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Sec. 20.2056A-4 Procedures for conforming marital trusts and nontrust marital transfers to the requirements of a qualified domestic trust.

(a) Marital trusts.

(1) In general. If an interest in property passes from the decedent to a trust for the benefit of a noncitizen surviving spouse and if the trust otherwise qualifies for a marital deduction but for the provisions of section 2056(d)(1)(A), the property interest is treated as passing to the surviving spouse in a QDOT if the trust is reformed, either in accordance with the terms of the decedent's will or trust agreement or pursuant to a judicial proceeding, to meet the requirements of a QDOT. For this purpose, the requirements of a QDOT include all of the applicable requirements set forth in section 20.2056A-2, and the requirements of section 20.2056A-2T(d). A reformation pursuant to the terms of the decedent's will or trust instrument must be completed by the time prescribed (including extensions) for filing the decedent's estate tax return. For purposes of this paragraph (a), a return filed prior to the due date (including extensions) is considered filed on the last date that the return is required to be filed (including extensions), and a late return filed at any time after the due date is considered filed on the date that it is actually filed.

(2) Judicial reformations. In general, a reformation pursuant to a judicial proceeding is permitted under this section if the reformation is commenced on or before the due date (determined with regard to extensions actually granted) for filing the return of tax imposed by chapter 11 of the Internal Revenue Code, regardless of the date that the return is actually filed. The reformation (either pursuant to a judicial proceeding or otherwise) must result in a trust that is effective under local law. The reformed trust may be revocable by the spouse, or otherwise be subject to the spouse's general power of appointment, provided that no person (including the spouse) has the power to amend the trust during the continued existence of the trust such that it would no longer qualify as a QDOT. Prior to the time that the judicial reformation is completed, the trust must be treated as a QDOT. Thus, the trustee of the trust is responsible for filing the Form 706-QDT, paying any section 2056A estate tax that becomes due, and filing the annual statement required under section 20.2056A-2T(d)(3), if applicable. Failure to comply with these requirements may cause the trust to be subject to the anti-abuse rule under section 20.2056A-2T(d)(1)(iv). In addition, if the judicial reformation is terminated prior to the time that the reformation is completed, the estate of the decedent is required to pay the increased estate tax imposed on the decedent's estate (plus interest and any applicable penalties) that becomes due at the time of such termination as a result of the failure of the trust to comply with section 2056(d). See section 6511 as to applicable time periods for credit or refund of tax.

(3) Tolling of statutory assessment period. For the tolling of the statute of limitations in the case of a judicial reformation, see section 2056(d)(5)(B).

(b) Nontrust marital transfers.

(1) In general. Under section 2056(d)(2)(B), if an interest in property passes outright from a decedent to a noncitizen surviving spouse either by testamentary bequest or devise, by operation of law, or pursuant to an annuity or other similar plan or arrangement, and such property interest otherwise qualifies for a marital deduction except that it does not pass in a QDOT, solely for purposes of section 2056(d)(2)(A), the property is treated as passing to the surviving spouse in a QDOT if the property interest is either actually transferred to a QDOT before the estate tax return is filed and on or before the last date prescribed by law that the QDOT election may be made, or is assigned to a QDOT under an enforceable and irrevocable written assignment made on or before the date on which the return is filed and on or before the last date prescribed by law that the QDOT election may be made. The transfer or assignment of property to a QDOT may be made by the surviving spouse, the surviving spouse's legal representative (if the surviving spouse is incompetent), or the personal representative of the surviving spouse's estate (if the surviving spouse has died). The QDOT to which the property is transferred may be created by the decedent (during life or by will), by the surviving spouse, or by the executor. For purposes of section 2056(d)(2)(B), if no property other than the property passing to the surviving spouse from the decedent is transferred to the QDOT, the transferee QDOT need not be in a form such that the property transferred to the QDOT would qualify for a marital deduction under section 2056(a). However, if other property is or has been transferred to the QDOT, 100 percent of the value of the transferee QDOT must qualify for the marital deduction under section 2056. For example, if the decedent, a U.S. citizen, bequeaths property to a trust that does not satisfy the requirements of section 2056(b)(5) or (7), or to a trust that does not qualify as an estate trust under section 20.2056(c)-2(b)(1)(i)-(iii), that trust cannot be used as a transferee QDOT by the surviving spouse, since after that trust is fully funded the portion of the value of the trust attributable to property bequeathed to the trust by the decedent will not qualify for a marital deduction under section 2056. Similarly, if the decedent, a nonresident not a citizen of the United States, bequeaths foreign situs assets to a trust created under his will, the surviving spouse may not transfer U.S. situs assets passing to the spouse outside of the will to that trust under this paragraph. See section 20.2056A-3(c) with respect to protective elections. See section 20.2056A-3(a) with respect to the time limitations for making the QDOT election.

