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Rev. Rul. 68-120

Rev. Rul. 68-120; 1968-1 C.B. 518

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Citations: Rev. Rul. 68-120; 1968-1 C.B. 518

Superseded by Rev. Rul. 68-406

Rev. Rul. 68-120

The Internal Revenue Service has determined as of January 19, 1968, that additional firms and custodians have qualified as participating firms and participating custodians under section 4918 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to the interest equalization tax). A list of prior participating custodians whose status had been terminated as of January 19, 1968, corrections of prior participating firms or custodians, and firms that have participated during a specific period is included. This Revenue Ruling supplements the lists previously published in Revenue Ruling 67-300, C.B. 1967-2, 389.

Any firm or custodian listed below may subsequently have its status as a participating firm or participating custodian terminated, if it files a written request for such purpose with the Secretary or his delegate, or if the Secretary or his delegate has reasonable cause to believe such firm or custodian is failing to comply with the provisions of chapter 41 of the Code (relating to the interest equalization tax) and with the documentation, recordkeeping, reporting, and auditing requirements prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate.

Listed below are the additional participating firms that had qualified as of January 19, 1968:

              Participating firms                       Effective date



 Abroms & Co., Inc., New Orleans, La               October 7, 1967.


 Adams-Fastnow Company, Los Angeles, Calif         September 20, 1967.


 Allison-Williams Co., Minneapolis, Minn           August 29, 1967.


 Anderson (A. W.) & Co., Dallas, Tex               September 26, 1967.


 Andrews (Arnold) Company (The), Newark, N.J.      September 2, 1967.


 Barrett (John E.) & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y      November 21, 1967.


 Beebe, Lavalle & Rude, Inc., Houston, Tex         November 2, 1967.


 Bellamah, Neuhauser & Barret, Inc.,               October 3, 1967.


   Washington, D.C.


 Bishop & Son, Inc., New York, N.Y                 September 1, 1967.


 Blalack/Wells/Assoc., Inc., San Marino, Calif     January 17, 1968.


 Bond, Richman & Co., New York, N.Y                October 7, 1967.


 Booker Brothers, Inc., Wilkes-Barre, Pa           November 21, 1967.


 Breck, McNeish & Nagle, Inc., Boston, Mass        December 5, 1967.


 Brimberg & Co., New York, N.Y                     September 6, 1967.


 Brounoff & Co., New York, N.Y                     September 20, 1967.


 Brown & Co., Boston, Mass                         September 1, 1967.


 Brown (J. Howard), New York, N.Y                  September 2, 1967.


 Brukenfeld, Mitchell & Co., New York, N.Y         January 3, 1968.


 Burbank & Company, Inc., Boston, Mass             November 13, 1967.


 Burgwin & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa                     September 2, 1967.


 Burke, Lawton & Co., Philadelphia, Pa             January 10, 1968.


 California Investors, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif    September 26, 1967.


 Cantor, Fitzgerald & Co., Inc., Beverly Hills,    September 20, 1967.




 Carolina Securities Corp., Raleigh, N.C           October 3, 1967.


 Carr Securities Corp., New York, N.Y              September 20, 1967.


 Cass (Quincy) Assoc., Inc., Los Angeles, Calif    October 7, 1967.


 Chiles & Company, Omaha, Nebr                     September 2, 1967.


 City Securities Corp., Indianapolis, Ind          September 1, 1967.


 Cohon (Morris) & Co., New York, N.Y               November 21, 1967.


 Conrad & Company, Inc., Hyattsville, Md           September 2, 1967.


 Contes & Company, Long Island City, N.Y           September 9, 1967.


 Conway Brothers Inc., Des Moines, Iowa            September 20, 1967.


 Craigie (F. W.) & Co., Inc., Richmond, Va         September 14, 1967.


 Cullen (Thomas W.) Jr., New York, N.Y             August 30, 1967.


 Cutter & Dixon, New York, N.Y                     October 3, 1967.


 Diversified Planning Corp., Beverly Hills,        October 3, 1967.




 Dixon Bretscher Noonan, Inc., Springfield, Ill    November 14, 1967.


 Donald & Co., New York, N.Y                       November 6, 1967.


 Duncan (Calvin E.) & Co., San Francisco,          September 9, 1967.




 Dunhill Securities Corp., New York, N.Y           January 3, 1968.


 Dwyer & Co., San Francisco, Calif                 November 2, 1967.


 Edelstein, Campbell & Co., San Francisco,         September 20, 1967.




 Equisec Canada Inc., Wilmington, Del              September 25, 1967.


 Estes & Company, Inc., Topeka, Kans               September 2, 1967.


 Eustis (George) & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio           September 9, 1967.


