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Rev. Rul. 68-406

Rev. Rul. 68-406; 1968-2 C.B. 525

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Citations: Rev. Rul. 68-406; 1968-2 C.B. 525

Obsoleted by Rev. Rul. 74-625

Rev. Rul. 68-406

The Internal Revenue Service has determined as of June 15, 1968, that the organizations listed below have qualified as participating firms and participating custodians under section 4918 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to the interest equalization tax). A list of firms and custodians that have participated during a specific period is also included. This Revenue Ruling supersedes lists previously published in Revenue Ruling 67-300, C.B. 1967-2, 389, and Revenue Ruling 68-120, C.B. 1968-1, 518.

A member or member organization of a national securities exchange or association registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission may qualify as a participating firm under subsection (c) of section 4918 of the Code by satisfying the notification requirements set forth in the subsection.

A bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation may qualify as a participating custodian under subsection (f) of section 4918 of the Code by satisfying the notification requirements set forth in the subsection.

Any firm or custodian listed below (or added to the list) may subsequently have its status as a participating firm or participating custodian terminated, if it files a written request for such purpose with the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate, or if the Secretary or his delegate has reasonable cause to believe such firm or custodian is failing to comply with the provisions of chapter 41 of the Code (relating to the interest equalization tax) and with the documentation, recordkeeping, reporting, and auditing requirements prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate.

Any termination of status will be effective as of the date specified in a notice issued to the firm or custodian by the Secretary or his delegate, which date shall be subsequent to the date on which information regarding the termination of such status is published for the purpose of informing the remaining participating firms and participating custodians.

The Service from time to time will publish the names of firms and custodians that have been added to or deleted from the lists below.

                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Abbett, Sommer & Co., 3721 W. Freeway, Fort       August 21, 1967.


   Worth, Tex. 76107.


 Abbott, Proctor & Paine, 110 Wall St., New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Abraham & Company, 120 Broadway, New York,        August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Abroms & Co., Inc., 604 Richard Bldg., New        October 7, 1967.


   Orleans, La. 70112.


 Abruzzo, Tobin, Diamond, Yachnin & Sgambat,       August 21, 1967.


   22 Thames St., New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Adams-Fastnow Co., 722 Barlet Bldg., 215 West     September 20, 1967.


   Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Adams & Peck, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.        August 24, 1967.




 Adelman & Schenker, 5 Hanover Square, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 20004.


 Adler, Coleman & Co., 11 Wall Street, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Jack P. Adler, 60 Broad St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Advest Co., Six Central Row, Hartford, Conn.      June 10, 1968.




 Aetna Securities Corp., 1111 Broadway, New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Alessandrini & Co., Inc., 11 Broadway, New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 M. A. Allan & Co., Inc., 1143 Main Avenue,        February 15, 1968.


   Clifton, N.J. 07011.


 Allen & Co., 30 Broad St., New York, N.Y.         August 21, 1967.




 Allen & Company, Inc., 30 Broad Street, New       May 9, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Allison-Williams Co., Northwestern Bank Bldg.,    August 29, 1967.


   Minneapolis, Minn. 55402.


 Almstedt Brothers, 425 W. Market St.,             August 21, 1967.


   Louisville, Ky. 40202.


 American Securities Corp., 25 Broad St., New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 A. E. Ames & Company, Inc., Two Wall St., New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Amott, Baker & Co., Inc., 150 Broadway, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10038.


 A. W. Anderson & Company, 1401 Practorian Bldg.,  September 26, 1967.


   Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Anderson & Strudwick, 913 East Main, Richmond,    August 21, 1967.


   Va. 23212.


 Andresen & Co., Inc., 140 Broadway, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 The Arnold Andrews Co., 24 Commerce St.,          September 2, 1967.


   Newark, N.J. 07102.



 Andrews, Posner & Rothschild, 37 Wall St., New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Andrews, Posner & Rothschild, Cohen Simmonson     August 21, 1967.


   & Co., 37 Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Arden & Gitterman, 40 Wall St., New York, N.Y.    August 23, 1967.




 Armstrong Jones and Co., 1366 Penobscot           January 30, 1968.


   Building, Detroit, Mich. 48226.


 Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder, Inc., 30 Broad St.,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Bernard Aronson & Co., 745 Fifth Avenue, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10022.


 Arthurs, Lestrange & Co., Two Gateway Center,     August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222.


 F. B. Ashplant & Co., 40 Wall St., New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Asiel & Co., 20 Broad St., New York, N.Y. 10005   August 21, 1967.


 Astor & Ross, 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y.        September 9, 1967.




 Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath, 1705 H St. NW.,    August 21, 1967.


   Washington, D.C. 20006.


 Auerbach, Pollach & Richardson, Inc., 30 Broad    August 21, 1967.


   St., New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Babbitt, Meryers & Waddell, Union Trust Bldg.,    August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.


 L. D. Babcock & Company, 22 Thames St., New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Bache & Co., Inc., 36 Wall St., New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Bacon, Stevenson & Company, 25 Broad St., New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Bacon, Whipple & Co., 135 South La Salle St.,     August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Baer Securities Corp., 67 Wall St., New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Baerwald, Porco, Deboer, 70 Wall St., New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Robert W. Baird & Co., 731 N. Water St.,          August 21, 1967.


   Milwaukee, Wis. 53201.


 Baker, Watts & Co., Calvert & Redwood Street,     August 21, 1967.


   Baltimore, Md. 21203.


 Baker, Weeks & Co., One Wall St., New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Ball, Burge & Kraus, 1414 Union Commerce Bldg.,   August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 L. Richard Bamberger, 110 Wall St., New York,     August 25, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Bancroft Securities Company, 74 Franklin Street,  June 5, 1968.


   Worcester, Mass. 01608.


 Peter J. Barbis, 16 94th St., Brooklyn, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.





                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Baroody & Company, Ocean Manor Hotel, 4040        August 21, 1967.


   Galt Ocean Drive, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33308.


 J. S. Barr & Co., Inc., Savings Bank Bldg.,       August 21, 1967.


   Ithaca, N.Y. 14851.


 Barrett & Company, 930 Hospital Trust Building,   April 23, 1968.


   Providence, R.I. 02903.


 John E. Barrett & Co., Inc., 61 Broadway, New     November 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Barrow, Leary & Co., 515 Market St., P.O. Box     August 21, 1967.


   47, Shreveport, La. 71102.


 J. Barth & Co., 404 Montgomery St., San           August 21, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Benj. D. Bartlett & Co., 313 Bind St.,            August 21, 1967.


   Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.


 Basic Investors, Inc., 15 Maiden Lane, New York,  March 8, 1968.


   N.Y. 10038.


 Bateman, Eichler, Hill, Richards, Inc., 460 S.    August 21, 1967.


   Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90013.


 Bear, Stearns & Co., One Wall Street, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Beauchamp & Company, 115 Broadway, New            August 24, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 A. G. Becker & Co., Inc., 120 S. La Salle St.,    August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Beckman & Co., Inc., 11 S. Church St., Lodi,      August 21, 1967.


   Calif. 95204.


 Beebe, Lavalle & Rude, Inc., 909 First City       November 2, 1967.


   Natl. Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. 77002.


 Beecroft Cole & Co., 117 West 6th Street,         August 21, 1967.


   Topeka, Kans. 66603.


 Arthur B. Behal, 86 Trinity Place, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Bell & Beckwith, 234 Erie St., Toledo, Ohio,      August 21, 1967.




 Bell, Gouinlock & Co., Inc., 74 Trinity Place,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Bellamah Neuhauser & Barrett, Inc., Investment    October 3, 1967.


   Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20005.


 Bengston & Co., Inc., 200 East 36th Street, New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10016.


 Benton & Co., 30 Broad Street, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Benton, Corcoran, Leib & Co., 120 Broadway, New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Frederick F. Berlinger, 60 Broad Street, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Betts, Borland & Co., 111 South La Salle St.,     August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Frank T. Betz & Co., Inc., Philadelphia National  May 6, 1968.



   Bank Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107.


 Bigley & Company, 14 Wall Street, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Bioren & Company, 1424 Walnut Street,             August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Birkenmayer & Co., Inc., 734 17th Street,         August 23, 1967.


   Denver, Colo. 80202.


 Birr, Wilson & Co., Inc., 155 Sansome Street,     August 21, 1967.


   San Francisco, Calif. 94104


 Bishop & Sons, Inc., 40 Wall Street, New York,    September 1, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Bishop-Wells Co., 185 Devonshire Street, Boston,  August 21, 1967.


   Mass. 02110.


 Black & Company, Inc., American Bank Building,    March 15, 1968.


   Portland, Oreg. 97205.


 William Blair & Company, 135 South La Salle St.,  August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Blair & Co., Inc., 20 Broad Street, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Blair (D. H.) & Co., 66 Beaver Street, New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Blalack, Wells, Associates, Inc., 2375            January 17, 1968.


   Huntington Drive, San Marino, Calif. 91108.


 Simon B. Blumenthal, 120 Broadway, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Blunt Ellis & Simmons, 111 West Monroe St.,       August 23, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Blyth & Co., Inc., 14 Wall St., New York,         August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Boenning & Co., Allison Bldg., Rittenhouse        August 23, 1967.


   Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.


 Bocklet, Bocklet, Ramsay, Fisher & Kerpen, 22     August 21, 1967.


   Thames St., New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Boettcher & Co., 828 17th St., Denver, Colo.      August 21, 1967.




 George D. B. Bonbright & Co., One West Main St.,  August 21, 1967.


   Rochester, N.Y. 14614.


 Bond, Richman & Co., 160 Broadway, New York,      October 7, 1967.


   N.Y. 10038.


 Booker Brothers, Inc., Miners Natl. Bank Bldg.,   November 21, 1967.


   Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18701.


 Lewis D. Bornstein, c/o R. F. Lafferty & Co.,     August 21, 1967.


   19 Rector Street, New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Bosworth, Sullivan & Co., Inc., 660 Seventeenth   August 21, 1967.


   Street, Denver, Colo. 80202.


 J. C. Bradford & Co., 414 Union St., Nashville,   August 21, 1967.


   Tenn. 37219.


 Bradley, Gammons & Co., Inc., 120 Broadway, New   August 25, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Brager & Company, Inc., 54 Wall St., New York,    May 1, 1968.


   N.Y. 10005.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Brainard, Judd & Co., 1198 Pearl St., Hartford,   August 21, 1967.


   Conn. 06103.


 Branch & Co., 1015 East Main St., Richmond, Va.   August 25, 1967.




 Branch, Cabell & Co., 814 E. Main St., Richmond,  August 21, 1967.


   Va. 23219.


 Breck, McNeish & Nagle, Inc., 19 Congress St.,    December 5, 1967.


   Boston, Mass. 02109.


 Bregman & Co., 4 Albany Street, New York, N.Y.    June 10, 1968.




 Bregman, Cummings & Co., McCarthy & Howard,       August 21, 1967.


   4 Albany St., New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Brimberg & Co., 60 Broad St., New York, N.Y.      September 6, 1967.




 J. H. Brooks & Co., P.O. Box 991, Scranton, Pa.   August 21, 1967.




 Brounoff & Co., 30 Broad St., New York, N.Y.      September 20, 1967.




 Alex Brown & Sons, 135 E. Baltimore St.,          August 21, 1967.


   Baltimore, Md. 21203.


 Brown, Allen & Co., 600 Vaugh Bldg., 1512         August 21, 1967.


   Commerce St., Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Brown & Co., 18 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. 02108   September 1, 1967.


 K. J. Brown & Co., Inc., 114 S. Mulberry St.,     August 21, 1967.


   Muncie, Ind. 47305.


 J. Howard Brown, 22 Thames St., New York, N.Y.    September 2, 1967.




 Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., 59 Wall St., New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Brown, Lisle & Marshall, Inc., 201 Turks Head     August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., Providence, R.I. 02903.


 Brukenfeld, Mitchell & Co., 90 Broad Street, New  January 3, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Bruns, Nordeman & Co., 115 Broadway, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Brush, Slocum & Co., Inc., 465 California St.,    August 21, 1967.


   San Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Buckner & Co., 122 East 42nd St., New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Robert C. Buell & Co., 37 Lewis St., Hartford,    August 21, 1967.


   Conn. 06103.


 Calvin Bullock, Ltd., 1 Wall St., New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Burbank & Co., Inc., 75 Federal St., Boston,      November 13, 1967.


   Mass. 02110.


