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Sec. 1.1502-59A Application of section 59A to consolidated groups.

(a) Scope. This section provides rules for the application of section 59A and the regulations thereunder (the section 59A regulations) to consolidated groups and their members (as defined in §1.1502-1(h) and (b), respectively). Rules in the section 59A regulations apply to consolidated groups except as modified in this section. Paragraph (b) of this section provides rules treating a consolidated group (rather than each member of the group) as a single taxpayer, and a single applicable taxpayer, as relevant, for certain purposes. Paragraph (c) of this section coordinates the application of the business interest stacking rule under §1.59A-3(c)(4) to consolidated groups. Paragraph (d) of this section addresses how the base erosion minimum tax amount is allocated among members of the consolidated group. Paragraph (e) of this section coordinates the application of this section and §1.1502-47. Paragraph (f) of this section sets forth definitions. Paragraph (g) of this section provides examples. Paragraph (h) of this section provides the applicability date.

(b) Consolidated group as the applicable taxpayer.

(1) In general. For purposes of determining whether the consolidated group is an applicable taxpayer (within the meaning of §1.59A-2(b)) and the amount of tax due pursuant to section 59A(a), all members of a consolidated group are treated as a single taxpayer. Thus, for example, members’ deductions are aggregated in making the required computations under section 59A. In addition, to ensure that intercompany transactions (as defined in §1.1502-13(b)(1)(i)) do not affect the consolidated group’s base erosion percentage or base erosion minimum tax amount, items resulting from intercompany transactions are not taken into account in making such computations under section 59A. For example, additional depreciation deductions resulting from intercompany asset sales are not taken into account for purposes of applying the base erosion percentage test under §1.59A-2(e).

(2) Consolidated group as member of the aggregate group. The consolidated group is treated as a single member of an aggregate group for purposes of §1.59A-2(c).

(3) Related party determination. For purposes of section 59A and the section 59A regulations, if a person is a related party with respect to any member of a consolidated group, that person is a related party of the group and of each of its members.

(c) Coordination of section 59A(c)(3) and section 163(j) in a consolidated group.

(1) Overview. This paragraph (c) provides rules regarding the application of §1.59A-3(c)(4) to a consolidated group’s section 163(j) interest deduction. The classification rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section addresses how to determine if, and to what extent, the group’s section 163(j) interest deduction is a base erosion tax benefit. These regulations contain a single-entity classification rule with regard to the deduction of the consolidated group’s aggregate current year business interest expense (“BIE”), but a separate-entity classification rule for the deduction of the consolidated group’s disallowed BIE carryforwards. Paragraph (c)(3) of this section classifies the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction, in conformity with §1.59A-3(c)(4), as constituting domestic related current year BIE deduction, foreign related current year BIE deduction, or unrelated current year BIE deduction. The allocation rules in paragraph (c)(4) of this section then allocate to specific members of the group the domestic related current year BIE deduction, foreign related current year BIE deduction, and unrelated current year BIE deduction taken in the taxable year. Any member’s current year BIE that is carried forward to the succeeding taxable year as a disallowed BIE carryforward is allocated a status as domestic related BIE carryforward, foreign related BIE carryforward, or unrelated BIE carryforward under paragraph (c)(5) of this section. The status of any disallowed BIE carryforward deducted by a member in a later year is classified on a separate-entity basis by the deducting member under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, based on the status allocated to the member’s disallowed BIE carryforward under paragraph (c)(5) of this section. This paragraph (c) also provides rules regarding the consequences of the deconsolidation of a corporation that has been allocated a domestic related BIE carryforward status, a foreign related BIE carryforward status, or an unrelated BIE carryforward status; and the consolidation of a corporation with a disallowed BIE carryforward classified as from payments to a domestic related party, foreign related party, or unrelated party.

(2) Absorption rule for the group’s business interest expense. To determine the amount of the group’s section 163(j) interest deduction, and to determine the year in which the member’s business interest expense giving rise to the deduction was incurred or accrued, see §§1.163(j)-4(d) and 1.163(j)-5(b)(3).