 Fairman & Co., Los Angeles, Calif                 November 21, 1967.


 Faulkner, Dawkins & Sullivan, New York, N.Y.      November 6, 1967.


 Feiner (J. P.) Co., New York, N.Y                 October 3, 1967.


 Feldman (Arnold) Co., New York, N.Y               December 8, 1967.


 Ferris & Company, Washington, D.C                 August 29, 1967.


 First Continental Securities, Inc., Dallas, Tex   September 6, 1967.


 First Securities Company of Chicago, Chicago,     November 2, 1967.




 Foster & Marshall Inc., Seattle, Wash             September 6, 1967.


 Franklin (Samuel B.) & Co., Inc., Los Angeles,    October 3, 1967.




 Freeman & Co., New York, N.Y                      September 20, 1967.


 Fulton, Reid & Staples, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio     September 1, 1967.


 Gage-Wiley & Co., Inc., Springfield, Mass         September 14, 1967.


 Gatti (Alexander P.) Investments, Fresno,         November 2, 1967.




 Gee (Hugh) Assoc., Inc., San Francisco, Calif     October 3, 1967.


 Gliddin, Morris & Co., New York, N.Y              August 30, 1967.


 Goldberg (H. L.) & Co., New York, N.Y             August 30, 1967.


 Gormican & Homuth, Inc., Fond Du Lac, Wis         November 30, 1967.


 Grad (William), New York, N.Y                     August 29, 1967.


 Greene and Company, New York, N.Y                 September 2, 1967.


 Grosvenor Securities, Inc., New York, N.Y         November 2, 1967.


 Guerin (J. P.) & Company, Los Angeles, Calif      November 2, 1967.


 Haas Securities Corp., New York, N.Y              August 30, 1967.


 Haberman Bros., New York, N.Y                     September 20, 1967.


 Halle (Will. S.) & Company, Cleveland, Ohio       September 20, 1967.


 Halpern, Iugallinera & Weinberg, New York, N.Y.   September 1, 1967.


 Harper (Wm. P.) & Son & Co., Seattle, Wash        November 2, 1967.


 Hess, Grant & Remington, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa   September 2, 1967.


 Hettleman & Co., New York, N.Y                    September 1, 1967.


 Hodgdon, Haight & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C      September 9, 1967.


 Holescher (Sherman) & Co., San Francisco,         November 2, 1967.




 Holt & Collins, San Francisco, Calif              October 7, 1967.


 Holt & Company, San Francisco, Calif              November 2, 1967.


 Hopp & Co., Passaic, N.J                          November 2, 1967.


 Hughbanks, Inc., Seattle, Wash                    August 29, 1967.


 Investment Planning Assoc., Inc., Corsicana,      September 26, 1967.




 Jacobs (Sidney) Co., New York, N.Y                September 1, 1967.


 Jefferies & Company, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif     November 17, 1967.


 Joel (Martin J.) & Co., New York, N.Y             November 2, 1967.


 Jones (William H.) & Co., Los Angeles, Calif      September 6, 1967.


 Jones (William H.) & Co., Los Angeles, Calif      November 17, 1967.


 Joseph, Mellen & Miller, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio    November 2, 1967.


 Kansas City Securities Corp., Kansas City, Mo     November 2, 1967.



 Kentucky Company (The), Louisville, Ky            November 2, 1967.


 Kesler (Harry) Co., Los Angeles, Calif            January 15, 1968.


 Kinsley & Adams, Worchester, Mass                 September 1, 1967.


 Kippen Canada Corp., New York, N.Y                September 1, 1967.


 Kirwan (Thomas A.) & Co., Boston, Mass            December 18, 1967.


 Klugh & Company, Inc., Anderson, S.C              November 6, 1967.


 Koehler & Company, Chicago, Ill                   September 2, 1967.


 Kruge (Walter C.), New York, N.Y                  January 8, 1968.


 La Branche & Co., New York, N.Y                   August 30, 1967.


 Lacey (Bert) & Company, Dallas, Tex               September 20, 1967.


 Langill & Co., Chicago, Ill                       January 3, 1968.


 Larkin (Emmett A.) & Co., Inc., Los Angeles,      November 2, 1967.




 Lerner & Co., Inc., Boston, Mass                  September 26, 1967.


 Ling & Company, Inc., Dallas, Tex                 December 18, 1967.


 Loomis-Sayles & Co., Inc., Boston, Mass           October 3, 1967.


 Macpherson (Peter M.), Detroit, Mich              September 9, 1967.


 Madoff (Bernard L.), New York, N.Y                January 7, 1967.


 Mann & Company, Medford, Mass                     September 2, 1967.


