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Sec. 5392 Definitions

  • Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  • Chapter 51 -- Distilled Spirits, Wines and Beer
  • Subchapter F -- Bonded and Taxpaid Wine Premises
  • Part IV -- General

(a) Standard wine. For purposes of this subchapter the term "standard wine" means natural wine, specially sweetened natural wine, special natural wine, and standard agricultural wine, produced in accordance with the provisions of sections 5381, 5385, 5386, and 5387, respectively.

(b) Heavy bodied blending wine. For purposes of this subchapter the term "heavy bodied blending wine" means wine made from fruit without added sugar, and with or without added wine spirits, and conforming to the definition of natural wine in all respects except as to maximum total solids content.

(c) Pure sugar. For purposes of this subchapter the term "pure sugar" means pure refined sugar, suitable for human consumption, having a dextrose equivalent of not less than 95 percent on a dry basis, and produced from cane, beets, or fruit, or from grain or other sources of starch. Invert sugar syrup produced from such pure sugar by recognized methods of inversion may be used to prepare any sugar syrup, or solution of water and pure sugar, authorized in this subchapter.

(d) Total solids. For purposes of this subchapter the term "total solids", in the case of wine, means the degrees Brix of the dealcoholized wine.

(e) Same kind of fruit. For purposes of this subchapter the term "same kind of fruit" includes, in the case of grapes, all of the several species and varieties of grapes. In the case of fruits other than grapes, this term includes all of the several species and varieties of any given kind; except that this shall not preclude a more precise identification of the composition of the product for the purpose of its designation.

(f) Own production. For purposes of this subchapter the term "own production", when used with reference to wine in a bonded wine cellar, means wine produced by fermentation in the same bonded wine cellar, whether or not produced by a predecessor in interest at such bonded wine cellar. This term may also include, under regulations, wine produced by fermentation in bonded wine cellars owned or controlled by the same or affiliated persons or firms when located within the same State; the term "affiliated" shall be deemed to include any one or more bonded wine cellar proprietors associated as members of any farm cooperative, or any one or more bonded wine cellar proprietors affiliated within the meaning of section 117(a)(5) of the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, as amended (27 U.S.C. 211).

(g) Liquid sugar. For purposes of this subchapter the term "liquid sugar" means a substantially colorless pure sugar and water solution containing not less than 60 percent pure sugar by weight (60 degrees Brix.)

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