(3) Classification of the group’s section 163(j) interest deduction.

(i) In general. Consistent with §1.59A-3(c)(4)(i) and paragraph (b) of this section, the classification rule of this paragraph (c)(3) determines whether the consolidated group’s section 163(j) interest deduction is a base erosion tax benefit. To the extent the consolidated group’s business interest expense is permitted as a deduction under section 163(j)(1) in a taxable year, the deduction is classified first as from business interest expense paid or accrued to a foreign related party and business interest expense paid or accrued to a domestic related party (on a pro-rata basis); any remaining deduction is treated as from business interest expense paid or accrued to an unrelated party.

(ii) Year-by-year application of the classification rule. If the consolidated group’s section 163(j) interest deduction in any taxable year is attributable to business interest expense paid or accrued in more than one taxable year (for example, the group deducts the group’s aggregate current year BIE, the group’s disallowed BIE carryforward from year 1, and the group’s disallowed BIE carryforward from year 2), the classification rule in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section applies separately to each of those years, pursuant to paragraphs (c)(3)(iii) and (iv) of this section.

(iii) Classification of current year BIE deductions. Current year BIE deductions are classified under the section 59A regulations and this paragraph (c) as if the consolidated group were a single taxpayer that had paid or accrued the group’s aggregate current year BIE to domestic related parties, foreign related parties, and unrelated parties. The rules of paragraph (c)(4) of this section apply for allocating current year BIE deductions among members of the consolidated group. To the extent the consolidated group’s aggregate current year BIE exceeds its section 163(j) limitation, the rules of paragraph (c)(5) of this section apply. (iv) Classification of deductions of disallowed BIE carryforwards. Each member of the group applies the classification rule in this paragraph (c)(3) to its deduction of any part of a disallowed BIE carryforward from a year, after the group applies paragraph (c)(5) of this section to the consolidated group’s disallowed BIE carryforward from that year. Therefore, disallowed BIE carryforward that is actually deducted by a member is classified based on the status of the components of that carryforward, assigned pursuant to paragraph (c)(5) of this section.

(4) Allocation of domestic related current year BIE deduction status and foreign related current year BIE deduction status among members of the consolidated group.

(i) In general. This paragraph (c)(4) applies if the group has domestic related current year BIE deductions, foreign related current year BIE deductions, or both, as a result of the application of the classification rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Under this paragraph (c)(4), the domestic related current year BIE, foreign related current year BIE, or both, that is treated as deducted in the current year are deemed to have been incurred pro-rata by all members that have current year BIE deduction in that year, regardless of which member or members actually incurred the current year BIE to a domestic related party or a foreign related party.

(ii) Domestic related current year BIE deduction.

(A) Amount of domestic related current year BIE deduction status allocable to a member. The amount of domestic related current year BIE deduction status that is allocated to a member is determined by multiplying the group’s domestic related current year BIE deduction (determined pursuant to paragraph (c)(3) of this section) by the percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to such member in that year.

(B) Percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to a member. The percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to a member is equal to the amount of the member’s current year BIE deduction divided by the amount of the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction.

(iii) Amount of foreign related current year BIE deduction status allocable to a member. The amount of foreign related current year BIE deduction status that is allocated to a member is determined by multiplying the group’s foreign related current year BIE deduction (determined pursuant to paragraph (c)(3) of this section) by the percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to such member (defined in paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(B) of this section).

(iv) Treatment of amounts as having unrelated current year BIE deduction status. To the extent the amount of a member’s current year BIE that is absorbed under paragraph (c)(2) of this section exceeds the domestic related current year BIE deduction status and foreign related current year BIE deduction status allocated to the member under paragraph (c)(4)(ii) and (iii) of this section, such excess amount is treated as from payments or accruals to an unrelated party.

(5) Allocation of domestic related BIE carryforward status and foreign related BIE carryforward status to members of the group.