 Burgess & Leith, 53 State St., Boston, Mass.      August 21, 1967.




 Burgwin & Co., Union Trust Bldg., Pittsburgh,     September 2, 1967.


   Pa. 15219.


 Burke, Lawton & Co., 8617 Germantown Avenue,      January 10, 1968.



   Box 4394, Philadelphia, Pa. 19118.


 W. E. Burnet & Co., 80 Pine St., New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Burnham & Co., 60 Broad St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Burns Brothers & Denton, Inc., 140 Broadway,      August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Burns, Stix Friedman & Co., 515 Olive St., St.    August 21, 1967.


   Louis, Mo. 63101.


 Willis E. Burnside & Co., 40 Exchange Place, New  August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Burton, Dana & Co., 120 Broadway, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Butcher & Sherrerd, 1500 Walnut St.,              August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Butler, Wick & Co., Union National Bank Bldg.,    August 21, 1967.


   Youngstown, Ohio 44501.


 Byrd Brothers, 11 Broadway, New York, N.Y.        March 8, 1968.




 California Investors, Inc., 3544 W. Olympic       September 26, 1967.


   Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90019.


 Cantella & Co., Inc., 53 State Street, Boston,    May 21, 1968.


   Mass. 02109.


 Cantor, Fitzgerald & Co., 232 N. Canon Drive,     September 20, 1967.


   Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210.


 Carlisle & Jacquelin, 2 Broadway, New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Carmen & Co., Inc., 68 Devonshire Street,         June 5, 1968.


   Boston, Mass. 02109.


 A. J. Carno Co., Inc., 42 Broadway, New York,     April 12, 1968.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Carolina Securities Corp., Insurance Bldg.,       October 3, 1967.


   P.O. Box 1071, Raleigh, N.C. 27602.


 Carr & Thompson, Inc., 31 Milk Street, Boston,    March 12, 1968.


   Mass. 02109.


 Carr Securities Corp., 68 William St., New York,  September 20, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Carreau, Smith, Inc., 207 State St., Bridgeport,  August 21, 1967.


   Conn. 06601.


 Carret & Co., Inc., 22 East 40th St., New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10016.


 Carter, Berlind & Weill, Inc., 55 Broad St., New  August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Quincy Cass Associates, Inc., 727 W. 7th St.,     October 7, 1967.


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90017.


 H. Cassel & Co., 61 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 23, 1967.




 Chaplin, McGuiness & Co., Peoples Bank Bldg.,     August 21, 1967.


   4th Ave. at Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222.


 Charwat & Co., Inc., 70 Pine St., New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.





                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Chicago Corp., 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago,      August 21, 1967.


   Ill. 60604.


 Chiles & Co., Farm Credit Bldg., 19th & Douglas   September 2, 1967.


   Sts., Omaha, Nebr. 68102.


 B. C. Christopher & Co., 4800 Main St., Kansas    August 23, 1967.


   City, Mo. 64112.


 Irving Citron, 600 W. 246th St., Riverdale 71,    August 25, 1967.




 City Securities Corp., 400 Circle Tower,          September 1, 1967.


   Indianapolis, Ind. 46204.


 Clark & Clark Securities, Inc., Republic Bank     August 21, 1967.


   Tower, Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Clark, Dodge & Co., Inc., 61 Wall St., New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Richard W. Clarke & Co., 535 Fifth Ave., New      May 21, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10017.


 Clayton Securities Corp., 147 Milk St., Boston,   August 21, 1967.


   Mass. 02109.


 Howard D. Clipper & Co., 80 Broad Street, New     May 21, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Clisby & Co., 565 1st St., Macon, Ga. 31208       August 21, 1967.


 Coggeshall & Hicks, One Liberty St., New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Cohen, Simonson & Rea, Inc., 111 Broadway, New    June 10, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Cohn, Delaire & Kaufman, 74 Trinity Place, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Cohn, Kaufman, Kaufman, Damico, J. Salta, 74      August 21, 1967.


   Trinity Place, New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Maurice Cohn, 74 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Morris Cohn & Co., 19 Rector St., New York, N.Y.  November 21, 1967.




 Coleman & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.       August 23, 1967.




 Collett & Co., Inc., Fletcher Trust Bldg.,        August 21, 1967.


   Indianapolis, Ind. 46204.


 C. C. Collings & Co., Inc., Fidelity Bldg.,       August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19109.


 Julien Collins & Company, 105 South La Salle      March 18, 1968.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Commercial Corporation, 4224 Office Parkway,      March 5, 1968.


   P.O. Box 1563, Dallas, Tex. 75221.


 Common, Dann & Co., Marine Trust Bldg.,           August 21, 1967.


   Buffalo, N.Y. 14203.


 B. J. Conlon & Co., Inc., 51 Broadway, New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Conning & Co., 41 Lewis St., Hartford, Conn.      August 21, 1967.




 Conrad & Co., Inc., Prince George Plaza,          September 2, 1967.



   Hyattsville, Md. 20782.


 Contes & Co., 82 Beaver St., New York, N.Y.       September 9, 1967.




 Conway Brothers, Inc., 902 Walnut St., Des        September 20, 1967.


   Moines, Iowa 65309.


 Cooley & Co., 100 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn.      August 21, 1967.




 Courts & Co., 11 Maritta St., P.O. Box 1295,      August 21, 1967.


   Atlanta, Ga. 30301.


 Cowen & Co., 45 Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005    August 21, 1967.


 F. W. Craigie & Co., Inc., 616 East Maine St.,    September 14, 1967.


   Richmond, Va. 23215.


 G. H. Crawford, Co., Inc., 1213 Lady Street,      April 3, 1968.


   Columbia, S.C. 29202.


 Crowell, Weedon & Co., 629 South Spring St., Los  August 21, 1967.


   Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Cruttenden & Co., Inc., 120 South La Salle        March 26, 1968.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Thomas W. Cullen, Jr., 45 Wall St., New York,     August 30, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Cutter & Dixon, 29 Broadway, New York, N.Y.       October 3, 1967.




 Dabbs Sullivan, Trulock & Co., Inc., 412          February 5, 1968.


   Louisiana Street, Little Rock, Ark. 72201.


 Harry C. Dackerman & Co., Inc., 120 S. 17th St.,  August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.


 Dain, Kalman & Quail, Inc., 110 S. 6th Street,    April 24, 1968.


   Minneapolis, Minn. 55402.


 Daiwa Securities, Co., America. Inc., 26          August 21, 1967.


   Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Daly & Co., Inc., First Natl. Bank Bldg., Boise,  August 21, 1967.


   Idaho 83701.


 Davenport & Co., 1113 E. Main St., Richmond, Va.  August 21, 1967.




 E. R. Davenport & Co., Inc., 908 Hospital Trust   August 25, 1967.


   Bldg., Providence, R.I. 02903.


 James E. Davis, 19 Rector St., New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 R. Davis & Co., 72 Wall St., New York, N.Y.       August 24, 1967.




 Ralph W. Davis & Co., Inc., 120 S. La Salle St.,  August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Shelby Cullom Davis & Co., 116 John St., New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10038.


 Davis, Polma, Streicher, Streicher, Schuman,      August 21, 1967.


   Telsey & Tobin, 19 Rector St., New York,


   N.Y. 10006.


 Davis, Skaggs & Co., 160 Sansome St., San         August 21, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Chas. A. Day & Co., Inc., 60 Federal St.,         August 21, 1967.


   Boston, Mass. 02110.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 DeCoppet & Doremus, 72 Wall St., New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 DeHaven, Townsend, Crouter & Bodine, 1500 Chest-  August 21, 1967.


   nut St.,  Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Walter B. Delafield & Co. Inc., 56 Pine St.,      August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Delafield & Delafield, 140 Broadway, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Dempsey-Tegler & Co., Inc., 1000 Locust St., St.  August 21, 1967.


   Louis, Mo. 63101.


 Diamond & Co., 60 Broad St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Diamond, Matera & Co., 20 Exchange Place, New     August 23, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Dick & Merle-Smith, 48 Wall St., New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 R. G. Dickinson & Co., 910 Grand Ave., Des        August 21, 1967.


   Moines, Iowa 50309.


 R. S. Dickson & Co., Inc., 15th Floor Wachobia    August 21, 1967.


   Bank Bldg., Charlotte, N.C. 28202.


 Dillon, Read & Co., Inc., 46 William St.,         August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Dishy, Easton & Co., Exchange Place, New          August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Dittmar & Co., Inc., 201 N. Saint Mary St., San   August 21, 1967.


   Antonio, Tex. 78206.


 Diversified Planning Corp., 400 S. Beverly        October 3, 1967.


   Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212.


 Dixon Bretscher Noonan, Inc., Investment Secur-   November 14, 1967.


   ities, First National Bldg., Springfield,


   Ill. 62701.


 Doft & Co., Inc., 40 Wall St., New York, N.Y.     May 3, 1968.




 Elliot B. Doft, 11th Floor, 20 Broad St., New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Dominick & Dominick, Inc., 14 Wall St., New York  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Dominion Securities Corp., 40 Exchange Place,     August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Donald & Co., 32 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004   November 6, 1967.


 Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc., 1             August 21,1967.


   Whitehall St., New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Francis J. Doody, 120 Liberty St., New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Doorley & Co., Inc., 34 Fountain St., Provi-      August 24, 1967.


   dence, R.I. 02903.


 Douglas Securities, Inc., 209 S. La Salle St.,    August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60604.


 Robert E. Dowling, 2 Broadway, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.





 Drachman & Co., 52 Wall St., New York, N.Y.       August 26, 1967.




 Draper, Sears & Co., Inc., 50 Congress St.,       August 24, 1967.


   Boston, Mass. 02102.


 Michael B. Dretzin, 37 Wall St., Room 340, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Drexel Harriman Ripley, Inc., 1500 Walnut St.,    August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19101.


 Dreyfus & Co., 2 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004   August 21, 1967.


 Drysdale & Co., 61 Broadway, New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Calvin E. Duncan & Co., Suite 815, 155 Sansome    September 9, 1967.


   St., San Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Dunhill Securities Corp., 50 Broadway, New York,  January 3, 1968.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Francis I. DuPont & Co., 1 Wall St., New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Francis I. Dupont, A. C. Allyn, Inc., 1 Wall      August 21, 1967.


   St., New York, N.Y. 10005.


 C. A. Durand & Son, 67 Broad St., New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Dwyer & Co., 233 Sansome St., San Francisco,      November 12, 1967.


   Calif. 94104.


 Dyer Maguire Dritz & Co., 22 Thames St., New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Eastman Dillon, Union Securities & Co., One       August 21, 1967.


   Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Eaton & Company, Inc., 32 Broadway, New York,     June 11, 1968.


   N.Y. 10004.


 F. Eberstadt & Co., 65 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Earl Edden Co., 41 Front St., Rockville Centre,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 11570.


 Edelstein, Campbell & Co., 1717 Russ Bldg., San   September 20, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Edwards and Hanly, 100 N. Franklin St., Hemp-     August 21, 1967.


   stead, N.Y. 11550.


 A. G. Edwards & Sons, 40 Wall St., New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Richard A. Eising, 30 Broad St., 14th Floor, New  August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Robert Eising, 60 Broad St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Elkins, Morris, Stroud & Co., Stock Exchange      August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., 17th and Sansome Street, Philadelphia,


   Pa. 19103.


 W. Elwell, Elwell, Kelly, Mans & Griffin, 74      August 21, 1967.


   Trinity Place, New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Emanuel, Deetjen & Co., 120 Broadway, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Engler & Budd Co., 401 Mobil Oil Bldg., Minne-    August 21, 1967.


   apolis, Minn. 55402.


 Eppler, Guerin & Turner, Inc., Investment Bank-   August 21, 1967.


   ers, First National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex.




 Equitable Canada, Inc., 67 Wall Street, New       June 10, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Equitable Securities, Morton & Co., Inc., 322     June 10, 1968.


   Union Street, Nashville, Tenn. 37201.


 Equity Research Assoc., Inc., 55 Broad Street,    March 21, 1968.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Erdman & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.        August 21, 1967.




 Ernst & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.         August 21, 1967.




 Estabrook & Co., 15 State St., Boston, Mass.      August 21, 1967.




 Estes & Co., Inc., Capitol Federal Bldg., 700     September 2, 1967.


   Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kans. 66603.


 Euler & Co., 121 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia,   May 21, 1968.


   Pa. 19107.


 Geo. Eustis & Co., 508 Tri-State Bldg., Cincin-   September 9, 1967.


   nati, Ohio 45202.