(2) Form of transfer or assignment. A transfer or assignment of property to a QDOT must be in writing and otherwise be in accordance with all local law requirements for such assignment or transfer. The transfer or assignment may be of a specific asset or a group of assets, or a fractional share of either, or may be of a pecuniary amount. A transfer or assignment of less than an entire interest in an asset or a group of assets may be expressed by means of a formula (such as the minimum amount necessary to reduce the estate tax to zero). In the case of a transfer, a copy of the trust instrument evidencing the transfer must be submitted with the decedent's estate tax return. In the case of an assignment, a copy of the assignment must be submitted with the decedent's estate tax return.

(3) Assets eligible for transfer or assignment. If a transfer or assignment is of a specific asset or group of assets, only assets included in the decedent's gross estate and passing from the decedent to the spouse (or the proceeds from the sale, exchange or conversion of such assets) may be transferred or assigned to the QDOT. The noncitizen surviving spouse may not transfer or assign to the QDOT property owned by the surviving spouse at the time of the decedent's death in lieu of property included in the decedent's gross estate that passes to the spouse (or in lieu of the proceeds from the sale, exchange or conversion of such includible assets). In addition, if only a portion of an asset is includible in the decedent's gross estate, the spouse may only transfer the portion that is so includible to the transferee trust under this paragraph (b)(3).

(4) Pecuniary assignment - special rules. If the assignment is expressed in the form of a pecuniary amount (such as a fixed dollar amount or a formula designed to reduce the decedent's estate tax to zero), the assignment must specify that --

(i) Assets actually transferred to the QDOT in satisfaction of the assignment have an aggregate fair market value on the date of actual transfer to the QDOT amounting to no less than the amount of the pecuniary transfer or assignment; or

(ii) The assets actually transferred to the QDOT be fairly representative of appreciation or depreciation in the value of all property available for transfer to the QDOT between the valuation date and the date of actual transfer to the QDOT, if the assignment is to be satisfied by accounting for the assets on the basis of their fair market value as of some date before the date of actual transfer to the QDOT.

(5) Transfer tax treatment of transfer or assignment. Property assigned or transferred to a QDOT pursuant to section 2056(d)(2)(B) is treated as passing from the decedent to a QDOT solely for purposes of section 2056(d)(2)(A). For all other purposes (e.g., income, gift, estate, generation-skipping transfer tax, and section 1491 excise tax), the surviving spouse is treated as the transferor of the property to the QDOT. However, the spouse is not considered the transferor of property to a QDOT if the transfer by the spouse constitutes a transfer that satisfies the requirements of section 2518(c)(3). For a special exception to the valuation rules of section 2702 in the case of a transfer by the surviving spouse to a QDOT, see section 25.2702-1(c)(8) of this chapter.

(6) Period for completion of transfer. Property irrevocably assigned but not actually transferred to the QDOT before the estate tax return is filed must actually be conveyed and transferred to the QDOT under applicable local law before the administration of the decedent's estate is completed. If there is no administration of the decedent's estate (because for example, none of the decedent's assets are subject to probate under local law), the conveyance must be made on or before the date that is one year after the due date (including extensions) for filing the decedent's estate tax return. If an actual transfer to the QDOT is not timely made, section 2056(d)(1)(A) applies and the marital deduction is not allowed. The executor of the decedent's estate (or other authorized legal representative) may request a private letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service requesting an extension of the time for completing the conveyance or waiving the actual conveyance under specified circumstances under section 301.9100-1(a) of this chapter.

(7) Retirement accounts and annuities

(i) In general. An assignment otherwise in compliance with this paragraph (b) of rights under annuities or other similar arrangements that are assignable and thus, are not described in paragraph (c) of this section, is treated as a transfer of such property to the QDOT regardless of the method of payment actually elected under such annuity or plan.