(i) In general. This paragraph (c)(5) applies in any year the consolidated group’s aggregate current year BIE exceeds its section 163(j) limitation. After the application of paragraph (c)(4) of this section, any remaining domestic related current year BIE, foreign related current year BIE, and unrelated current year BIE is deemed to have been incurred pro-rata by members of the group pursuant to the rules in paragraph (c)(5)(ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section, regardless of which member or members actually incurred the business interest expense to a domestic related party, foreign related party, or unrelated party.

(ii) Domestic related BIE carryforward.

(A) Amount of domestic related BIE carryforward status allocable to a member. The amount of domestic related BIE carryforward status that is allocated to a member equals the group’s domestic related BIE carryforward from that year multiplied by the percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to the member.

(B) Percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to a member. The percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to a member for a taxable year equals the member’s disallowed BIE carryforward from that year divided by the consolidated group’s disallowed BIE carryforwards from that year.

(iii) Amount of foreign related BIE carryforward status allocable to a member. The amount of foreign related BIE carryforward status that is allocated to a member equals the group’s foreign related BIE carryforward from that year multiplied by the percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to the member (as defined in paragraph (c)(5)(ii)(B) of this section).

(iv) Treatment of amounts as having unrelated BIE carryforward status. If a member’s disallowed BIE carryforward for a year exceeds the amount of domestic related BIE carryforward status and foreign related BIE carryforward status that is allocated to the member pursuant to paragraphs (c)(5)(ii) and (iii) of this section, respectively, the excess carryforward amount is treated as from payments or accruals to an unrelated party.

(v) Coordination with section 381. If a disallowed BIE carryforward is allocated a status as a domestic related BIE carryforward, foreign related BIE carryforward, or unrelated BIE carryforward under the allocation rule of paragraph (c)(5) of this section, the acquiring corporation in a transaction described in section 381(a) will succeed to and take into account the allocated status of the carryforward for purposes of section 59A. See §1.381(c)(20)-1.

(6) Member deconsolidates from a consolidated group.

(i) General rule. When a member deconsolidates from a group (the original group), the member’s disallowed BIE carryforwards retain their allocated status, pursuant to paragraph (c)(5) of this section, as a domestic related BIE carryforward, foreign related BIE carryforward, or unrelated BIE carryforward (as applicable). Following the member’s deconsolidation, the status of the disallowed BIE carryforwards of the remaining members is not redetermined.

(ii) Gross receipts exception. This paragraph (c)(6)(ii) applies if the original group had insufficient gross receipts to satisfy the gross receipts test under §1.59A-2(d) and thus was not an applicable taxpayer in the year in which the deconsolidating member’s disallowed BIE carryforward was incurred. If this paragraph (c)(6)(ii) applies, the deconsolidating member may determine the status of its disallowed BIE carryforward from that year by applying the classification rule of §1.59A-3(c)(4) solely to the interest payments or accruals of the deconsolidating member, rather than by applying §1.1502-59A(c)(3).

(iii) Failure to substantiate. If the deconsolidating member fails to substantiate a disallowed BIE carryforward as a domestic related BIE carryforward, foreign related BIE carryforward, or unrelated BIE carryforward, then the disallowed BIE carryforward is treated as a foreign related BIE carryforward.

(7) Corporation joins a consolidated group. If a corporation joins a consolidated group (the acquiring group), and that corporation was allocated a domestic related BIE carryforward status, foreign related BIE carryforward status, or unrelated BIE carryforward status pursuant to paragraph (c)(5) of this section from another consolidated group (the original group), or separately has a disallowed BIE carryforward that is classified as from payments or accruals to a domestic related party, foreign related party, or unrelated party, the status of the carryforward is taken into account in determining the acquiring group’s base erosion tax benefit when the corporation’s disallowed BIE carryforward is absorbed.

(d) Allocation of the base erosion minimum tax amount to members of the consolidated group. For rules regarding the allocation of the base erosion minimum tax amount, see section 1552. Allocations under section 1552 take into account the classification and allocation provisions of paragraphs (c)(3) through (5) of this section.

(e) [Reserved].

(f) Definitions. The following definitions apply for purposes of this section –

(1) Aggregate current year BIE. The consolidated group’s aggregate current year BIE is the aggregate of all members’ current year BIE.