 Evans & Co., Inc., 60 Wall St., New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Fagan & Co., 39 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006.   August 21, 1967.


 Fagenson & Frankel Co., Inc., 76 Beaver St., New  August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Fahenstock & Co., 110 Wall St., New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Fain & Fain, 517 Industrial Bank Bldg., Provi-    August 21, 1967.


   dence, R.I. 02903.


 Fairman & Co., 210 West Seventh St., Los          November 21, 1967.


   Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Farrell & Co., 52 Wall St., New York, N.Y.        August 21, 1967.




 Farrell & Co., Albert Rothenberg, 52 Wall         August 21, 1967.


   Street, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Faulkner, Dawkins & Sullivan, 60 Broad St.,       November 6, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 H. L. Federman & Co., Inc., 50 Broadway, New      April 17, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 J. P. Feiner Co., 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y.    October 3, 1967.




 Arnold Feldman Co., 120 Broadway, New York,       December 8, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Fell, Rudman & Co., c/o Freehling Co., 120 South  August 21, 1967.


   La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Felro Planning Corp., 55 West 42nd St., New       August 21, 1967.



   York, N.Y. 10036.


 Ferris & Co., 611 15th St., NW., Washington, D.C.  August 29, 1967.




 Martin S. Fiens, 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Filor, Bullard & Smyth, 26 Broadway, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y.  10004.


 First Albany Corp., 90 State St., Albany, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 First Boston Corp., 20 Exchange Place, New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 First California Co., 300 Mortgomery St., San     August 21, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 First Continental Securities, Inc., 522 Fidelity  September 6, 1967.


   Union Life Bldg., Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 First Hanover Corp., 67 Broad St., New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 First Investment Savings Corp., 1831 First        March 5, 1968.


   Avenue North, Birmingham, Ala. 35203.


 First Manhattan Co., 30 Wall St., New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 First Nebraska Securities, Inc., 1001 "O" St.,    August 21, 1967.


   Lincoln, Nebr. 68501.


 First of Michigan Corp., Buhl Bldg., Detroit,     August 21, 1967.


   Mich. 48226.


 First of Texas, Inc., 857 Chamber of Commerce,    August 21, 1967.


   Houston, Tex. 77002.


 First Prudential Corp., 44 Broad St., New York,   August 24, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 First Securities Co. of Chicago, 134 South La     November 2, 1967.


   Salle St., Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 First Securities Corp., 111 Corcoran St.,         August 25, 1967.


   Durham, N.C. 27702.


 First Southwest Co., Mercantile Bank Bldg.,       August 21, 1967.


   Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Norman Fischer, 86 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.  August 17, 1967.




 W. Allston Flagg, Jr., 72 Wall St., New York,     August 26, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Folger, Nolan, Fleming & Co., 725 15th St. NW.,   August 21, 1967.


   Washington, D.C. 20005.


 Paul L. Forchheimer & Co., 52 Broadway, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 J. Russell Forgan, Jr., c/o DeCoppet & Doremus,   August 26, 1967.


   72 Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Foster & Adams, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 Foster & Marshall, Inc., 400 Norton Bldg.,        September 6, 1967.


   Seattle, Wash. 98104.


 Foster Brothers, Weber & Co., 241 Superior St.,   August 21, 1967.


   Toledo, Ohio 43604.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Fowler & Rosenau, 40 Wall St., New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 P. F. Fox & Co., Inc., 120 Broadway, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Fox-Raff & Company, 1400 Tower Building,          May 14, 1968.


   Seattle, Wash. 98101.


 Frank, Spencer, Danm & Gussoff, Two Broadway,     August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Thomas W. Frank, 70 Pine St., New York, N.Y.      August 24, 1967.




 Samuel B. Franklin Co., Inc., 210 West Seventh    October 3, 1967.


   St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Frazee, Olifiers & Co., Inc., 55 Broadway, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Laurence Frazier & Co., Inc., 19 Rector St., New  August 26, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Frederick & Co., Inc., Cudahy Tower, Milwaukee,   August 21, 1967.


   Wis. 53202.


 Freehling & Co., 120 South La Salle St.,          August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Freeman & Co., 61 Broadway, New York, N.Y.        September 20, 1967.




 Frost, Johnson, Read & Smith, Inc., P.O. Box      August 21, 1967.


   866, Charleston, S.C. 29402.


 Fulton, Reid & Staples, Inc., 1717 East Ninth     September 1, 1967.


   St., Cleveland, Ohio 44114.


 Fund Securities, Inc., 355 Victory Blvd., Staten  August 21, 1967.


   Island, N.Y. 10301.


 Funk, Hobbs & Hart, Inc., National Bank of Com-   June 10, 1968.


   merce Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. 78205.


 Alester G. Furman Co., Inc., Daniel Bldg.,        August 21, 1967.


   Greenville, S.C. 29601.


 Murray Furman, 60 Broad St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Gage-Wiley & Co., Inc., Third National Bank       September 14, 1967.


   Bldg., Springfield, Mass. 01103.


 Gairdner & Company, Inc., 60 Wall St., New        August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Robert Garret & Sons, Inc., The Garret Bldg.,     August 21, 1967.


   Baltimore, Md. 21203.


 Garvin Bantel Corp., 120 Broadway, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Gates, Carter & Co., Inc., Hatten Bldg., P.O.     August 21, 1967.


   Box 1990, Gulfport, Miss. 39501.


 Alexander P. Gatti Investments, 1060 Fulton       November 2, 1967.


   Mall, Fresno, Calif. 93721.


 Hugh Gee Associates, Inc., 1255 Post St., Suite   October 3, 1967.


   1044, San Francisco, Calif. 94109.


 General Securities Corp., 259 N. Field St., Rio   August 21, 1967.


   Grande Bldg., Dallas, Tex. 95202.



 Gerstley, Sunstein & Co., 211 South Broad St.,    August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19107.


 A. T. Geyer & Co., 15 William Street, New York,   February 21, 1968.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Gilligan, Will & Co., 22 Thames Street, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Charles H. Gilman & Co., Inc., 185 Middle St.,    August 21, 1967.


   Portland, Maine 04111.


 Glaston & Company, 42 Broadway, New York,         August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Glidden, Morris & Co., 54 Wall St., New York,     August 30, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Glore Forgan, Wm. R. Staats, Inc., 45 Wall St.,   August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005


 Glover & MacGregor, Inc., Union Trust Bldg.,      August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15210.


 Goffee-Carkener-Blackford Securities Corp.,       August 21, 1967.


   4800 Maine, Kansas City, Mo. 64112.


 Goin & Turner, 74 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Gold, Freedman & Co., 74 Trinity Place, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 H. L. Goldberg & Co., 60 Broad Street, New York,  August 30, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Goldman, Sachs & Co., 55 Broad St., New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Goodbody & Co., Two Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 Gordon Brothers & Co., 74 Broad St., New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Gormican & Korb, Inc., 101 S. Main Street, P.O.   June 10, 1968.


   Box 1023, Fond du Lac, Wis. 54935.


 A. H. Goss & Co., 40 Wall St., New York N.Y.      August 25, 1967.




 David Gottlieb, 86 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 J. W. Gould & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Grace Canadian Securities, Inc., 25 Broadway,     August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 William Grad, 86 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.    August 29, 1967.




 W. D. Gradison & Co., Dixie Terminal Bldg.,       August 21, 1967.


   Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.


 Graham, Graham, Montalbano, Miller, Miller,       August 21, 1967.


   Alter, Grande, Heck, Heck & Plotkin, 20


   Exchange Place, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Granger & Co., 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Green, Erb & Co., Inc., 1718 Superior Bldg.,      August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44114.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Greene & Co., 37 Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005   September 2, 1967.


 Greene & Ladd, 60 Broad St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Greene, Greene, Mintz, Streusand & Furman,        August 21, 1967.


   4 Albany Street, New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Greene & Greene, 4 Albany Street, New York.       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Greenshields & Co., Inc., 64 Wall St., New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 H. T. Greenwood & Co., 17th STs. & Stock          May 14, 1968.


   Exchange Pl., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.


 Gregory & Sons, 40 Wall St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Gross & Co., 5 Hanover Square, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Grosvenor Securities, Inc., 10 East 40th St.,     November 2, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10016


 G. S. Gruman & Associates, Inc., 225 Franklin     August 21, 1967.


   St., Boston, Mass. 02110.


 Gruntal & Co., 50 Broadway, New York, N.Y.        August 21, 1967.




 Gruss & Co., 30 Broad St., New York, N.Y. 10004   August 21, 1967.


 Oscar Gruss & Son, 80 Pine St., New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Gude, Winmill & Co., One Wall St., New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 J. P. Guerin & Company, 618 South Spring St.,     November 2, 1967.


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Haas Securities Corp., 120 Broadway, New York,    August 30, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Haberman Bros., Five Hanover Square, New York,    September 2, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Haight, Wilson & Wallower, Inc., 110 East 42d     August 23, 1967.


   St., New York, N.Y. 10017.


 Halden & Company, 74 Trinity Place, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Halden & Co., Kelly Stern, Delaney & O'Brien,     August 24, 1967.


   74 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Halden, Halden, Nuppnau, Stern, O'Brien,          August 21, 1967.


   Delaney, Reiss & Ruggiena, 74 Trinity Place,


   New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Will S. Halle & Co., 110 Euclid Bldg.,            September 20, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 Halle & Stieglitz, 52 Wall Street, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Hallgarten & Co., 44 Wall Street, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Hallowell, Sulzbeger, Jenks & Co., Inc.,          August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia Nalt. Bank Bldg., Broad and


   Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107.



 Halpern, Inagallinera & Weinburg, 37 Wall         August 21, 1967.


   Street, New York, N.Y. 1005.


 Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc., 123 S. La Salle       August 21, 1967.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60690.


 Hamershlag, Borg & Co., 140 Broadway, New         August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Hardy & Co., 25 Broad Street, New York,           August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Wm. P. Harper & Son & Co., 1504 Third Avenue,     November 2, 1967.


   Harper Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 98101.


 Harris & Partners, Inc., 20 Exchange Place, New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Harris Securities Corporation, 79 Wall Street,    March 12, 1968.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Harris, Upham & Co., Inc., 120 Broadway, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Harrison & Co., Fifth Third Bank Bldg.,           August 21, 1967.


   Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.


 Hartzmark & Co., Inc., 1805 East Ohio Bldg.,      August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44114.


 Frederick H. Hatch & Co., Inc., 37 Wall Street,   August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Havener Securities Corp., 111 Broadway, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Hay and Company, 47 North 4th Street,             June 11, 1968.


   Zanesville, Ohio 43701.


 Hay, Fales, Pizzini & Co., Inc., 71 Broadway,     August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Hayden, Miller & Co., 650 Union Commerce Bldg.,   August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 Hayden, Stone Inc., 25 Broad Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Hazlett, Burt & Watson, One Medical Tower,        August 21, 1967.


   Wheeling, W. Va. 26003.


 Michael J. Heaney & Co., 120 Broadway, New        August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Arthur R. Hefren & Co., Inc., 202 Benedum-Trees   February 1, 1968.


   Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222.


 Stanley Heller & Co., 44 Wall Street, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Heller & Meyer, 520 Main St., East Orange,        August 21, 1967.


   N.J. 07018.


 Edward F. Henderson & Co., Inc., 15 William       April 3, 1968


   Street, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 T. C. Henderson & Co., Inc., Sixth & Grand        August 21, 1967.


   Streets, Des Moines, Iowa 50309.


 Henderson, Harrison & Co., 40 Wall Street, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Henderson, O'Reilly & Co., 120 Broadway, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Henner Brothers, 141 West Jackson Boulevard,      March 28, 1968.


   Chicago, Ill. 60604.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 H. Hentz & Co., 72 Wall Street, New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Herman, Heller & Kanter, 74 Trinity Place, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Herman, Herman & Giamaneo, 74 Trinity Place,      August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Herold, Wilson & Gerald, 14 Wall Street, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Herron Northwest, Inc., The I.B.M. Bldg.,         August 21, 1967.


   Seattle, Wash. 98101.


 Hertz, Neumark & Warner, Two Broadway, New        August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Herzfeld & Stern, 30 Broad Street, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Hess, Grant & Remington, Inc., 123 S. Broad       September 2, 1967.


   St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19109.


 Hettleman & Co., One Wall Street, New York,       September 1, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Hill & Co., 1717 Provident Tower, Cincinnati,     August 21, 1967.