 Marache & Co., Los Angeles, Calif                 August 30, 1967.


 Marantette & Co., Detroit, Mich                   December 18, 1967.


 Marsh Investment Co., Inc., Washington, D.C       November 6, 1967.


 Marshall Co., Inc. (The), Milwaukee, Wis          January 9, 1968.


 Mason & Lee Inc., Lynberg, Va                     November 6, 1967.


 May & Co., Inc., Portland, Oreg                   September 2, 1967.


 Mayflower Securities Co., Inc., New York, N.Y     November 27, 1967.


 McCarley & Company, Inc., Asheville, N.C          September 26, 1967.


 McCourtney-Breckenridge & Co., St. Louis, Mo      November 27, 1967.


 McIntyer (Albert H.), New York, N.Y               September 2, 1967.


 McKinney & Co., Los Angeles, Calif                August 29, 1967.


 McMaster Hutchinson & Co., Chicago, Ill           November 13, 1967.


 McNear & Willard, San Francisco, Calif            November 2, 1967.


 Meadows (Louis B.) & Co., Inc., Springfield,      November 2, 1967.




 Meyerson & Co., San Francisco, Calif              August 29, 1967.


 Middendorf, Colgate & Co., New York, N.Y          November 6, 1967.


 Mullaney, Wells & Co., Chicago, Ill               November 21, 1967.


 Myles (John L.), New York, N.Y                    August 30, 1967.


 Nassar & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa                      August 30, 1967.


 Nolan, Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill                 September 2, 1967.


 Norris (Edgar M.), Greenville, S.C                January 19, 1968.


 Noyes (David A.) & Co., Chicago, Ill              October 3, 1967.


 Oftring & Ernest, Inc., Worcester, Mass           August 29, 1967.


 Orvis Brothers & Co., New York, N.Y               August 30, 1967.


 Pacific Western Securities Co., Inc., Beverly     November 27, 1967.


   Hills, Calif.


 Patashnick (Hy) Inc., North Adams, Mass           October 3, 1967.


 Personal Investors Co., Inc., New York, N.Y       November 16, 1967.


 Pritchard (W. E.), New York, N.Y                  September 1, 1967.


 Rankin & Co., Atlanta, Ga                         September 14, 1967.


 Reaves (W. H.) & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y         August 29, 1967.


 Reddock (James N.) & Company, Memphis, Tenn.      September 2, 1967.



 Reeves (Daniel) & Company, Beverly Hills,         November 2, 1967.




 Riviere & Berens Securities Corp., Washington,    November 14, 1967.




 Robinson and Lukens, Washington, D.C              September 20, 1967.


 Robinson, Lynch & Co., New York, N.Y              November 2, 1967.


 Rogers (George A.) & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y     November 2, 1967.


 Rohrbaugh and Company, Washington, D.C            August 29, 1967.


 Romano Bros., & Co., Evanston, Ill                November 2, 1967.


 Saxton (G. A.) & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y         August 30, 1967.


 Schapiro & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y               November 9, 1967.


 Second District Securities Co., Inc., New York,   September 14, 1967.




 Seligman (J. & W.) & Co., New York, N.Y           August 21, 1967.


 Sexton, Cohen, Matteo, & Hall, New York, N.Y      August 29, 1967.


 Shaw & Co., New York, N.Y                         September 1, 1967.


 Shaw, Hooker & Co., San Francisco, Calif          October 7, 1967.


 Sherman, Dean & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y          November 2, 1967.


 Shumate & Company, Inc., Dallas, Tex              September 26, 1967.


 Sierega, Neighbors, Mosler Corp., Los Angeles,    September 14, 1967.




 Simpson, Emery & Company, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa.   September 14, 1967.


 Smith, Jackson & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y         December 8, 1967.


 Southern Brokerage Company, Dallas, Tex           September 26, 1967.


 Speyer (Alexander C.) Jr., Pittsburgh, Pa         November 2, 1967.


 Spier (Jesse) & Co., New York, N.Y                December 8, 1967.


 Sprague & Nammach, New York, N.Y                  August 29, 1967.


 Star (Milton M.) Agency, Elmont, N.Y              September 26, 1967.


 Stotter & Company, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa         September 26, 1967.


 Suez American Corporation, New York, N.Y          November 9, 1967.


 Thomas & Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa                October 3, 1967.


 Thomsen Securities Corp., Hattiesburg, Miss       September 2, 1967.


 Tripp & Taber, New Bedford, Mass                  September 1, 1967.


 Universal Securities Corporation, Birmingham,     September 14, 1967.




 Vance (Richard B.) & Co., Inc., Joliet, Ill       October 7, 1967.


 Varnedoe, Chisholm & Co., Inc., Savannah, Ga      October 3, 1967.