(2) Aggregate current year BIE deduction. The consolidated group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction is the aggregate of all members’ current year BIE deductions.

(3) Applicable taxpayer. The term applicable taxpayer has the meaning provided in §1.59A-2(b).

(4) Base erosion minimum tax amount. The consolidated group’s base erosion minimum tax amount is the tax imposed under section 59A.

(5) Base erosion tax benefit. The term base erosion tax benefit has the meaning provided in §1.59A-3(c)(1).

(6) Business interest expense. The term business interest expense, with respect to a member and a taxable year, has the meaning provided in §1.163(j)-1(b)(3), and with respect to a consolidated group and a taxable year, has the meaning provided in §1.163(j)-4(d)(2)(iii).

(7) Consolidated group’s disallowed BIE carryforwards. The term consolidated group’s disallowed BIE carryforwards has the meaning provided in §1.163(j)-5(b)(3)(i).

(8) Current year BIE. A member’s current year BIE is the member’s business interest expense that would be deductible in the current taxable year without regard to section 163(j) and that is not a disallowed business interest expense carryforward from a prior taxable year.

(9) Current year BIE deduction. A member’s current year BIE deduction is the member’s current year BIE that is permitted as a deduction in the taxable year.

(10) Domestic related BIE carryforward. The consolidated group’s domestic related BIE carryforward for any taxable year is the excess of the group’s domestic related current year BIE over the group’s domestic related current year BIE deduction (if any).

(11) Domestic related current year BIE. The consolidated group’s domestic related current year BIE for any taxable year is the consolidated group’s aggregate current year BIE paid or accrued to a domestic related party.

(12) Domestic related current year BIE deduction. The consolidated group’s domestic related current year BIE deduction for any taxable year is the portion of the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction classified as from interest paid or accrued to a domestic related party under paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

(13) Domestic related party. A domestic related party is a related party that is not a foreign related party and is not a member of the same consolidated group.

(14) Disallowed BIE carryforward. The term disallowed BIE carryforward has the meaning provided in §1.163(j)-1(b)(11).

(15) Foreign related BIE carryforward. The consolidated group’s foreign related BIE carryforward for any taxable year, is the excess of the group’s foreign related current year BIE over the group’s foreign related current year BIE deduction (if any).

(16) Foreign related current year BIE. The consolidated group’s foreign related current year BIE for any taxable year is the consolidated group’s aggregate current year BIE paid or accrued to a foreign related party.

(17) Foreign related current year BIE deduction. The consolidated group’s foreign related current year BIE deduction for any taxable year is the portion of the consolidated group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction classified as from interest paid or accrued to a foreign related party under paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

(18) Foreign related party. A foreign related party has the meaning provided in §1.59A-1(b)(12).

(19) Related party. The term related party has the meaning provided in §1.59A-1(b)(17), but excludes members of the same consolidated group.

(20) Section 163(j) interest deduction. The term section 163(j) interest deduction means, with respect to a taxable year, the amount of the consolidated group’s business interest expense permitted as a deduction pursuant to §1.163(j)-5(b)(3) in the taxable year.

(21) Section 163(j) limitation. The term section 163(j) limitation has the meaning provided in §1.163(j)-1(b)(36).

(22) Unrelated BIE carryforward. The consolidated group’s unrelated BIE carryforward for any taxable year is the excess of the group’s unrelated current year BIE over the group’s unrelated current year BIE deduction.

(23) Unrelated current year BIE. The consolidated group’s unrelated current year BIE for any taxable year is the consolidated group’s aggregate current year BIE paid or accrued to an unrelated party.

(24) Unrelated current year BIE deduction. The consolidated group’s unrelated current year BIE deduction for any taxable year is the portion of the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction classified as from interest paid or accrued to an unrelated party under paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

(25) Unrelated party. An unrelated party is a party that is not a related party.