   Ohio 45202.


 J. J. B. Hilliard, W. L. Lyons & Co., 419 W.      August 21, 1967.


   Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. 40202.


 Hillmead Investment Corp. 1832 M Street NW.,      June 10, 1968.


   Washington, D.C. 20036.


 Glenn E. Hinton Investments, Inc., 1207 Norton    August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 98104.


 Hirsch & Co., 25 Broad Street, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Hirshon, Roth & Co., 30 Broad Street, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Hodgon, Haight & Co., Inc., 1101 17th St. NW.,    September 9, 1967.


   Washington, D.C. 20036.


 Sherman Hoelscher & Co., 369 Pine St., San        November 2, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Holt & Collins, Russ Bldg., San Francisco,        October 7, 1967.


   Calif. 94104.


 Holt & Company, 301 Pine Street, San Francisco,   November 2, 1967.


   Calif. 94104.


 Hopkins, Harback & Co., Sixth & Grand Street,     August 21, 1967.


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90017.


 Hopper, Soliday, Brooke, Sheridan, Inc., 1420     August 21, 1967.


   Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Hoppin Bros & Co., 55 Broad Street, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Hornblower & Weeks-Hemphill, Eight Hanover        August 21, 1967.


   Street, Noyes, N.Y. 10004.


 Hourwich & Co., 40 Wall Street, New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Friedrichs & Co., 211    August 21, 1967.



   Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La. 70130.


 Howe, Barnes & Co., 208 S. La Salle Street,       August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60604.


 Colgate Hoyt & Co., 111 Broadway, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 R. S. Hudson & Co., Inc., Suite 721505, N.        August 21, 1967.


   Ervoy Street, Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Hughbanks, Inc., Dexter Horton Bldg., Seattle,    August 29, 1967.


   Wash. 98104.


 Hulme, Applegate & Humphrey, Inc., Union Trust    August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.


 Wayne Hummer & Co., 105 W. Adams Street,          August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60690.


 Hunter, Prugh, Ball & Davidson, Inc., 803         August 21, 1967.


   Winter's Bank Bldg., Dayton, Ohio 45402.


 Harold H. Huston & Co., 1203 Hoge Building,       January 30, 1968.


   Seattle, Wash. 98104.


 Hutchins, Mixter & Parkinson, 60 State Street,    August 21, 1967.


   Boston, Mass. 02101.


 William Hutchinson & Co., Inc., 44 Montgomery     January 25, 1968.


   Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 E. F. Hutton & Co., 61 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 W. E. Hutton & Co., 14 Wall Street, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 The Illinois Company, Inc., 135 South La Salle    February 13, 1968.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Independent Securities Corporation, 301 E.        June 11, 1968.


   Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, Calif. 91101.


 Ingalls & Snyder, 100 Broadway, New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Interstate Securities Corp., 701 Johnston Bldg.,  August 21, 1967.


   Charlotte, N.C. 28202.


 Investment Planning Associates, Inc., 1st         September 26, 1967.


   National Bank Bldg., P.O. Box 1358,


   Corsicana, Tex. 75110.


 Investment Securities Corporation, The Read       March 5, 1968.


   House, 833 Broad Street, Chattanooga, Tenn.




 Jackson, Segal & Tobin, 20 Exchange Place, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Sidney Jacobs Co., 40 Exchange Place, New York,   September 1, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Benjamin Jacobson & Sons, 61 Broadway, New        August 25, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Inc., 1401         August 21, 1967.


   Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Jefferies & Company, Inc., 618 S. Spring Street,  November 17, 1967.


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Jesup & Lamont, 26 Broadway, New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.





                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Edward Jeuther, Jr. Co., P.O. Box 73, Westfield,  August 21, 1967.


   N.J. 07090.


 Jewett, Newman & Co., 1 Wall Street, New York,    August 24, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Martin J. Joel & Co., 39 Broadway, New York,      November 2, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Hugh Johnson & Co., Rand Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Johnson, Lane, Space, Smith & Co., Inc., 101 E.   August 21, 1967.


   Bay Street, P.O. Box 2729, Savannah,


   Ga. 31402.


 Johnston, Lemon & Co., Southern Bldg.,            August 25, 1967.


   Washington, D.C. 20005.


 Edward D. Jones & Co., 101 N. 4th Street, St.     August 21, 1967.


   Louis, Mo. 63102.


 William H. Jones & Co., 453 S. Spring Street,     September 6, 1967.


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90013.


 Jones, Kreeger & Co., 1625 I Street NW.,          August 21, 1967.


   Washington, D.C. 20006.


 Jones, Rensberger, Currier & Cass, Inc., 606 S.   June 10, 1968.


   Olive, Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Joseph, Mellen & Miller, Inc., 1400 E. Ohio       November 2, 1967.


   Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 44114.


 Josephtal & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 C. E. Judson & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Kalb, Voorhis & Co., 27 William Street,           August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005


 Kansas City Securities Corp., 20 West 9th         November 2, 1967.


   Street, Kansas City, Mo. 64105.


 John H. Kaplan & Co., 120 Broadway, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Kenneth Kass, 14 Whitehall Street, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Katzenberg, Sour & Co., 120 E. 56th Street, New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10022.


 Kaufmann, Alsberg & Co., 61 Broadway, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Kaufman Bros. Co., P.O. Box 3235, Norfolk, Va.    April 8, 1968.




 Kaufmann & Co., 115 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      April 21, 1967.




 M. Kaufmann Co., c/o Cohn, Delaire & Kaufman,     August 21, 1967.


   74 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Kay, Richards & Co., Union Trust Bldg.,           August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230.


 Keiper & Zimm, 30 Broad Street, New York, N.Y.    January 26, 1968.





 Kelly, Halden, Halden, Nuppnau, Riess &           August 21, 1967.


   Ruggiena, 74 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.




 John A. Kemper & Co., 32 N. Ludlow Street,        August 21, 1967.


   Dayton, Ohio 45402.


 Kennedy-Peterson, Inc., 75 Pearl St., Hartford,   May 7, 1968.


   Conn. 06103.


 Kenower, MacArthur & Co., Ford Bldg., Detroit,    May 6, 1968.


   Mich. 48226.


 The Kentucky Company Investment, Securities       November 2, 1967.


   Firm, 320 S. 5th Street, Louisville, Ky. 40202.


 Kerr & Bell, 210 West Seventh Street, Los         February 5, 1968.


   Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Kesler (Harry) Company, 210 W. Seventh Street,    January 15, 1968.


   Los Angeles, Calif.


 Kidder, Peabody & Co., Inc., 20 Exchange Place,   August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Charles King & Co., 61 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Kinsley & Adams, 6 Norwich Street, Worcester,     September 1, 1967.


   Mass. 01608.


 H. S. Kipnis & Co., 209 S. La Salle Street,       August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60604.


 Kippen Canada Corp., 40 Exchange Place, New       September 1, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Kirkpatrick, Pettis, Smith, Polian, Inc., 540     August 21, 1967.


   Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. 68102.


 Thomas A. Kirwan & Co., 84 State Street, Boston,  December 18, 1967.


   Mass. 02109.


 Kiser, Cohn, Shumaker, Inc., 2d Floor, Circle     August 21, 1967.


   Tower, Indianapolis, Ind. 46204.


 Kleiner, Bell & Co., 9756 Wilshire Blvd.,         August 21, 1967.


   Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212.


 Klugh & Company, Inc., 1105 Stevens Street, P.O.  November 6, 1967.


   Box 1658-A, Anderson, S.C. 29621.


 Koehler & Co., 120 S. La Salle Street, Chicago,   September 2, 1967.


   Ill. 60602.


 Kohler, Weeks & Co., 2 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   April 17, 1968.




 Kohlmeyer & Co., 147 Carondelet, New Orleans,     August 21, 1967.


   La. 70130.


 Martin J. Kohn, 86 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.  August 26, 1967.




 H. Kook & Co., Inc., 54 Wall Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Kormendi & Co., Inc., 11 Broadway, New York,      March 1, 1968.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Koss & Co., 1266 E. 24th Street, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Henry Krieger & Co., 25 Broad Street, New York,   August 24, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Kroesen and Company, Inc., 300 Wilshire Avenue,   April 17, 1968.


   P.O. Box 4245, Anaheim, Calif. 92803.


 Walter C. Kruge, 61 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      January 8, 1968.




 H. G. Kuch & Co., 1732 Chestnut Street,           August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.


 Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 40 Wall Street, New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Labranche & Co., 60 Broad Street, New York, N.Y.  August 30, 1967.




 Bert Lacey & Co., 5934 Royal Lane, Dallas, Tex.   September 20, 1967.




 Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., 25 Broad Street, New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 R. F. Lafferty & Co., 19 Rector Street, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Laidlaw & Co., 25 Broad Street, New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Laird, Bissell & Meeds, Inc., Dupont Bldg.,       August 21, 1967.


   Wilmington, Del. 19899.


 Laird Incorporated, 140 Broadway, New York,       April 24, 1968.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Lamson Bros. Co., 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago,  August 21, 1967.


   Ill. 60604.


 Landry & Co., 31 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.       January 31, 1968.




 Landsberg & Co., 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Langill & Co., 134 S. La Salle Street, Chicago,   January 3, 1968.


   Ill. 60603.


 W. C. Langley & Co., 115 Broadway, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Lapham & Co., 40 Exchange Place, New York, N.Y.   February 26, 1968.




 Emmett A. Larkin Co., Inc., 626 Wilshire Blvd.,   November 2, 1967.


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90017.


 Lauro & Co., 5 Hanover Square, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Cyrus J. Lawrence & Sons, 115 Broadway, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Lawson & Co., 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y.        August 21, 1967.




 Lawson, Williams & Stern, Inc., 1 Montgomery      August 21, 1967.


   Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Lazard Freres Co., 44 Wall Street, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Ledogar-Horner Co., 815 Superior Avenue,          August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44114.


 Leff, Berkman, DeLaet, Jr., Leff Bros. & Ernst &  August 21, 1967.



   Co., 37 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Legg & Co., 22 Light Street, Baltimore, Md.       August 21, 1967.




 Lehman Brothers, 1 William Street, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Lenart, McHugh & Co., 115 Broadway, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Lentz, Newton & Co., Alamo National Bldg., San    August 26, 1967.


   Antonio, Tex. 78205.


 Leone & Pollack, 40 Exchange, New York, N.Y.      March 15, 1968.




 Lepercq, de Neuflize & Co. Inc., 63 Wall Street,  August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Lerner & Co., Inc., 10 Post Office Square,        September 26, 1967.


   Boston, Mass. 02109.


 Lester, Ryons & Co., 623 S. Hope Street, Los      August 21, 1967.


   Angeles, Calif. 90017.


 Leumi Securities Corp., 60 Broad Street, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Levien, Greenwald & Co., 55 Broad Street, New     August 25, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 John R. Lewis, Inc., 1000 2nd Avenue, Seattle,    August 21, 1967.


   Wash. 98104.


 Lief, Werle, Alston & Co., 55 Broad Street, New   February 26, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Ling & Company, Inc., LTV Tower Mall, Dallas,     December 18, 1967.


   Tex. 75201.


 Arthur Lipper & Corp., 140 Broadway, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Lockwood, Peck & Co., 111 Broadway, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Loeb, Rhoades & Co., 42 Wall Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Loewi & Co., Inc., 225 E. Mason Street,           August 21, 1967.


   Milwaukee, Wis. 53202.


 Lombard, Vitalis & Paganucci, Inc., 111           August 21, 1967.


   Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Loomis, Sayles & Co., Inc., 225 Franklin Street,  October 3, 1967.


   Boston, Mass. 02110.


 Love, Douglas & Co., Inc., 80 Broad Street, New   May 29, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 E. Lowitz & Co., 39 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 J. A. Ludlow & Co., 115 Broadway, New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Irving Lundborg & Co., 310 Sansome Street, San    August 21, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 S. D. Lunt & Co., 906 Marine Trust Bldg.,         August 21, 1967.


   Buffalo, N.Y. 14203.


 McCarley & Co., Inc., 35 Page Avenue,             September 26, 1967.


   Asheville, N.C. 28802.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 McCormick & Co., Inc., 135 South La Salle         August 21, 1967.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 McCourtney-Breckenridge & Co., Investment         November 27, 1967.


   Securities, 1030 Boatmen's Bank Bldg., St.


   Louis, Mo. 63102.