 Viner (Edward A.) & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y      November 2, 1967.


 Vogel (A. H.) & Company, Detroit, Mich            September 20, 1967.


 Wedbush & Company, Los Angeles, Calif             December 8, 1967.


 Weinberg, Ost & Hayton, Inc., New York, N.Y       November 2, 1967.


 Weinress & Company, Chicago, Ill                  October 3, 1967.


 Wheeler, Munger & Co., Los Angeles, Calif         August 30, 1967.


 Wittenstein (M.) & Co., Des Moines, Iowa          August 30, 1967.


 Witter (William D.) Inc., New York, N.Y           October 3, 1967.


 Wittow and Company, Denver, Colo                  November 27, 1967.


 Wood (H. P.) Company, Inc., Boston, Mass          November 2, 1967.


 Wygod, Weis Florin Inc., New York, N.Y            August 29, 1967.


 Wyllie Investment Co., Grand Junction, Colo       January 3, 1968.


 York Securities Corp., San Francisco, Calif       September 26, 1967.



Listed below are the additional participating custodians that had qualified as of January 19, 1968:

         Participating custodians                       Effective date



 American National Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah      August 29, 1967.


 American National Bank of Denver, Denver, Colo.   August 30, 1967.


 Bank of California National Assoc.,               August 30, 1967.


   San Francisco, Calif.


 Bank of the Southwest National Assoc., Houston,   August 29, 1967.




 Bank of Tokyo Trust Co. (The), New York, N.Y      December 13, 1967.


 City National Bank & Trust Co. of Columbus,       September 2, 1967


   Columbus, Ohio.


 Detroit Bank & Trust Company (The), Detroit,      October 3, 1967.




 Fairfield County Trust Co., Stamford, Conn        September 26, 1967.


 First Manufacturers National Bank of Lewiston     November 6, 1967.


   and Auburn, Lewiston, Maine.


 First National Bank of Jersey City (The),         August 30, 1967.


   Jersey City, N.J.


 First Pennsylvania Banking and Trust Co.          September 14, 1967.


   (The), Philadelphia, Pa.


 Fourth National Bank of Tulsa (The), Tulsa,       August 29, 1967.




 Framingham Trust Company, Framingham, Mass.       October 7, 1967.


 Marine National Exchange Bank, Milwaukee, Wis.    December 5, 1967.


 Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis,        October 3, 1967.


   Minn., Minn.


 Texas Bank & Trust Company of Dallas, Dallas,     September 6, 1967.




 Texas National Bank of Commerce of Houston,       August 29, 1967.


   Houston, Tex.


 Western Pennsylvania National Bank, Pittsburgh,   October 3, 1967.





Listed below are the prior participating custodians whose status had been terminated, as of January 19, 1968, on the indicated effective date:

 Crocker--Citizens National Bank, San Francisco,   September 20, 1967.




 Empire State Bank, Kansas City, Mo                August 30, 1967.


 First National Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta, Ga       September 8, 1967.


 First National Bank of Memphis, Memphis, Tenn.    September 5, 1967.


 First National Bank of Oregon, Portland, Oreg     August 30, 1967.


 Fort Worth National Bank, Fort Worth, Tex         August 29, 1967.


 Indiana National Bank of Indianapolis,            August 21, 1967.


   Indianapolis, Ind.


 National Bank of Commerce in Memphis, Memphis,    September 5, 1967.




 Oregon Bank (The), Portland, Oreg                 August 29, 1967.


 United California Bank International, New York,   September 13, 1967.




 United California Bank, Los Angeles, Calif        August 30, 1967.


 Walker Bank & Trust Company, Salt Lake City,      August 30, 1967.





      Listed below are corrections of prior participating firms or


 custodians published in Rev. Rul. 67-300:



      Mellon National Bank, Dallas, Tex.


        should be - Mellon National Bank & Trust Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.



      Shields & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.


        should be - Shields & Company, New York, N.Y.



      United States Trust Company, Wilmington, Del.


        should be - United States Trust Company of New York,


                    New York, N.Y.



      Lipper (Arthur) & Company, New York, N.Y.


        should be - Lipper (Arthur) Corporation, New York, N.Y.



      Listed below are the participating firms that qualified


 subsequent to the preparation of Rev. Rul.


 67-300 and whose status had terminated prior to the issuance of this


 Revenue Ruling:



          Participating firms                    Effective period


   Ellis, Holyoke & Co., Lincoln, Nebr__________  11/13/67-1/8/68


   Nathanson (N.L.) & Co., Greenwich, Conn______  8/29/67-10/23/67



Revenue Ruling 67-300 is hereby supplemented.
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