(ii) Individual retirement annuities. Individual retirement annuities described in section 408(b) are not assignable pursuant to section 408(b)(1) and thus, do not come within the purview of this paragraph (b)(7). See the procedures provided in paragraph (c) of this section.

(iii) Individual retirement accounts. Unless the terms of the account provide otherwise, individual retirement accounts described in section 408(a) are assignable and subject to the provisions of this paragraph (b)(7). However, under paragraph (c) of this section, the surviving spouse may treat an individual retirement account as nonassignable and, therefore, eligible for the procedures in paragraph (c) of this section if the spouse timely complies with the requirements in paragraph (c) of this section.

(iv) Other effects of assignment. The provisions of this paragraph (b)(7) apply solely for purposes of qualifying the annuity or account under the rules of section 20.2056A-2 and this section. See, for example, section 408(d) and 4980A regarding the consequences of an assignment for purposes other than this paragraph (b)(7).

(8) Protective assignment. A protective assignment of property to a QDOT may be made only if, at the time the federal estate tax return is filed, the executor of the decedent's estate reasonably believes that there is a bona fide issue that concerns either the residency or citizenship of the decedent, the citizenship of the surviving spouse, whether all or a portion of an asset is includible in the decedent's gross estate, or the amount or nature of the property the surviving spouse is entitled to receive. For example, if at the time the federal estate tax return is filed, either the estate is involved in a bona fide will contest, there is uncertainty regarding the inclusion in the gross estate of an asset which, if includible, would be eligible for the QDOT election, or there is uncertainty regarding the status of the decedent as a resident alien or a nonresident alien for estate tax purposes, or a similar uncertainty regarding the citizenship status of the surviving spouse, a protective assignment may be made. The protective assignment must be made on a written statement signed by the assignor under penalties of perjury on or before the date prescribed under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, and must identify the specific assets to which the assignment refers and the specific basis for the protective assignment. However, the protective assignment may otherwise be defined by means of a formula (such as the minimum amount necessary to reduce the estate tax to zero). Once made, the protective assignment cannot be revoked. For example, if a protective assignment is made because a bona fide question exists as to the includibility of an asset in the decedent's gross estate and it is later finally determined that the asset is so includible, the protective assignment becomes effective with respect to the asset and cannot thereafter be revoked. Protective assignments are, in all events, subject to paragraph (b)(6) of this section. A copy of the protective assignment must be submitted with the decedent's estate tax return.

(c) Nonassignable annuities and other arrangements--

(1) Definition and general rule. For purposes of this section, a nonassignable annuity or other arrangement means a plan, annuity, or other arrangement (whether qualified or not qualified under part I of subchapter D of chapter 1 of subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code) that qualifies for the marital deduction but for section 2056(d)(1)(A), and whose payments are not assignable or transferable to the QDOT under either federal law (see, e.g., section 401(a)(13)), state law, foreign law, or the terms of the plan or arrangement itself. For purposes of this paragraph (c), a surviving spouse's interest as beneficiary of an individual retirement annuity described in section 408(b) is a nonassignable annuity or other arrangement. See section 408(b)(1). For purposes of this paragraph (c), a surviving spouse's interest as beneficiary of an individual retirement account described in section 408(a), although assignable under that section, is considered to be a nonassignable annuity or other arrangement eligible for the procedures contained in this paragraph (c), at the option of the surviving spouse, if the requirements of this paragraph are otherwise satisfied. See paragraph (b)(7) of this section if the spouse elects to treat the account as assignable. In the case of a plan, annuity, or other arrangement which is not assignable or transferable (or is treated as such), the property passing under the plan from the decedent is treated as meeting the requirements section 20.2056A-2, and the requirements of section 20.2056A-2T(d) (pertaining, respectively, to general requirements, qualified marital interest requirements, statutory requirements, and requirements to ensure collection of the tax) if the requirements of either paragraph (c)(2) or (3) of this section are satisfied. Thus, the property will be treated as passing in the form of a QDOT, notwithstanding that the spouse does not irrevocably transfer or assign the annuity or other payment to the QDOT as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. The Commissioner will prescribe by administrative guidance the extent, if any, to which the provisions of this paragraph (c) apply to a rollover from a qualified trust to an eligible retirement plan within the meaning of section 402(c) or a distribution from an individual retirement account or an individual retirement annuity that is paid into an individual retirement account or an individual retirement annuity within the meaning of section 408(d)(3).