 Peter P. McDermott & Co., 42 Broadway, New        August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 McDonald & Co., Union Commerce Bldg.,             August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 McDonnell & Co., Inc., 120 Broadway, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 M. J. McHale Company, 115 Broadway, New York,     March 19, 1968.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Albert H. McIntyre, 72 Wall Street, New York,     September 2, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 C. S. McKee & Co., Inc., Union Trust Bldg.,       August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.


 McKelvy & Co., Union Trust Bldg., Pittsburgh,     August 21, 1967.


   Pa. 15219.


 McKinney & Co., 210 West 7th Street, Los          August 29, 1967.


   Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 McLeod, Young, Weir, Inc., 1 Chase Manhattan      August 21, 1967.


   Plaza, New York N.Y. 10005.


 James F. McMahon, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass.  May 23, 1968.




 McMaster Hutchinson & Co., 105 South La Salle     November 13, 1967.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 McMullen & Hard, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 McNear & Willard, 465 California Street,          November 2, 1967.


   Merchant Exchange Bldg., San Francisco, Calif.




 Mabon, Nugent & Co., 115 Broadway, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 MacKall & Coe, 738 15th Street NW.,               August 21, 1967.


   Washington, D.C. 20005.


 Peter M. MacPherson, 2314 Penobscot Bldg.,        September 9, 1967.


   Detroit, Mich. 48226.


 Robert M. MacRae, Inc., 1511 Norton Bldg.,        August 21, 1967.


   Seattle, Wash. 98104.


 Bernard L. Madoff, 39 Broadway, New York, N.Y.    January 17, 1968.




 Maltz, Greenwald & Co., 120 Broadway, New York,   August 25, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Manley, Bennett, McDonald & Co., 1100 Buhl        August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 48226.


 John M. Manley, Four Albany Street, New York,     August 24, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Mann & Co., 121 Mystic Avenue, Medford, Mass.     September 2, 1967.





 Mann (John J.) & Co., 20 Exchange Place, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Maples & Goldschmidt, St. John River View Bldg.,  August 21, 1967.


   Norwalk, Conn. 06852.


 Marantette & Company, 1370 Penobscot Building,    December 18, 1967.


   Detroit, Mich. 48226.


 Albert Marks, 74 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.    August 24, 1967.




 Carl Marks & Co., 20 Broad Street, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Stanley Marks, Lasser & Co., 5 Hanover Square,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 The Marshall Co., Inc., 111 East Wisconsin        January 9, 1968.


   Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. 53202.


 Martinelli & Co., Inc., 79 Wall Street, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Mason & Co., Inc., 2801 Washington Avenue,        August 21, 1967.


   Newport News, Va. 23607.


 Mason & Lee, Inc., 8th and Church Street,         November 6, 1967.


   Lynberg, Va. 24505.


 Mason Brothers, 1130 First Western Building,      August 21, 1967.


   Oakland, Calif. 94612.


 Mason-Hagan, Inc., 830 E. Main Street, P.O. Box   February 15, 1968.


   1275, Richmond, Va. 23210.


 A. E. Masten & Co., First National Bank Bldg.,    August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222.


 L. A. Mathey-Diamond Douglas & Co., 120           August 21, 1967.


   Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Matielli & Co., 115 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 May & Co., Inc., 506 S.W. 6th Street, Portland,   September 2, 1967.


   Oreg. 97204.


 J. May & Co., Inc., 32 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   August 26, 1967.




 May, Borg & Co., 30 Broad Street, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 May, Borg, Foshka, Haffenecker, 30 Broad          August 21, 1967.


   Street, New York, N.Y. 10004.


 F. M. Mayer, & Co., 30 Broad Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Clinton O. Mayer, Jr., 60 Broad Street, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Mayflower Securities Co., Inc., 32 Broadway,      November 27, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Louis B. Meadows & Co., Inc., 1421 Main Street,   November 2, 1967.


   Springfield, Mass. 01103.


 M. J. Meehan & Co., 30 Broad Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Meller & Co., One Chase Manhattan Plaza, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Merit Investors Corporation, 59-08 Kissena        May 7, 1968.


   Boulevard, Flushing, N.Y. 11355.


 Merkin & Co., Inc., 30 Broad Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Merrill Luther, Kalis & Co., Inc., 210 West       April 24, 1968.


   7th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.,      August 21, 1967.


   70 Pine Street, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Merrill, Turben & Co., Inc., 1015 Euclid          August 21, 1967.


   Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 Mesirow & Co., 135 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago,    August 21, 1967.


   Ill. 60603.


 Irving Meyerhoff & Co., 120 S. La Salle Street,   August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Meyerson & Co., 216 Montgomery Street, San        August 29, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 M. H. Meyerson & Co., Inc., 15 Exchange Place,    August 21, 1967.


   Jersey City, N.J. 07302.


 Michael Investment Co., Inc., 211 Smith Bldg.,    August 21, 1967.


   57 Eddy St., Providence, R.I. 02903.


 Mid-American Bond & Share Co., Inc.,              August 21, 1967.


   Mid-American Bldg., 256 East Main St., Decatur,


   Ill. 65725.


 Middendorf, Colgate & Co., 80 Broad Street,       November 6, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Midland Canadian Corporation, Two Wall Street,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Milford-Smith, Inc., 52 Broadway, New York,       April 3, 1968.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Mills, Spence & Co., Inc., 115 Broadway, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Milwaukee Company, 207 East Michigan Street,      August 21, 1967.


   Milwaukee, Wis. 53202.


 Mintz & Streusand, 37 Wall Street, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Harry Mitchell, 22 Thames Street, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Mitchell, Hutchins & Co., 231 South La Salle      August 21, 1967.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60604.


 Mitchum, Jones & Templeton, Inc., 510 South       August 21, 1967.


   Spring, Los Angeles, Calif. 90013.


 Model, Roland & Co., Inc., 120 Broadway, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Louis Monte, 86 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Montgomery, Scott & Co., 123 South Broad          August 2, 1967.


   Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19109.


 Moore & Co., 15 Exchange Place, Jersey City,      August 21, 1967.


   N.J. 07302.


 Moore & Schley, Inc., 120 Broadway, New York,     August 21, 1967.



   N.Y. 10005.


 Moore, Leonard & Lynch, Inc., Union Trust         August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.


 Moore & Cabot, 11 Devonshire Street, Boston,      August 21, 1967.


   Mass. 02109.


 J. P. Moran Company, 23 Beacon Street, Natick,    March 20, 1968.


   Mass. 01760.


 Morgan, Olmstead, Kennedy & Gardner, 606          March 1, 1968.


   South Olive Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Morgan Stanley Co., Two Wall Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 J. Morgenstern & Co., 120 Broadway, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Morrison & Morrison Co., 18429 W. 8 Mile Road,    March 8, 1968.


   Detroit, Mich. 48219.


 F. S. Moseley & Co., 50 Congress Street, Boston,  August 21, 1967.


   Mass. 02109.


 John Muir & Co., 39 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 24, 1967.




 Mulholland, Kaufman & Brady, Inc., 40 Exchange    August 21, 1967.


   Place, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Mullaney, Wells & Company, 135 South La Salle     November 21, 1967.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Murch & Co., Inc., 330 Hanna Building,            August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 Mutual Fund Sales, Inc., 37 Wall Street, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 John L. Myles, Two Broadway, New York, N.Y.       August 30, 1967.




 V. F. Naddeo & Co., Inc., 25 Broadway, New York   May 1, 1968.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Nassar & Co., Inc., Farmers Bank Bldg.,           August 30, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222


 National Securities Corp., 1418 Vance Bldg.,      August 21, 1967.


   Seattle, Wash. 98101.


 Nauman, Vanernoort, Inc., Ford Bldg., Detroit,    August 21, 1967.


   Mich. 48226.


 Martin Nelson & Co., Inc., 355 White Bldg.,       August 21, 1967.


   Seattle, Wash. 98101.


 Nephler-Kingsbury Co., 818 Community National     June 11, 1968.


   Bank Bldg., Pontiac, Mich. 48056.


 Nesbitt, Thomson & Co., Inc., 60 Broad Street,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Neuberger & Berman, 120 Broadway, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 New York Hanseatic Corp., 60 Broad Street, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 New York Securities Co., One Whitehall St., New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 W. H. Newbold's Son & Co., 1517 Locust Street,    August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Newburger & Co., 1401 Walnut Street,              August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Newburger, Loeb & Co., 5 Hanover Square, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Newhard, Cook & Co., Fourth and Olive, St.        August 21, 1967.


   Louis, Mo. 63102.


 H. D. Newman & Co., 508 Jefferson Street,         August 21, 1967.


   Carlstadt, N.J. 07072.


 Nichibei Securities Corp., 116 N. San Pedro       August 21, 1967.


   Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90002.


 Nicholson Securities, 615 Main Street,            April 23, 1968.


   Worcester, Mass. 01608.


 Nikko Securities Co., International, Inc.,        August 21, 1967.


   1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Nolan, Wilson & Co., 120 South La Salle Street,   September 2, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd., 61 Broadway, New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Edgar M. Norris & Co., P.O. Box 247,              January 19, 1968.


   Greenville, S.C. 29602.


 David A. Noyes & Co., 208 South La Salle          October 3, 1967.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60604.


 John Nuveen & Co., Inc., 209 South La Salle       August 21, 1967.


   St., Chicago, Ill. 60604.


 Oftring & Ernest, Inc., Fifty Franklin St.,       August 29, 1967.


   Worcester, Mass. 01608.


 Jas. H. Oliphant & Co., 61 Broadway, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 William O'Neil & Co., Inc., 428 N. Camden Dr.,    August 25, 1967.


   Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210.


 Oppenheimer, Newbourg & Neu, 120 Broadway,        August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Oppenheimer & Co., 5 Hanover Square, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Orvin Brothers & Co., Thirty Broad St., New       August 30, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Pacific Western Securities, 9777 Wilshire         November 27, 1967.


   Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212.


 Packer, Wilbur & Co., Inc., 39 Broadway, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, 25 Broad St.,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Charles A. Parcells & Co., 639 Penobscot Bldg.,   August 21, 1967.


   Detroit, Mich. 48226.


 Paribas Corp., 40 Wall St., New York, N.Y.        August 21, 1967.




 Parrish & Co., 40 Wall St., New York, N.Y.        August 21, 1967.




 Parsons & Co., Superior Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio    August 21, 1967.





 Pasternack & Co., 29 Broadway, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Hy Patasnick, Inc., Dowlin Block, 103 Main St.,   October 3, 1967.


   North Adams, Mass. 01248.


 Paynter & Company, 229 West Kiowa Avenue, P.O.    January 25, 1968.


   Box 895, Fort Morgan, Colo. 80701.


 H. M. Payson & Co., 93 Exchange Place, Portland,  August 21, 1967.


   Maine 04112.


 Pears & Kaufman, Daniel, Reeves & Co. & Edward    August 21, 1967.


   J. Duffy, 111 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Pecaut & Co., 511 Sixth St., Sioux City,          August 21, 1967


   Iowa 51101


 H. O. Peet & Co., 10th & Baltimore Avenue,        August 21, 1967.


   Kansas City, Mo. 64105.


 Penington, Colket & Co., 123 South Board St.,     August 24, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19109


 Peninsular Investments, 139 Treasure Island       August 21, 1967.


   CSWY, Treasure Island, Fla. 33740.


 Pershing & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 Personal Investors Co., Inc., 4325 Broadway,      November 16, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10033.


 Pflueger & Baerwald, Mills Bldg., San             August 21, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Pforzheimer (Carl H.) & Co., 25 Broad Street,     August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Phelps, Fenn & Co., 39 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Philips, Appel & Walden, 111 Broadway, New        August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Pickard & Co., Forty Wall St., New York, N.Y.     August 26, 1967.




 Pierce, Wulbern, Murphey Corp., American          August 21, 1967.


   Heritage Life Bldg., 11 East Forsyth St.,


   P.O. Box 1557, Jacksonville, Fla. 32201.


 Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, 115 S. 7th St.,         August 21, 1967.


   Minneapolis, Minn. 55402.


 Pitfield, MacKay & Co., Inc., 30 Broad St., New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Charles Plohn & Co., 44 Beaver St., New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Plymouth Securities Corp., 15 Exchange Place,     February 8, 1968.


   Jersey City, N.J. 07302.


 Wm. E. Pollock & Co., Inc., 45 Wall St., New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 John E. Popper, 30 Broad St., New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 Posner, Lowenfels, Greenspan, Czaplinski,         August 21, 1967.