(g) Examples. The following examples illustrate the general application of this section. For purposes of the examples, a foreign corporation (FP) wholly owns domestic corporation (P), which in turn wholly owns S1 and S2. P, S1, and S2 are members of a consolidated group. The consolidated group is a calendar year taxpayer.

(1) Example 1: Computation of the consolidated group’s base erosion minimum tax amount.

(i) The consolidated group is the applicable taxpayer.

(A) Facts. The members have never engaged in intercompany transactions. For the 2019 taxable year, P, S1, and S2 were permitted the following amounts of deductions (within the meaning of section 59A(c)(4)), $2,400x, $1,000x, and $2,600x; those deductions include base erosion tax benefits of $180x, $370x, and $230x. The group’s consolidated taxable income for the year is $150x. In addition, the group satisfies the gross receipts test in §1.59A-2(d).

(B) Analysis. Pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, the receipts and deductions of P, S1, and S2 are aggregated for purposes of making the computations under section 59A. The group’s base erosion percentage is 13% (($180x + $370x + $230x)/($2,400x + $1,000x + $2,600x)). The consolidated group is an applicable taxpayer under §1.59A-2(b) because the group satisfies the gross receipts test and the group’s base erosion percentage (13%) is higher than 3%. The consolidated group’s modified taxable income is computed by adding back the members’ base erosion tax benefits (and, when the consolidated group has consolidated net operating loss available for deduction, the consolidated net operating loss allowed multiplied by the base erosion percentage) to the consolidated taxable income, $930x ($150x + $180x + $370x + $230x). The group’s base erosion minimum tax amount is then computed as 10 percent of the modified taxable income less the regular tax liability, $61.5x ($930x × 10% - $150x × 21%).

(ii) The consolidated group engages in intercompany transactions.

(A) Facts. The facts are the same as in paragraph (g)(1)(i)(A) of this section (the facts in Example 1(i)), except that S1 sold various inventory items to S2 during 2019. Such items are depreciable in the hands of S2 (but would not have been depreciable in the hands of S1) and continued to be owned by S2 during 2019.

(B) Analysis. The result is the same as paragraph (g)(1)(i)(A) of this section (the facts in Example 1(i)). Pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, items resulting from the intercompany sale (for example, gross receipts, depreciation deductions) are not taken into account in computing the group’s gross receipts under §1.59A-2(d) and base erosion percentage under §1.59A-2(e)(3).

(2) Example 2: Business interest expense subject to section 163(j) and the group’s domestic related current year BIE and foreign related current year BIE for the year equals its section 163(j) limitation.

(i) Facts. During the current year (Year 1), P incurred $150x of business interest expense to domestic related parties; S1 incurred $150x of business interest expense to foreign related parties; and S2 incurred $150x of business interest expense to unrelated parties. The group’s section 163(j) limitation for the year is $300x. After applying the rules in §1.163(j)-5(b)(3), the group deducts $150x of P’s Year 1 business interest expense, and $75x each of S1 and S2’s Year 1 business interest expense. Assume the group is an applicable taxpayer for purposes of section 59A.

(ii) Analysis.

(A) Application of the absorption rule in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. Following the rules in section 163(j), the group’s section 163(j) interest deduction for Year 1 is $300x, and the entire amount is from members’ Year 1 business interest expense.

(B) Application of the classification rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction of $300x is first classified as payments or accruals to related parties (pro-rata among domestic related parties and foreign related parties), and second as payments or accruals to unrelated parties. For Year 1, the group has $150x of domestic related current year BIE and $150x of foreign related current year BIE, and the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction will be classified equally among the related party expenses. Therefore, $150x of the group’s deduction is classified as domestic related current year BIE deduction and $150x is classified as a foreign related current year BIE deduction.

(C) Application of the allocation rule in paragraph (c)(4) of this section. After the application of the classification rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the group has $150x each of domestic related current year BIE deduction and foreign related current year BIE deduction from the group’s aggregate current year BIE in Year 1. The domestic related current year BIE deduction and foreign related current year BIE deduction will be allocated to P, S1, and S2 based on each member’s deduction of its Year 1 business interest expense.