(2) Agreement to remit section 2056A estate tax on corpus portion of each annuity payment. The requirements of this paragraph (c)(2) are satisfied if--

(i) The noncitizen surviving spouse agrees to pay on an annual basis, as described in paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section, the estate tax imposed under section 2056A(b)(1) due on the corpus portion, as defined in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, of each nonassignable annuity or other payment received under the plan or arrangement. However, for purposes of this paragraph (c)(2), if the financial circumstances of the spouse are such that an amount equal to all or a portion of the corpus portion of a nonassignable annuity payment received by the spouse would be subject to a hardship exemption (as defined in section 20.2056A-5(c) ) if paid from a QDOT, then all or a corresponding part of the corpus portion will be exempt from the tax payment requirement under this paragraph (c)(2);

(ii) The executor of the decedent's estate files with the estate tax return the Information Statement described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section;

(iii) The executor files with the estate tax return the Agreement To Pay Section 2056A Estate Tax described in paragraph (c)(6) of this section; and

(iv) The executor makes the election under section 20.2056A-3 with respect to the nonassignable annuity or other payment.

(3) Agreement to roll over corpus portion of annuity payment to QDOT. The requirements of this paragraph (c)(3) are satisfied if--

(i) The noncitizen surviving spouse agrees to roll over and transfer, within the time prescribed under paragraph (c)(7)(i) of this section, the corpus portion of each annuity payment to a QDOT, whether the QDOT is created by the decedent's will, the executor of the decedent's estate, or the surviving spouse. However, for purposes of this section, if the financial circumstances of the spouse are such that an amount equal to all or a portion of the corpus portion of a nonassignable annuity payment received by the spouse would be subject to a hardship exemption (as defined in section 20.2056A-5(c) ) if paid from a QDOT, then all or a corresponding part of the corpus portion will be exempt from the rollover requirement under this paragraph (c)(3);

(ii) A QDOT for the benefit of the surviving spouse is established prior to the date that the estate tax return is filed and on or prior to the last date prescribed by law that the QDOT election may be made;

(iii) The executor of the decedent's estate files with the estate tax return the Information Statement described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section;

(iv) The executor files with the estate tax return the Agreement To Roll Over Annuity Payments described in paragraph (c)(7) of this section; and

(v) The executor makes the election under section 20.2056A-3 with respect to the nonassignable annuity or other payment. See section 20.2056A-5(c)(3)(iv)(A), regarding distributions from the QDOT reimbursing the spouse for income taxes paid (either by actual payment or withholding) by the spouse with respect to amounts transferred to the QDOT pursuant to this paragraph (c)(3).

(4) Determination of corpus portion.

(i) Corpus portion. For purposes of this paragraph (c), the corpus portion of each nonassignable annuity or other payment is the corpus amount of the annual payment divided by the total annual payment.

(ii) Corpus amount.

(A) The corpus amount of the annual payment is determined in accordance with the following formula:

Corpus Amount = Total present value of annuity or other payment / Expected annuity term

(B) The total present value of the nonassignable annuity or other payment is the present value of the annuity or other payment as of the date of the decedent's death, determined in accordance with the interest rates and mortality table prescribed by section 7520. The expected annuity term is the number of years that would be required for the scheduled payments to exhaust a hypothetical fund equal to the present value of the scheduled payments. This is determined by first dividing the total present value of the payments by the annual payment. From the quotient so obtained, the expected annuity term is derived by identifying the term of years that corresponds to the lowest annuity factor that is equal to or greater than the quotient. The annuity factor is computed by subtracting from 1.000000 the factor for an ordinary remainder interest following the same term certain that is determined under the formula in §20.2031-7(d)(2)(ii)(A) and then dividing the result by the applicable section 7520 interest rate expressed to at least four decimal places. For the convenience of taxpayers, actuarial factors have been computed by the IRS and appear in the "Annuity" column of Table B which can be found on the IRS website at (or a corresponding URL as may be updated from time to time). If the quotient obtained falls between two terms, the longer term is used.

(5) Information statement.

(i) In general. In order for a nonassignable annuity or other payment described in this paragraph (c) to qualify under either paragraph (c)(2) or (3) of this section, the Information Statement described in paragraph (c)(5)(ii) of this section must be filed with the decedent's federal estate tax return. The Information Statement must be signed under penalties of perjury by both the executor of the decedent's estate and by the surviving spouse of the decedent (or by the legal representative of the surviving spouse if the surviving spouse is legally incompetent to sign the statement). The Statement must contain all of the information prescribed by this paragraph (c)(5).