   Pflyfelder, Marx Friedman, Berger & Sheslow,


   c/o Laird & Co., Corp., 61 Broadway,


   New York, N.Y. 10005.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Elmer E. Powell & Co., Union Trust Bldg.,         August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.


 Powell, Kistler & Co., 110 Old St.,               August 21, 1967.


   Fayetteville, N.C. 28302.


 Prescott & Co., 900 National City Bank,           August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44114.


 Pressman, Frohlick & Frost Inc., 140 Broadway,    April 14, 1968.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 R. W. Pressprich & Co., 80 Pine St., New York,    April 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Preston, Moss & Co., 24 Federal St., Boston,      August 21, 1967.


   Mass. 02110.


 Preston, Watt & Schoyer, 1201 Peoples Bank        August 26, 1967.


   Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222.


 Price & Co., One Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005   August 21, 1967.


 Price-Mauney Co., 3208 W. Magnolia Blvd.,         April 18, 1968.


   Burbank, Calif. 91503.


 W. E. Pritchard, 42 Wall St., New York, N.Y.      September 1, 1967.




 Proctor, Cook & Co., 89 State St., Boston, Mass.  August 23, 1967.




 Purcell, Graham & Co., Inc., 20 Exchange Place,   August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Purcell, Graham & Co., Kim & Co., 20 Exchange     August 21, 1967.


   Place, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 F.L. Putnam & Co., 77 Franklin St., Boston,       August 21, 1967.


   Mass. 02110.


 Pyne, Kendall & Hollister, 37 Wall St., New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Chas. E. Quincey & Co., 115 Broadway, Suite 600,  August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Quinn & Co., P.O. Box 1316, Albuquerque, N. Mex.  March 22, 1968.




 E. J. Quinn & Co., Inc., 50 Broadway, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Raffel & Co., 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia,     August 21, 1967.


   Pa. 19109.


 Raffensperger, Hughes & Co., Inc., 20 North       April 3, 1968.


   Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Ind. 46204.


 J. Cliff Rahel & Co., 1605 Howard St., Omaha,     August 21, 1967.


   Nebr. 68102.


 Rankin & Co., 53 Forsyth St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga.  September 14, 1967.




 Rauscher Pierce Securities Corp., Mercantile      August 21, 1967.


   Dallas Bldg., Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 William E. Read & Co., Inc., Republic National    May 29, 1968.


   Bank Tower, Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 W. H. Reaves & Co., Inc., 74 Trinity Place, New   August 29, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.



 James N. Reddoch & Co., Sterick Bldg., Memphis,   September 2, 1967.


   Tenn. 38103.


 J. W. Redmond & Co., 1750 Pennsylvania Ave.,      August 21, 1967.


   N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.


 Reed, Lear & Co., Grant Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.    August 21, 1967.




 Daniel Reeves & Co., 398 South Beverly Drive,     November 2, 1967.


   Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212.


 Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co., Inc., 111 West Monroe   August 21, 1967.


   St., Phoenix, Ariz. 85003.


 Reich & Co., Inc., 50 Broadway, New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Joseph F. Reilly, 25 Broad St., New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Milton E. Reiner & Co., 111 Broadway, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Reinholdt & Gardner, 506 Olive St., St. Louis     August 21, 1967.


   Mo. 63101.


 Reynolds & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 C. B. Richard, Ellis & Co., Five Hanover Square,  August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Richards & Co., 1150 Union Trust, Bldg.,          August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.


 Richardson Securities, Inc., 14 Wall St., New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Ridgway, McLeod & Assoc., 203 Park Avenue,        March 15, 1968.


   Plainfield, N.J. 07060.


 Rissetto, Alter, Vernieni & Crooks, 136 Liberty   August 21, 1967.


   St., New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Riter & Co., 40 Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005    August 21, 1967.


 David H. Rittmaster & Co., 60 Broad St., New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Riviere & Berens Securities Corp., 1832 M St.,    November 14, 1967.


   N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036.


 Robbins-Eitman-Joffe Co., Inc., 303 Bond St.,     August 21, 1967.


   Ashbury Park, N.J. 07713.


 Robinson & Lukens, Union Trust Bldg.,             September 20, 1967.


   Washington, D.C. 20005.


 Robinson-Humphrey Co., Inc., 2 Peachtree St.,     August 21, 1967.


   N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30303.


 Robinson, Lynch & Co., 20 Exchange Place, New     November 2, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Rodman & Renshaw, 209 South La Salle St.,         August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60604.


 George A. Rogers & Co., Inc., 120 Broadway, New   November 2, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Rohrbaugh & Co., 931 Union Trust Bldg., 15th      August 29, 1967.


   and H Streets, N.W., Washington D.C. 20005.


 Romano Bros. & Co., Suite 406, First Natl. Bank   November 2, 1967.


   Bldg., Evanston, Ill. 60201.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Wm. C. Roney & Co., Buhl Bldg., Detroit, Mich.    August 21, 1967.




 L. M. Rosenthal & Co., Inc., Five Hanover         August 21, 1967.


   Square, New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Ross & Hirsch, 55 Broad St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Ross, Low, Bull & Co., 120 Broadway, New York,    August 29, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Rotan, Mosle-Dallas Union, Inc., 2200 Bank of     August 21, 1967.


   the Southwest Bldg., Houston, Tex. 77002.


 Rothschild & Co., 135 South La Salle St.,         August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 L. F. Rothschild & Co., 99 Williams St., New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10038.


 L. H. Rothchild & Co., 52 Wall Street, New        March 12, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Roulston & Co., Inc., 1010 Euclid Avenue,         August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 Rowles, Winston & Co., Inc., 1300 Southwest       August 21, 1967.


   Tower, Houston, Tex. 77002.


 Royal Securities, Inc., Two Wall Street, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 George Ruditz, 99 William Street, New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Dallas Rupe & Son, Inc., Republic Natl. Bank      August 21, 1967.


   Tower, Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Russ & Co., Alamo National Bldg., San Antonio,    August 21, 1967.


   Tex. 78205.


 J. N. Russell & Co., Inc., Union Commerce Bldg.,  August 23, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 Russell & Saxe, 50 Broad St., New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 Rutner, Jackson & Gray, Inc., 811 West Seventh    April 3, 1968.


   Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90017.


 Wm. H. Rybeck & Co., Inc., 16 W. Main Street,     May 29, 1968.


   Meriden Conn. 06453.


 F. H. Sacken & Co., 45 Wall St., New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Sade & Co., 905 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.  August 21, 1967.




 Sage, Rutty & Co., Inc., 45 Exchange Street,      August 21, 1967.


   Rochester, N.Y. 14614.


 F. L. Salomon & Co., 50 Broadway, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Salomon Brothers & Hutzler, Sixty Wall Street,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Samson, Kalb, Voorhis & Co., 22 Thames St., New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 John E. Samuel & Co., 76 Beaver Street, New       February 2, 1968.



   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Sanders & Co., Inc., Republic National Bank       August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Sartorius & Co., 39 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 Saunders, Gordon Co., Inc., 40 Wall St., New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Saunders, Stiver & Co., One Terminal Tower,       August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44113.


 G. A. Saxton & Co., Inc., 52 Wall St., New York,  August 30, 1967


   N.Y. 10005.


 M. A. Schapiro & Co., Inc., One Chase Manhattan   November 9, 1967.


   Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Scheinman, Hochstin & Trotta, Inc., 111 Broad-    August 21, 1967.


   way, New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Scherk, Stein & Franc, Inc., 506 Olive St., St.   August 21, 1967.


   Louis, Mo. 63101.


 Schmidt, Roberts & Parke, Inc., 123 South Broad   August 26, 1967.


   St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19109.


 Schneider, Bernet, & Hickman, Inc., 3200 First    August 21, 1967.


   National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. 75202.


 L. J. Schultz & Co., 736 Union Commerce Bldg.,    September 14, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 Schwabacher & Co., 100 Montgomery St. at Sutter,  August 21, 1967.


   San Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Schwartz & Bertuzzo, 22 Thames St., New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Schweickart & Co., 2 Broadway, New York, N.Y.     August 21, 1967.




 Scott & Stringfellow, P.O. Box 1575, Richmond,    August 21, 1967.


   Va. 23213.


 Chas. W. Scranton & Co., 209 Church St., New      August 25, 1967.


   Haven, Conn. 06510.


 Second District Securities Co., Inc., One Chase   September 14, 1967.


   Manhattan Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Morton Seidel & Co., Inc., 458 South Spring St.,  August 21, 1967.


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90013.


 Seiden & De Cuevas, Inc., 110 Wall St., New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Seidlitz & Co., Inc., 350 Park Avenue, New York,  August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10032.


 Selected Mutual Funds, One South Street, Morris-  February 21, 1968.


   town, N.J. 07960.


 J. & W. Seligman & Co., 65 Broadway, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Sexton & Smith, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 Sexton, Cohen, Matteo & Hall, 120 Broadway, New   August 29, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 H. B. Shaine & Co., Inc., 111 Pearl St., N.W.,    August 21, 1967.


   Grand Rapids, Mich. 49502.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 J. Shapiro Co., The Shapiro Bldg., 610 Broadway,  August 21, 1967.


   Bayonne, N.J. 07002.


 Shaskan & Co., Inc., 67 Broad St., New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Shaw & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10005    September 1, 1967.


 Shaw, Hooker & Co., 1 Montgomery St., San         October 7, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Shearson-Hammill & Co., 80 Pine St., New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Paul D. Sheeline & Co., 31 Milk St., Boston,      August 21, 1967.


   Mass. 02109.


 Sheffield Co., Forty Two Broadway, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 L. D. Sherman & Co., Inc., 52 Broadway, New       April 19, 1968.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Sherman, Dean & Co., Inc., 140 Broadway, New      November 2, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Shields & Co., 44 Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005  August 21, 1967.


 Shields & Co., Inc., 44 Wall St., New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Shuman, Agnew & Co., 650 California St., San      August 21, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94108.


 Shumate & Co., Inc., 1407 Main St., Dallas, Tex.  September 26, 1967.




 Sierega & Company, Inc., 1901 Avenue of the       June 10, 1968.


   Stars, Los Angeles, Calif. 90067.


 William Silver, 37 Wall St., New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 I. M. Simon & Co., 315 North Fourth St., St.      August 21, 1967.


   Louis, Mo. 63102.


 Simon, Strauss & Aibel, One East 57th St., New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10022.


 Henry A. Simons, 61 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 21, 1967.




 Simpson, Emery & Co., Inc., Suite 1115, 1117      September 14, 1967.


   Plaza Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.


 Sincere & Co., 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago,      August 21, 1967.


   Ill. 60604.


 Singer & Mackie, Inc., 40 Exchange Place, New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Singer, Deane & Scribner, 1045 Union Trust        August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.


 E. W. Smith & Co., 1425 Chestnut St.,             August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Pierre R. Smith & Co., 819 Elyria Savings &       August 21, 1967.


   Trust Bldg., Elyria, Ohio 44035.


 W. L. Smith & Co., Inc., P.O. Box 6246, Lubbock,  August 21, 1967.


   Tex. 79413.


 Smith & Company, 193 Main Street, Waterville,     May 9, 1968.


   Maine 04901.



 Smith-Barney & Co., Inc., 20 Broad St., New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Smith, Hague & Co., Penobscot Bldg., Detroit,     August 21, 1967.


   Mich. 48226.


 Smith, Jackson & Co., Inc., 17 Battery Place,     December 8, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Smith, Moore & Co., 400 Locust St., St. Louis,    August 21, 1967.


   Mo. 63102.


 F. S. Smithers & Co., 45 Wall St., New York,      August 15, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Snyder & Lerman, 20 Exchange Place, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Southern Brokerage Co., Tower Petroleum Bldg.,    September 26, 1967.


   Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Southwestern Fund Sales, Inc., 640 Southwest      April 29, 1968.


   National Bank Bldg., 300 E. Main, El Paso,


   Tex. 79901.


 Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Co., 1740           March 29, 1968.


   Washington Building, Seattle, Wash. 98101.


 J. W. Sparks & Co., 60 Broad St., New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Spear, Leeds & Kellogg, 111 Broadway, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Alexander C. Speyer, Jr., 1202 Benedum-Trees      November 2, 1967.


   Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222.


 Spiegelberg & Co., 55 Broad St., New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Jesse Spier & Co., 15 William St., New York,      December 18, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Spingran, Heine & Co., 37 Wall St., New York,     August 24, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Sprague & Nammack, 39 Broadway, New York,         August 29, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 A. L. Stamm & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Milton N. Star Agency, 605 Beaver Court, Elmont,  September 26, 1967.