(1) Allocations to P. The percentage of current year BIE deduction attributable to P is 50% (P’s deduction of its Year 1 current year BIE, $150x, divided by the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction for Year 1, $300x). Thus, the amount of domestic related current year BIE deduction status allocated to P is $75x (the group’s domestic related current year BIE deduction, $150x, multiplied by the percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to P, 50%); and the amount of foreign related current year BIE deduction status allocated to P is $75x (the group’s foreign related current year BIE deduction, $150x, multiplied by the percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to P, 50%).

(2) Allocations to S1 and S2. The percentage of current year BIE deduction attributable to S1 is 25% (S1’s deduction of its Year 1 current year BIE, $75x, divided by the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction for Year 1, $300x). Thus, the amount of domestic related current year BIE deduction status allocated to S1 is $37.5x (the group’s domestic related current year BIE deduction, $150x, multiplied by the percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to S1, 25%); and the amount of foreign related current year BIE deduction status allocated to S1 is $37.5x (the group’s foreign related current year BIE deduction, $150x, multiplied by the percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to S1, 25%). Because S2 also deducted $75 of its Year 1 current year BIE, S2’s deductions are allocated the same pro-rata status as those of S1 under this paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(C)(2).

(D) Application of the allocation rule in paragraph (c)(5) of this section. Although the group will have disallowed BIE carryforwards after Year 1 (the group’s aggregate current year BIE of $450x ($150x + $150x + $150x) exceeds the section 163(j) limitation of $300x), all of the domestic related current year BIE and foreign related current year BIE in Year 1 has been taken into account pursuant to the classification rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Thus, under paragraph (c)(5)(iv) of this section, each member’s disallowed BIE carryforward is treated as from payments or accruals to unrelated parties.

(3) Example 3: Business interest expense subject to section 163(j).

(i) The group’s domestic related current year BIE and foreign related current year BIE for the year exceeds its section 163(j) limitation.

(A) Facts. During the current year (Year 1), P incurred $60x of business interest expense to domestic related parties; S1 incurred $40x of business interest expense to foreign related parties; and S2 incurred $80x of business interest expense to unrelated parties. The group’s section 163(j) limitation for the year is $60x. After applying the rules in §1.163(j)-5(b)(3), the group deducts $20x each of P, S1, and S2’s current year business interest expense. Assume the group is an applicable taxpayer for purposes of section 59A.

(B) Analysis.

(1) Application of the absorption rule in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. Following the rules in section 163(j), the group’s section 163(j) interest deduction is $60x, and the entire amount is from members’ Year 1 business interest expense.

(2) Application of the classification rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the group’s $60x of aggregate current year BIE deduction is first classified as payments or accruals to related parties (pro-rata among domestic related parties and foreign related parties), and second as payments or accruals from unrelated parties. The group’s total related party interest expense in Year 1, $100x (sum of the group’s Year 1 domestic related current year BIE, $60x, and the group’s Year 1 foreign related current year BIE, $40x), exceeds the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction of $60x. Thus, the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction will be classified, pro-rata, as from payments or accruals to domestic related parties and foreign related parties. Of the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction in Year 1, $36x is classified as a domestic related current year BIE deduction (the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction, $60x, multiplied by the ratio of domestic related current year BIE over the group’s total Year 1 related party interest expense ($60x / ($60x+$40x))); and $24x of the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction is classified as a foreign related current year BIE deduction (the group’s section 163(j) interest deduction, $60x, multiplied by the ratio of foreign related current year BIE over the group’s total Year 1 related party interest expense ($40x / ($60x+$40x))).

(3) Application of the allocation rule in paragraph (c)(4) of this section. After the application of the classification rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the group has $36x of domestic related current year BIE deduction and $24x of foreign related current year BIE deduction from the group’s aggregate current year BIE in Year 1. The domestic related current year BIE deduction and foreign related current year BIE deduction will be allocated to P, S1, and S2 based on each member’s current year BIE deduction in Year 1.