(ii) Annuity source information.

(A) Employment-related annuity. If the nonassignable annuity or other payment is employment-related, the following information must be provided --

(1) The name and address of the employer;

(2) The date of retirement or other separation from employment of the decedent;

(3) The name and address of the pension fund, insurance company, or other obligor that is paying the annuity (or similar payment); and

(4) The identification number, if any, that the obligor has assigned to the annuity or other payment.

(B) Annuity not employment-related. If the nonassignable annuity or other payment is not employment-related, the following information must be provided --

(1) The name and address of the person or entity paying the nonassignable annuity or other payment;

(2) The date of acquisition of the nonassignable annuity contract by the decedent or by the decedent and the surviving spouse;

(3) The identification number, if any, that the obligor has assigned to the nonassignable annuity or other payment.

(iii) The total annuity amount payable each year. The total amount payable annually under the nonassignable annuity or other arrangement, including a description of whether the annuity is payable monthly, quarterly, or at some other interval, and a description of any scheduled changes in the annuity payout amount.

(iv) The duration of the annuity. A description of the term of the nonassignable annuity or other payment in years, if it is determined by a term certain, and the name, address, and birthdate of any measuring life if the nonassignable annuity or other payment is determined by one or more lives.

(v) The market interest rate under section 7520. The applicable interest rate as determined under section 7520.

(vi) Determination of corpus portion of each payment (in accordance with paragraph (c)(4) of this section). The following items are required in order to determine the corpus portion of each payment --

(A) The present value of the nonassignable annuity or other payment as of the decedent's death;

(B) The expected annuity term;

(C) The corpus amount of the annual annuity payments (paragraph (c)(5)(vi)(A) of this section divided by paragraph (c)(5)(vi)(B) of this section); and

(D) The corpus portion of the annual payments (paragraph (c)(5)(vi)(C) of this section divided by the total amount payable annually).

(vii) Recipient QDOT. In the case of an agreement to rollover under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the following must be provided --

(A) The name and address of the trustee of the QDOT who is the U.S. Trustee; and

(B) The name and taxpayer identification number of the QDOT.

(viii) Certification statement. The executor of the decedent's estate and the surviving spouse of the decedent (or the legal representative of the surviving spouse if the surviving spouse is legally incompetent to so certify) must each sign a Certification Statement as follows:

Under penalties of perjury, I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information reported in this Information Statement is true, correct and complete.

(6) Agreement to pay section 2056A estate tax.

(i) Payment of section 2056A estate tax. The tax payable under paragraph (c)(2) of this section is payable on an annual basis, commencing in the calendar year following the calendar year of the receipt by the surviving spouse of the spouse's first annuity payment. Form 706QDT and the payment are due on April 15th of each year following the calendar year in which an annuity payment is received except that, in the year of the deceased spouse's death, the Form 706-QDT and the payment are not due prior to the due date, including extensions, for filing the deceased spouse's estate tax return, or if no return is filed, no later than 9 months from the date of the deceased spouse's death; and, in the year of the surviving spouse's death, the Form 706-QDT must be filed and the payment made no later than 9 months from the date of the surviving spouse's death. See section 20.2056A-11 for extensions of time for filing Form 706-QDT and paying the section 2056A estate tax.

(ii) Agreement. In order for a nonassignable annuity or other payment described in this paragraph (c) to qualify under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the executor of the decedent's estate must file with the estate tax return the following Agreement To Pay Section 2056A Estate Tax, which must be signed by the surviving spouse of the decedent (or by the surviving spouse's legal representative if the surviving spouse is legally incompetent to sign the agreement):