   N.Y. 11003.


 Stein Bros. & Boyce, Inc., 1 Charles Center,      August 21, 1967.


   Baltimore, Md. 21201.


 Steiner, Rouse & Co., 19 Rector St., New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Stephens, Inc., Stephens Bldg., 114 E. Capitol    August 21, 1967.


   St., Little Rock, Ark. 72201.


 Sterling, Grace & Co., 39 Broadway, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Sterman & Gowell, Inc., 120 Water Street,         January 29, 1968.


   Boston, Mass. 02109.


 E. H. Stern & Co., 20 Broad St., New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Stern Brothers & Co., 1009-15 Baltimore Avenue,   August 21, 1967.


   Kansas City, Mo. 64105.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Stern, Frank, Meyer & Fox, Inc., 606 S. Olive     August 21, 1967.


   St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 John R. Stern, 140 Broadway, New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Stern, Lauer & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.  August 21, 1967.




 Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., 314 N. Broadway,    August 21, 1967.


   St. Louis, Mo. 63102.


 Stillman, Maynard & Co., 61 Broadway, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Stokes, Hoyt & Co., 40 Wall St., New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Stone-Webster Securities Corp., 90 Broad St.,     August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10004.


 Stone & Youngbery, 1314 Russ Bldg., San           August 21, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 Stotter & Co., Inc., Widner Bldg., Juniper and    September 26, 1967.


   Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107.


 Strader and Company, Inc., 502 First and          May 27, 1968.


   Merchants National Bank Building,


   Lynchburg, Va. 24505.


 Stralem & Co., Inc., 37 Wall St., New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 J. S. Strauss & Co., 155 Montgomery St., San      August 21, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94104.


 J. Streicher & Co., 19 Rector St., New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 J. Streicher & Co., Fagenson, Frankel Co.,        August 21, 1967.


   Inc. & Cambell & Co., 19 Rector St., New


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Stryker & Brown, 55 Liberty Street, New York,     March 22, 1968.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Suez American Corp., 55 Broad St., New York,      November 9, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Suplee, Mosley, Close & Kerner Inc., 1500         March 26, 1968.


   Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Sutro & Co., 460 Montgomery, San Francisco,       August 21, 1967.


   Calif. 94104.


 Sutro Brothers & Co., 80 Pine St., New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Henry F. Swift & Co., 510 Montgomery St., San     September 9, 1967.


   Francisco, Calif. 94111.


 Swift, Henke & Co., Inc., 135 S. La Salle         August 25, 1967.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Swiss American Corp., 25 Pine Street, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Charles A. Taggart & Co., Inc., 1529 Walnut       January 19, 1968.


   Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Taiyo Tamazuka Securities, Inc., 239 East         August 21, 1967.



   Second St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90012.


 Edwin L. Tatro, Co., 50 Broadway, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Albert Teller & Co., Inc., 123 South Broad St.,   August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19109.


 Telsey, Tobin, Palma, Streicher, Davis,           August 21, 1967.


   Streicher & Shuman, 19 Rector St., New


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Tessel, Paturick & Ostrau, Inc., 61 Broadway,     August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Thomas & Co., Inc., Porter Bldg., Pittsburgh,     October 3, 1967.


   Pa. 15219.


 Thomsen Securities Corp., P.O. Box 608,           September 2, 1967.


   Hattiesburg, Miss. 39401.


 Thomson & McKinnon, Two Broadway, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 J. R. Timmins & Co., 37 Wall St., New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Tobey & Kirk, 52 Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005   August 21, 1967.


 Trask, Spencer & Co., 60 Broad St., New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Travers & Hume, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.      August 26, 1967.




 Tripp & Taber, 270 Union St., New Bedford, Mass.  September 1, 1967.




 Troster-Singer & Co., 74 Trinity Place, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Trubee, Collins & Co., One M & T Plaza,           August 21, 1967.


   Buffalo, N.Y. 14203.


 Theodore Tsolainos & Co., 37 Wall Street, New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Anthony Tucker & R. L. Day, 120 Broadway, New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Tweedy, Browne & Reilly, 52 Wall Street, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Tyche Securities, Inc., 950 East 163rd Street,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10459.


 Underwood, Neuhaus & Co., Inc., 724 Travis St.,   August 21, 1967.


   Houston, Tex. 77002.


 Ungerleider, Goetz & Co., 120 Broadway, New       August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 United Equities Co., 160 Broadway, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10038.


 Universal Securities Corp., Ground Floor,         September 14, 1967.


   Brown Marx Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. 35203.


 Universal Securities Corp., 1410 South Fourth     August 21, 1967.


   St., Las Vegas, Nev. 89104.


 C. E. Unterberg, Towbin Co., 61 Broadway, New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 Van Alstyne, Noel & Co., Four Albany St., New     August 21, 1967.


   York., N.Y. 10006.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Richard B. Vance & Co. Inc., Emco Bldg.,          October 7, 1967.


   Ottawa St., Joliet, Ill. 60434.


 Vanden, Broeck, Lieber & Co., 125 Maiden Lane,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10038


 Vanderhoef & Robinson, 52 Broadway, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Varnedoe, Chisholm & Co., Inc., One Bull St.,     October 3, 1967.


   Savannah, Ga. 31402.


 Vaughan & Co., 106 North Second St.,              August 21, 1967.


   Wilmington, N.C. 28401.


 Vercoe & Co., 17 S. High St., Columbus,           August 21, 1967.


   Ohio 43216


 Viguerie, Hayne & Chaffee, Inc., The Oil & Gas    August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., New Orleans, La. 70112.


 Vilas & Hickey, 26 Broadway, New York, N.Y.       August 21, 1967.




 Edward A. Viner & Co., Inc., 50 Broad St., New    November 2, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 A. H. Vogel & Co., 1646 Penobscot Bldg.,          September 20, 1967.


   635 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. 48226.


 G. Alex, Vonnolcken, 110 Wall Street, New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Wagenseller & Durst, Inc., 626 South Spring       August 21, 1967.


   St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Wagner, Scott & Co. 60 Broad Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 H.C. Wainwright & Co., 60 State St., Boston,      August 21, 1967.


   Mass. 02109.


 G. H. Walker & Co., 45 Wall Street, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Walker, Hart & Co., 120 Broadway, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Walston & Co., Inc., 74 Wall Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Walters, Peck & Co., 50 Broadway, New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 E. M. Warburg & Co., Inc., 60 Broad Street, New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Watling, Lerchen & Co., Third Floor Ford Bldg.,   August 21, 1967.


   Detroit, Mich. 48226.


 T. L. Watson & Co., 25 Broad Street, New York,    August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10004.


 Weber, Hall, Cobb & Caudle, Inc., 1800 L T V      August 21, 1967.


   Tower, Dallas, Tex. 75201.


 Wedbush & Co., P.O. Box 90936 Airport Station,    December 8, 1967.


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90009.


 Weeden & Co., 25 Broad, New York, N.Y. 10004      August 21, 1967.


 Weinberg, Ost & Hayton, Inc., 52 Broadway, New    November 2, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.



 Weingarten & Co., 551 Fifth Avenue, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10017.


 Otto Weinmann, 15 Williams St., New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Weinress & Co., 135 South La Salle St., Chicago,  September 26, 1967.


   Ill. 60604.


 Weis, Voisin, Cannon, Inc., 111 Broadway, New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Daniel K. Weiskopf II, 21 East 90th St., Apt.     August 21, 1967.


   12A, New York, N.Y. 10028.


 M. L. Weiss & Co., 22 Thames St., New York,       August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 M. L. Weiss & Co., & O'Reich & Co., 22 Thames     August 21, 1967.


   St., New York, N.Y. 10006.


 Wellington & Co., 120 Broadway, New York,         August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Wellington Hunter Associates, 15 Exchange Place,  June 5, 1968.


   Jersey City, N.J. 07302.


 Wellington Management Co., 1630 Locust St.,       August 23, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.


 Benjamin Werner Co., 19 Rector St., New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Wertheim & Co., One Chase Manhattan Plaza,        August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 I. George Weston & Sons, Inc., 648 Ocean Avenue,  May 23, 1968.


   Long Branch, N.J. 07740.


 Wheat & Co., Inc., 801 East Main Street,          August 21, 1967.


   Richmond, Va. 23211.


 Wheeler, Munger & Co., 618 South Spring St., Los  August 29, 1967.


   Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Wheeler, Wheeler & De Simone, 4 Albany St., New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10006.


 White & Co., Inc., 2nd Floor, 506 Olive St., St.  August 21, 1967.


   Louis, Mo. 63101.


 A. J. White, Carlotti & Co., 791 N. Broadway,     August 25, 1967.


   East Providence, R.I. 02914.


 White, Weld & Co., 20 Broad Street, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 H. N. Whitney, Goadby & Co., 48 Wall Street, New  August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 M. S. Wien & Co., One Exchange Place, Jersey      August 21, 1967.


   City, N.J. 07302.


 Wineman, Weiss & Co., 61 Broadway, New York,      August 23, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 Winslow, Cohu & Stetson, Inc., 26 Broadway, New   August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 David Winthrop Co., 39 Broadway, New York,        August 24, 1967.


   N.Y. 10006.


 M. Wittenstein & Co., 333 Des Moines Bldg.,       August 30, 1967.


   405 Sixth Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50309.



                Participating firms                   Effective date



 Dean Witter & Co., 14 Wall Street, New York,      August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 William D. Witter, Inc., 120 Wall Street, New     October 3, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Wittow & Company, 1645 Court Place, Denver,       November 27, 1967.


   Colo. 80202.


 Wolfe & Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10005   August 21, 1967.


 Wolfson, Zalkind & Co., 105 Bank Street, Fall     August 21, 1967.


   River, Mass. 02720.


 H. P. Wood Company, Inc., 31 Milk Street,         November 2, 1967.


   Boston, Mass. 02109.


 Wood, Gundy & Co., Inc., 40 Wall Street, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Wood, Struthers & Winthrop, 20 Exchange Place,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10005.


 Wood, Walker & Co., 63 Wall Street, New York,     August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Woodard-Elwood & Co., 1115 First National Bank    August 21, 1967.


   Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 55402.


 Woodcock, Moyer, Fricke & French, Inc., 1500      August 21, 1967.


   Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Woolard & Co., Inc., 135 S. La Salle Street,      August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 Wulff, Hansen & Co., 1341 Russ Building, San      February 9, 1968.


   Francisco, Calif 94104.


 C. S. Wurts & Company, 17th & Stock Exchange      February 29, 1968.


   Place, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.


 Wygod, Weis, Florin, Inc., 50 Broadway, New       August 29, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.


 Wyllie Investment Co., Arcade Building, P.O.      January 3, 1968.


   Box 1359, Grand Junction, Colo. 81501.


 Yamaichi Securities Co., 111 Broadway, New        August 21, 1967.


   York,  N.Y. 10006.


 Yarnall, Biddle & Co., 1528 Walnut Street,        August 23, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.


 Yates & Co., 819 Pine Street, St. Louis,          April 24, 1968.


   Mo. 63101


 Warren W. York & Co., Inc., 514 Hamilton          February 5, 1968.


   Street, Allentown, Pa. 18101.


 York Securities, 2400 Russ Bldg., San Francisco,  September 26, 1967.


   Calif. 94104.


 F. J. Young & Co., 52 Wall St., New York, N.Y.    June 3, 1968.




 Herbert Young & Co., Inc., 160 Broadway, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10038.


 B. C. Ziegler & Co., 1913 Security Bldg.,         August 21, 1967.


   West Bend, Wis. 53095.


 David S. Zinman Co., 1301 King Street, Wilming-   August 21, 1967.


   ton, Del. 19899.


 Zuckerman, Smith & Co., 30 Broad Street, New      August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10004.



Listed below are the participating custodians that qualified as of June 15, 1968:

              Participating firms                  Effective date



 American Fletcher National Bank & Trust Co.,      August 21, 1967.


   101 Monument Circle, 10 East Market St.,


   Indianapolis, Ind. 46209.


 American National Bank, P.O. Box 660, Denver,     August 21, 1967.


   Colo. 80201.


 American National Bank, Box 11129, Salt Lake      August 29, 1967.


   City, Utah 84111.


 American National Bank & Trust Company, La        August 24, 1967.


   Salle at Washington, Chicago, Ill. 60609.


