the fuel for a specified use which gives rise to an overpayment under section 48.6416(b)(2)-2.

(4) If the certificate sets forth the use to be made of the fuel, rather than its actual use, it must show that the purchaser has agreed to notify the claimant if the fuel is not in fact used as specified in the certificate.

(5) The certificate must also contain a statement that the purchaser has not previously executed a certificate in respect of the fuel and understands that any party may, for fraudulent use of the certificate, be subject under section 7201 to a fine of not more than $10,000, or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

[T.D. 8043, 50 FR 32030, Aug. 8, 1985]

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