I [ name ] hereby agree that I will report all annuity payments received under the [name of plan or arrangement] on Form 706-QDT for the calendar year and remit, on an annual basis, to the Internal Revenue Service the estate tax that is imposed under section 2056A(b)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code on the corpus portion of each annuity payment (as defined in section 20.2056A-4(c)(4) of the Estate Tax Regulations) received under the plan during the calendar year. I also agree that Form 706-QDT is to be filed no later than April 15th of the year following the calendar year in which any annuity payments are received except that: in the case of annuity payments received in the year of my spouse's death, Form 706-QDT and the payment shall not be due prior to the due date, including extensions, for filing my spouse's estate tax return or, if no return is filed, no later than 9 months from the date of my spouse's death (except if I am granted an extension of time to file Form 706-QDT under the provisions of section 20.2056A-11); and in the year of my death, the Form 706-QDT must be filed and the payment made no later than the date my estate tax return is filed (or if no return is filed, no later than 9 months from the date of my death). I further agree that if I fail to timely file Form 706- QDT or to timely pay the tax imposed on the corpus portion of any annuity payment (determined after any extensions of time to pay granted to me under the provisions of section 20.2056A-11), I may become immediately liable to pay the amount of the tax determined by application of section 2056A(b)(1) on the entire remaining present value of the annuity, calculated as of the beginning of the year in which the payment was received with respect to which I failed to timely pay the tax or failed to timely file the return. However, I may make an application for relief under section 301.9100-1 of the Procedure and Administration Regulations, from the consequences of failing to timely file the Form 706-QDT or failing to timely pay the tax on the corpus portion. [The following sentence is applicable only in cases where the plan or arrangement is established and administered by a person or an entity that is located outside of the United States.] I agree, at the request of the District Director, [or the Assistant Commissioner (International) in the case of a surviving spouse of a nonresident noncitizen decedent or a surviving spouse of a United States citizen who died domiciled outside the United States] to enter into a security agreement to secure my undertakings under this agreement.

(7) Agreement to roll over annuity payments.

(i) Roll over of corpus portion. Beginning in the calendar year of the receipt by the surviving spouse of the spouse's first annuity payment, the corpus portion of each annuity payment, as determined under paragraph (c)(4) of this section, must, within 60 days of receipt, be transferred to a QDOT. In addition, all annuity payments received during the calendar year must be reported on Form 706-QDT no later than April 15th of the year following the year in which the annuity payments are received, except that in the year of the surviving spouse's death, the Form 706-QDT must be filed no later than the date the estate tax return is filed (or if no return is filed, no later than 9 months from the date of the surviving spouse's death). See section 20.2056A-11 for extensions of time for filing Form 706-QDT.

(ii) Agreement.

In order for a nonassignable annuity or other payment described in this paragraph (c) to qualify under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the executor of the decedent's estate must file with the estate tax return the following Agreement To Roll Over Annuity Payments, which must be signed by the surviving spouse of the decedent (or by the legal representative of the surviving spouse if the surviving spouse is legally incompetent to sign the agreement):

I [ name ] hereby agree that within 60 days of receipt of each annuity payment paid under the [name of plan or arrangement], I will transfer an amount equal to percent (the corpus portion determined under section 20.2056A-4(c)(4) of the Estate Tax Regulations) of each annuity payment to [identify the QDOT ]. Further, I will report all annuity payments received during the calendar year under the [name of plan or arrangement] on Form 706-QDT including a schedule of transfers to the [identify the QDOT]. I also agree that Form 706-QDT is to be filed no later than April 15th of the year following the year in which any annuity payments are received except that: in the case of annuity payments received in the year of my spouse's death, Form 706-QDT shall not be due prior to the due date, including extensions, for filing my spouse's estate tax return, or, if no return is filed, no later than 9 months from the date of my spouse's death (except if I am granted an extension of time to file Form 706-QDT under the provisions of section 20.2056A-11); and in the year of my death, the Form 706-QDT must be filed no later than the date my estate tax return is filed (or if no return is filed, no later than 9 months from the date of my death), and except if I am granted an extension of time to file Form 706-QDT under the provisions of section 20.2056A-11. I further agree that if I fail to timely transfer any required amount with respect to any annuity payment, or fail to timely file Form 706-QDT reporting the transfers for any year, I may become immediately liable to pay the amount of the tax determined by application of section 2056A(b)(1) on the entire remaining present value of the annuity, calculated as of the beginning of the year in which the payment was received with respect to which I failed to make the timely transfer or timely file a return. However, I may make an application for relief under section 301.9100-1 of the Procedure and Administration Regulations, from the consequences of failing to timely file Form 706-QDT or failing to timely transfer the corpus portion of any annuity payment to the QDOT. [The following sentence is applicable only in cases where the plan or arrangement is established and administered by a person or an entity that is located outside of the United States.] I agree, at the request of the District Director [or the Assistant Commissioner (International) in the case of a surviving spouse of a nonresident noncitizen decedent or a surviving spouse of a United States citizen who died domiciled outside the United States] to enter into a security agreement to secure my undertakings under this agreement.