 Atlantic National Bank, 121 West Forsyth St.,     August 24, 1967.


   Jacksonville, Fla. 32203.


 N. A. Bank of California, 400 California St.,     August 30, 1967.


   San Francisco, Calif. 94120.


 Bank of New York, New York, N.Y. 10015            August 21, 1967.


 N. A. Bank of the Southwest, P.O. Box 2629,       August 29, 1967.


   Houston, Tex. 77001.


 Bank of Tokyo Trust Co., 100 Broadway, New        December 13, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10005.


 Bankers Trust Co., 16 Wall St., New York, N.Y.    August 21, 1967.




 Central National Bank, P.O. Box 6179, Cleveland,  August 21, 1967.


   Ohio 44101.


 Central National Bank, Broad at 3rd St.,          August 21, 1967.


   Richmond, Va. 23215.


 N. A. Chase Manhattan Bank, 1 Chase Manhattan     August 21, 1967.


   Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10015.


 Chemical Bank New York Trust Co., 277 Park        August 21, 1967.


   Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.


 City Natl. Bank & Trust Co., P.O. Box 1347, 100   September 2, 1967.


   East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.


 Cleveland Trust Co., Euclid Ave. and E. 9th St.,  August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44101.


 Columbia National Bank, Box 2456, Kansas City,    August 21, 1967.


   Mo. 64142.


 Commerce Trust Co., P.O. Box 248, Kansas City,    February 26, 1968.


   Mo. 64141.


 Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co.,   August 21, 1967.


   Lock Box H, Chicago, Ill. 60690.


 Detroit Bank & Trust Co., Fort at Washington,     October 3, 1967.


   Detroit, Mich. 48231.


 Fairfield County Trust Co., 300 Main, Stamford,   September 26, 1967.


   Conn. 06001.


 Fidelity Bank, Philadelphia, Pa                   August 21, 1967.


 Fifth Third Union Trust Co., 4th and              August 21, 1967.


   Walnut, Cincinnati, Ohio 45201.


 First Manufacturers National Bank of Lewiston     November 6, 1967.


   & Auburn, 35 Ash St., Lewiston, Maine 04240.


 First National Bank, 38 S. Dearborn,              August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60603.


 First National Bank, One Exchange Place, Jersey   August 30, 1967.


   City, N.J. 07303.


 First National Bank, P.O. Box 38, Kansas City,    August 26, 1967.


   Mo. 64141.


 First National Bank, P.O. Box 2500, Miami, Fla.   August 21, 1967.




 First National Bank, P.O. Box 267, St. Louis,     August 25, 1967.


   Mo. 63166.


 First National City Bank, 399 Park Avenue, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10022.


 First National State Bank of New Jersey, 550      May 7, 1968.


   Broad St., Newark, N.J. 07102.


 First Pennsylvania Banking & Trust Co., 15th      September 14, 1967.


   and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 19101.


 First State Bank of Denton, Denton, Tex. 76201    February 6, 1968.


 Fourth National Bank, Boulder at Sixth, Tulsa,    August 29, 1967.


   Okla. 74103.


 Framingham Trust Co., Framingham, Mass. 01701     October 7, 1967.


 Franklin National Bank, 865 Merrick Ave., New     August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 11590.



 Frost National Bank, P.O. Drawer 1600, Main at    August 21, 1967.


   Commerce, San Antonio, Tex. 78206.


 Girard Trust Bank, Broad and Chestnut Sts.,       August 21, 1967.


   Philadelphia, Pa. 19101.


 Harris Trust & Savings Bank, 111 West Monroe      August 21, 1967.


   Street, Chicago, Ill. 60690.


 Huntington National Bank, P.O. Drawer 1558,       August 21, 1967.


   Columbus, Ohio 43216.


 Irving Trust Co., 1 Wall Street, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Jacksonville National Bank, P.O. Box 90,          August 21, 1967.


   Jacksonville, Fla. 32201.


 La Salle National Bank, 135 S. La Salle Street,   August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60606.


 Manufactures Hanover Trust Co., 350 Park Avenue,  August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10022.


 Marine Midland Grace Trust Co., 250 Park Ave.,    August 21, 1967.


   New York, N.Y. 10017.


 Marine National Exchange Bank, One Marine         December 5, 1967.


   Plaza, Milwaukee, Wis. 53201.


 Marion National Bank, Marion, Ind. 46952          August 21, 1967.


 Marshall & Ilsley Bank, Milwaukee, Wis            August 21, 1967.


 Mellon Natl. Bank & Trust Co., Mellon Square,     August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230.


 Mercantile National Bank, P.O. Box 5415,          August 25, 1967.


   Dallas, Tex. 75222.


 Merchants Natl. Bank & Trust Co., 11 S.           August 21, 1967.


   Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Ind. 46209.


 Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., 23 Wall Street, New    August 21, 1967.


   York, N.Y. 10015.


 National Bank of Commerce, P.O. Drawer 121, San   August 21, 1967.


   Antonio, Tex. 78206.


 National Bank of Detroit, Detroit, Mich. 48232    August 21, 1967.


 National Bank of Georgia, Peachtree St. at Five   August 21, 1967.


   Points, Atlanta, Ga. 30301.


 Natl. Bank of North America, 60 Hempstead         August 21, 1967.


   Avenue, West Hempstead, N.Y. 11552.


 National Bank of Washington, Washington, D.C.     August 21, 1967.




 National City Bank, P.O. Box 5756, Cleveland,     August 21, 1967.


   Ohio 44101.


 Northern Trust Co., 40 South LaSalle Street,      August 21, 1967.


   Chicago, Ill. 60690.


 Northwestern National Bank, Seventh and           October 3, 1967.


   Marquette, Minneapolis, Minn. 55440.


 Pittsburgh National Bank, P.O. Box 747,           August 21, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230.


 Schroder Trust Co., 57 Broadway, New York, N.Y.   August 21, 1967.




 Sears Bank & Trust Co., Homan Avenue at           August 21, 1967.


   Arthington, Chicago, Ill. 60624.


 Security First National Bank, Sixth and Spring    August 21, 1967.


   Streets, Los Angeles, Calif. 90013.


 Society National Bank, 127 Public Square,         August 21, 1967.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44114.


 Texas Bank & Trust Co., P.O. Box 5267, Dallas,    September 6, 1967.


   Tex. 75222.


 Texas National Bank of Commerce, P.O. Box 2558,   August 29, 1967.


   Houston, Tex. 77001.


 Trust Company of New Jersey, 35 Journal Square,   August 21, 1967.


   Jersey City, N.J. 07306.


 Union Commerce Bank, Euclid Avenue at E. 9th      August 21, 1967.


   St., Cleveland, Ohio 44104.


 United States Trust Co., 45 Wall St., New York,   August 21, 1967.


   N.Y. 10005.


 Western Pennsylvania Natl. Bank, P.O. Box 3390,   October 3, 1967.


   Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230.


 Wilmington Trust Company, Wilmington, Del.        August 21, 1967.




 Worthen Bank & Trust Co., Fourth and Scott        August 24, 1967.


   Streets, Little Rock, Ark. 72201.



Listed below are participating firms that qualified during a specific period:

             Deleted firms                    Effective period


 Bregman, Cummings & Co., 4 Albany St.,    August 21, 1967-June 10,


   New York, N.Y. 10006.                     1968.


 Cohen, Simonson & Co., 111 Broadway,      August 21, 1967-June 10,


   New York, N.Y. 10006.                     1968.


 Currier, Carlsen & Christensen, Inc.,     March 8, 1968-June 10,


   210 West Seventh Street, Los              1968.


   Angeles, Calif. 90014.


 Laird & Co., Corp., c/o Wilmington        August 21, 1967-April 24,


   Trust Co., Wilmington, Del. 19899.        1968.


 Doolittle & Co., Liberty Bank Bldg.,      August 21, 1967-June 10,


   Buffalo, N.Y. 14202.                      1968.


 Ellis, Holyoke & Co., 144 North 13th      November 13, 1967-January


   St., Lincoln, Nebr. 68508.                8, 1968.


 Equisec Canada, Inc., 1212 Washington     September 25, 1967-June 10,


   St., Wilmington, Del. 19801.              1968.


 Equitable Securities Corp., 322 Union     August 23, 1967-June 10,


   St., Nashville, Tenn. 37201.              1968.


 Funk, Hobbs, Hart & White, Inc.           March 6, 1968-June 10,


   National Bank of Commerce Building        1968.


   San Antonio, Tex. 78205.


 Gormican & Homuth, Inc., First & Main     November 30, 1967-June 10,


   Streets, Fond Du Lac, Wis. 54935.         1968.


 Hopp & Co., 180 Main Avenue,              November 2, 1967-January


   Passaic, N.J. 07056                       31, 1968.


 Dain, Kalman & Co., Inc., 110 S. 6th      August 21, 1967-April 24,


   Street, Minneapolis, Minn. 55402.         1968.


 Marache & Co., 210 West 7th Street,       August 30, 1967-April 24,


   Los Angeles, Calif. 90014.                1968.


 Marsh Investment Co., Inc., 1832 M        November 6, 1967-June 10,


   Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20036.      1968.


 W. H. Morton & Co., Inc., 20 Exchange     August 21, 1967-June 10,


   Place, New York, N.Y. 10005.              1968.


 N. L. Nathenson & Co., 460 North          August 29, 1967-October 23,


   Street, Greenwich, Conn. 06830.           1967.


 Putnam, Coffin & Burr, 6 Central          August 21, 1967-June 10,


   Row, Hartford, Conn. 06103                1968.


 Quail & Co., Inc., Davenport Bank         August 21, 1967-June 10,


   Bldg. Davenport, Iowa 52801.              1968.


 C. V. Quayle, 120 Broadway, New           August 23, 1967-June 10,


   York, N.Y. 10005.                         1968.


 Scheffmeyer & Co., 55 Broad Street,       August 21, 1967-April 24,


   New York, N.Y. 10004.                     1968.


 Sierega, Neighbors & Mosler Corp.,        September 14, 1967-June 10,


   Century City East, Los Angeles,           1968.


   Calif. 90067.


 Frank L. Walin, Suite 2500, 20            August 26, 1967-June 10,


   Exchange Place, New York, N.Y. 10005.     1968.


 Yates, Woods & Co., 819-21 Pine           August 21, 1967-April 24,


   Street, St. Louis, Mo. 63101.             1968.



Listed below are participating custodians that qualified during a specific period:

         Deleted custodians                    Effective period



 Crocker-Citizens Natl. Bank, 11           August 30, 1967-September


   Montgomery, San Francisco, Calif.         21, 1967.




 Empire State Bank, Broadway at Ninth,     August 21, 1967-August 30,


   Kansas City, Mo. 64105.                   1967.


 First National Bank of Memphis, Box       August 21, 1967-September


   84, Memphis, Tenn. 38101.                 5, 1967.


 First National Bank of Oregon,            August 21, 1967-August 30,


   Portland, Oreg. c/o First Natl.           1967.


   City Bank of N.Y., 399 Park Avenue,


   New York, N.Y. 10022.


 Forth Worth National Bank, P.O. Box       August 25, 1967-August 29,


   2050, Fort Worth, Tex. 76101.             1967.


 Indiana Natl. Bank of Indianapolis,       August 21, 1967-August 30,


   3 Virginia Avenue, Indianapolis,          1967.


   Ind. 46204


 National American Bank, 200 Carondelet    August 26, 1967-June 10,


   St. at Common, New Orleans, La. 70130.    1968.


 Natl. Bank of Commerce in Memphis,        August 21, 1967-September


   Memphis, Tenn. 38101.                     5, 1967.


 National Bank of Commerce, Barrone        August 23, 1967-June 10,


   and Common Streets, New Orleans,          1968.


   La. 70112.


 The First Natl. Bank of Atlanta, P.O.     August 21, 1967-September


   Box 4148, Atlanta, Ga. 30302.             8, 1967.


 The Oregon Bank, 319 S.W. Washington      August 21, 1967-August 29,


   St., Portland, Oreg. 97208.               1967.


 Union Platers National Bank, c/o          August 21, 1967-June 10,


   Ernst & Ernst, Union Commerce Bldg.,      1968.


   Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


 United California Bank, Los               August 21, 1967-August 30,


   Angeles, Calif                            1967.


 United California Bank International,     August 21, 1967-September


   New York, N.Y.                            13, 1967.


 Walker Bank & Trust Co., P.O. Box         August 21, 1967-August 30,


   1169, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110.         1967.



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