(i) Allocation of the group’s domestic related current year BIE deduction status. Because each member is deducting $20x of its Year 1 business interest expense, all three members have the same percentage of current year BIE deduction attributable to them. The percentage of current year BIE deduction attributable to each of P, S1, and S2 is 33.33% (each member’s current year BIE deduction in Year 1, $20x, divided by the group’s aggregate current year BIE deduction for Year 1, $60x). Thus, the amount of domestic related current year BIE deduction status allocable to each member is $12x (the group’s domestic related current year BIE deduction, $36x, multiplied by the percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to each member, 33.33%).

(ii) Allocations of the group’s foreign related current year BIE deduction status. The amount of foreign related current year BIE deduction status allocable to each member is $8x (the group’s foreign related current year BIE deduction, $24x, multiplied by the percentage of current year BIE deduction allocable to each member, 33.33%, as computed earlier in paragraph (f)(3) of this section (Example 3).

(4) Application of the allocation rule in paragraph (c)(5) of this section. In Year 1 the group has $60x of domestic related current year BIE, of which $36x is deducted in the year (by operation of the classification rule). Therefore, the group has $24x of domestic related BIE carryforward. Similarly, the group has $40x of foreign related current year BIE in Year 1, of which $24x is deducted in the year. Therefore, the group has $16x of foreign related BIE carryforward. The $24x domestic related BIE carryforward status and $16x foreign related BIE carryforward status will be allocated to P, S1, and S2 in proportion to the amount of each member’s disallowed BIE carryforward.

(i) Allocation to P. The percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to P is 33.33% (P’s Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, $40x ($60x - $20x), divided by the group’s Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, $120x ($60x + $40x + 80x - $60x)). Thus, the amount of domestic related BIE carryforward status allocated to P is $8x (the group’s domestic related BIE carryforward, $24x, multiplied by the percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to P, 33.33%); and the amount of foreign related BIE carryforward status allocated to P is $5.33x (the group’s foreign related BIE carryforward, $16x, multiplied by the percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to P, 33.33%). Under paragraph (c)(5)(iv) of this section, P’s disallowed BIE carryforward that has not been allocated a status as either a domestic related BIE carryforward or a foreign related BIE carryforward will be treated as interest paid or accrued to an unrelated party. Therefore, $26.67x ($40x P’s disallowed BIE carryforward - $8x domestic related BIE carryforward status allocated to P - $5.33x foreign related BIE carryforward status allocated to P) is treated as interest paid or accrued to an unrelated party.

(ii) Allocation to S1. The percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to S1 is 16.67% (S1’s Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, $20x ($40x - $20x), divided by the group’s Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, $120x ($60x + $40x + 80x - $60x). Thus, the amount of domestic related BIE carryforward status allocated to S1 is $4x (the group’s domestic related BIE carryforward, $24x, multiplied by the percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to S1, 16.67%); and the amount of foreign related BIE carryforward status allocated to S1 is $2.67x (the group’s foreign related BIE carryforward, $16x, multiplied by the percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to S1, 16.67%). Under paragraph (c)(5)(iv) of this section, S1’s disallowed BIE that has not been allocated a status as either a domestic related BIE carryforward or a foreign related BIE carryforward will be treated as interest paid or accrued to an unrelated party. Therefore, $13.33x ($20x S1’s disallowed BIE carryforward - $4x domestic related BIE carryforward status allocated to S1 - $2.67x foreign related BIE carryforward status allocated to S1) is treated as interest paid or accrued to an unrelated party.

(iii) Allocation to S2. The percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to S2 is 50% (S2’s Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, $60x ($80x-$20x), divided by the group’s Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, $120x ($60x+$40x+80x-$60x). Thus, the amount of domestic related BIE carryforward status allocated to S2 is $12x (the group’s domestic related BIE carryforward, $24x, multiplied by the percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to S2, 50%); and the amount of foreign related BIE carryforward status allocated to S2 is $8x (the group’s foreign related BIE carryforward, $16x, multiplied by the percentage of disallowed BIE carryforward allocable to S2, 50%). Under paragraph (c)(5)(iv) of this section, S2’s disallowed BIE that has not been allocated a status as either a domestic related BIE carryforward or a foreign related BIE carryforward will be treated as interest paid or accrued to an unrelated party. Therefore, $40x ($60x S2’s disallowed BIE carryforward - $12x domestic related BIE carryforward status allocated to S2 - $8x foreign related BIE carryforward status allocated to S2) is treated as interest paid or accrued to an unrelated party.