(d) Examples. The provisions of this section are illustrated by the following examples. In each of the following examples the decedent, D, a citizen of the United States, died after August 22, 1995, and D's surviving spouse, S, is not a United States citizen at the time of D's death.

(1) Example 1. Transfer and assignment of probate and nonprobate property to QDOT.

(i) S is the beneficiary of the following probate and nonprobate assets included in D's gross estate:

Pecuniary bequest under will


Proceeds of life insurance


D's interest in property owned jointly with S includible in the gross estate under § 2040(a)


Devise of real property under will




(ii) Before the estate tax return for D's estate is filed and before the date that the QDOT election must be made, S creates a QDOT pursuant to which all income is payable to S for life and the remainder is distributable to S's children. S retains a power of appointment over the disposition of the remainder to ensure that S does not make an immediate gift of the remainder of the trust. Also, before the estate tax return is filed and before the date that the QDOT election must be made, S transfers the life insurance proceeds and the specifically devised real property to the QDOT. S decides not to transfer the property that had been jointly owned to the QDOT. Because S has not received distribution of the pecuniary bequest before D's estate tax return is filed and before the date that the QDOT election must be made, S irrevocably assigns the interest in the pecuniary bequest to the QDOT. Assume that the pecuniary bequest is in fact transferred by S to the QDOT before the estate administration is concluded. D's executor makes a QDOT election on the estate tax return for the $700,000 in property that S has transferred and assigned to the QDOT. A marital deduction of $700,000 is allowed to D's estate assuming the estate tax return is filed and the QDOT election is made within the time limitation prescribed in section 20.2056A-3(a). No marital deduction is allowed for the $300,000 interest in jointly-owned property not transferred to the QDOT.

(2) Example 2. Formula assignment. Under the terms of D's will, the entire probate estate passes outright to S. Prior to the date D's estate tax return is filed and before the date that the QDOT election must be made, S establishes a QDOT and S executes an irrevocable assignment in which S assigns to the QDOT, "that portion of the gross estate necessary to reduce the estate tax to zero, taking into account all available credits and deductions." The assignment meets the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, assuming that the QDOT is funded by the time that administration of D's estate is completed.

(3) Example 3. Jointly owned property. At the time of D's death, D and S hold real property as joint tenants with right of survivorship. In accordance with section 2056(d)(1)(B), section 2040(a), and section 20.2056A-8(a), 60 percent of the value of the property is included in D's gross estate. S establishes a QDOT and, prior to the date the estate tax return is filed and before the date that the QDOT election must be made, S transfers a 60 percent interest in the real property to the QDOT. The transfer satisfies the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.

(4) Example 4. Computation of corpus portion of annuity payment.

(i) The appropriate annuity factor for an annuity payable for the life of one individual is computed by subtracting from 1.00000 the factor for an ordinary remainder interest following the life of the same individual that is determined under the formula in §20.2031-7(d)(2)(ii)(B) and then dividing the result by the applicable section 7520 interest rate expressed to at least four decimal places. For the convenience of taxpayers, actuarial factors have been computed by the IRS and appear in the "Annuity" column of Table S. The appropriate annuity factor for an annuity payable for a term of years is computed by subtracting from 1.000000 the factor for an ordinary remainder interest following the same term certain that is determined under the formula in §20.2031-7(d)(2)(ii)(A) and then dividing the result by the applicable section 7520 interest rate expressed to at least four decimal places. For the convenience of taxpayers, actuarial factors have been computed by the IRS and appear in the "Annuity" column of Table B. The applicable adjustment factor for annuities that are payable at the end of semiannual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly periods is computed by use of the formula in §20.2031-7(d)(2)(iv)(B) to at least four decimal places. For the convenience of taxpayers, actuarial factors have been computed by the IRS and appear in Table K. These actuarial tables can be found on the IRS website at For purposes of the example in this paragraph (d)(4), the relevant factors from Tables S, B, and K are:

Table 2 to paragraph (d)(4)(i)

Factors from Table S — Based on Table 2010CM
Interest at 3.6 Percent



Life Estate






Factors from Table B
Annuity, Income, and Remainder Interests for a Term Certain
Interest at 3.6 Percent



Income Interest










Factors from Table K
Adjustment Factors for Annuities Payable at the End of Each Interval

Interest Rate








(ii) At the time of D's death, on or after June 1, 2023, D is a participant in an employees' pension plan described in section 401(a). On D's death, D's spouse S, a resident of the United States, becomes entitled to receive a survivor's annuity of $72,000 per year, payable monthly, for life. At the time of D's death, S is age 60. Assume that under section 7520, the appropriate discount rate to be used for valuing annuities in the case of this decedent is 3.6 percent. Under Table S, the annuity factor at 3.6 percent for a person age 60 is 14.6908. The adjustment factor at 3.6 percent in Table K for monthly payments is 1.0164. Accordingly, the right to receive $72,000 per year on a monthly basis is equal to the right to receive $73,180.80 ($72,000 x 1.0164) on an annual basis.

(iii) The corpus portion of each annuity payment received by S is determined as follows:

(A) The first step is to determine the present value of S's annuity payments under the plan ($73,180.80 × 14.6908 = $1,075,084.50).

(B) The second step is to determine the number of years that would be required for S's annuity to exhaust a hypothetical fund of $1,075,084.50. The annuity factor of 14.6908 falls between the Table B term certain annuity factors for 21 and 22 years at an interest rate of 3.6 percent. Accordingly, the expected annuity term is 22 years.

(C) The third step is to determine the corpus amount of the annual payment by dividing the expected term of 22 years into the present value of the hypothetical fund ($1,075,084.50 / 22 = $48,867.48).

(D) In the fourth step, the corpus portion of each annuity payment is determined by dividing the corpus amount of each annual payment by the annual annuity payment (adjusted for payments more frequently than annually as in paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section) ($48,867.48 / 73,180.80 = 0.67).

(iv) Accordingly, 67 percent of each payment to S is deemed to be a distribution of corpus. A marital deduction is allowed for $1,075,084.50, the present value of the annuity as of D's date of death, if either: S agrees to roll over the corpus portion of each payment to a QDOT and the executor files the Information Statement described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section and the Roll Over Agreement described in paragraph (c)(7) of this section; or S agrees to pay the tax due on the corpus portion of each payment and the executor files the Information Statement described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section and the Payment Agreement described in paragraph (c)(6) of this section.

(5) Example 5. Transfer to QDOT subject to gift tax. D's will bequeaths $700,000 outright to S. The bequest qualifies for a marital deduction under section 2056(a) except that it does not pass in a QDOT. S creates an irrevocable trust that meets the requirements for a QDOT and transfers the $700,000 to the QDOT. The QDOT instrument provides that S is entitled to all the income from the QDOT payable at least annually and that, upon the death of S, the property remaining in the QDOT is to be distributed to the grandchildren of D and S in equal shares. The trust instrument contains all other provisions required to qualify as a QDOT. On D's estate tax return, D's executor makes a QDOT election under section 2056A(a)(3). Solely for purposes of the marital deduction, the property is deemed to pass from D to the QDOT. D's estate is entitled to a marital deduction for the $700,000 value of the property passing from D to S. S's transfer of property to the QDOT is treated as a gift of the remainder interest for gift tax purposes because S's transfer creates a vested remainder interest in the grandchildren of D and S. Accordingly, as of the date that S transfers the property to the QDOT, a gift tax is imposed on the present value of the remainder interest. See section 25.2702-1(c)(8) of this chapter exempting S's transfer from the special valuation rules contained in section 2702. At S's death, S is treated as the transferor of the property into the trust for estate tax and generation-skipping transfer tax purposes. See, e.g., sections 2036 and 2652(a)(1). The trust is not eligible for a reverse QTIP election by D's estate under section 2652(a)(3) because a QTIP election cannot be made for the QDOT. This is so because the marital deduction is allowed under section 2056(a) for the outright bequest to the spouse and the spouse is then separately treated as the transferor of the property to the QDOT.

(e) Applicability date. Paragraphs (c)(4)(ii)(B) and (d)(4) of this section are applicable with respect to decedents dying on or after June 1, 2023.

[T.D. 8612, 60 FR 43531-43554, Aug. 22, 1995, as amended by T.D. 8819, 64 FR 23187-23229, Apr. 30, 1999; T.D. 9448, 74 FR 21438-21518, May 7, 2009; T.D. 9540, 76 FR 49570-49643, Aug. 10, 2011; T.D. 9974, 88 FR 37424-37466, June 7, 2023.]

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