(ii) The group deducting its disallowed BIE carryforwards.

(A) Facts. The facts are the same as in paragraph (g)(3)(i)(A) of this section (the facts in Example 3(i)), and in addition, none of the members incurs any business interest expense in Year 2. The group’s section 163(j) limitation for Year 2 is $30x.

(B) Analysis.

(1) Application of the absorption rule in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. Following the rules in section 163(j), each member of the group is deducting $10x of its disallowed BIE carryforward from Year 1. Therefore, the group’s section 163(j) deduction for Year 2 is $30x.

(2) Application of the classification rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Under paragraph (c)(3)(iv) of this section, to the extent members are deducting their Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward in Year 2, the classification rule will apply to the deduction in Year 2 after the allocation rule in paragraph (c)(5) of this section has allocated the related and unrelated party status to the member’s disallowed BIE carryforward in Year 1. The allocation required under paragraph (c)(5) of this section is described in paragraph (f)(3)(i)(B)(4) of this section.

(i) Use of P’s allocated domestic related BIE carryforward status and foreign related BIE carryforward status. P has $40x of Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, and P was allocated $8x of domestic related BIE carryforward status and $5.33x of foreign related BIE carryforward status. In Year 2, P deducts $10x of its Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward. Under the classification rule of paragraph (c)(3) of this section, P is treated as deducting pro-rata from its allocated status of domestic related BIE carryforward and foreign related BIE carryforward. Therefore, P is treated as deducting $6x of its allocated domestic related BIE carryforward ($10x × $8x / ($8x + $5.33x)), and $4x of its allocated foreign related BIE carryforward ($10x × $5.33x / $8x + $5.33x)). After Year 2, P has remaining $30x of Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, of which $2x has a status of domestic related BIE carryforward, $1.33x has the status of foreign related BIE carryforward, and $26.67x of interest treated as paid or accrued to unrelated parties.

(ii) Use of S1’s allocated domestic related BIE carryforward status and foreign related BIE carryforward status. S1 has $20x of Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, and S1 was allocated $4x of domestic related BIE carryforward status and $2.67x of foreign related BIE carryforward status. In Year 2, S2 deducts $10x of its Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward. Because S2’s deduction of its Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, $10x, exceeds its allocated domestic related BIE carryforward status ($4x) and foreign related BIE carryforward status ($2.67x), all of the allocated related party status are used up. After Year 2, all of S1’s Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, $10x, is treated as interest paid or accrued to an unrelated party.

(iii) Use of S2’s allocated domestic related BIE carryforward status and foreign related BIE carryforward status. S2 has $60x of Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, and S2 was allocated $12x of domestic related BIE carryforward status and $8x of foreign related BIE carryforward status. In Year 2, S2 deducts $10x of its Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward. Under the classification rule of paragraph (c)(3) of this section, S2 is treated as deducting $6x of its allocated domestic related BIE carryforward ($10x × $12x / ($12x + $8x)), and $4x of its allocated foreign related BIE carryforward ($10x × $8x / $8x + $12x)). After Year 2, P has remaining $50x of Year 1 disallowed BIE carryforward, of which $6x has a status of domestic related BIE carryforward, $4x has the status of foreign related BIE carryforward, and $40x of interest treated as paid or accrued to unrelated parties.

(h) Applicability date. This section applies to taxable years for which the original consolidated Federal income tax return is due (without extensions) after December 6, 2019.

[Added by T.D. 9885, 84 FR 66968-67045, Dec. 6, 2019; corrected at 85 FR 49595, Aug. 14, 2020; amended by T.D. 9910, 85 FR 64346-64369, Oct. 9, 2020.]

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